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The way I SHRIEKED at Daniel's Armand flashback and Louis' comment that Armand had actually been with Lestat for a while (are we going to get Lestat himself contradicting that particular piece of information later, I wonder?). Also, that over the top 50's-animated-Disney-movie score during the scenes of Armand and Louis in connection to Daniel clearly not buying the romanticized retelling of their relationship? "The *right* kind of love?" Oooh, that divorce is going to get messy. Ben Daniels is kiiiiiilling it, 10/10, I want to kiss the casting director on the mouth for their service. The camp! The malevolence! Fascinating that they gave the "no pain" line to him instead of keeping with the original where Armand walks onstage instead.


Apparently the music they’re playing during the “telenovela” sequence is the theme from “young and the restless.” Fuck man, Daniel is really on one. Love him.




No Armand wanted least and he said no read the books


Louis' early comment about something like "Paris makes me think of happiness" makes me imagine Armand memory-wiping while clenched-teeth insisting "***YOU LOVED PARIS, LOUIS, YOU REALLY WERE VERY HAPPY THERE***" because that is a WILD thing for Louis to say for any other reason.


Yes! I couldn't believe Louis said "outside of certain events." Louis! Referring to some of the absolute worst moments of his life as "certain events"?!


FOR REAL! "Other than watching my beloved daughter-sister roast to death, Paris was pretty swell!"


I thought Louis' casual attitude about Paris and Armand's declaration that he has never harmed Louis were massive red flags.


Oh ABSOLUTELY. I am so very very curious the exact level of fuckery going on with what Louis remembers because that was BLATANT


Listen he bought that expensive premium tour and he will be dammed before he admits the sunk cost fallacy has blinded him.


For real. I travelled to Barcelona a couple years ago and ended up having to stay behind with Covid while my husband and daughter flew home. It was so awful and depressing and I will always associate that city with that and kind of hate it…so there is no way Louis remembering Paris in a good way is believable to me.


That one stuck out to me too. I immediately thought NOPE this is a lie. Louis's life came crashing down in Paris - he would NOT remember it fondly simply because he had a romance there since it led to the death of his kid. And as he's talking all sweet and loving about how wonderful Paris was he looked anything but happy in every flashback. He was disgusted by the theater's cruelty. He looks like he's struggling to enjoy Claudia's happiness but he just can't join her because he still feels too much empathy for the innocent humans they target in the theater. Killing evil doers and nazi soldiers he could justify. But innocent people abducted from their homes just for cruel entertainment? And he's struggling to find his own identity on top of this. Every scene he's in he's frowning and struggling not to look disgusted and unhappy. He doesn't want to join the coven.


Yeah, his first meeting with Armand is the most damning for me. Sure, you've got happy romantic music playing, but Louis looks terrified the whole time. Take away the music and it's a damn horror film.


This may have been his thought when he arrived in Paris, he is hopeful about finding other vampires, because in the end we all know what happened...


I was watching with friends and was trying to not act deranged so when he said that I let out a NOISE and resisted asking my friends to rewind so we could listen to that line again because WHAT DO YOU MEAN LOUIS LMAO!?


I thought of Audrey Hepburn saying it in Sabrina.


I'm going to be entirely honest. Daniel's breakdown and the flashback of 70s era!Armand has been spinning in my brain for the last 6 hours. LIKE LOUIS' CRUELTY, DANIEL'S DISTRESS, THE PARKINSON'S TRIGGERS, 70s era!Armand talking about playboy mags for some reason, ARMAND TRYING TO DIFFUSE THE SITUATION, DANIEL's DEFEATED "what happened next?", LOUIS' SMUG LOOK, AND ARMAND'S CONFLICTED EXPRESSION. IM GOING FUCKING INSANEEEEE. THIS IS ONLY EP 2 WHAT THE FUCK. In ep 1, Armand's plan for Daniel to take their story face value by manipulating him into saying "what happened next?". Then in ep2, Daniel did that and ARMAND ISNT HAPPY. ARMAND YOU'RE NOT BEATING THE ALLEGATIONS, YOU STILL LOVE HIM. I know there's a theory that Armand is actually Alice, but I'm ambivalent to it. It would be both hilarious and entirely horrifying if Daniel's first wife and children never existed, and I think Armand's rep could never recover if he did that. I prefer Daniel and Alice's relationship being a parallel to Devil's minion, like Alice rejecting Daniel's hand in marriage being the same as Armand rejecting Daniel's wish to be a vampire. The best thing about the parallel means that Armand WAS STALKING DANIEL AND ALICE IN PARIS. I KNOW HE WAS SEETHING BEHIND NEWSPAPERS AND BEEFING WITH THAT UNBORN CHILD. Oh yeah Claudia is very happy with her newfound community this ep :D. Armand I love you, but you will start coughing in 3 days. EDIT: WAIT A SEC. IN S01E02, DANIEL HAPPILY RECOUNTED THE MEMORY OF PROPOSING TO ALICE. THE IMPLICATION THAT SHE ACCEPTED THE PROPOSAL. BUT IN THIS EP, DANIEL SAID THAT SHE DIDNT. SEEMINGLY REMEMBERED THAT SHE DIDNT. OH MY FUCKING GOD. DANIEL, WAS IT RAINING????


