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This is what the public accepts in 2024. This is not hidden, not top secret. This is what is accepted because the world has agreed with each other that Palestinians are not human. We told each other to stay vigilant to recognize these signs to prevent what happened to the Jewish people, to ever happen again. And when we do recognize these signs we're told the shut the fuck up, because it's the Israeli doing it.


The world has not agreed that Palestinians are not human. Lots of us stand with them in solidarity. The problem is the US condoning/funding Israel’s actions while America holds the rest of the world hostage.


he means the masses that consume mainstream media and believe it without a second thought...there are millions of those idiots, the same people that were gung ho about terrorists and jihad after the false flag in 2001 are now supporters of the israeli government.. when you have a population like that they can get away with anything


Hell, I did for years. Interestingly the Bush II admin, the 9/11 disaster and the rise of the internet all combined to really open my eyes. Very early on one thing I remember reading was any death of an Israeli citizen by a Palestinian would be reported numerous times in media, while opposite was reported once, if at all, in the media. So by simply following main stream media it would seem that a number (I don't the exact numbers) of Jews were killed for each Palestinian when the reality was the actually the opposite. then you start digging in and then you find that virtually every cease fire or peace agreement was ultimately violated by Israel, so peace never has a chance in the Middle East. Edit: I believe this is the study form 2004 [https://ifamericansknew.org/media/ap-report.html](https://ifamericansknew.org/media/ap-report.html) It's not like it the only one. Google [study shows media reports deaths of Israelites disproportionately ](https://www.google.com/search?q=study+shows+media+reports+deaths+of+israelites+disproportionate&sca_esv=7dcd546513c970a8&sca_upv=1&hl=en&ei=XNhDZvaSJpO70PEPtciSsAo&oq=study+shows+media+reports+deaths+of+israelites+dispropotiona&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiPHN0dWR5IHNob3dzIG1lZGlhIHJlcG9ydHMgZGVhdGhzIG9mIGlzcmFlbGl0ZXMgZGlzcHJvcG90aW9uYSoCCAAyBxAhGKABGAoyBxAhGKABGAoyBxAhGKABGApI4pwBUOoEWICCAXAJeAGQAQCYAYEBoAGEEaoBBDMuMTe4AQHIAQD4AQGYAhygAokRwgIKEAAYsAMY1gQYR8ICBRAhGKABwgIEECEYFZgDAIgGAZAGCJIHBTExLjE3oAf1Xw&sclient=gws-wiz-serp) and you will see. University of Pittsburgh in 2010 [https://d-scholarship.pitt.edu/7515/](https://d-scholarship.pitt.edu/7515/) The Intercept has [been doing the same currently](https://theintercept.com/2024/01/09/newspapers-israel-palestine-bias-new-york-times/#:~:text=Disproportionate%20Coverage%20of%20Deaths&text=For%20every%20Israeli%20death%2C%20Israelis,per%20death%20that%20of%20Palestinians).


This comment needs more upvotes bc of how true it is and how common it is in America.


And Israelis will pop out of the woodwork with one or two arguments: Hamas did this to themselves, or “you’re being anti-Semitic” All a weak fuckin’ crutch. For sociopaths like Netanyahu, he doesn’t care about the hostages- he’s turned down every ceasefire agreement presented to him. And yet, Israelis kiss this guys feet. It’s nuts




Usually, and excuse my language but what the fuck else is there to do? Netanyahu kinda holds the key to stopping this carnage. I would also say the US has a responsibility to stop sending Israel fundings and weaponry, but even then the US is not a democracy unfortunately. Military industrial complex at its finest




You realize that Hamas didn’t exist until the 80’s about 40 years *after* the brutalization of Palestinian people who were on the land first, right?




My boomer white neighbors have been flying a little Ukrainian flag since the invasion started. Within the last year they have added an Israeli flag next to it. 😔 They probably watch CNN


🤣 100 percent they do


In Europe media are rather neutral to this war and very negative about way Israel acts.


Perhaps where you are in Europe but not in Germany. And throughout Europe there is still a bias towards Israel in terms of the language used when describing Palestinians killed as ‘deaths’ therefore, avoiding Israeli culpability


Okay but a bunch of American propaganda consuming mouth breathers does not make up the entire world population. Hundreds of millions of Chinese citizens as well as millions from all over the globe are aware of the atrocity being carried out in Palestine.


I think china has got its own Genocidal tendencies to worry about or have you forgotten?


