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Pain, nothing but PAIN!


And um... drugs❄🤧😉


yup and liquor!


in response to your thoughts - 1) Armand has no idea why Louis is opening up to Daniel and not him so he wants to mess with Daniel to figure out why Louis is willing to tell his story to him. 2) I think he actually says I know where to find him - I'm presuming Armand knows where Lestat has been the whole time when Louis may or may not have truly believed him dead. 3) Armand is using his mind gift to "freeze" Daniel like he did to the coven members and humans in the restaurant. It's a control technique to keep Daniel under his control. 4) I'm curious to see if Louis knows about any of the conversations happening between these two (I'm guessing nope) while he's presumably asleep during this interaction. (it was morning in the recording which may explain why he's not in the room - Armand doesn't need to sleep when the sun is up)


thank you! you actually helped clear some things up in my mind! about point 4, that’s also extremely interesting and you’re definitely right. my first prediction was that louis would flee once he got stopped from killing daniel, and armand and daniel would be left alone. but after seeing the pictures of armand and louis carrying daniel out (i think that’s what that picture was but im still not totally sure) at the end of the episode, it makes me believe he stays. and it’d make sense bc in the recording i heard armand yell, “morning!” and louis said he lost track of time so he presumably goes to sleep after that. but yeah im just left wondering, what exactly do they do and talk about when left alone? and is louis still completely unaware what transpired?


Someone posted another promo where you can hear Louis saying "LEAVE HIM BE ARMAND!" You can see that it's morning and Louis is in what I presume the coffin room. Daniel is knelt in front of Armand and Armand slams the door shut.


I can't stop thinking about this myself. I heard someone say in an interview (can't remember who, but probably Loose Lips Bogosian) that what makes the traumatizing done to Daniel particularly bad is how long it goes on for. That still leaves a lot of room for interpretation. I'm preparing to be emotionally destroyed next episode. Daniel is one of my favorite characters and seeing him getting tormented is going to be hard. https://preview.redd.it/22b3uw082i4d1.jpeg?width=876&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1561278363b812714e3a7a1d88cf6e31c841cad Look at him walking into the lion's den.😩


omg yes i heard this too! that what makes it so bad/worse than last seasons episode 5 was how long and drawn out it was. so yeah, we’re in for some horrifying mind-fuckery next episode 😅 poor baby daniel, having no idea what he’s about to endure


Love him too but I'm all here for the whump. muahahahaha


I'm ready for it because the suspense is killing me. https://preview.redd.it/ebh47g1ne75d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8692801181e237757f40dbf39516289156c588e But also I'm gonna need to curl up with my snuggliest blanket and a comfort drink.


Somebody said episode 5 was brutal but not necessarily because of/to/about Daniel. (Though what he goes through is no picnic I'm sure) I think they are alluding to Louis fighting with Claudia and/or Armand. The beginning of the relationships truly breaking apart for the first time. Claudia wanting to leave him in the 40s and Armand desperate to keep him in the 70s, despite knowing Louis just can't love him like he did Lestat.


oh okay, this is relieving to hear! i’d just hear people call it brutal but not with any extra information so i just assumed they were talking about it towards daniel


Keep in mind I HAVE NOT seen the episode so I'm just going off what somebody said in another thread cause I immediately said NOOOO not my baby daniel you give him some love dang it. I love that sassy old man.


same here 😭 he’s probably my favorite character in the show, i don’t want to watch him be tortured i just want him and armand to get together is that to much to ask for? lol


I thought I heard someone shout "Lestat!" in the enhanced audio recording??


I was SO SURE Daniel said Lestat but after watching and rewatching that scene I think he's actually saying hey stop.


Aaaand here I go for my re-watch ;)


I can neither confirm nor deny how many times I rewatched this scene in the last 8 hours alone. I MIGHT have a devil's minion obsession and if these boys don't get some lovin by the end of the season I riot at midnight.


Yepp my first thought from the surveillance pics: Devil's Minion. Especially the cryptic stuff in the beginning of 2x04 when we just get 70s? Armand's face.


Standing by🐴🐎


He does say "hey stop." I had to put subtitles on because I also thought he said "Lestat"!


Left field, but perhaps Louis went all in on killing evil only and was picking up murderers. Cathartic two way interview for Louis to philosophise at them, then dinner. The body in the bag was murdered by Daniel. For whatever reason Daniel was too interesting and Armand had to mess with both their minds. Maybe!


I’m worried about present day Daniel. And 1970s Daniel.


Okay since you said book spoilers allowed, what I know is that Armand was OBSESSED with Daniel like to the point he locked him up. Soooo part of me wonders if we’re going to see the past of their romance? Like he’s not used to Daniel being cold to him because that wasn’t their dynamic before. So, idk I’m really hoping we see some of it


The body that’s wrapped up looks like young Daniel to me, I can’t find a good still; but since the story does change from the books a good amount, and those photos he has were from raglan James hacking his laptop; anyone think that body switching could come into play here?


I thought the body in the bag had a mustache