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Books: Not a fan of either Louis or Lestat in the first book, but after that, I have no least favorites. TV show: Antoinette Movie: Was unimpressed with Santiago (show Santiago is so good in comparison)


Book: Raglan James Movie: Louis (this is the only one where it’s about the performance rather than the character. I just don’t enjoy Brad’s Louis.) TV: Tom Anderson (but you love to hate him!) & Bruce


> Movie: Louis (this is the only one where it’s about the performance rather than the character. I just don’t enjoy Brad’s Louis.) Finally someone else who isn't into Brad's Louis. He gets so much praise and I feel like he is giving nothing in his performance.


To be fair, after reading the book, Brad was excited to play Louis...until he received the script. In the script, his character arc takes a back seat, and his performance had to be that of a man in clinical depression...which limited Brad's natural range of acting. People will say his misery of the darkness on set effected his performance, but Brad is a professional...he will do his best even if he wants out. The failure of his performance is because of the script and directions he was given.


Politely agree to disagree, I've seen many a movie where the character was in a depressive episode and I still felt like the character was doing *something* with their performance. (E.g. Kirsten Dunst in Melancholia) Personally my thoughts on Brad Pitt are that he can't do "straight" characters because he is a character actor with a leading actor's face and body. (Feel the same way about Angelina Jolie tbh.) For me he'll come off as boring AF in a movie like The Assassination of Jesse James (also a character who was depressed) and then will shine in a movie like Burn After Reading. I love Tom Cruise as Lestat, but I also know he can pull off those leading "straight" roles in addition to the character ones. Personally I would have swapped the two, Tom as Louis and Brad as Lestat. Disclaimer: by "straight" I mean someone who is supposed to represent how the average person, there's not a lot of quirk to their personality and they act mainly as the audiences POV. Not a heterosexual person (although they very frequently are).


The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford on the other hand is one of my favourite films ever! In fact, if FORCED to choose my singular favourite film, that would be it! So I’d disagree with you regarding Brad in straight roles… though he is especially good in comedy. I usually like Brad’s performances - for me it’s nothing against him as an actor generally. And he kind of works for Louis, because book Louis is kinda insufferable (in IWTV! Not after that!) & so is film-Louis! 😅


>The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford on the other hand is one of my favourite films ever! In fact, if FORCED to choose my singular favourite film, that would be it! So I’d disagree with you regarding Brad in straight roles… Yeah, I know it is an unpopular opinion. To be fair I think it is a great film, just that the actors in supporting roles are doing way more interesting work than what Brad gives.


The supporting cast are all fabulous in the film… and I’d agree - extraordinary! But the point is that Jesse James is far from the mythical legendary antihero figure Robert Ford imagined him to be - he’s just a plain & especially cruel criminal - the antithesis & death of the Romantic (in the artistic sense) notions of child Bob Ford. I definitely would say that Brad isn’t the most extraordinary actor in the film, but for me he gets Jesse’s menace, his despair & his ordinariness. (I say supporting cast, but really I’d say Robert Ford is the main character in the film, Jesse James the second character as is. But the rest of the supporting cast still are unanimously great.)


I agree (for the most part). Having just reread IWTV for the first time in a while, I was struck by how different Louis and Lestat are than in later books. In my head, I had kind of turned on Tom's Lestat, but he really was perfect for the way Lestat was portrayed in that specific book. He was cruel and petulant and very much painted as a villain by Louis... and Louis was kind of just... depressed. I rewatched the movie right after, and while I had always championed Brad's portrayal, I did find him a little flat this time. Honestly, it kind of left me questioning my opinion of Louis in general, lol. So much of my mental image of Lestat and Louis is colored by the other books in the series. I don't know, I'm wandering from the topic, a little, lol. I guess my point is that for me, Brad is... fine... and Louis wasn't as vibrant as I remember. (Anne's prose is where the magic really lies, in my opinion).


Brad Pitt is giving Louis on Ambien. I needed some more passion.


>Book: Raglan James Why? He seemed a pretty decent antagonist to me. What did you have against him?


He’s properly evil & covetous & rather than a complex character with any thing to feel compassion for at the core, he’s just like a slimy abyss. I don’t like it. I don’t enjoy his nature, I don’t enjoy the idea of him in Lestat’s body and I don’t enjoy Lestat in “his” (because not actually his!) body. But I should get used to it as in the tv series they’re clearly doing body thief in some way! Hopefully the predominant part will be the best aspect: Mojo! The most interesting thing Raglan does is how at the end of the book he is actually the only being who allows Lestat to be truly sad & broken, whereas all of the other vampires are always like “You’re Lestat! You’ll be fine!” which I do find psychologically interesting, though it’s never delved into & obviously Raglan does it trying to incite Lestat to make him immortal by telling him what he wants to hear, soooo…..


Book: I can't stand Jessie. She's so blah Movie: Santiago. I usually love Stephen Rea but I cant get on board with his portrayal Series: I legitimately love, or love to hate everyone. Antoinette's my least favourite, but I still like her


Dora and Sybelle. Anne either created amazing female characters or the same flat dull character over and over again. They were so boring it was hard to understand why Lestat and Armand were so obsessed with them. One of the things I'm looking forward to with the series is the writers correcting the flaws in her writing after Anne decided she was too good to have her work edited.