Oh you mean the “genocide” that the State Department [can’t actually prove is happening lmao (disable Adblock to bypass paywall)](https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/02/19/china-uighurs-genocide-us-pompeo-blinken/) the same “genocide” cooked up by right wing Christian extremist Adrian Zenz? You mean the “genocide” that is supported [by over 50 UN member states that are also Muslim majority (click English to see English version)](https://undocs.org/Home/Mobile?FinalSymbol=A%2FHRC%2F41%2FG%2F17) That one?


Also worth adding that minorities in China were NOT subjected to the 1 child policy that Han Chinese were. Also weird if genocide were the aim. There probably human rights abuse. It’s also worth noting that there US was actively destabilizing Afghanistan, which borders XinJiang. It is not a leap of the imagination to say the instability/extremism bled over during the same time period.


First link is paywalled, second is missing. Just so you know.


Thanks. Fixed second link just click the English version, first one seems to have a really stubborn paywall, internet archive and multiple other paywall removal sites couldn’t get rid of it. But clearing cookies and disabling them for that site seems to do the trick.


Had to turn off my adblocker. First article states that the US doesn’t believe it to be genocide, but does believe it to be a crime against humanity and something that IS happening, and this was during the Trump administration, so take it with a grain of salt. The accusations of genocide come from the fact that, in addition to detaining Uyghur men, Uyghur women came forward about being victims of reproductive malpractice where they had IUDs inserted without consent during surgery or gynecological exams. Other women came forward saying they were coerced into sterilization procedures. As for the second case, leaders don’t represent the opinions of the people in a lot of places. And we have seen that many people in positions of leadership in majority Muslim countries have also abandoned Palestinians. The security council nations are lead by corrupt people who care more about money and image than they do their country and citizens. And they certainly aren’t the only UN members who have that problem. Where there is smoke there is fire. Even if something doesn’t fit the literal and legal definition of genocide, people who care about human lives are more concerned with stopping the atrocities that are happening than what it’s called. Every genocide in the history of modern warfare, including the Holocaust, has been denied egregiously before being acknowledged. In cases of genocide, “Intent” matters to the letter of the law, not to the people suffering. And actions speak louder than words. I am not going to try and change your mind, but I encourage you to listen to first-hand accounts from Uyghur people rather than just politicians.


I posted above, but wanted to gentle remind us of the intensity of US propaganda exposed within just the Israeli ethnic cleansing that has fallen apart under intense scrutiny. It’s vital to maintain skepticism on the sources that are reaching you here, in America, in English. Some other things to consider: Also worth adding that minorities in China were NOT subjected to the 1 child policy that Han Chinese were. Also weird if genocide were the aim. There probably human rights abuse, genocide is an unfounded accusation. It’s also worth noting that there US was actively destabilizing Afghanistan, which borders XinJiang. It is not a leap of the imagination to say the instability/extremism bled over during the same time period.


The US lecturing other countries on “crimes against humanity” is so rich lmao. 4,000,000+ dead from a failed “war on terror” and yet here we have the gall to say the way China is handling terrorism is inappropriate. Maybe they just should be drone striking them into pieces? Good ol’ fashioned US way. Literally other countries that have dealt with major terrorism crises in the past are saying what China is doing to deradicalize terrorists is effective. And that’s not good enough for you? You really believe capitalist media wants you to have an unbiased view on communist countries?


Second link is missing but first link is fully accessible for me without paying anything.


Ironically the link is now fixed, just click English and it’ll take you to the page I initially wanted to link. If you try to link directly to that English version it straight up breaks the link, strangely enough.


You mean the native people who practice their religion who are being branded as extremists and being placed in "education" camps that they are not allowed to leave? Where there has been leaked documents showing the truth, and "journalist tours" that they tried to use to "show the world the truth" which back fired. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/1/2/china-targets-friendly-media-diplomats-to-tell-story-of-xinjiang Oh you mean the human rights abuses that was outlined by a UN report in 2023? https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/08/china-anniversary-of-uns-damning-xinjiang-report-must-be-wake-up-call-to-action/ Yea mean the huge concentration camps in the middle of the desert that you can see from space from Google maps. Where people have geotagged all of them? https://www.reddit.com/r/HongKong/s/hncj9aDgwq Yea, that one.


