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Let old man Daniel fuck I am begging you. Firstly, because I genuinely really do think we need to see more older adults fuck, not just the Sams and Jacobs and Assads of the world who are unearthly pretty and in their prime.  Secondly, because we rarely see such a thing, it'll make people mad and that'll be fun Thirdly, I think it'll be a fun plot point in general.


Fourthly - Armand is literally half a millennium old! Daniel is a tiny little baby compared to Armand! I absolutely want Eric-Daniel to be: - in the show forever - to become a vampire - to have sexy times with Armand for eternity !!!!! 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞


I just really want that old man to fuck. Honestly he had great chemistry with Louis too I'm down for whatever. They can have a threesome maybe. It'll piss people off and make them uncomfortable and I love that! What are they going to say? Sorry folks, this old man is FUCKABLE


I want it too!


YES 💯 More older gays please 🙏🙏🙏 He deserves it after being put through the wringer by these vamps tbh.


It really is the least they can do


Gay or Straight, bisexual, either way. As long as Lestat is Back in full Lestat form. I’m soooo tired of Armand.


I'd love more fear, in general. And we finally got it in ep 5 with Armand's flying chair-torture scene. Without that fear factor, the vampires kinda risk becoming like superheroes with their powers Edit: I hadn't seen that fear factor since Lestat punched a hole through the priest, I miss it🙃🥊


I strongly believe they should kill a human on screen every episode, to remind us that every one of them is a cannibal, no matter how uwu they are in their interactions with each other. Louis' body count would give Hannibal Lecter pause, and he's the only one who has displayed any handwringing about murder whatsoever. If there's an episode without murder, I am also okay with torture though 😌 Anything that drives the message home: you don't want any of these people in your house.


> I am also okay with torture though 😌 Oh yesss😅 💯 anything to remind ourselves we are easily lured by their humanness, and we need that terror, torture and gore to snap us out of it


Yeah, I am totally up for upping the horror & terror please!


We Love Lestat for that. He has more personality than Armand & Louis put together. We do see that Daniel is similar to Lestat, like, he & Lestat, are who they are. I would Love for Lestat to be the one who turns Daniel.


I want them to get to the Prince Lestat era and the court. It may take a decade, but I need to see it. I do want Louis to consistently be a major character all the way through.


More political bullshit!! I want to see Vampire the Masquerade on screen damn it! 😆


Pandora has complete agency. Unlike many of the other vampire-mortal relationships we see in the series, Pandora and Marius's love story is not one of domination or submission, but rather a meeting of equals, a partnership of two strong and independent souls. Even after her transformation into a vampire, Pandora refuses to be a mere acolyte or subordinate to Marius, insisting on forging her own path and making her own choices. This fierce autonomy and self-determination is perhaps the defining trait of Pandora's character, setting her apart from the likes of Louis, Gabrielle, and even Armand. While she may love Marius deeply, she refuses to be defined or constrained by that love, and her story is one of constant growth, evolution, and self-discovery.


Since they’ve pushed the timeline forward, we may have a more assertive Pandora, especially since we keep hearing about the woman who wants to buy the Bacon triptych for her husband. Seems like something she’d buy for Marius, doesn’t it?


I love Pandora. I always wished we saw more of her.


I don’t know if I agree with that given that when separated from Marius she creates Arjun who is basically her abusive, obsessively jealous keeper. I found it interesting that they renamed Armand to such a close name in the series - it may not have been purposeful but there are some parallels in the dynamic they’re developing that make me wonder


When Pandora left Marius for Arjun, it was not because Marius was weak or boring, but because she herself was grappling with deep-seated insecurities and a yearning for something new and different. Arjun represented a change, a challenge, a chance to break free from the comfortable patterns of her life with Marius and explore uncharted territories of the heart. But as so often happens in these tales of love and loss, the grass is not always greener on the other side. What began as a thrilling and passionate romance soon turned toxic and abusive, a nightmare of control and manipulation that left Pandora feeling trapped, diminished, and utterly alone. It was a harsh and painful lesson, but one that ultimately led her back to herself, to the strength and the wisdom that had always been her true north.


Obvious: more Louis, always. This is the only thing I want.


This is what's going to make me sad about the next season (if there is one) is a lack of Louis/Jacob Anderson.


Same, I’m hoping they’re going to adapt it as Lestat telling Louis his past, rather than as a formal interview/book/straight up prequel. That way they get to keep Louis + it’ll help them reconcile because a big issue in their relationship was how Lestat never shared anything about himself/vampire culture. So him opening up to Louis about his life story would be really sweet and show how dedicated he is for their relationship to go better this time around. Plus I’d just love to see more modern day Louis!!


Same I think I would still watch because Lestat is also my favorite,but I would be less invested in fandom and will watch the season only once it's over .


Gay/bi stuff not being reserved for male characters. I get that in some ways the original books are meant for a particular fantasy audience. But there's a genre thing wherein it's almost like bisexual awakening is part and parcel for dudes but for women it's not. Particularly that when it comes to a historical context, we're really often treated to how someone like Louis is stifled by being in the closet, but when we have period pieces for women they're about torrid love affairs with bi women and never really explore the horrors of being a lesbian woman when women literally don't have much in the way of rights. You can pay a woman for her time just to talk and never get married as a man like Louis. You can't as a woman. Which is frustrating also because a lot of people have a misconception that only being a gay man was risky because our lives were literally entirely unrecorded for much of history


>Gay/bi stuff not being reserved for male characters. Claudia/Madeleine is happening. I know it's not exactly what you're after here, but it's still here.


Il think they shouldn't adapt most of the VC's characters and let go some storylines.


Who would you let go of/any particular plots?


I'm still reading the first 3 books,it was more of a general commentary,there are too many characters and plots and I think it would be too complicated for the show and they would lose the viewer.


