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Daniel and Armand have got me rabiiiiiid.


I want to see Louis go absolutely berserk on that theater. Slice em up, burn it down!


I'm most excited for devil's minion, I would be super disappointed if that got cut short or if a lot of it hadn't happened yet. I would prefer a mini-series spin off, but I don't think that is the plan. So, I hope they take their time to give us everything that was in the books, the hunting, the night classes, the blender and phone call, the treasure hunting, night island, lawyer armand, adopting a ballet dancer. I want to see it all. And not in some montage, like proper storytelling. I really don't want another actor as daniel , so I hope any ideas of Daniel being David and stealing a new younger body will not happen. And though vampires canonically de-age, I hope the show does a slow de-aging process so that Eric can fulfill his dream and have a few scenes still as a vampire. deal breaker to me would be daniel dying. I want Armand and Daniel to reunite and be together.


A mini series spin off of Armand and Daniel would literally cure everything’s that’s wrong with me


Yes!!!!! That would be the most amazing one-off series ever!!!


I agree! Their dynamic is TOO yummy to be the side show, they deserve to be the main course!


>I hope any ideas of Daniel being David and stealing a new younger body will not happen. I really hope so too! In one of the longer trailers you can see >!a guy talking to Daniel and I think/hope that that's actually David (not like they didn't already hint at him in season 1 - kind of)!<.


I really hope that doesn’t happen too, I like the Daniel we have.


> And though vampires canonically de-age Are we sure about that? Ben Daniels isn't that far behind Eric Bogosian, age-wise.


In the books they do. When Gabrielle is turned Lestat describes her as losing her wrinkles, her skin tighting and her boobs unsagging/perking up. Which would age her down psychically as they are signs of aging in a woman. I don't think the show is going there in full or at all, but it would be in keeping with the books if they did age daniel down, even if just a little.


I adore EB but I honesty do want younger Daniel. I have a theory how it will come about but not ready to share.


I think Younger will be most of the bookstoyline sprinkled throughout the show, and Eric will do the reuniting (PL trilogy). If we get a younger Daniel after that again, who knows. if they do I hope it's Luke. I definitely don't want a new actor to play Daniel. I think given Eric's age it's always possible the show does have a storyline as a back up where Daniel de-ages or something.


i cannot wait for modern day loumand's failmarriage


Isn't their marriage "failed" already? I mean unless I picked up some weird tension and longing from Armand to Daniel. I mean they work, but I deduced that Armand likes Daniel much, much more and the only reason he humors Louis is to get back at Lestat. Armand seems more amenable to making Daniel scream with delight and play hot sugar step-daddy to their potential daughters (Dan's daughters) than whatever Armand's got going on with Daniel. Maybe I'm reaching but somehow I think I'm not.


I really want to see Lestat's "reunion" with Louis. And how he finds out about him and Armand being a "couple". This triangle of foolishness is going to be delicious! Armand's "history" with Lestat...did he ever bother to mention that to Louis?? Lestat lost his shit over Louis and Jonah...can you imagine when he finds out about Armand? I can't wait to see the psychotic breaks of the madness.


I am most excited about how it is all going to end. We know it won't end the same way as the first book, and I am desperate to see how exactly they will wrap up the first two seasons arcs while transitioning to the next. The second half of IWTV isn't my personal favorite, and I am excited to see the ways they are already adapting other books as well. There are a lot of things I am excited to see as part of the journey, especially them taking Louis thinking of Lestat in Europe very literally and at least the beginnings of Devil's Minion, but I also know they are going to torture me along the way. Poor Sam has already given like three different warnings to hang in there until the end. Basically, I need my babies (Louis and Lestat) back together!


i really enjoyed lestat feeling *the presence* throughout the vampire lestat. i knew it was armand and his coven, but when i first read the book i was surprised by them screaming “blasphemer” at him while reaching for him through the bars. hearing lestat tear down the coven’s whole beliefs in front of the old woman queen vampire and hearings armand’s POV of the events will be nice. i also just think sam reid and assad zaman are hot and will bring the craziest beef in history to the screen. although i know why it was changed, i’m a little sad the time period is the 40s. i think the late 1700s and 1800s aesthetic is so cool especially for vampire aesthetics, so seeing them in more modern clothes as opposed to the older attire was a little devastating. overall, though, i enjoy what i’ve seen so far and i want to see how far they make louis as an “unreliable narrator.”


Devil's minion


I’m most excited to meet Armand thoroughly; for the Theatre des Vampires & for flashback-Lestat on stage. In terms of adaptation, I’m most excited to see how they adapt: Claudia’s story in its entirety (I hope we feel a lot!) & the end of IWTV (which may not be the exact end of the series!?) So, the trial, the end of Paris for all characters, and all the events after that. I’m scared, because I hope it will have the same feeling as the books by that point, which we feel far from at the moment. But I loved S1, so I believe we’ll get there. Also excited for Devil’s Minion if it’ll be this series. No pressure, but that chapter in QOTD always makes me cry… just saying… ETA: Will things bother me? >!Book-Lestat is still injured & broken physically & mentally in Paris. I don’t think we’ll see much of real Lestat this season, but I don’t know how I’ll feel if he’s not remotely this way? And given how S1 ended, I’m not sure he will be, as it wouldn’t be logical!


modern lestat, i miss my babygirl 😭


I feel like he's gonna show up in modern day in the last episode. At least I'm hoping haha


I want to see Daniel and Armand! I picked so much longing and tension from both of them last season. I liked that Daniel brought out an awkward sweetness in Armand. Despite Armand being the ancient one between them, it felt like Armand was a kid trying to impress Daniel or give him candy. I thought their interactions endearing. It also hurt me to see Daniel's frustrated shame over obviously desiring Armand and trying to puzzle him out only to be shamed by Louis over it. I think around Armand has been the few times Daniel's felt human in recent memory, and it is heartbreaking to see him hold back because of his age despite there being a natural familiarity there. Bogosian did a superb job communicating that confusion, Daniel instinctively knows there's more and feels more, and yet, there's no clear explanation for it. Then you take a really good look at Rashid/Armand, and you can see a subtle cajoling of Daniel, almost challenging him to figure it out on his own. Why IDK. Why not tell Daniel if they loved him at one point? Or clearly still do? Why not relieve the poor man of his misery? Also, why do I get the feeling Armand rather cuddle Daniel even if Daniel doesn't want to "cuddle" the man's HUNGRY. Cradle Robbing is legal if both parties consent, you know. I just don't know who's "baby" here. I think technically it is Daniel, he's spiritually the baby, which is what I'm picking up from their dynamic. Armand's naturally disposed to gentleness with Daniel and prefers it. Elsewhere it's...reverse, per Daniel's comfort zone. It provided a great setup for the Devil's Minion, seeing Daniel's frustration and insecurity. He's not insecure of his mind or character but he's feared aging and feeling like there's no beauty in it. When I read the books, I thought Daniel was dramatic about his wishes, but Bogosian is bringing a modern sympathy to the character by showing he comes from a good place. Daniel has morals and does respect boundaries but shows that when he wants something, nothing stops him. In his interactions with Armand, I picked up an anger from him, Armand denied him something and locked him in what's not his favorite phase of his face, and yet despite being livid, Daniel's heart still beats for him. It's pained longing. With Armand there was true connection, comfort, and freedom amidst the mess. With Daniel, Armand looks his most earnest, he's less meticulous, suave, and elegant. You see more of the broken psycho that's desperate for affection. You see the Love Monster more. By the end, I was comforted to see that Armand's love of Daniel isn't conditional to a body, he still very much likes Daniel still, if not more. Daniel's alarmed and in denial to it. Baffled. Questioning. Why would this angelic looking weirdo look at him like he's still the golden boy rookie? Don't look at me when I don't look like I did. Do I have a rifht to crave admiration when I nk longer please the eyes? Love here is far more earnest. Carnal. Potent. Their interactions left me wanting more. Oh, and Santiago. I know he's an ass but his actor makes him look scary sexy. I like sexy. I like assertive. I volunteer to be devoured by this hauntingly handsome fella. I like the mean looking ones, they want cuddles, and I want them to break me. It's a symbiotic love affair. I'm also weak for that Mediterranean look, and Santiago's actor looks like a bleached Roman statue ready for war. I'm ready to hate to love him or love to hate him. Love is love.


I really enjoyed S1. I wasn't really bothered by anything specific. I rewatched the season recently and I loved it again. I believe S2 will be good as well. The writers have done a great job so far. It's a huge task combining all these books which are very different from each other and give a seamless coherent story. A huge task. They have proved themselves in S1, I have faith in them. In S2 I was really looking forward to the first meeting between Lestat and Armand. In the book it happens **inside the iconic cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris and Gabrielle is also present**. I believe the writers have changed Lestat's and Armand's first meeting to something else. So far only this change makes me sad. But of course I'll continue watching.


I'm excited about most things, maybe a little more about the flashbacks, I wouldn't want them to change Claudia and Armand's storyline.


Begging for Devil’s Minion. I’m excited to see the period costumes from Lestat / Armand / Nicky. And seriously hoping for some Nicholas and Lestat. 💕💕💕


What book is the devil's minion? I don't see it in the wiki


Devil’s Minion is a chapter in Rice’s book “The Queen of the Damned.” Read it (that chapter) immediately!!!! The chapter is called “The Story of Daniel, the Devil’s Minion, or the Boy From Interview With the Vampire”


I cant wait for the reveal of lestat. (if you know you know what im talking about.) i cant believe it wasnt in the movie!! it caught me so off guard in the book....so i cant wait to see it this season.


100% Devils minion


I really intrigued to see new Claudia and to see how true they stay to the story or what changes them make and how it impacts future seasons


I'm just really excited too see what happens with all the Louis-centric relationships tbh (Louis+Claudia/Loumand/Louis+Dreamstat/Danlou), give me all the angst and the drama and the tragedy, I can't wait to see more of the first interview in SF and Loumand's relationship in the present.


I’m most excited to see Louis burn Paris to the ground (well, the theater, anyway)! I also am interested to see how they adapt more the more bestial vampire they meet in Eastern Europe. The only deviation that would make me consider quitting the show is if they didn’t go through with Claudia’s arc because it’s just so important to the story but even then I’d be so gobsmacked that I’d probably have to keep watching to see what they thought they were doing.


Devil’s Minion is my #1 hope for this season. Other than that, I’m so thrilled we’re finally going to see Nicolas on our screens, even if it’s from Armand’s perspective. Any backstory we get about Lestat and Nicki is going to be so heartbreaking and I’m ready to be broke.


Lestat and Armand in Paris!!!


Can’t wait for the shit to hit the fan in Paris. And having all the boys together 🥹