Yep, just native people: • Urümqi bombings (2014): SUVs were driven into a busy street market in Ürümqi, the capital of Xinjiang. Up to a dozen explosives were thrown at shoppers from the windows of the SUVs. The SUVs crashed into shoppers, then collided with each other and exploded. 43 people were killed and more than 90 wounded. Just practicing their religion: • Kunming train station attack (2014): A group of 8 knife-wielding Uyghur separatists attacked passengers in the Kunming Railway Station in Kunming, Yunnan, China, killing 31 people, and wounding 143 others. The attackers pulled out long-bladed knives and stabbed and slashed passengers at random. Definitely not militant Islamic terrorism • Tiananmen Square attack (2013): A car ran over pedestrians and crashed in Tiananmen Square in Beijing, in a terrorist suicide attack. Five people died in the incident; three inside the vehicle and two others nearby. An additional 38 people were injured. Totally innocuous. • Kashgar attack (2013): A group of Uyghur militants attacked a police station and government offices in Kashgar, killing 15 people and injuring more than 40 others. Just China branding them as extremists without any precedence: • Kashgar attack (2011): Two Uyghur men hijacked a truck, killed its driver, and drove into a crowd of pedestrians. They got out of the truck and stabbed six people to death and injured 27 others. China is just overreacting right? • Ethnic riots erupted in Urümqi. They began as a protest, but escalated into violent attacks that mainly targeted Han people. A total of 197 people died, most of whom were Han people or non-Muslim minorities. Full list of links here: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDeprogram/s/jOPsBIMW4C For more information on the ongoing terrorist conflict between the Al-Qaeda backed East Turkistan separatists and the PRC: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xinjiang_conflict


So you are saying that because of a minority of extremists, that the entire population should be punished?


It’s like you’re totally forgetting the whole US “war on terror” that resulted in literally millions of deaths. A minority of extremists did 9/11 and America punished an entire region of people for it. But now bc it’s China doing something to combat terrorism it’s wrong🤡


There are more accounts from China then from American media/politicos and I’d implore you to look into it


Nah I don’t like CIA propaganda. If it’s anything to do with Falun Gong or radio free Asia, it’s glowie bullshit.


Just saying... attacking someone who is trying to help because their country isn't perfect isn't helping the cause. This person and other Chinese citizens are trying to help, you don't need to turn them away as if their support isn't needed.






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Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)




Since when is being a Zionist mean your religion has to be Jewish?




Not at all. Right wing Christians not Zionists?




As long as AIPAC keeps throwing money at US Politicians Israel will never be held accountable. Follow the money, as always. https://www.opensecrets.org/industries//summary?ind=q05&cycle=All&recipdetail=S&mem=Y While Democrats are gladly taking their money this is also the price of defending Apartheid': AIPAC Set to Spend $100 Million Against Squad https://www.commondreams.org/news/aipac Republicans’ Dangerous New Bill Would Try to Muzzle All Criticism of Israel The resolution would equate anti-Zionism with antisemitism. https://newrepublic.com/post/177308/republicans-dangerous-new-bill-try-muzzle-criticism-israel


Right, but you don't own capital, so you're not who's being referenced.


So that Hamas and Iran are allowed to terrorize the world?


It's not what the public accepts. As seen by the countless protests all over the world. It's what our politicians allow. We need new management in every western country with politicians who are sheep and just look on. Evil can only prevail when good people keep quiet. Isreal are beyond evil and I really hope they'll pay for this. I try to keep myself updated about which companies Isreal have interests in so I can avoid them. That's the only way that kind of people understand. Boycut Isreal and every business that does business with them.


The public is who dictates what is allowed. Students kicked out of their university and presented by the news as a violent minority. Go to one of the default news-subs and state your opinion and come back when you get banned.


Do you really belive that. The rich decides what's allowed. Not the people. We're just given an illusion of choice. I don't know wether to laugh or cry. So you think the "public" is okay with what's going on in Gaza or Ukranie. And it's something we allow.


What do you care what I believe or not? You're not changing anything by convincing me I'm wrong or not. You're still not going to get away with protesting against genocide.


This is especially so in the Netherlands. Much less so with our southern neighbors. 


I guess dutch government is pretty chill about genocides.


I just learned about an app called No Thanks that is supposed to help you figure out who a company supports. I haven’t used it yet or been able to research it but it might be something to look into.