Re:Armand talking about playboy mags: he says something about how Daniel took them and sold them right? Implying that Daniel didn’t keep them for himself maybe because he was never interested in women and in that conversation Armand was trying to get him to admit it?? I used to think the Alice=Armand theory was reaching, but I guess now I’m reaching!


SLAP across ARMAND'S face if this Alice facade becomes amazingly true but RESPECT! Can you imagine!? First I've heard of a Daniel-Alice-Armand tinkering! Daniel's instability broke my heart. His uncovering of memory in all this just elevated the stakes! Can't wait to see his young self's experience of Armand's meddling!!


My thing is why did louis say Daniel felt free hold hands in paris for a normal straight couple? Unless the lover was a man? Also what is Daniel, a broke reporter doing in paris? Who lived in paris? Armand. Armand telling Daniel she said no cos she didn't trust him... it looked like he was talking from a personal experience.


Alice could be black?


Louis went out of his way in this same episode making it clear that race was in no way a factor like it was in the US.


OH MY GOD, I did not clock that connection to episode 2 of last season and now I am fascinated by how far down the fuckery goes. I don't think I entirely buy into Alice = Armand, but I'm wondering now if Armand cleaned up some of Daniel's memories, even ones that aren't directly of him, similar to what he may have done with Louis. Oh and he ABSOLUTELY was silently beefing with that fetus.


That scene was everything I needed to be! The contrast of Luis being smug and Armand having compassion! The different layers of past and present. Masterful television!


I loved the "what happened next" scene as well! I'm also not sure whether I believe in the Alice=Armand theory fully, but when Armand says "she wanted to say yes, but she didn't trust you" it does feel a bit like he's talking about himself as well/not wanting to turn Daniel (if DM did, in fact, happen -- which I've begun to take as granted by now, ahem).


I don't think that Daniel's daughters are fake, they could be his second wife's. There were toys in the box he grabs from a shelf to find the tape recorder and even though his daughters aren't talking to him anymore, I doubt that Armand's (most likely) mind wiping would also provide fake memories for years ahead.


All I could think during the scene where Daniel is having a seemingly unprompted flashback of Armand and you can see his tremor was “how long has Armand been controlling Daniel at this point? Has it been years? Decades? Are the Tourette’s symptoms part of it?” And I feel like I might be out in left field about it, but also… no probably not? Because of what we know about their relationship from the books. I’m super curious to see where the show takes that piece of things.


😭Why would he beef with the unborn child?


*You don't know what that child's done!*




This is my first time hearing the theory that Alice is Armand and god, I believe it. it makes so much sense.


The more I think about it, the more I'm thinking Alice is truly Armand. After confronting how she didn't accept Daniel's proposal, Armand states that Alice did want to say yes, just that she didn't trust Daniel fully. Which makes me think they're speaking through this metaphorical situation, especially since Louis seems to be in a weird delusion.


What if Alice accepted it and he did have kids but armad killed them and swiped his memory


My guess is bit meh but Im starting to think there is no Daniel. Maybe they knew a Daniel at some point or they sculpted him but Im starting to get a sense that they find random people and load Daniel personality into them or maybe even shape them from youth to become Daniel as an amusement. It seems uncharacteristically cruel but when louis had that sudden laugh when Daniel said she said no, it felt less like he was mocking the situation/his pain (as Daniel had done to him) and more like louis is in on the joke Daniel is missing something obvious that adds to the amusement. Also given how Daniel just won't let go of the "real rashid" I think him himself being shown "real Daniel" is something writers plan on doing.


That scene with Lestat's letter to Louis! I wish we had gotten more of Louis' actual reaction to that. Daniel started questioning, and you could tell he hit a nerve because Louis bit back hard at that part. I know Louis is dying inside, but I just need to see the floodgates truly open and for all of Louis' real grief and love for Lestat to come flooding out. Armand: "I will not harm you. And I never have." Yeah sure Armand! Also, the more times Louis and Armand have to tell the audience and Daniel that they have totally been together for 77 years, the more I think they will turn out to not quite be the truth. They were working overtime to try and sell their happy relationship and meet cute, and I am glad Daniel kept calling bullshit! In ep 1, Louis was relieved to have a recovered memory, but then, of course, Armand wasn't there. Now, Daniel gets a little too close to an uncomfortable truth and Louis gets brutal. It was a truth about Lestat as well, which probably has its extra layers of trigger for Louis. As important as it is for Louis to fully remember and process everything that happened with Claudia, his feelings for Lestat are also important and they are ones I don't think he has truly processed in the same way. He has allowed himself to mourn for Claudia all of these decades, but what about Lestat? Also, Daniel and his new memory of what was clearly an earlier Armand based on the hair!


