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AGREEDDDD. I love both portrayals (Sam a bit more) and I’m really happy. I want even more Lestat!


It's interesting how each performance captures some different facets of Lestat as a character. Cruise is delightfully petty, and campy, and whimsical while still carrying this underlying menace. He's got that "rock star" quality to him that Lestat needs. It's easy to imagine him having continued the role, had we gotten proper sequels. Especially since he's aged ridiculously well. Reid is a force of nature, and effortlessly seductive while also being absolutely **terrifying** at times. But he also cuts to the utter tragedy underneath all of Lestat's bravado and cruelty. Should the series go on, I can't wait to see him get to act out later tales.


Agree, but I prefer the tv version. Partly because we get more of everything, but mostly because Sam is superb! I also really like the time periods of the show. A nice twist in the setting that's still dark and gorgeous. Love!


I was admittedly caught off guard by the liberties the AMC series took, such as the time periods. But once I got comfortable viewing it as a reimagining, and not just a straight adaptation, I got onboard quick.


Sam got me when the told the "Priest" Tale during the series premiere.


Yes, and Sam is even wearing his real hair as Lestat, not some dry, frizzed out wig like in the movie.


As a lover of the books and movies I was apprehensive about the show and it’s changes but they did a fantastic job.


The new lestat is much better imo. I saw the movie when it first came out and I can't get over how "hollow" the Cruise portrayal seems in retrospect. The new actor gives a certain depth to the character. Of course, the TV series has the time for character development that a movie doesn't. But then again, Tom Cruise rarely "acts." He's famous for just playing himself.


I wouldn't say Cruise's performance has aged **that** badly. But it's true that he doesn't have quite the punch that Reid has.


I loved the movie in spite of Tom Cruise. As usual, he tries too hard, making it obvious that he’s “acting.” I felt like I was watching a frat boy playing dress up, pretending to be a wicked vampire at a Halloween party. I wasn’t convinced but still enjoyed the film. Neil Jordan did an amazing job adapting the novel.


see this was me with Brad Pitt as Louis. I just didn't buy him as Louis. I felt that Cruise, Banderas, et al understood the assignment.


I know that Louis (specifically post-IWtV Louis) can come across as very sullen and depressive, but Brad Pitt acted like he was chugging NyQuil the entire movie. He did a good job but he could have been giving a lot more.


I love this am and am absolutely going to be using "looks like he was chugging NyQuil the entire time" to be describing so many different characters in things now 🤣 thank you for this 💙


See, I thought Pitt was perfect in the role. He's a very natural, relaxed actor, which works well in cinema and felt right for the ambivalent Louis, while Cruise seems forced and self-conscious and try-hard. I'm always aware that he's Acting instead of simply Being. I suppose you could say that's appropriate for Lestat, but I never really bought it. Still, it didn't ruin the movie for me. Even though I thought Cruise was woefully miscast, he did much better than I expected!


I hated TC in this role and left the theater angry. I had almost no expectations for the tv series so imagine my surprise when I loved it. Every single actor in this show has been perfectly cast. Sam Reid is just so sexy and terrifying at the same time. He's like that one guy that you knew was bad news but you dated him anyways and then weren't at all surprised when he slept with your best friend and cleaned out your back account. You still have no regrets. Louis is so bound up in his rage that he keeps it just under the surface because he's afraid to show it to anyone. His torment is breath taking in its beauty and terror and Jacob plays so well with all of that subtlety. This whole cast fits together like a beautiful puzzle and leave me in awe.


In my world, it would have been Julian Sands as Lestat and Daniel Day-Lewis as Louis, but that would have been an entirely different movie.


Totally agree! Sam is so insanely good, I had to remind myself Lestat isn’t real and I’m not at risk for being unalived by him. 


I made a thread asking how people liked Reid's Lestat after seeing my s/o (who is protective over Rice's novels like she co wrote them 😒) completely mesmerized by Lestat in this. She seemed to tolerate Mayfair Witches (we watched that 1st) and it's changes to the source, letting out regular scoffs of disapproval, but ultimately concluded it was "decent". 4 or 5 episodes into Interview and any changes made to the source now seemed immaterial, since to her, Lestat had been made to such a level of perfection that all else could be unforgiven.


Sam is not beating the the Lestat possession allegations 🤭


He literally never fucking will and I think he likes it that way hahahah


There is a third one, another movie version. This sub doesn't talk about it much.


Please? Where can I find it? 🧛


I think they're talking about the Queen of the Damned movie from 2002. No idea where you can watch it these days though. If you do find it, as a movie it's watchable (or I thought it was when I was a teen) but it's very inaccurate to the books. I think I heard a rumor that Anne Rice disowned it because it was so awful. 😂


Well to be fair, the lead did die in the middle of filming, so they could only do with what they had. Apparently her brother provided her voice for the rest.