Read all before getting mad, please. I generally support Israel. They have the right to destroy hamas and to fight on behalf of their people. But they've already done significant damage to hamas, and I 100% believe a ceasefire is required to stop the needless butchery on both sides. Furthermore, there are thongs coming to light that Israeli soldiers have done that I can not and will not support or condone. Bombings and warfare are one thing. Torture and this shit is another thing. Sadly, Israel has offered a ceasefire in the past, just not one that some Palestinians want to accept. regardless of people's stance of who gets what land, a ceasefire is the only good option here, so the suffering can end. And lastly. We know that the leader of hamas is in Saudi Arabia. Instead of bullying civilians in Gaza, the IDF should send secret agents to kill that guy bc he's the real enemy to Israel, not some sick children.


Everything you said I agree with.


Well when you choose grievance based existentialism as a form of government that’s more interested in launching rockets at neighbors than providing actual civil services you may not be seen as human by your enemies.


The fact you equate the government with it's people means you either see Palestinians as a monolithic entity or you pretend that when Obama became president, all Republicans disappeared.


Where is the source of the rockets that Hamas launches? Also Hamas does not mean all Palestinians. Just like Israel does not mean all jews.


echoes of Abu Ghraib https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Ghraib_torture_and_prisoner_abuse


Abu Ghraib is Chucky Cheese compared to this. Strapped to a bed. Blindfolded. Fed by tube. Defecate into a diaper. And that's only the things they are willing to tell us. It's a horror show.


Did u not read the torture they did in Abu Ghraib?


You know what, you are right. I should not have used one torture method to compare another one. They are both horrible. Perhaps it was because Abu Ghraib was when I was a teenager and I only understood it at a superficial level. I am actually rereading it right now and yeah I have to say, I did not fully understand it.




All the perpetrators of that event are in prison or dead.


A rare case of accountability in a long, long list of unpunished American war crimes and atrocities. The only reason this horror story ever came to light was because of a bravewhistle-blower named Justin Watt. "He knew a terrible crime had been committed and asked for his advice, knowing if he reported the crime he would be considered a traitor to his unit, and could possibly be killed by them." "Neither Yribe nor Howard were planning to talk to military leadership about the crime." Imagine all the shit that never sees the light of day.


Also, the amputations performed on the Palestinian hostages in these camps because they kept them handcuffed almost 24/7. Plus the constant beatings... not to gather information, but out of pure "revenge".


This is exactly where my mind went when reading this. The consequences of not holding war criminals accountable.


yes, and more broadly I’d add, the consequences of colonialism. colonialism is an inherently violent project that relies on the dehumanization of the people whose land you are taking, and thus rampant human rights abuses are part of the horrible project as well.


Jerry, still happy to stand with Israel?


What’s the deal with diapers?






No, Seinfeld


Got it. Although the Germans were referred to by that name and do stand with Israel, but glad for the clarification.


he's a monster.




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).




>Maybe don’t call for the total destruction of a nation and its people for 80 years while continuously firing rockets and bombs at innocent civilian centers and then reject every peace deal or statehood offered you in that time span and then continue to take, rape, murder, and torture innocents all in the name of your god. Very good, and concise, description of Israel. Thanks.


No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


They totally do, but innocents dieing on whatever side still sucks and should be stopped no matter what, no matter the circumstance.. But we're talking about an issue that will never be resolved anyways I guess - fuck world politics


This earned Israel a slap on the wrist and more bombs from Israel’s imperial patron.


Learned from the best


Every country that supports Israel deserves to face justice for what they've done.


I’m an American Jew and I do not support Israel in the least! Free Palestine and down with the Zionist. We need to stand against these horrendous war crimes the IDF is committing.


That's the thing, a lot of Jewish people I have spoken will readily admit that zionism is not supported by Judaism. The parallel to it is how ISIS is to Islam. If all these psychos actually followed their professed religion the world would be so much better.


Israel is nothing but a big, ugly, racist war crime.