The letter sequence is fascinating, especially since it ties into something that the show seems to want to underline: Louis' dream version of Lestat is not entirely accurate and is influenced by Louis' headspace. Last episode, dream!Lestat is all threatening swagger with promises to kill him, while the letter -- a piece of hard evidence that Louis may still possess, which was written in Lestat's own hand -- is a lot more doting and forgiving than the version in Louis' head. I think it also ties back to a conversation Louis had with Daniel last season, where Louis was complaining that Lestat didn't like Louis pushing back against him, which Daniel seemed to relate back to how he liked his ex-wife more when she was flawed and herself -- which I remember being discussed as a signal that Lestat actually probably liked that Louis was always pushing back.


The guy mentioned that he was last in contact with Lestat when they wired the money for the "party", which means that the letter was written before the events of episode 7, almost like a last will, maybe even before he knew about Claudia's plan.


Could it be those cruel moments with lestat were actually armad and not lestat


Yes, perhaps as in the book, Loius and Armand seperated after Armand revealed it was him who killed Claudia, and then later Armand came back and wiped Louis' mind of that memory, made him beleive it was all Lestat's doing.


So Armand CAN wipe and edit memory? I didn't read all the books, but feel free to use spoilers in any answers. I'd love to know more if you are willing to share.


"I've known exactly four vampires in my life, and you've all been the worst. I'm looking for one that ain't a goddamned bastard." then revels in the cruelty displayed by vampires towards humans. lol (granted, she means 'the worst' towards her)


The unfortunate part about this and your last statement is that her belief that all of the vampires she's met and interacted with are quite awful, even to her, will be proven accurate. 😬 Like, yes Claudia, you only mean terrible towards you but just you wait. Everything you've ever believed will come true.


The fact that Louis and Claudia perceive themselves as good vampires is wild.


Lowkey, I’m kind of hoping the show reveals an actual good vampire just as a contrast to the bullshit louis spits out, lol


I don't know they're all pretty damned monstrous. I don't think a good one exist. edit>>> I don't know if we should judge Louis top harshly though, we're all the hero in our own story.


I am still processing this episode -- specifically, Louis triggering Daniel with questions about Alice. What does everyone think is going on in that scene? Apart from the potential parallel of Armand speaking for himself, not Alice, when he says she wanted to say yes, but didn't trust Daniel, the entire moment was very much "memory is a monster" coded. She wanted him to scrape the gum off her shoe with a credit card, but Daniel didn't have credit cards. When Louis mentions "the ring", Daniel scoffs (I suppose it's meant to imply that he didn't have money for a ring, which would track). Not sure about the significance of the purple dress, but the rest of it does seem to intimate that at least the surface memories are false, right? Like, someone didn't take care to make them work in context? Is Louis taking these memories straight out of Daniel's mind (or from the autobiography?), does he know they're fake and is trying to provoke him to remember (why?), or is he himself not aware of \[whatever happened in the 70s with Armand\]? Is that why Armand is trying to interfere at first, but then he almost seems curious too to see how Daniel reacts? Such a great episode, but so many questions!!


I think Armand is controlling Louis' mind a bit with this situation. Daniel's reacting both to his feeling inadequate but also I think by instincts...baseline Daniel (without the shield he employs of sarcasm and ridicule) has shown to have impeccable instincts and even better at reading people. The man's fighting what he knows, his feelings and what his brain is puzzling up for him and finding his brain already has answers but they're blocked. Daniel knows he knows something and wants to understand how he's been robbed of his inadequate hardrive if you will because Daniel can't "function" properly with those holes in his memories. His sort relies on their brains so much that realizing their own limitations adds distress which is what we saw. Daniel is also realizing that whatever he's got has been compromised by one of the guys and he's suspecting it's Armand. The thing is his brain associates Armand with "positivity," like his psyche recognizes Armand's not been an awful force in Daniel's life. Whenever he recalls Armand, the memories look a bit hazy, and Armand looks relaxed. Daniel's head is telling him while losing faculties of his mind have been bad the association he's got of Armand is...dare I say, vulnerable. Romantic. There was connection and a good one there. But there was also pain and sadness. There's defeat and longing. So now it seems the poor guy doesn't know how to register Armand while Armand is trying to "not" care and focus on keep whatever he's got with Louis. Maybe willing to do everything and anything to get it but he's reluctant to breaking Daniel's heart again to do it. Daniel's face at the end was so damned sad and Armand wasn't unaffected as he quickly gave what felt like a heartfelt sentiment to soothe Daniel's downtrodden look. I feel from here on out the show is gonna put us through the ringer. Show Daniel also seems more inclined towards monogamy? I don't get the feeling he'd be ok in open relationships, which is probably why some shit happened. He probably had a phase (everyone does) but then wanted more calm once the youthful hormones settled down. I kinda feel bad for him if that's the case as he's playing with fire if he prefers that.


