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The unnamed malaise we feel on Sunday afternoons.


Me all day today. Ugh


Same. Also, consider this: if it feels this bad now, just think what it'll be like when the season ends and we'll be left waiting for the third one. (Cries in the corner.)




Oh my gosh, the waiting. It seems like it takes them so long to get another season out. I’ll be a hot mess. ![gif](giphy|3o6wrvdHFbwBrUFenu)


i’m laying in bed supposed to be sleeping thinking about the next episode lol. i am mostly scared of what will happen. especially because i have a feeling the loustat reunion won’t be as romantic as ive been hoping (the note earlier in this season had me in tears. i need more of that please)


I’m just so excited for Lestat and Santiago to be on screen together. It’s going to be so good.


I can't wait to see those two blond, bitchy queens chewing up every bit of scenery around them.


they are one in the same🤣


I love them. Yes, it’s beyond time. We need to see it go down. with our two Blonde, unapologetic bitches


It’s Wednesday today. 1/2 a week & still torture.


going insane just thinking about those two little blonde bitches.


SAME. This episode was awesome. I love love love Madeleine. Ughhh


Loved her since the first scene she appeared in and devastated that she won’t be there anymore. The new Claudia too. I wish they could reshoot season 1 with her bc she’s a much better claudia imo and we have reached the end with her


Wholeheartedly agree with both statements


I think of making this very same post each week. When the season ends I’ll be adrift… suffocated by the beige pillow of time waiting for more. Will I get my fixes? The pain will be a siren… Ok so I may have watched episode 5 a few too many times for my own good.




Stayed awake late to watch episode and upset that I’ll be waiting a full week…


Been fighting the urge to look up what happens in the Book 😭 lol


Hahahahaha oh the suffering you endure now is nothing compared to what comes


Don't do it. I accidentally found a post shortly after S1 talking about what Armand was eventually going to do to ... someone ... and just, no thanks. I'm so, so, so not looking forward to this


Don't... Trust me


Well, you know, I read all the books so long ago however, they’re not saying complete on script with the books. BTW, 1 Anne Rice books I didn’t care for, Violin.


Oops Staying on script with the books.


I mean sure, but just imagine two weeks from now when the season ends. The withdrawal will be real. 


*internal screaming*


I also can’t wait and the waiting is killing me. I remember the last time I felt this way was with Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul.


It's rare I watch currently-airing shows and both this and Doctor Who ended on a cliffhanger this week, dammit!


Same. Have been trying to emotionally distance since S02E03 so that it won’t hurt so much when it ends but it’s going to be a long week and then when it’s done… a black hole. Hopefully no strikes so not as long for S03. After S01, I tried to fill the void with Mayfair but it was so awful, just reminded me of what I was missing. (Still watched tho). Pretty sure everyone is staying up late next Saturday to watch as soon as it drops.


Mayfair sucks so bad. Salute to you for making it through lol


It really does. How could AMC go from IWTV to that???


My wife and I both decided after the first episode that it wasn’t even worth our time lol. We were perplexed 😂


my husband is obsessed with it and I don't get it. he loves him some trashy supernatural TV though. We have a good friend in it, who does a fantastic job along with most of the actors in the show so that's why we even watched it in the first place, but the writing and production are just a mess. It was just not a good adaptation at all.


I agree. I don’t think it would matter if Meryl Streep was in that show. It was gonna be bad regardless of who was in it. 😂


One of the comments somewhere on here said it was for people who liked “Charmed” 🥴


When I say I literally screamed YES when I saw Lestat !!!!!!!!


My wife started tearing up she was so excited 😂


I was confused like is Lestat really alive or is this something Louis is seeing in his subconscious mind?


Up to episode 6, it was in his head. In episode 6 other people see him too, so he is there.


Oh snap! So they never really killed him?


I fear I may not survive next weeks episode


The people that haven’t discovered this show yet are so lucky… when they finally do they can binge it like civilized folks do nowadays lol


I get it. We are young Daniel Malloy...we want to know "And then what..." I like the episode per week format rather than binge watching. Do I want to know NOW what happens? Sure I do. But the one episode per week format is part of what makes this Show so damned good and so much fun...the anticipation...the wondering....we get a week to discuss and analyse it to pieces. Enjoy that. It is getting more and more rare in today's Show viewing formats.


Oh I definitely enjoy it! Hahah it’s a very conflicting feeling but I do think the one episode a week format is superior to binging.


>but I do think the one episode a week format is superior to binging. Me too! It's hard sometimes, but I always enjoy a show more in the one-episode a week format - the impact is greater and the Show "stays with me" longer. :)


Yeah we watched the most recent episode on Sunday, and then on Monday my spouse was like "since its Monday does that mean the new episode is out?" Had to break it to her that we just watched the new episode. She exploded into a rage, flew me up hundreds of meters above the city, and dropped me. Still healing.


Same! I haven't read the books so the way this last episode ended I literally screamed out loud!!!!


Bro! I feel ya. I have never wanted an episode to leak more in my life. I need to see this ASAP!


It’s very sick and twisted they made us wait this long for Lestat and then they do it that way. Genuinely felt angry


I originally waited until Sunday evening to watch episodes. Then afternoon. Then first thing in the morning after my coffee. I might stay up until 3:00 a.m. and watch Saturday night for the last two episodes.






It drives me a little insane when the people in Oz can watch it on our Saturdays.


I know, why can't they just release everything at once and we can binge watch till our hearts content and then watch again 💞


I feel the same but at the same time I don’t. I feel as it it wouldn’t be as exciting. It adds more thinking time. Rewatching the episodes while waiting for the next weeks episode. Discovering something new with each rewatch


Lol I know I did like episode 6 but it was more of a slow burn that I thought it was gonna be. I thought a bit more things would happen but obviously they waited until the last 5 mins.


I consoled myself by watching season 1 again, as I can't get Season yet in the UK. I'm very very sad about it and not reading anything on it because I don't want to spoil it for myself. Waiting for BBC iplayer to hurry up and put on season 2. I'm guessing we will get it when the season concludes on AMC and BBC can buy viewing rights. So so so need to see it!!!


Who do you all think is the Real Rashid?