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I can't remember the last show I watched that caused such anticipation week to week. Can't wait!!


I know! It's been so painful waiting for each episode!


Thank you for posting this teaser! Holding on for dear life until next Sunday omg




That was Wandavision for me, that damn "please stand by" made me curse every week! I really want to see the remaining episodes now but then I'd also have to wait another year (hopefully not too much longer than that) for another season now, so it's for the better that they only air one episode per week.


The wait for The Vampire Lestat season is going to kill me. I can’t wait to see how they adapt it and change it up.


It was LOST.


Never got around to watching that but I remember the hype


Well, watching it without having to wait between episodes is the best way to do it.


I do need a new binge


Mine was Orphan Black. I'm so excited for this.


Really? Don't remember GoT?


I didn’t have HBO and read the books instead


Wise. Last couple of seasons they went way off source material and it ended so badly.


After a certain point I awaited new GoT with dread rather than excitement. I wish they'd just decided to end the series with a meteor striking Westeros rather than struggling on after they'd so clearly run out of interest in the story.




Haven’t seen it yet


I think this is the midseason teaser, since we’re already halfway before the season 2 finale. The one for episode 5 was shown after episode 4 aired, which is mainly about Armand and Daniel. They better announce the season 3 renewal asap! I don’t know if TV writers/critics were already given advance copies of the episodes 7 and 8? They only have 6 episodes screeners for review so far. And we still don’t have the episode title of the season 2 finale.


I think you're right. It appears there are scenes from what would be the immediate lead up to Claudia's fate (plus maybe real Lestat?). It seems like putting that and San Francisco together would be too much for one episode.


I hope they don't do like Game of thrones, everyone was so mad at that ending.


**LEAVE HIM BE ARMAND!!** Nightmare fuel.


Who was telling that to who?


Louis to Armand about young Daniel


So it really does seem like Armand got mad/jealous about Louis + young Daniel, and tried to do something to Daniel. Or removed his memories but was prevented from doing worse.


Probably, we'll have to see what really went down, unfortunately, but I do think that after decades of being frozen out, Armand kinda snapped like with the "Lestat, Lestat, Lestat, Lestat..." scene


I don't think it seems like that at all. It seems like Louis was out of control back then and was angry Armand was trying to clean up his mess.


Oh like Louis did something insane and then Armand was wiping Daniel's memory, and Louis didn't want him to? If it was clean up why wouldn't Louis want Armand to clean it up?


Yeah I think Louis has been spiraling for years due to Lestat and Claudia and that incident with Daniel was probably a rock bottom for him and that's when he asked Armand to mess with his memories so he can cope (and Armand perhaps took advantage of this opportunity. I think rock bottom Louis was probably telling Armand to leave Daniel alone because he didn't think it was worth the trouble to save him.


No, he sounded angry and very panicked. He wouldn't have said it with that much emotion if it was simply not caring.


Wait, so - are we gonna get Louis re-remembering his and Lestat's major fight from when Claudia's perspective was detailing it? Cause that's one of THE scenes that is speculated to be somewhat warped by Claudia's childlike pov


Yea! I don't know why they included the fight scene in these clips if they aren't going to reference it some how. They even have a scene of Lestat saying " You will regret this the rest of your life" and thats a new memory from the night they made Claudia.


I was rewatching the first season with the captions on, and the fight scene is interesting. At one point, where they are hidden from view, if I remember correctly, Lestat is begging Louis to stop, warning him that he’s having a hard time controlling himself. Not absolving Lestat by any means, but hinting that the fight was more complicated than it appears.


I'm curious about it because it actually sounded like they stopped fighting for a bit. Louis tells Claudia it's okay, it's over, then Lestat goes nuclear. So something happened that reignited the fight 🤔. I'd like to know wtf lol


I think that that's the point when they actually stopped: They fight downstairs, Claudia's always kind of out of view and only sees parts of what's going on, then they go upstairs, Louis' coffin gets damaged somehow and something makes them stop.


Yeah that's what interesting to me too. What could Louis have been doing? Hopefully packing a bag lol 


Looks like the reminder of the season! OMG OMG!! I'm so not ready, but at the same time, I cannot wait!


Shit. This looks good! Is it for just episode 5 or for the remainder of the season?


I don't know! But they gave us A LOT! We get to see a lot of things we've been waiting for!


This is for the rest of the season!


Who does the baldie screaming in the tunnels look like. Santiago? 


I paused it and am convinced it’s him


I wonder if he's the groan 


Omg! I hadn’t even considered this!


A change that I wouldn't hate, Ben Daniels is killing it.




He probably does, I'm just speculating 


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OHHHHH NOOOOOOO!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭 we’re going to see Santiago subject Claudia to public humiliation again!!!!! ![gif](giphy|OPU6wzx8JrHna)


I love Santiago and I hate Santiago! I think he wants to like Claudia and accept her but he knows they’re withholding information and the rules are the rules 🙄 he was fantastic in this episode


Oh my god, same. I feel like under different circumstances he could've been a great friend to Claudia. Also Ben Daniels is an electrifying performer. You kinda root for him even though him winning means big trouble.


I said that to my watch partner this episode. Ben Daniels is so magnetic. I don't think he's physically attractive in this role, like it's not a lusty thing, he's just so charismatic I want to watch everything he does


And he’s funny


He's a god. I love him so much in this role


Santiago is a bitter lil bitch about his maker getting killed by Armand. He mention it EVERY SINGLE EPISODE he’s been in. He’s the whole reason shit falls apart. If you hate the coven so much dude then leave lol I love to hate him. He was lovely in Foundation. He is delicious in Interview ![gif](giphy|sv8sMTiAdYdIODErx6|downsized)


Ugh the reunion of Lestat and Louis is going to kill us.


Do you think it was Lestat bringing the Dubai apartment down? Someone else said they think it's Louis after he finds out what Armand did. Either way, destroying a tower in the middle of one of the most populated places in the world is gonna be so bad for them 😭.


Honestly I think Armand will destroy it and since Louis can’t be in the sun, I’m hoping that will get a savior shot of Lestat coming to the rescue.


Ooooh, I hadn't even considered that! I think this is the scenario I want now lol


Now I’m thinking about that split second shot in one of the trailers of a Loustat hug where it looks like Louis has his “modern” hairstyle. It’s dark in the background and he looks kinda sweaty and the would-be bloody side of his face shown in this trailer is covered, so maybe it IS that??? 🧐🤔


I can't tell if this is just another Lestat flashback or Dreamstat or Lestat existing in 2022


I think Louis said goodbye to Dreamstat in this last ep so the Lestat we see moving forward is probably the real deal. The two versions of Lestat we see in the trailer could be from two different flashbacks I bet, the version of him wearing black and pinstripes looks like (awake!?) Lestat walking in the Theater des Vampires!? Claudia and Louis are on the stage behind him. Of course just as Louis is remembering how devoted Lestat was & in his favorite suit but decides to try to move on he’s gonna be B A C K!!


😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 Episode 5 then Episode 5 now 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 It's always the fifth 7 days is such a long time!!!!!!!


Is that Lestat in the Theatre de Vampires?? 👀😭 I’m not ready, PLEASE tell me he’s gonna try to save the day even if it’s too late 🥺


Memory truly is a monster. Can’t wait to see young Daniel and what truly happened in San Francisco! And Claudia’s yellow dress… The ceiling literally came down on Daniel! What do we think is happening there?


Something to do with the groaning! _Or_ Louis gets back some memories that make him realize some of the things Armand has done, and he then goes nuts and on a rage hulk smash


Armand says "Louis!" in a very concerned tone, but what about Daniel! Who's getting Daniel out?


![gif](giphy|J4TAcLUg3bgR3AZ7Zq|downsized) Me introducing the rest of the series into my life




Me before: awh yeah, Daniel's gonna get it. ;) Me now: awh no, Daniel's gonna get it. :(


Soo since Dream Lestat disappeared last ep I assume its the real one now? 


Holy shit holy shit holy shit


Oooo looks like Louis is burning the coven the next episode…. That’ll be fun. Ngl I’m really hoping we see some past Daniel and Armand shenanigans


Not next episode. This is like a mid-season trailer. I am sure next episode will have San Francisco. The other scenes are from the 6-8 episodes.


Yup, ep5 is San Francisco


I set a 3am alarm to watch it live this week. So worth it


so excited I watched it at half speed to catch the details lol


It's gonna be BRUTAL. Almost glad to have time to emotionally prepare


I watched season 2 episode 5 It was not as exciting as the others. Focus on San Francisco, we do learn armond was around. Was hoping they would show more about Santiago taking the diaries. But looks like malloy and Louis question why they both don't remember stuff around same time . Interesting 


Louis is starting to become a whiner and complainer...he never enjoys anything