That's how the Hamas fighters are made




"Funny", this is the exact same thing you can ask Israelis. The current war and its scale would NEVER have happened if not for Oct 7. And dont tell me it isnt real. It is. Very. Real. When Israel took out all Jewish and military presence from Gaza nearly 20 years ago, Hamas was elected and shortly after was years if suicide bombings and terrorist attacks. This caused the seige which is there to (spectacularly unsuccessfully) prevent munition in Gaza but enable all other materials and equipment in. Gaza has become a defacto state, even if unrecognized. They have a gov't, a health ministry, education ministry... and they could have independent sources of water and electricity if they chose to build them with the billions of dollars of donation funds that instead went to underground tunnels and rockets. Ok. Not the only country in the world who chooses to fund their military over improve the lives of their people - besides they've got Israel to provide the water and electricity so why bother? In times of peace Gazans are granted work permits if they wish for them to work in Israel, are granted access if they want to be treated in Israeli hospitals and are accepted into Israeli academia. The longer the peace the more permits and the more activities to foster peace and a shared future. In war, all the above is revoked. There is constant rocket fire from Gaza targeting civilians - which is the reason for the iron dome - the sole purpose is to deflect these bombs. It doesnt succeed 100% of the time. Since Oct alone tens of thousands of rockets have been fired into Israel. They have hit a children's ward in an Israeli hospital and destroyed many homes, schools and daycares. What is happeng now is a tragedy. People are suffering. The solution is not for outsiders to dehumanize one side as a twisted way to express empathy. Laughing and bullying Israel's REAL suffering does not serve the purpose of being humane. Israel suffering does not negate Palestinian suffering. One last thing: slapping on the "colonizer" label is idiotic. Israel and its people do not share the same history as Americans or Europeans.




Definitely not antizionist. And nothing I said dehumanized Palestinians


Surprisingly there was such a thing as time leading up to Oct 7. https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/2023/11/24/countdown-to-genocide/


This current war would never happen? Hamas formed in the 1980s. Who was Israel attacking for 40 years and displacing before hamas formed? Palestinians. Israel knew about the attack a year in advance and let it happen. And lol if Israel “withdrew from Gaza for over 20 years” how was Israel able to block food, water, and turn off their electricity all in less than 24 hours?


A war of this scale was not planned, and despite many attacks by Hamas over the past 20 years since Hamas came into power, Israel never retaliated like this. So yes, if not for the psychotic October attack, this war would not be happening. Why is Israel able to block anything that comes through Israeli borders? Well, I guess cause it's coming in from their borders. Just like Egypt controls what goes through their border with Gaza. Do I wish Egypt had been willing to take Gaza back from Israel (Gaza used to belong to Egypt -post 1948 btw)? Yes. But they weren't willing and limbo ensues. Israel forced all Jews who lived in Gaza out and withdrew all forces. But still supplies electricity and water. Do you want Israel to stop? I don't get your point. Palestinians have their own government, led by Hamas. They spend their billions in aid on weapons and tunnels instead of infrastructure. Would I be for them doing the opposite? Of course! I think everyone would be better off if they decided to create infrastructure that would have them be independent of Israeli aid. Israel knew...? so did Hamas - they're the ones who did it. And celebrated it. And posted it online. I am absolutely for a full investigations in the failings of Israeli officials in protecting Israel. Still doesnt absolve the perpetrators of the attack, yes? One is still objectively worse than the other. I hope we actually find a way forward in understanding that we are all human beings regardless of origin. And start looking for reasoms to feel compassion rather than hate.


You keep saying "if they had built this and that" ignoring that Israel bombed Gazas airport, powerplant and water purification station years before this war, all so Gaza would not be independent. This just shows how dishonest your whole point (that is filled with lies and half truth's, when Israel withdrew from Gaza they instantly built 15,000 illegally settlements in the West Bank to move the Israelis from Gaza into, every single one was built on stolen Palestinian land) As for borders, you act like Israel shut down their own border, when in reality they are controlling Gazas borders, including their air land and sea. Yet you use Oct 7, an event where Hamas killed more active duty soldiers and reservists than civilians, and where Israel was proven to have targeted their own citizen's, as a justification for this. Your argument isn't moral. But I have a question for you, if this is a justified response to Oct 7, why couldn't Oct 7 be a justified response to the tens of thousands of Palestinians Israel has killed through the years? Why couldn't it be a response to 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020 and many other years? All you are proving is that Jewish life is more important to you than non-jewish. And then Zionists get mad when their ideology is compared Nazism. The Nazis too killed scores of civilians in revenge.