Book: I really need to re-read the series, it's been years! I honestly don't remember much, but if I had to choose, it would be David. I hate how he upstaged Louis in the narrative for a few books. Movie: Armand. Antonio Banderas is a good actor usually, but was horribly miscast and I couldn't take him seriously. Show: Antoinette. I feel bad for the actress, because everyone seems to hate her, but honestly, everything about her seemed grating and I couldn't for the life of me understand why Lestat stayed with her for so long. It didn't make any sense for him to choose *her* over Louis!


Really David? I honestly loved him quite a bit. Such an interesting character. He was a nice character to mix it all up a bit. And it made Louis return to the limelight so much sweeter. I rather disliked all those Mayfair witches that suddenly appeared everywhere and of course Sybelle/Benji. I just can't get into them and the piano playing. Just irgh. No. Least favourite scenes in the entirety of the old verse.


Book: Marius. Ugh.  Movie: Santiago. Terrible character, badly written, badly acted. (Sorry to the actor I'm sure it's the director's fault mostly)  Tv show: noone really. I could use less of the theater vamps but I don't dislike them. 


Marius is one of my favourite characters from the book series. Seems to be an unpopular opinion though.


mine too! love him


Yeah I love Marius, he's the kinda guy I feel like I could talk to for hours in front of a roaring fire, while nursing a glass of blood like a fine brandy.


Absolutely this. Marius would make the years fly by, he's just an interesting character


Book and Show: Armand and Daniel. Two different reasons. For Armand, I like his undercurrent of positivity underneath it all. Nature seens to have hated him from the start and he just keeps going. He's such a mess but he's both endearing and formidable. It's really hard to hate him as his feelings are respectable. Yes the thing he does with Claudia and the kid servants is insane but again insanity is all he's known so he does deserve grace. When I read "The Vampire Armand" I "got" him as he telling us about himself, and his experiences complete the missing details that other character felt off him but couldn't quite explain. Once you read his pain he makes sense. One thing that bothered me about the Devil's Minion chapter in TQOTD was that I feel it should've come AFTER he tells us some of his backstory as his actions in DM now make more sense when you understand his background. He's distinctly happy and almost at peace in that little bit of a chapter which is why so many people love it. You see Armand be a happy, healthy, thriving person doing relatable things like being fascinated over kitchen gadgets and harassing his man whenever the guy wears a killer suit. Show: Daniel because he's so normal and positive despite his seeming gruffness. The show fleshed him out more where in the books it felt like Anne Rice hadn't an idea how to give him any purpose. Show: Louis. They went above and beyond. Show over Book: Lestat.


I would have said Armand, but...Assad did such a great job in last episode. So Book Armand and...nobody in the show, I think. In the Movie I don't like anybody, especially, ya know. Tom Cruise.


I hated the movie. I hate Tom Cruise and think he terribly miscast. I loved Brad Pitt but he was wrong for Louis. I think Antonio Banderas would have made an amazing Louis. I’m not sure *who* could have done a great job with Lestat in that era. Maybe Julian Sands—but he was not very well known. Sam Reid absolutely knocks it out of the park in the TV show.


I also have never heard about an actor ready to pay to get out of a movie, like Pitt and Interview with the Vampire. Honestly, love to see the Tom Cruise hate, especially because only Vampire Lestat copy in Russian I could find was with his face on it.


Oh, yes! Up until 2x05 Louis' description of Armand as the "beige-est pillow" was so fitting. But then Assad went full out, my suspicions were confirmed and I'm friggin in love with his Armand. (And Luke's Danny. Holy cow!) Talking about stealing the limelight.


Favs in the Books would be Armand and Marius, for the Movie its Armand too (Banderas was visually a big misscast but he serves his role heh) and Lestat and in the Show its...again Armand and Lestat lol. The Chars I dislike the most in the book are Santino (ty Thorne xoxo) and probably Louis. For the Movie its...Louis again (more because of Pitts awful acting) and in the Show so far its Santiago because of what he will probably take part in soon lol. 


Books: Amel. Fuck that guy. Show: Florence. She triggers my mommy issues something fierce😭 Movie: Nobody in particular comes to mind. 


In books and show it's Armand for me, the way he uses empathy as a weapon creeps me out. In the movie it's Armand too but becauae the way he has a kid with him creeped me out worse.


This was gonna be my answer, you beat me to it babes! Couldn’t agree more lol


Agreed. I love Antonio Banderas, but no version of mind-control is gonna work for me.


Book: Lestat - I only read the first book and didn't like him. Not terribly interested in the obsessive interest in him in the rest of the books. Movie: Santiago? Antonio Banderas is great but the character didn't leave much of an impression. Show: Claudia - loved my little chaos demon in s1. Absolutely hate what she's devolved into in s2 and just want her story to be over already.


>Movie: Santiago? Antonio Banderas is great but the character didn't leave much of an impression. That was supposed to be Armand 😭


Oooh that's right. Lol well that tells you exactly the impression he left on me


Lmao I get it! Antonio would have played a great Santiago, and that's coming from someone who LOVED Stephen Rea in that part!