Well if they have some money to spare, they can rent it on YouTube. 


I think they're talking about Queen of the Damned, which is available to stream on Tubi right now. Tubi has a decent selection of horror/ thriller films but is only available in the US, Canada, or Australia.




Removed: Rule 3 No piracy please. Sharing or asking for links is not allowed.


Stuart Townsend did a decent job playing Lestat in Queen of The Damned, but the film itself was an abomination.


Oh no no. We don’t talk about him. 😜


Tom Cruise's Lestat is the PERFECT Lestat as envisioned by a bitter, pissed off ex (Louis). He is selfish and petty and mean, and there are very few moments of softness towards Louis. Claudia is clearly justified in her actions, and you get a "no love lost" feeling from Louis. Tom Cruise is a Lestat as described by a Louis who is still not over his anger. Sam Reid's Lestat can be just as selfish, petty and mean...but we see more moments of vulnerability and sincerity. It's less of a black & white issue between him & Claudia, who is now positioned as being just as manipulative of Louis. Sam Reid is a Lestat as described by a Louis who has come to terms with his anger, and can reflect upon Lestat as less of a caricature and more of a real person who meant something to him. I love both to pieces.


Lestat is Tom Cruises best role tbh but I love both Sam is so good! ![gif](giphy|4CmjgNFYinpZK)


He seriously shines when playing bad guys. Loved him in Collateral, as well.


IMO Reid blows Cruise out of the water.


I’ve liked all the Lestats (including Townsend) but Sam has been vastly superior to the others. Love him in this role. It’s been great to see a more muted, vulnerable version of Lestat in Louis’ visions this season.


Townsends Lestat was actually not bad. He was just cast in an awful adaptation that tried to cram way too much into one 100 minute film. It was kind of ridiculous what they tried to do with that film .


Cruise was best for the movie version. You could argue he overacted but that was also perhaps necessary to give the audience a shortened but accurate full spectrum of Lestat. Sam is more nuanced and understated which works better when there are more hours of content for the viewer. It's Lestat but at a more natural pace. We don't have to be forced fed it all within the first hour. As we did with the movie.


Cruise did, surprisingly well, imho, to bring out the Diva and menace in Lestat. He was perfect for the silver screen, and impactful. TV Series’ Lestat is a vast deep ocean, with lots going on there with emotions, motives, hints of backstory, and lots of varied feelings. Sam Reid’s got the best Lestat on screen, imho.


Sam is,IMHO,more authentic as Lestat. Tom didn't play him as nuanced or complex as Sam does, but both have that almost manical joyful streak of his... And there is a third portrayal: Stuart Townsend in Queen of the Damned,he did his best given the material(15 year old me had the biggest crush on him lol) and Aaliyah was captivating as Akasha,the soundtrack was excellent but it wasn't a great script...still worth a watch,as its fun in a y2k rock and hot vampires way,it's one of my personal comfort movies even though its a bit trash.


NGL, because they tried to combine two books for Queen of the Damned, it felt more like a tv movie adaptation rather than a feature length film.


True,along with the way they mashed in the talamasca and the children of the millennia,and took Akasha's reasoning for her plans and twisted them all felt rushed and cheap *but* it had potential to be so much better


Original Claudia on the AMC series is my favorite of the two seasons, but the new Claudia is doing a good job. I found Bailey Bass’s portrayal more endearing, however. I’ve never seen the original movie with Tom Cruise. I’ll have to watch it today.


Let us know what you think after seeing it. I think I slightly prefer movie Claudia overall mostly because of how young and talented Kirsten Dunst was. Kirsten Dunst was 11 and looked even younger so it made Claudia particularly terrifying and tragic I love both TV Claudias though and am curious to see where they go with her this season


The movie had two of the most famous, top paid actors at the time in it (Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise) and 11 year old Kirsten Dunst absolutely stole the show from them both !! She was incredible in the movie I can still hear her lines in her voice "which one of you did it to me!!!!" Amazing


I just read it in her voice! Feel like I need to do my 3239323th rewatch now


She did not look younger than her 11 self. People need to stop lying about it and the book yes with a few changes are more faithful than the movie. I never hear anyone screaming over a 30 year old Spanish man who isn’t red hair to play Armand. Nor heard anyone scream about a dead wife and dead kid that was invented by the movie nor any other changes that everyone screamed at with the TV show. 


> She did not look younger than her 11 self. People need to stop lying about it I mean, she looks younger to me than 11. Its not unusual for child stars to look younger than their age. Its one reason they're cast. Also, man, you missed a lot of outrage for Antonio Banderas as Armand back in the day. Neither casting has been accurate to the book but that's fine. Both did a good job in their own ways. I'm honestly not sure why we're even discussing screaming at the TV show though when my comment did nothing of the sort XD I love the movie and the show.


I do think anyone cqn outrank Sam's performance


Given a little more time, I think you're probably right. Like, I'm kind of psyched to see this Lestat meet Akasha. What an overload of charisma, terror and sex-appeal that's going to be.


I totally agree. I didn't watch the movie but read about it. And that would be excited. Aaliyah is stunning I hope they can get an actress who can do the role justice. I don't find Tom's Lestat attractive (his coloring doesn't go with blonde) so Sam's is superior in every way. Cunty, sexy and has the bi aura 🫠


>Cunty, sexy and has the bi aura Forgot where I saw this, but somebody described Cruise's Lestat as the type who's **probably** bi, but likes to keep people guessing. If only just to mess with them. While Reid's Lestat gives no shits, and will shout from the mountaintop how queer he is.


That's why Sam's is superior 😍


I loved Aaliyah and she was gorgeous but she was not the world’s greatest actress & it will be good to find a more capable Akasha. Looking forward to that for sure.


I meant looks wise. I didn't watch the movie


Sam is the only Lestat for me. He’s exquisite. I think Rice would be thrilled.


Amen to that. Love them both and I really hope the show gets renewed. Up until Queen of the Damned at least.


Sometimes I forget Tom Cruise is/(was?) so fucking talented. He nailed the lestat that Louis meets. I would've loved to see Cruise do the whole Lestat story


This. I know that some fans were a bit freaked out when it became apparent how different in some aspects the TV show was going to be, both to the book series and the 90s film, but after reading some interviews and articles by the show runners I have to say I was totally on board. Look.... when it comes to making multiple adaptations of a source material, IMHO there's really not much point unless you're intending to do something different to a previous adaptation that you think brings something new, interesting and entertaining to the table. If people don't like your new take, it doesn't negate the previous one or Thanos snap it out of existence. Especially since moving the whole chronology forward, changing the ethnicity of some characters and making the whole thing more overtly queer gave the showrunners an opportunity to interrogate the text from a new perspective (YOU KNOW, FELLOW OLD BOOK FAN LIKE ME, LMAO) that Rice and her son wouldn't have signed off on if they weren't open to it happening.


Yesss! I didn’t have much expectations going in to the show regarding Lestat, I wasn’t familiar with the actor at all but he has been some of the best parts of the show imo. From his first moments on screen he oozes charisma. His passion and frustration and the way he switches between french and English. I just love so many choices being made in his portrayal so far. It really is fascinating to have multiple adaptations now to see different facets of these characters and what parts stay the same and what’s different.


I too have binged the series to see if I would actually enjoy it. I feel 2 ways about it, somethings I like and some I don't. I wanted, and still want a faithful adaption of Anne Rice's work, but I did enjoy season 1. Mainly due to Bailey Bass as Claudia. She was simply phenomenal! I actually liked her better than the book version! I'm sorry to say I don't like Delainey Hayles's performance in season 2 nearly as much. I tried to warm up to it, but honestly she's overacting in most scenes imo. I love Sam Reid's performance too. He's an amazing Lestat! The show version of Louis is too cruel and out of character for my liking, but Jacob is an amazing actor. Assad is convincingly giving an Armand portrayal, many aspects of his personality are playing true. The old man Daniel version I was the most against since he's my favorite vamp, but Eric is just too delightfully hilarious for me to complain too much about it. Season 2, I'm still on the fence about. So much unnecessary cruelty doesn't bring me any joy to watch, I'm more interested in the romanticism. So, in short I like the series more than I thought I would, but don't love it. That can change however when Sam's Lestat takes a bigger part, because he is simply killing it.


Sam is my favorite. Tom n Brad were so mellow dramatic


I don't think anyone can top Sam Reid for me...his Lestat is far and away the best and he portrays him exactly how I envisioned Lestat to be when I read the novels when I was younger. I didn't mind Stuart Townsend, but I am not a Tom Cruise fan to begin with. I am sooooo in love with Sam! Also, if you haven't yet, check out the miniseries Lambs of God. That was my introduction to Sam Reid and i was in awe the entire time. IWTV only solidified it for me. 😍


I can’t stand Tom Cruise’s portrayal of him 😭 The machismo of it all was just weird. Like Tom was trying too hard to not look gay. Sam is absolutely perfect. He’s everything I wanted from Lestat that I never thought I would get to see. It’s obvious he cares a lot for the character.