I know what you’re saying and you’re not wrong but don’t even bring hamas into this. This is an apolitical situation…this is a monster being given free reign over defenseless people


You're right. Probably the only reason these people are detained is that they were born in Palestine


No question


It's an important part of the conversation. Every time Zionists scream, "but khamas!" we need to show them Hamas and all the other groups in Palestine only exist because of Israeli cruelty. Every time Zionists say, "but Hamas says death to all Jews," we need to confront them with Israelis chanting, "death to all Arabs." Confront them with Israelis celebrating the death of an 18 month old, chanting, "Where is Ali? Ali is on the grill." Leave them with no excuse for their carnage. Every dead civilian, every destroyed home, every dead doctor, every burned olive orchard, every administrative detainee held hostage, every prisoner tortured into confessing radicalizes Palestinians toward violence. Every time Palestinians cry out for help and find only silence as a response, they are brought back to the story of the three men in the sun. They're forced to ask themselves: do I die in silence or do I die fighting? Do I scream into the night and paint my name in the blood of my oppressors or do I quietly hope the world will change? After you've watched the peaceful members of your family suffer and die for nothing, time and time again and again and again, the only choice that feels right is to fight an enemy you cannot win against.


Love the way you put it 👍🏽


And it has always been thus. As early as the 1970s, any Palestinian resistance (including non-violent resistance, such as publishing anti-occupation literature) was met with officially stated policies of collective punishment, house demolitions, imprisonment without trial ("administrative detention"), and even extrajudicial murder. Rabin's orders to the troops were "[break bones](https://latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1990-06-22-mn-431-story.html)." During the 9 years of the First Intifada, Israel killed a Palestinian every 2 days -- an 8 to 1 casualty ratio when comparing the deaths of Palestinians and Israelis. Rabin said, "The use of force, including beatings, undoubtedly has brought about the impact we wanted--strengthening the population's fear of the IDF." And yet, it didn't stop the Intifada.


How is the most politically charged conflict in the world apolitical?


The question of whether or not you should kill someone who points a gun at you is political. It is NOT a political question when it’s whether or not you should kill the entire family and bulldoze the house of the person pointing a gun at you. That’s a question of whether you are a human or some sort of super villain monster.


Punishment is inherently political


Yeah, exactly…and there could never be an excuse to punish someone who had nothing to do with a crime, ergo, a non political question about the bombing of civilians.


Those civilian strikes are war targets not punishments


Whatever man…living in a dream world just so you can say you’re right


You basically word vommitting unrelated things and then yelling genocide at the end pretending it was a coherent point






So if you voted for someone who was willing to defend you against an oppressor, you deserve to have your kids bombed? I hope nobody ever takes that position against your kids since you’re supporting the bombers, now.


Good job justifying the murder & torture of children. Do you feel good about yourself?


Rule 4 [Dehumanization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) [Collective punishment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment)


Nah cowards are made in israel


Palestinians are not allowed to defend themselves.


What is their fascination with diapers, Zionists are truly a horrific and twisted bunch.


Maybe they have a fetish for it ?


Like Guantanamo.


How the FUCK can anyone defend this? Free Palestine


The most moral gaslighter.


lol. I still think about the Redditor who tried to tell me it was ok to level an entire block of apartments because Israel was the most “Moral army in the world” and clearly they wouldn’t do anything to dehumanize the Palestinians. I wonder how they’re doing on their copium supplies these days….




I guess never again meant 79 years


“Never again” but with an asterisk that says “unless we’re doing it”


Wondering why everyone still supports israel there not better then the germans in the 2nd world war.


The Germans weren’t attacked repeatedly for 8 decades and threatened with total annihilation by their religiously extreme neighbors. Comparing very different situations. 


Did you know how much of gaza is bombed? And why are there SO many civil casualties? For that small land mass MASSIV bomb damage. I mean atleast for me this is evil...


Correct. Palestinians have been attacked repeatedly for 8 decades and threatened with total annihilation by their extremist, colonial neighbors. The situation is in fact quite different.


Now I'm looking to see if you've made the same comment a third time haha.


This is so fucked up


https://youtube.com/shorts/C7hBkC8cqZM?si=zzqWkmAYU1nUx7Uw How the IDF sees Palestinian civilans.


Years of extremism in the making


Now they have their own Guantanamo and Abugharab


Jesus Christ. And yet we keep supporting it




Abu Ghraib 2.0. Did we learn this from Israel or did they learn it from us?


Enhanced detainment.




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).




Rule 4 [Dehumanization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) [Collective punishment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment)


You guys know it's the only US that keeps Isreal from wiping out the west bank and Gaza.


Are they part of Hamas? If so no one cares. Feed ‘em to the ground instead of wasting the resources.