Interview with the Vampire is purposely anti-Lestat because it’s from a heartbroken Louis perspective. Actual Lestat is so fun lol


Antonio Banderas played the role of Armand. Stephen Rea was Santiago.


I feel like Book One doesn’t do Lestat that much justice because it’s told through Louis perspective and even he doesn’t have the full picture on Lestat and his background. I wasn’t a huge fan of him either but than I read the second book and became completely hooked on him.


Book: Armand. Movie: I actually didn’t have a problem with movie Santiago until I saw how good the TV version was, but now it’s Santiago. TV: I’m sorry Claudia. Maybe it’s because she’s obviously of age, maybe it’s the bad accents, maybe it’s the shifting actresses. I like her still, but she didn’t hook me like she did in the book and movie.


Book: David Talbot because I did not understand the appeal, especially when Louis is RIGHT THERE. I loved the L&L scenes in Body Thief. Movie: Honestly, I liked everyone. Even NyQuil Louis did his job. TV Show: Early S2 Armand. Louis was on point with the beige pillow comment - he was giving passionless Tradwife. But it's when we start to see behind that veneer that I fully enjoy him. I can't wait to see what he does once his codependent dance with Louis ends.


Nyqui Louis LMAO


Book: the real Amel (I forget if he had a different name in The Realms of Atlantis). It's not his fault...I just don't like that Amel was perfectly explainable as a demon, but Anne decided to give him a whole Alien robot background that I felt ruined the vibe of the chronicles. Movie: now I'm going to say the characters name, but I want you to understand this doesn't mean I hate him, I just feel that the character in this particular adaptation is weak: Louis. I love the acting, I love the vibes, but even Brad Pitt admitted he loved the book Louis more. Movie Louis had no character arc, he wasn't "a man on the search for who he is", instead he took a back seat as just a character along for the ride, with either Lestat or Claudia at the wheel. Again, I don't hate Louis, I just felt his character took a back seat. Series: Claudia. I dont hate her, and both Delainy and Bailey did a stellar performance. But this Claudia is very crass and uses foul language...stuff like "two black cocks slapping together!" (S2E4 - I think). Its not how Claudia would really talk...its too vulgar. Anne's Vampires are anything but vulgar.


You don't like David Talbot? Meanwhile my friend and I cried because he's not in the tv shows. **Book:** hot take... even if in the first book is great, I dislike Louis in all the other books. Feels like Rice didn't know what to do with him and turned into a unidimentional sad emo kid. **Movie:** Santiago, but probably I should say Armand, because the change feels more like a betrail. **Series:** I didn't like the old Claudia, sorry. I like the new one much more even if she fails the accent from time to time.


She didn't want to write him any more, he was an embodiment of her grief and depression and anger over losing her daughter.


Me too


Book - Claudia. I don’t know why but her storyline was just not super interesting for me. I also wasn’t a fan of David Talbot and didn’t understand Lestats enthrallment with him, but maybe the show will revamp his character? Movie - Louis. I love him as a character and I love Brad Pitt as an actor but he was so lifeless in this role. I get it, Louis is a character constantly looking for humanity in the life of a vampire but my gosh was he irritating. Show - I haven’t really found a character that’s my least favorite at this point. I really think all of the actors and actresses are doing a fantastic job and I have really enjoyed the changes they’ve made where they’ve made them, while also keeping some of the core values of the characters.


book - idk movie - santiago show - claudia in s2


Book: Armand. Movie: Santiago Show: also Armand I love Lestat far too much to be tolerant of Armands bull.


I'm not enjoying Claudia, she is a pushy negative instigator. She usually makes bad choices 


I think it has to do with aging her up and how teens think they know everything. Though at the same time she has matured she still has he childish teen moments which is in line with the books as far as I can remember.


Yes your right, it's just me. I wish she just enjoyed Lestat, he was a fun vampire and he did try to teach her things. 


Sorry I would be highly downvoted Book: I'm still into it so it's either Claudia or Armand ( but by seeing how people talk about Marius David I can see myself hating them we will see) Movie:Claudia/Santiago he was so annoying when we first met him. Show: Claudia I know we have worst characters but they are too minors for me to care about them I strangely don't hate show Santiago yet. Edit: I love Claudia more in season 2 but I really don't see a character that can take her place as a character I don't really like.


Books - Armand cuz he's a petty shitty little goblin. Film - Louis cuz Brad just wasn't into it. Show - Armand cuz he's a petty shitty little goblin (Assad's performance is beyond beautiful tho cuz he really embodies the character)


Book- did not like Nicholas, thought he was weak Tv show- did not like Louis, just don’t think he is a sophisticated as he portrays himself to be


Book: Crossovers too? Then Rowan. Only main series? Dora. Only main-ish characters? IwtV-Louis (he's okay after IwtV) Movie: Louis (partially because of Brad Pitt), Armand (imo Antonio Banderas was miscast) Show: Bricktop Williams (don't like characters like her who're only loud for the sake of being loud)