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Squeaky wheel gets the grease, but in addition to what you said many ISPs provide zero compensation for outages, requested or not


This is correct. It would be rare that any consumer is entitled to credits or refunds for service interruptions. Cheap services don’t come with SLA’s.


Well, how did you think it worked? This is common sense.


Is it? It’s my first time dealing with an internet service that has outages, last time I had the internet service bill was when I lived in a different state, and the whole time I had it I didn’t have outages.. I didn’t think service etiquette was different in every state¯\_(ツ)_/¯


This doesn’t fall into the category of etiquette. Maintenance is often performed at night. Why would an operator send unsolicited refunds to people who don’t care that there was an overnight outage because they were asleep? It’s a different scenario if you’re buying dedicated, redundant services, but if they’re providing a refund or service credit, it’s merely a courtesy. They’re not obligated to do so for consumer services.