Yea this is a really worrying report. Apparently it's at a military base which now doubles as a detention centre. Being policed by the army probably increases the risk of shady shit happening by roughly 10000%. Beatings, diapers, chained to beds while blindfolded. Wild shit that needs to be investigated


You’ve the video of the Palestinian strapped to an Israeli humvee? This kind of thing has been going on for decades.


Humanity is not a viable species.


I don't care. It was a figure of speech. And I don't see where I'm trying to get you to believe in anything


I stand with Israel and with what the Bible says about supporting Israel as well as all prophecy in regards to the end times. This war is the only war worth taking any sides on. It is just any war and it will not stop until it's supposed to stop according to God's will and Word. Propaganda and Genocide and the compromise of human morals along with the value of human life have long existed since the beginning of time and all over resentment or the sake of pursuing a specific belief system. It's always totally absurd. However this war is more or less sacred and has the most relevance and meaning for man's personal fate depending on where one chooses to stand. God is still on the throne, always in control and we can't usually see the bigger picture even though it's been made pretty clear in scripture. Man's pride will certainly keep him in ignorance and foolishness while others whom God has called will have their eyes and minds and hearts opened. This only appears to be as heinous and extreme as any other war because of the fact it is the oldest, longest, and most meaningful. I support Israel and stand on the Word of God and the promises of persecution and the Glory of the second coming of Jesus Christ. Amen.


What Reports? What proof?


The Holocaust was worst, so this is acceptable


So? They weren’t tortured, raped or burned alive.




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


Maybe I’m ignorant but… what are you meant to do with injured POWs?


Do you apply that same logic to the prisoners of war hamas has? Or is your ignorance only intentionally reserved for Palestinians?


Sure. Hamas is the legitimate government of an independent state, currently engaged in a war. If you pick up an injured combatant that can’t eat the normal way, feeding him liquids seems the correct course of action. That’s what a hospital would do. The diaper too, for a person too injured to move, seems the correct way to go. You want him to not escape so you put him in restraints. Ok. It’s a prisoner. All of this seems like the normal way one would deal with this situation.




A crease fire means both sides don't attack. Israel was dropping bombs on Gaza just weeks before Oct 7. Israel was shooting peaceful demonstrators when the Palestinians were demonstrating against being in an Apartheid. Since the war started, Israel has targeted hospitals, schools, journalists, doctors, and the families of those professionals. The world is watching and judging, and young people will not support Israel to the same extent that the old people have.




One instance as an example in February 23: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/2/23/rockets-fired-from-gaza-towards-israel-after-nablus-raid Even the UN condemned it: https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2019/02/no-justification-israel-shoot-protesters-live-ammunition “Which served as bases of Hamas” there has not been a single piece of evidence for that. Show me any neutral observer making this claim. Journalists were targeted: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-tank-likely-scenario-fired-machine-gun-reporters-after-deadly-shelling-2024-03-07/ And doctors were targeted: https://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/latest/gaza-msf-doctors-killed-strike-al-awda-hospital  In fact they are so targeted Israel attacks then in their homes while with their families, something they’ve admitted to be their policy: https://www.livemint.com/news/world/israeli-strikes-deliberately-targeted-gaza-homes-at-night-with-families-present-reveals-report-11712234872673.html




Al Jazeera not a reliable source, just as you think the UN is not a reliable source? I imagine the only source you consider credible is Netanyahu’s war room. Considering this is your view of Palestinians, your agenda is clear: “It's undcreduble. For every reasonable and inteligent pro-Palestinian, there are at least ten brain-dead ones.”


AJ isn’t a reliable source that something…happened? You’re actually delusional.   So you made a claim without evidence? Good to know.   You’re illiterate and delusional good to know: “The report , opens new tab by the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) - which was contracted by Reuters to analyse evidence from the Oct. 13 attack that killed visuals journalist Issam Abdallah - found that a tank 1.34 km away in Israel fired two 120 mm rounds at the reporters.“ then "This incident strongly indicates intentional targeting, as confirmed by investigations, including by TNO," they couldn’t verify it independently so they asked a lab to do it. You are actually illiterate.   NGO monitor was discredited by Israeli diplomats: https://euobserver.com/eu-and-the-world/ar5aa0aca3  It is a lobby, not an independent organization. Also their argument makes no sense. Even if their “research” (citations needed) is true, international law doesn’t let you hit doctors because they support X or Y. Non-combatant is non-combatant, regardless of what they think. 


Rule 4 [Dehumanization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) [Collective punishment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment)