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ofc he rejects that, because he’s complicit in it.


Complicit? He"s fucking culpable for it. That asshole Reagan atleast got those zio nazis to stop the collective punishment in Lebanon, all Biden is doing is apologetics for Israelis, demonizing critics, undermining Palestinian narratives/the truth & giving the damned Israelis whatever they want weapons, political cover, you name it


his ‘red line’ has been crossed multiple times and whenever asked about it, they just try to brush it off like it’s so fucking obvious. The death of thousands is on his hands.


On top of that spewing out the rhetoric (and hundreds of billions stoking other global wars as well) to incite further global conflict in direct opposition to what the country needs. Hes been the same person for decades, prove me wrong


Me do thing. Thing me do... bad? No. Me no do bad thing. Only good thing.


What would he describe as Genocide?


Something done by Russians.


like vodka or Petrushka ?


Or China.


On October 7, they were claiming Hamas committed a genocide. ... then Israel proceeded to kill the same amount of people every week for the past 30 weeks, but it's not genocide


Crazy what colourful statements you can make if you completely ignore details


Bibi and his crew could go on TV and state 'we must complete this genocide' and the Biden people would say they are just doing populist rhetoric to win votes.


Which would be horribly true


Something done to white people


Nah, russians and chinese are certainly on the table. Many central and south americas people have many white people and he has been a part of destroying those places too. Dont be racist like Jack, albeit less racist narrowing it to just whites


White people being killed


How much is AIPAC paying these people lol


It is astonishing how the power of legalised corruption is bringing the US down


Well, at this point, if he says anything else he'd be incriminating himself.


yeah like he’s the one supplying bombs. Not the best to agree that it’s a genocide when American politicians have been caught signing the bombs.


Until the election is over he will be playing these same politics. That's why Bibi is walking back on their own peace proposal. For Biden has to say anything or do anything against Israel he needs a lot of POLITICAL pressure. Unfortunately the innocent lives and blood or the demonstrations from kids on campuses won't be enough.. He needs an excuse to say that his hand is forced.. he is a seasoned politician, and he knows that largely American public doesn't care about the ongoing Genocide. Arab money n Arab countries better wake up and put some international pressure. Other politicians should speak up. Protestors should ask their representatives to speak up. Protestors should ask media like 60 mins, Frontline to cover the Genocide. I voted for Biden very disappointed in him. He doesn't even say two whole sentences about the lives of innocent children getting slaughtered without covering his ass about his love for Israel or his track record whatever... He lost children, how can you not empathize unconditionally and without coming across like a politician who is playing politics.....


It's not just about the Israel lobby's influence though. It's also about US empire, and the US arms corporations, for whom Israel serves as a base for projecting military power in the middle east, and as a gravy train for siphoning US tax receipts into their pockets (via the military aid program), respectively. AIPAC and the ADL could vanish tomorrow, and those other vested interests would still work to keep propping up the Zionist project. I daresay the Zionist groups provide a loud ideological smoke screen behind which those other interests can, as it were, quietly hide.


true true


Biden specifically? Something like 4 million over the years. Just from AIPAC.


biden was always a fanatical pro-israel ideologue, aipac donations are just a cherry on top for him


5k per word


Not enough couple million dollars ain't much


I feel like they’re true believers who genuinely will defend Israel despite all the evidence. They have dehumanized Arabs for their whole political careers.


He's right, there is no equivalence between Israel and Hamas. Israel killed 35K+, are starving a million, and carpet bombed Gaza into Dresden. Hamas killed 1.2K, kidnapped 200, and broke a fence on the way out. Definitely not equal.


100% And that's only since Oct 7th. 2023 was the deadliest year in the West Bank for Palestinian deaths by the IOF. There's no comparison between a state run death cult genocide machine, and the orphaned sons of martyrs desperate to get the boot off their neck.


Hamas didn't even kill all 1200, some of them were killed by their own military.


And it’s only 35k cause they bombed all the hospitals that count the bodies…


yes, and all those Palestinians murdered before October 7th


Out of the 1.2k we suspect some were military (read deserve to be shot) and some were haniballed.


Look how ugly he has become


Beauty is more of an internal quality, and he never had it. Throughout his political career he has never voted against Israel or any military action to subdue a native population.


“If a person has ugly thoughts, it begins to show on the face. And when that person has ugly thoughts every day, every week, every year, the face gets uglier and uglier until you can hardly bear to look at it." Roald Dahl, The Twits


Kamala was correct to call him out for being shitty on issues related to race / racial justice


I will forever damn... was it Bloomberg? Who was the dipshit billionaire that jumped into the primary last-minute again? That piece of shit came in right as Biden was taking heat and floundering, and everyone - thinking Biden was sunk - pivoted to attacking that asshole instead... right when they were all piling Biden and rightfully exposing his nasty history. Took the heat off, the party parted the waters for him, and he won. Absolute garbage. He was dead in the water and had miracles happen for him. I don't know if that late entry was intended to cover for Biden, but it did it intent or not. Right in the moment where Biden's gross ass history as a politician was finally getting a spotlight. I'll never forget that or not be mad about it.


If its one thing I've learned from the game, Fable is that the more evil you do the uglier you become.


Let me be clear, none of this is going to age well.


![gif](giphy|9aG090e80jGaGEYIcJ|downsized) Mental health care is health care & he needs it more than anyone else. I expect that is what his lawyers will advise as his defense strategy after his one term disaster.


“I’m not a crook” vibe.


Oh, yeah this comment nails it. I didn’t even think of this but now that you’ve said it I can’t disconnect the two on my head.


If he admits it’s a genocide, then he admits the US is involved and therefore also breaking international and humanitarian laws.




Poor people have no value among these people. It just so happens that the land Muslims live on have resources they want to steal, so they vilify Muslims to garner support for their actions. But here in the United States, they are beginning to vilify poor people of all races, and women who want birth control, because they see us as a cheap labor resource to exploit. It’s always about money and exploitation. That being said, my heart goes out to all Muslims right now. The Islamophobia is sickening right now because of people like them.


~~Muslim~~ ~~people~~ Human


Do they do this to white people?


Milosevic of Yugoslavia didn't even get close to doing any of this to the Kosovar Albanians, yet in a heart beat they bombed attacked broke Yugoslavia apart. And tried Milosevic in an international court. Yet Israel gets a carte blanche to what the fuck they want ethnic cleansing / genocide and continuous war crimes. The whole United States government / Israel and lawmakers need to be severely punished and enforce capital punishment. Make an example of them.


Not really, although they do spit at Christians in Jerusalem. [ 'Spitting on Christians is a Jewish custom'](https://m.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-761490)


The ones who don’t have enough money, yea.


Old fool


Brown people. Palestinians aren't just Muslims.


At least he won't have to wonder why he lost the election.


Trump has a solid chance of winning despite being found guilty. Part of me wants him to win so the whole American system collapses into complete chaos… The other part says he’s too wild and Joe needs to win so we get a bit more stability until we get another chance in 2028 for better candidates. Both choices are awful, but I’m leaning towards complete chaos to speed up the change…


We've been waiting for better candidates my entire 35 years on this planet. It's never happening as long as money can continue to corrupt and enforce the current status quo


The Europeans have been laughing, writing about, and warning the US of how inept their system is since it’s conception. When you believe you are the most exceptional, bestest people on the planet I guess your ability to recognise faults becomes non existent and change impossible.


It really does, and I want out of here. Our system is beyond the point of being fixable at this point. The corruption runs too deep.


If Biden wins there will never be any hope for Palestinian freedom. This is the most likely reason for him losing the election. If he can win while committing genocide then the positive reinforcement for future elections will ensure the never is a change in policy.


Honestly I don’t care who wins anymore. No one is going to do anything about the crisis and it’s shameful because so many Palestinians will die needlessly. College students and professors protested for weeks and they just got arrested and shut down. U.S. politicians are beholden to the AIPAC coalition so until they go away Israel will continue getting away with genocide. I might just vote for Trump just to accelerate the chaos and watch it all burn. Everything that’s happening in America right now is not working for its citizens and the world at large. Trump will find a way to fuck it all up so badly that the only choice is to build back up from scratch. Consider my vote for Trump and anti choice activist vote.


I hope there is a 3rd candidate on the ballot. I don’t give a fuck who it is I will be voting for whoever is 3rd most likely to win.


There is no hope for them under trump either.


this exactly. And really, karmically, the US deserves to experience the internal instability it has brought to bear on so many countries around the world for a century. And doing so would mean it couldn't effectively cohesively continue to meddle abroad. Benefitting the rest of the world, largely.


Accelerationism doesn't work. Capitalistic crises fall into fascism, not revolution.


We don’t know that… As Americans, we’ve never experienced either outcome. How can you confidently say that it’ll fall into fascism or revolution? We have a unique history that’s unlike any Western civilization. Example: We don’t throw ourselves onto the streets to protest like the French do anytime we disagree with an outcome and shut down entire cities affecting millions of people.


Because capitalism learned with the socialist revolutions and adapted to push that distrust and discontent into cultural topics and bigotry instead.


The problem with complete chaos is that the power and ubiquity of America makes it so that complete chaos here means complete chaos worldwide, which could hurt billions of people, especially poorer people. Accelerationism in the US is extremely morally problematic. 


lol why have so many you guys turned into accelerationists? Are you really going to pick up a gun and fight in a revolution? Doubt it. Do you want to give up your current lifestyle and live a life filled with violence and various political factions fighting for power in a collapsed nation? I seriously doubt you are truly tough enough to survive in a collapsed US and it’s hilarious seeing all these keyboard accelerationists act like they would thrive in a revolutionary world. You are no better than the Christian’s trying to bring about Armageddon to bring Jesus back. Just replace revolution with Armageddon and you’re saying the exact same backwards shit as evangelists. You would rather see the world around you crumble than actually do anything to make the current world better. I doubt you have ever been in a fistfight. How will you survive in a revolution fighting for your life on a daily basis?


I grew up in Venezuela so I know what poverty, despair and violence looks like. Don’t assume everyone on this thread is simply a keyboard revolutionist.


This is literally my thinking. Voting for a fast death vs a slow one




He won’t lose. Trump is so much more of a psycho than he is. It’s just sad that we had these two old fools to fucking pick between.




Trump has maintained a constant lead in the polls both overall and in swing states. He also wants Israel to nuke Gaza.


I'm sick of seeing this argument. Israel will never use nukes on Palestinian land. The objective is to use the land after clearing out the undesirables. Those nukes are trained on major cities in the Arab world where they know they won't ever have a chance to use the land.


Israel has absolutely split the D party. The Republicans are absolutely united behind Israel. If you think Biden is a shoe in I think you are in for a rude awakening.


Tell that to the children who have died of malnutrition in Gaza due to the famine .


Well if Genocide Joe says its not


Coward hiding behind definitions, call it what you want, its still evil!


One of the primary defenses taught by hadbara is to try to bog down the conversation, like start quibbling over semantics


Biden is a Piece of Shit, makes me ashamed as an Irish person we give him a Welcome in out land. Time he went to Palestine and felt what weapons he sent do to little kids torn apart Dirty old Rat not fit for public Office


Not one mention of the Palestinian people


This will make you lose the election. And you deserve it, you hypocritical murderer! The ICC should be after you as well.


Then maybe, *mayyyybe* the Dems will start opposing the genocide you know since it’ll be the right wing govt doing it


Whatever, genocider will never regret.


How can someone be this disgusting?


A historically racist old man says what?


If you’ll always stand with Israel then you’ll never find anything they do wrong, then it doesn’t matter what your thoughts are on whether it is a genocide or not.


I’m afraid this parasitic relationship with Israel is going to bring antisemitism into a full blown global crisis. AIPAC and friends are completely devaluing the definition of antisemitism and conflating Jewish to equal Israel/Zionism. Zionism is a racist settler colonial project and actually goes against much of Judaism’s principles. Biden is only putting American Jews in harms way, especially the optics of all this fueling the far right’s “global Jewish cabal” conspiracy BS.


Genocide Joe.


Well the Democratic Party is complicit in genocide and can no longer stand on their little soapbox bragging about being the party of human rights. If you don’t see a problem with bombing and starvation of a civilian population who are locked in an open air prison. Then you are morally bankrupt and should never hold a position of power. These politicians are straight monsters and in a just world they’d all be tried and dealt with “accordingly”. For treason, corruption and human rights violations.


"We reject." It's actually crazy that people in power can change the definition of something or severity of the situation. The reality doesn't change of course. Israel is committing genocide against Palestine and US is enabling it, pushing it, making sure that Israel can do whatever the fuck they want to the helpless civillian.


> It's actually crazy that people in power can change the definition of something.... Yep. Like they're deciding that anti-Zionism is anti-Semetic just because they want it to be, even though reality.


When this all ends if it does. All supporting parties of this madness must be held accountable


By whom?


We are on the wrong side of history and the world is watching


ICC needs to issue an arrest warrant for him also.


I used to like Joe.


Your friend Joe was also one of the prime supporters of the invasion of Iraq.


Alongside the war on drugs.


Right? He’s always been too much of centrist for me politically, but I fully used to think he was a decent and caring person. Lol, how wrong that turned out to be.


Most decent and caring segregationist I’ve ever seen


I didn't vote for Biden, I voted against Trump. But WTF, Biden has turned out to be a baby murderer. Never again. Fuck both of them.


How dare you act on your own sincere feelings! You're supposed to just "suck it up" and just vote for the military industrial complex, I mean, for one or other of the two major parties. 


Same and same. And fuck almost every politician in the US including Bernie who still refuses to call it a genocide. 


If he keeps this up the world is gonna have to tolerate that orange asshole for 4 years again....


Shameful, he applies different standards for Israel. For him no red line was crossed.




Narrator: "It is Genocide."


Coming from one of the worst murderers to ever live.


the alternative would be him saying "it is" and admitting to being complicit all this while so yeah he's fucked


Yes there is they both get their money from the same place you


Dystopian world.


Bought and sold


Stupid Biden gonna allow his standing behind Israel, who has shown absolutely zero respect for Biden's wishes. This could be the one point that will thrust Trump into the White House.


You’re right Joe There is no equivalence against Israel and Hamas One is a terrorist organisation, the other one is a state terrorising, starving, bombing, sniping and slaughtering civilians, and sponsored by you. If Israel just wanted to deal with the terrorists, they should have done that. The state is now rogue and you’re defending them. Not a good look, Biden. You support genocide and war crimes. That’s you. All you.


Annnnddd I’m not voting this election.


Vote for a third party so everyone knows what you believe in. They just say you are too lazy to vote when you don't vote.


POTUS is full of faeces


It's not from the genocide region, it's just sparkling ethnic cleansing with billions of US dollars.


US's Presidential re-election is reducing to two demented dudes, one being a felon election-denier, and the other a genocide-denier and enabler; tough choice no more!!


Someone should ask him about war crimes of Russia in Ukraine and immediately after his answer, ask about Israel's war crimes in Palestine.


Soooo he’s conceding the election already


If it's not genocide (it is, we have eyes) then what is it? I don't think it could be classified as a war when there's an occupying state. But when you bomb all the churches and Moss and Bob Marley University's in hospitals and all the schools and all the people and The Refuge you can if not genocide then what is it?


That’s a small crowd. Very bloodthirsty.


So the mob boss rejects a decision by the court


Of course they reject the ICC, what's next? An American President being held responsible for their government's war crimes? No way, Jose. Never gonna happen.


I really don’t want to vote for either one of them in November. Would love to hear y’all’s thought process on how to pick one


Eat shit, Joe.


Aipac agent


The epistemicide of Palestinians, is now what we see in Gaza, where the IDF bombed all the universities, the archives, the archaeological sites, is burning the libraries and the books. The destruction and obliteration of every trace of Palestinian society, culture, history. It is a brutal sadistic colonial project which has the goal of destroying the Palestinian people, their culture, their institutions, their history. Why the hospitals, why the primary health care system? Why do they kill the poets and the academic leaders? Why do they kill the students, why do they bomb the universities and the museums? Because this has nothing to do with with a Hamas - Israeli war. This is a long, devastating and horrible story of colonisation and killing of the indigenous people and the eradication of their history. There is going to be nothing that reminds you that there was a people living there is the plan of the Zionists.


Don't vote for biden


So, is this enough to bomb his re election or do people hate Trump that much.


Puppet himself took enough go go juice to speak for 10 minutes what a joke.


First and foremost, Genocide is a crime under international law. Just because you say ” Its not genocide” does not strenghten the fact that it is not. That is why we have international courts - perhaps you should let them do the ruling before you comment, Joe


“We reject The International Criminal Court’s (ICC) arrest warrants for Israeli leaders.” This statement from the president is followed by, cheers and applause from the crowd. The audience was jubilant that its representatives would ignore an International court – best-case scenario, these cheerleaders for genocide are not an organic representation of America. Alternatively, a more alarming version, is one where citizens are so propagandized, they blindly support their leaders, funding, and arming a foreign power's genocide, while dismissing a world court seeking to prosecute these crimes.


I'll let the ICC decide if it's a genocide or not. You know, people well versed in international law.


AIPAC has a tight leash on that one, he barks on command


https://preview.redd.it/ggrslod4764d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29648e1de328c49dabe78291e4a92e1598d201d4 An American in r/Israel listed the support they’re giving the Zionist project. American working class, PLEASE protest! PLEASE boycott! Your POTUS is a criminal against humanity.


Genocide Joe needs to be briefed that the arrest warrants for Israeli war crimes are for war crimes committed in 2021 and not in recent “attempts for Israel to defend itself”


Kind of looking like time person of the year....


Fuck this piece of garbage and the ones that come after him only to appointed by the same peoplet that go against us


Just as MAGA holds republicans hostage, so does AIPAC hold democrats hostage.


Cool man, just lose the election then...


Oh stfu, Biden! Of course you stand with Israel, you piece of shit! Disgraceful


bro WTF people are clapping like north korean speechs




Yeah, because you and America would be complicit.


"we're the only country in the world who says it's not genocide because they're our government's employer"


They control the world. They control the narrative. I wonder how soon people will forget (the dithering ones who would mentally think “uh…this is not right…”). And how soon will the world wash this over.


Walter is confused again


I really wish we could all just agree to vote for whoever is most likely to win the election that isn’t biden or trump. no matter how little a chance they have to win. how much worse could it get?


It might be a good time for a third-party to come in and sweep this election because nobody wants these two old men, of course Biden is better than Trump but he is still leading America into a genocide and using our taxpayer money to do it. Trump is just garbage, but you know what maybe it’s time for these old men to sit down.


What a joke that bag of bones is.


I believe this mummy.






But it is


Dude is so old he shuffles his speech like slurring his words, every couple words he said clear and loud then the rest of them are lazy and smooshed together. . . .they need to just say fk it and put a cap on age of those who can work in the government sector.


He's old and doesn't know reality .


Where's Biden's arrest warrant? He's a criminal, a war criminal like Netanyahu


I disagree with his statement!


What can he say. He spoke against Israel 1 time and kept missiles away once and Israel went on a literally war path, blowing up even more stuff. And the Republicans turned on him instantly. Im no where near saying I approve of his approach AT ALL (😤 seriously, ive seen to many dead babies), but I do get there is more to this than what we want to see happen.


There you go. If the President says its not, then its not.


"It's not genocide if western powers do it" - Biden behind closed doors. You can't reeducate this prune.


Ok, then it's ethnic cleansing. Still a war crime bro...


Stupid piece of shit


I cannot stand him


Hes like a child when lies are told. Its always let me be clear, give it to you straight jack, im so serious... etc. You know the lies are coming, he loves that phrase when direct harmful lies are being told. Dead giveaway to where now when that is said Im reflexively worried


Fucking senile prick!


Denying what you see with your own eyes.. Rejecting to be a human.. This might be the biggest shame in American History. ( as we all know there are so much more ). Shame..


Same fella saw forty beheaded babies?


Biden is telling the truth, we have to vote him in again or else trump will destroy gaza


Joe Walsh? Classic. Joe Swanson? Of course. Joe Rogan? Must have. Joe Pesci? Duh. This Joe? No. No. You can keep this Joe. We don’t like this Joe.