Im just waiting for Louis to call Santiago a buffoon. I watched the original movie last night and while I already knew this since season one, Assad’s Armand is just perfect. I’m not even mad they didn’t give him the “no pain” scene on stage. The tension between the three of them in the interview portions. Lord. Lestat is going to show up next week and steal every scene. And I spied Niki. Is it next Sunday yet?


Where, where did you spy Niki?! I guess I better watch it again


I think he was shown in a close up, playing his instrument during the Lestat-on-stage scene


https://youtu.be/GZBnefGvUzQ?si=BXFm5PY5x-3TNZlj Found it! 😄


Shown playing his violin while Lestat is on stage


Talk about getting emotional whiplash. One moment I'm laughing as Daniel plays the theme from the Young and the Restless and the next I'm tearing up for him because of the sad memory. Daniel likes to hit below the belt when Louis is the most vulnerable, so to some extent I completely understand Louis fighting back with a painful memory of Daniel's in retaliation. Interestingly, even though this is in line with Armand's plan I did notice like you others did that Armand was immediately pulling Louis back and trying to diffuse the fight just a bit. Like he was saying 'Okay Lou too far knock it off.' Like he felt guilty about what they were doing. He doesn't want to hurt Daniel but I think it's more for Louis' sake than Daniel's but it's so hard to say. It's odd, I can't tell if Armand has any romantic feelings for Daniel yet or at all. I get more the impression that he feels threatened and maybe at times amused but not in love. I wonder if they are going to split the Devils Minion timeline and have Armand and Daniel grow closer in the wake of Louis leaving Armand to find Lestat at the end of the season?? So in the 70s it was more curiousity and control of Armand over Daniel because A/L relationship is starting to fracture and Armand wants to know why Daniel can 'get to Louis' in ways he's never been able to. Then in modern Dubai it starts to morph into true companionship and a meeting of equals? Daniel isn't the same "boy" he was all those years ago. He's more of a true match for Armand now in terms of life experience, maturity and understanding. I could see them doing this as a way to keep Armand and Daniel in the story as the season shifts to Lestat in season 3. Gotta give these guys a storyline to keep them around and that would also give them time to show more of their relationship than trying to cram it into 30 minutes of one episode. I can't envision truly doing them justice in such a short time frame even if they only got a chapter in book 3. If I were writing the show I would have Armand and Daniel grow closer at at some point either before or after they fall in love a body swap happens and then Armand turns him. We do know that Eric has said he always wanted to play a vampire though and he can't if he gets body swapped cause they'd have to cast a younger actor to play vampire Daniel so maybe old Daniel gets turned? I just want him and Armand to end up together and I don't care how twisted that is. LOL


Okay these are my hot takes - Everything about this show is so thoughtful and beautiful. I am overwhelmed every week.  I feel like this iteration of Claudia has so much depth and her enmeshment with Louis is so tragic. Imagine being an eternal being/teenage girl stuck in a codependent nightmare with your brother/father who you love and hate and feel responsible for all in equal measure. I think that Louis is going to be very complicit in Claudia’s death and that’s why his memory is so repressed and it’s going to be awful.  I love the super fans at the theatre sitting in the front row like they’re at a showing of rocky horror.  The vibes between Louis and Armand during the interview sections are so off. It’s all so freaky and tense and forced. It’s also my absolute favourite part of the show. Eric Bogosian’s acting during that scene was very affecting, the way his face just crumpled.  I think Assad is one of the most beautiful people I’ve ever seen. I want to know what they’re doing to make his skin look SO flawless. 


WHAT WAS THAT FLASHBACK!!!! Did Daniel remember it himself or did Armand give him that memory???? It has to be before the chase right? I feel like the shirt looks the same with what Armand was wearing that night. Devil’s Minion HAD to have occurred, right? RIGHT?????


Oh 100%, and Armand is Alice! The way he said "She wanted to say yes, but she didn't trust you" seemed far too personal. I was screaming internally through that whole scene 😱😱 I don't know if we'll get anything between present day Daniel and Armand because he's going to be very pissed off that Armand fucked with his memories but young Daniel on the other hand...💀💀


I had the same impression of the way that sentence was delivered, that was definitely Armand talking from his own perspective! I'm looking forward to the episodes with young Daniel, but I \*need\* the romance/drama between those two in the present as well.


I feel like the tension between them in the present day is so palpable, you get the sense that under Daniel's insults is a deeper emotion and the way Armand looks at him!


You can actually see it during the interview scene where Armand talks about how he would never hurt Louis. During that PDA scene, Armand looks away from Daniel as if he didn’t want to see a heartbroken reaction. How I saw it anyway.


Armand is definitely Alice. I'm verklempt at what this means for them and every single interaction. Rewatching this series when it's done just keeps getting better.


Thanks for introducing me to that word! Definitely describes my current vampire obsessed ass lol


Right? It's a good word for "clawing at the walls and screaming into a pillow every single week".


I had to look it up as well since I’ve never heard of it before. Beautiful.


Yiddish FTW


Way Cool! Thanks for that one! https://preview.redd.it/1mdhqq9p8w1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1490fe3c2a36bfa956eb539856ce824ab1c1b1e0


I am only just now catching on that Armand says something complimentary about Louis’ “American walk” and Daniel’s first response is ^”I’m-an-American.” Daniel sir that sounds like you may be a teensy bit jealous my man.


https://preview.redd.it/5ypl69ocbi1d1.png?width=796&format=png&auto=webp&s=d484d829f28d8b4d548d0bc7e2e2db70021a4ab6 Did anyone else catch that Dream Lestat is wearing the same outfit that he wore the day they met!? Literal sob.


it's worse! It's the night Lestat came to dinner at Louis' house and the night they slept with Lily.


I keep going back and forth over just how much they will go with an Armand villain reveal. Armand does absolutely terrible things in Paris, but it can be argued he is trying to genuinely protect Louis from losing his mind over his true memories now. I think that can still be true more or less. The more they try to push the Armand is such a good, loving partner to Louis stuff though the more I think they are setting up for the hammer to really fall for the general audience. Louis basically dismissing everything that happens with the theatre as just certain events in Paris at the beginning? What is that Louis? Paris is what finally killed you inside for decades. Also, the emphasis on how Armand has never hurt Louis?' Yeah, this is going to get very dark. Jacob Anderson already called Armand a dark complex figure lurking in a recent interview. I just wonder how much does Louis really remember right now? I think it is possible that he once did know more or less the truth of what Armand did, though not all, but I am not sure he currently remembers in Dubai.


I think Louis knows most of the things that were done in Paris but he wants to brush it under the carpet, Louis is a total hypocrite, this has already been admitted by Jacob himself.


My big question for Daniel/Armand/70s is the whole "you felt you could be more free in Paris" like why???? if not for it being probably a more queer safe space in the 70s????


They also mentioned Daniel hails from West Virginia. To imagine a kid with a brain like Daniel's in a world of limitation, poverty, and restrain must've been insanity. To realize he was gay or at least bi growing up in the American country during the 1950s - 1960s must've been a bit daunting. It explains Daniel's restlessness and anger, like he's always been fighting with life to barely function in it. I think in this his reasons for wanting to turn make more sense...I think he didn't want to for the immortality he wanted to in order to live his truth one day in a way he didn't as he was growing up in his heyday. Oof. I love how they're making him even more 3D and complicated compared to the books. I'm also suspecting that Armand didn't turn him because such a reason will one day culminate in Daniel offing himself to the fire from emotional emptiness once he realizes life doesn't constantly offer an endless supply of genuinely thrilling lovers.


I love that layer. There was also the bit where Louis needles Daniel about not wanting to take "Alice's" hand in public and asking Daniel why ("was it raining Daniel?" vibes). Really loving the way they're unpicking Daniel's fucked up memories.


Jesus Christ this show is just so so SO GOOD! I have no coherent thoughts beyond OMG! and squee! I even got a little misty between Lestat's letter and Louis terrorizing Daniel about Alice. Also, I'm now a believer! I thought the Alice = Armand theory was bullshit, but now I'm pretty confident I was wrong. What do you mean he felt "freer" holding her hand, Louis? What do you mean? Are his kids even real or are they made up too? How short of a leash have they kept this man on? I need sleep.


I think his daughters are real, there were toys in the same box he kept the tape recorder in in episode 1 and I don't think Armand (or whoever wiped his memories) would give him fake memories for years ahead, up to the point that he wants to do the interview to at least leave some money to his family.


Ok yall have said some extremely thought provoking and intelligent things about this episode in this thread, but all I can think about is the letter sequence and “ my face pressed firmly against your longing” or something like that🤦🏼‍♀️🤣 I’ll be right back I’ve got to watch it again for clarity 👆


Also to add to the alice dialog bit, it's the first time Daniel is named dropped as "Danny" right? And we know who calls him that normally!


I think the show is going to combine Daniel Molloy's character with David Talbot. I think Daniel and Armand have some history together and they plan to make him switch bodies and turn him into a vampire. Otherwise I don't think they would have chosen to focus on Daniel's Parkinson. Also, one of the soundtrack titles is "Raglan James".


OK! Thoughts on S2E2, Do you know what it means to be loved by death? - I love the gold (Pegasus?) statue Louis and Claudia sit upon at the start of the episode - “We’ve been together 77 years Daniel.” …”44 more than he did with Lestat.” LOL Armand (I agree with Daniel: “Keep selling it!” !!!!) - LOL @ Louis’ Parisian neck scarf - The fashion plates Claudia has cut out and stuck inside her bed… my heart - Louis looks so good in the red darkroom light, oh my - Claudia asking Louis who he is reminded me of my thoughts the other day (a very brief summary): - Louis is afraid to look deeply within himself at who he is, in case he is not perfect, as he needs to believe he is. But he does believe he deserves love. - Conversely, Lestat knows himself - for his evil especially, and despite it all, he still likes himself mainly. But he is afraid he is utterly unloveable. - Claudia talking about a new brain in her head and Armand a new body for her brain… are they *really* going to go there? It is seeming like it? - I like Madeleine from the wee bit we saw, and I love Claudia’s dress - “It’s just Rashid” LOL - The first meeting of Armand and Louis: Armand is like a poem made into the form of a being - the way Assad’s Armand speaks, how he looks, how he looks at Louis: he radiates a quiet peace, calm & poetic gentleness, which gave me shivers and goosebumps. Like the beautific gaze of an angel. All added to by Daniel Hart’s divine score, reflecting exactly the same emotions. This is how Armand is often described in the books (until he’s not), but because of the extremes Armand can go to, I don’t often think of this calm, angelic, almost innocent side to him so much… but oh how I felt it - I love how the lamp lights flicker. It’s like a fairytale romance and everything about it: down to “I will not harm you” is exactly as Louis would wish to hear - SANTIAGO! I love Ben Daniels. I love Santiago’s outfit and his eyes and his theatricality and his evident cleverness. Interesting how dilapidated the Theatre des Vampires is. - Seems like it hasn’t been updated since the ’20’s - half empty; broken bulbs… I am sure we have more to hear on this in the show… - Love how Armand brought cinema into the plays - The plays though have such a tawdry, distasteful feel. I would agree with Louis’ and Lestat’s visceral dislike of them, even before the human sacrifice. Though I do like the Brecht vibes. But it is such a contrast to S1 Lestat and Louis at the Opera… - LOL @ Louis’ face seeing the portrait of Lestat! And “They’ve got a shrine to him!” Hahaha - Whaaatttt @ Santiago and star charts!! Hahahahaha??!?!?! - Claudia on Loumand… I guess we have our answer now as to whether the vampires really are having actual sex and exactly how! Cheers Claudia!!! - Roget knowing about Lestat potentially sleeping… interesting… - I’ll copy and paste from elsewhere my thoughts on the Loustat scene… “Do not waist life…” - Oh Lestat, the illiterate boy & young man you were; so desperate to learn & be good, with a Mother for whom knowledge & escape through books was her only solace… who couldn’t even be bothered to teach you the alphabet. Now, with your preternatural skills, you can read & write & do any thing you wish… but of course - it makes sense that you would never have entirely learned how to spell, or at least that there’d be the odd, common words you didn’t know. (Occurence, too.) Little details, breaking my heart even more. Thank you everyone for caring so much, you thought about the spelling of Lestat’s letter. I noticed. I care about every tiny detail like this & feel it, like love: deep in my soul. Also: is Dreamstat *really* going to make me cry in every single episode of season 2, even when he’s barely in the episode for a breath?! (1 min 40 seconds to be precise!) He made me cry in episode 1, and here he made me cry too. Oh Louis: to read this letter & all your internal pain & shame & sorrow & guilt & love to deepen, I’m sure even more. Oh Sam, how you spoke the letter. Oh Lestat’s outfit, from their first “date”…. - Another link to the episode title here - Do you know what it means to be loved by death? too For anyone who’s like the full text of the letter: “My Louis In the event you are reading this, something dreadful has occured, which is not my own death, but rather the fact that we now both exist (e?) in two different worlds. Do not waist life seeking revenge on the person or persons responsible. Do not give them the satisfaction of the hunt. Let their treachery eat them from within and instead…” (Continued as spoken…) “And you… you go carry on with your living. Know only this, Mon Cher, you are the only being I trust and whom I love, above and beyond myself. All my love belongs to you. You are its keeper. A veil will now forever separate our union. But it is a thin veil… and I am always on the other side, my face pressed up against your longing. Lestat de Lioncourt” - Alice truly doesn’t exist, does she? Armand: what *have* you done to Daniel!?! Is all of his life a lie? Is Daniel's shaking here evidence that Armand's mind-altering has had physical impact on Daniel too? And Louis clearly knows some of it too… though I presume not the love part…. And THEY MUST LOVE EACH OTHER like Devil’s Minion which always makes me sob. (Or maybe Alice does exist, but Armand is why she wouldn’t marry Daniel?) - Oh Claudia - your GLEE at Murder mansion - “I like how you withhold” - Armand providing your next chat up line - you’re welcome! - OMG we’re going to actually see Nicolas play violin! I am SO SCARED! I hope I’ll adore it and I have faith in the show makers. But, I have also seen so much terrible violin miming (it makes me wonder, when people play surgeons, is what they are doing this annoyingly unrealistic too and I just have no idea!?!) and it is particularly noticeable, as usually piano miming is very good! Anyway, I know it is such a minor thing in the greater scheme of things, but I know I will be so irritated if it doesn’t look like Nicki is playing the violin. And it’s only that telly violin miming is so notoriously bad. Oh, please - let me believe in it! I BEG!


In the next episode preview, Can anyone figure out who the man sitting with Daniel in a suit with white hair talking about “conversion”, is? Marius? Gregory? Someone else? Lol


It has to be David Talbot, gearing up for the forthcoming Talamasca show


Of course, that makes so much sense!


David appearing and being the "researcher" Daniel mentioned in episode 1 always seemed the most likely but AMC released the soundtrack and one of the songs is called >!Raglan James!<. I really don't know how that would fit because Eric mentioned wanting to play a vampire and if old-Daniel is indeed turned, then how would they replace David with him? I think we need an extra thread to discuss this...


David being Daniels "researcher" is spot on. Just because Eric "wants to play a Vampire" doesn't mean it will happen. I think Daniel will be the one who is body swapped, not David. David has an important role as the main character in the Talamasca series. I want to know how David and Daniel know each other. I'm looking forward to seeing how that plays out.


There's an interview with Eric and Assad and, as usual, Eric said a little bit too much. No, he didn't exactly say that Daniel is going to be turned at the end of season 2 but that's what people think he hinted at. I'm going to create a thread just about that song.


I think it's David. I know in many ways Daniel and David were merged into one character, and I do believe somehow Daniel will be the one body swapped later on not David. This version of David is aged like fine wine and I can see him turning Lestat's head.


What if armaund has followed Alice all this time because he never lost feelings for Daniel from when they met


Another superlative episode, I'm going to be rewatching it over and over for the LAYERS of intrigue! It also makes me want to watch the Nouveau Théâtre des Vampires episode of What We Do In The Shadows lmao.


I just rewatched that a few nights ago hahahah. Very enjoyable with the TVC stuff in the background of my mind.


Unsure if I have forgotten something from the books … why is Armand warning Louis away from the lawyer?  Edit - now I’m thinking it probably just a reminder to be wary of human attention. The lawyer seemed to know something was up with his comment about Lestat sleeping. 


I think he was just implying that some of the other vampires are still keeping tabs on his movements because they don't trust him.


Is Armand afraid talking to his lawyer will lead to talking to Lestat?


I don’t think the warning is about Roget at all, but about the coven vampires! The coven vampires know Roget, since Lestat owned the theatre & Roget was in charge of the money & control of everything… And I presume he still has the control of matters now? I forget exactly. In any case, if coven vampires (who we have seen following/stalking Louis & Claudia) see Louis visiting Roget, they will absolutely connect that to Lestat! And so connect Louis to Lestat! They will know Louis knows Lestat & soon they will know he was made by Lestat etc. At least any of them (& there are some, not only Armand!) who were around when Lestat was originally in Paris will make the connection & that will obviously lead to Very Bad Things for Louis & Claudia!!!!


I think Armand knows it's the lawyer Lestat used.


As a Lawyer he has privilege with his clients. You normally can’t show up at a legal practice and ask if your friend’s money has been touched or if they have been contacted by them. The lawyer can tell you what their client allows. I assume the lawyer or his firm has ties to the supernatural or they know vampires exist. It looked like there were pictures of three men in. The office I assumed they were related maybe. Louis would know if the Lawyer was a vampire right? Lawyers are pretty trustworthy with secrets. He either had instructions to give Louis the box if he didn’t hear from his client or he gave him permission more recently.


I just want it to be said that I will be furious if they don't have some kind of Daniel/Armand reveal. They have the opportunity to do something so cool with that.


Daniel a white man explaining racism to 2 men of color. One who actually grew up in Jim Crow south.


Just finally watched it. Lestat's letter is everything. I miss seeing him in the flesh with Louis. 🥺 Edit: Daniel playing Young and the restless music sent me. Lmao


This is the first episode I've been on the fence with since the show started: On one hand you've got great things like the mansion scene (still funny, even though they already released it a couple of months ago), Daniel calling them all out for living in a telenovela but then being reduced to inexperienced 70s Daniel shortly after (damn they're mean - maybe that's why Jacob was concerned that people wouldn't like Louis this season) and Ben Daniels' completely over the top but still entertaining performance. On the other hand something just feels off. Louis and Armand are carrying this episode well, even without Lestat, so that's not even it. I'll admit it, I'm not a huge fan of the heavy romance (probably the only person here) and I don't like jazz (even though it fit the episode's theme of "weird vampire theater (performance)"). Yes, there's a lot of stuff happening but for some reason the episode still kind of feels like it's only a filler episode, used to set up the bigger story in the next one. I'm glad they improved the episode insiders, they're so much better this season, but why no Rolin again? Did anyone notice The Groan in this episode?


Does anyone know why they said to not go to talk to madeline? I figured bc he knows she hangs with vampires but apparently she doesn’t yet?


The man did a Nazi salute so perhaps implying she was a collaborator or at least some kind of nazi sympathizer during the war? It’s not yet clear but I think we will find out in later episodes.


Jeez I hope she’s not. I was gonna have trouble buying her and Claudia in the first place because she’s white, let alone if she was a nazi. I could buy it tho if it was some under duress she broke to save someone or something tho.


I took it to mean the opposite- I.e. the man supported Hitler & was implying Madeleine was somewhere from unpatriotic to maybe Jewish or a sympathiser or some such. But who knows….?


The logic of that would not flow. Why would he out himself as a nazi in a post war France to warn off a random black girl from interacting with a local Jewish person. The first impression of him indicating she is a collaborator is most likely. As for her becoming and adoptive mother, we do not know what changes they will make. For one the man could be wrong and maybe that tension will help drive her into claudia's hands or maybe they will torment her/mentally attack her to a point she plays along with whatever minimizes her suffering.


Omg, I’m not saying I was tired when I wrote (& watched!) this but I was entirely thinking “post war” & was entirely forgetting we were even in Paris 😂🤣😂🤣😂😭😭😭😭💀💀💀💀💀💀😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫🫠


IDK if I need to spoiler tag this on this thread but talking about something from one of the trailers >!there was a moment in one trailer where she has swastikas in red on her shop window so I'm pretty sure you're right.!<


AUGHHHH i’m gonna be so mad if they do that and have them enter a relationship. 


I’d imagine they might have her as one of the French women who fell in love (or was even just falsely suspected of collaboration)with a German soldier during occupation. The way they were shunned and shamed after the war is a controversial and famous story. There’s a lot more nuance there than ‘She’s a Nazi’ if that’s the route they go down. There’s a good article about it [here](https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2009/jun/05/women-victims-d-day-landings-second-world-war)


ugh i'm gonna miss Claudia so much... i feel like next episode is her last one...


Definitely too early. What will happen for the next 5 eps lol


No. Not enough time to show her thing with Madeleine. The show has to manage the present, the interview, the dynamic between Louis and Armand, the mess between Armand/Daniel/Louis, Lestat, the theatre company, Louis himself, Armand, Claudia herself...not enough to do in 45-50 minutes.


I doubt it. Isn't episode 7 going to be titled "I Could Not Prevent It"? That is probably going to be the trial


They won't kill her until the last episode. Then they will probably do a season 3


Is Claudia going to be dead in the show. I know they changed her age the movie and books, right? If Armand is playing with memory could Claudia still be out there. It’s probably way off to think that. Both Claudias aren’t so young they need a chaperone or adult with them at night. They both can look like they could be in college. Is this Claudia different than the books?


In the books she's only 5. So her mind continues to mature, but she's stuck in a 5 year olds body. She can never grow up, never be a woman physically, never have an intimate relationship with anyone other than a seriously disgusting person, never be taken seriously by adults, never go out on her own. I'm not sure where they are going in the show with this Claudia. I can't imagine she will be sentenced to death for being a child vampire in the show.


Trapping an adult in a 5 year olds body is cruel. A teenage vampire can use makeup and clothing to look more mature. Armand looks young when you don’t know he is ancient. How he dresses and carries himself makes him also seem older. Unless teenage vampires are a no no what would be the point killings her for her youth?


In the books, the reason behind killing child vampires (if i remember correctly) was because they are dangerous. They are impulsive, violent, and risk the secret of their existence, along with the cruelty of them never being able to grow up. I wonder if this Claudia becomes enmeshed in the "pack" of vampires and starts to become almost feral and acting out like a teenager. She poses a risk or commits some crime and is sentenced to death. I can say changing Claudia's age so drastically is the one issue I've been very very concerned about when it came to the show.


I was wondering about her becoming more feral too. With Armand being in Louis’s head what Louis believes may or may not be true.


They can always sentence her to death for trying to kill Lestat.


Oh, maybe that's the thing that will make us hate Louis, he confesses it was all Claudia.


I don’t understand why Armand is with Louis, in the book Louis seemed to hate Armand after what he did in Paris, now all the sudden they’re in love? Huh. They went separate ways in the book, did they get back together before the second interview? I’m genuinely confused. I love Armand and Louis tho, don’t get me wrong.