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When they were mocking each others worst traumas I was like... yes, this is so harsh, but still so damn *bratty*, lol! These two immortals just went down to the level of five year olds.


I actually laughed a bit there when I first watched the episode. They’re supposed to be so old, especially Armand, yet they’re both so petty and bratty, their teenage sides came out. All their other flashbacks romanticizes them so much that it was interesting to watch them with a different lens. It felt like we were really seeing them for the first time.


Armand's "oh it's so hard to be meeee" is hilarious!


"Everyone I know *wrongs* me!" I died


The two mocking each other's accents was peak comedy. I was cracking up during that scene.


Haha absolute brat dollz!


Loved them arguing about the pictures in the previous episode as well but, this episode was just fantastic.  Loved Armand coming back at he end, cheerful, in those awful sunglass. Hope we get so much of them bitching in th next one


Million Dollar Baby Armand. I swear no other song fits that moment as he's strutting all engorged like a fat mosquito. ![gif](giphy|5n5uYDcjJWCm9YT8kG)


"..dear that's a Stein" said Armand with his ankle showing 


God I am living for this messy gay vampire drama


Everything about this episode was so goddamn good, but oh man, their argument. Their messy gay histrionic argument was just... perfect. I don't want to go back to Paris this Sunday. This episode proved that the present and the 1970s is a million times more interesting than the bullshit with the coven and Claudia's screaming tantrums.


This is my favorite “Loumand” scene. For the first time it feels as if we are seeing the real them and not the act they have been putting on.


They seemed so much more real in the 79s. It’s weird how calm and polished they are now