-Definitely more female vamps (inclusion of Gabrielle and Pandora would be amazing). Claudia has literally been the only female vamp of the main cast for two seasons. -Louis on his own for a while (romantically), figuring out his vamp life away from Lestat, Armand, and Claudia. Maybe take a road trip or two with his new buddy, Daniel. At this point, he's become Bella Swan and Elena Gilbert from Vampire Diaries- his whole existence tied to his love interests.


Thankfully the showrunners have said that Gabrielle will be a major character once we get into Lestat’s POV.


Curiously, one of the things I want seems what the newly-announced series, *The Talamasca*, would provide a bit of: a consistent perspective from *normal* people about the unusual world of vampires. Anne always depicted them as outsiders, reflecting upon humanity from their more or less sympathetic vampiric perspectives, but that still leaves the other end of the deal to show: how would those humans see vampires, if given a chance to get to know about them well—without being drawn into them? Sure, Daniel seems quite it, especially in this TV series, but he’s just *one* person, he’s not exactly “average” in his reactions and stances because he’s on a mission to get to know about them as much as he can—and already knew them, decades ago, so the surprise and horror is essentially lost. We constantly see him doing his best to shrug off everything he sees Louis and Armand doing, almost as if he himself had parted with human morality. And the rest are not only background characters (the real Rashid!) with hardly a thought of their own shown, but most of them kinda accepted vampires and were therefore also “drawn” to them. In a way, to use the broader vampiric trope, it’s almost as if we only ever get to see the perspective of vampire familiars. Though Talamascans aren’t exactly average people and it’ll focus too much on their investigations of the paranormal, the hope I have is that, by having the discipline and broader perspective of the Order, they will remain less influenceable than just about any other human who ever consistently interacted with vampires. We never quite got that with the books or the movies. In the QotD movie, Jessie is eventually (and almost predictably) brought into it, having developed too strong a fascination with vampires in general and Lestat in particular. In the books, roughly the same happens to David. I want characters that remain level-headed about it and, for one reason or another, decide that *“No, thank you, I don’t want to be a vampire, or on their side.”* Again, just for the heck of maintaining an “outsider” perspective to vampires, just like they keep theirs on us. I always thought there was a particular overarching plot Anne could have taken with *The Vampire Chronicles* that could provide for this… but I’m well aware she would’ve unlikely taken that route, if nothing else because it would be rather undoable and even more difficult to sweep under the rug, if the idea failed, than the whole Atlanteans business. Well, the series and AMC+ do have this kind of liberty, they already modified and expanded the original plot considerably—and successfully, one could argue. So, *The Talamasca* might be a step in the right direction with this, and I kinda wish someone had the balls to take it even further and go something like the *Daybreakers* route: let the other shoe drop and the secret be revealed to the world!


So interesting to me as I could kinda do without the Talamasca! However, seeing as there’s going to be a Talamasca series, they definitely will be involved (well, they already are!) so I’m curious to see their role in the show!


If they do, I’d definitely want to see a David Talbot-type, an Aaron Lightner, a Jessie, and even some of the “elders” that ended up threatening Lestat in one book. Now that’d be fun!


I don’t want Rockstar Lestat. I thought it was cringeworthy in the books and don’t think it would work in the series.


Haha, I think I want it as much as you don’t want it! It *is* cheesy in the books, and given how Anne talks about others perceiving rockstar Lestat, I don’t think it’s supposed to be! I see it as a combination of ‘80’s rockstar (a cheesy thing inherently!!!! Even the great musicians who were ‘80’s rockstars, there’s a cheesiness!!!) & that Anne wasn’t great at writing lyrics!! I ABSOLUTELY want rockstar Lestat! But I hope they ensure Lestat’s aesthetic principles are reflected in his music!!! I think having rockstar Lestat in modern day, not in the ‘80’s will help that myself…..


I get you lmao I could never imagine it done in a way that would be modern and not cringy (although full disclosure minus Akasha I hated the QotD movie but I listened to the soundtrack A LOT) but at this point I trust the makers of the show and Sam Reid, I think they would find a way somehow.


The soundtrack is great! It’d be a fabulous music video!!! Just not a fabulous adaptation of QOTD!


I can't wait to see how they are gonna adapt that to modern days because like you said today it's risky if they don't make it believable. I know they have a lot of book fans and older fans who where born when rock was popular but today. Maybe something like Maneskin? Or maybe rockstat was in the past and Louis forgot idk I'm not a writers so I can't really think of how


Hell, bring on Maneskin as Lestat’s backing band! I’m sure they’d be willing to write stuff for it!


I hope that when they get around to introducing Maharet and Jesse that they emphasize a romantic connection more. I know people might feel it's incestuous because Jesse is Maharet's descendant, but with over two thousand years between them, they're probably less related than any two random people.


It would be so nice, if they skipped the entire Memnoch stuff. It was just so weird. As for what I'd love to see: QotD finally done right and more so, Marius finally done right. (I think the lowest point was bald monk! Marius in the musical. Yikes.) But after 2x04 I don't see that anymore, except if Armand is as mentally messed up as Louis. I have high hopes for you being the ultimate douche, Santino, is all I'm saying.


I would love to see a different resolution to Akasha problem (if we ever get there). In books it was just so... Anticlimactic. So much buildup for getting rid off her in like a page max? Teenage me was pissed!


Now the MALE writers have to do it since the FEMALE author forgot to.


I’ve read the comments & they’re all great idea’s. I seriously NEED Lestat back. I Love Santiago…& Let’s let Claudia Live, & see where this could led. Most importantly LESTAT!!!!


I want to move away from Louis. So many people wanting more, and it blows my mind. I'm tired of his whining.