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Show Louis knew Lestat was \*some sort\* of \*something\* before he was turned, but I don't think he had the word vampire yet. He just knew he was some kind of feind with some kind of tricks. Ngl it's kind of a New Orleans vibe to just go with it like he did before the official reveal in the church. 😅


Most of it I can chalk up to it being a mystical New Orleans vibe but once he’s chomping at your neck that seems like a line!


I'm thinking he was a little too blissed out to realize exactly what was happening during the little drink... hence the surprise when Lestat revealed the cloud gift later on.


Same. New Orleans culture has voodoo and Louis’s family was talking about the Mayfair witches in the first episode so there’s already an ambient sense of the supernatural


In the books, Lestat is known for handing out the Dark Gift left and right and having an extraordinary number of fledglings as a result.


Gabrielle, Nicholas, Louis, Claudia, David… am I missing someone? … Mona and the other blackwood farm guy and the musician who shows up late late ok yeah i guess that’s a few


...and the ones he made after Louis and Claudia, when he was a recluse in New Oreans before going underground.




That totally makes sense


I can't imagine Louis wouldn't know what a vampire is, I mean, there was a huge vampire craze in America in 1892, which Louis would have been about 15 when that happened, and shortly after Bram Stoker's Dracula would hit the shelves in 1897 when he was 20. I don't think there is any possible way that bibliophile Louis could have missed reading it, so I imagine the whole reading peoples minds, hypnotism, extreme speed, and killings probably clued him into Lestat being something vampire adjacent.


Louis knew Lestat was some kind of demon/devil but I do wonder if he really understood what Lestat was offering him with the dark gift. In my read, shattered Louis is half-crazed in the wake of his brother’s suicide, mother’s rejection and crippling shame when Lestat launches into his spiel but he’s ensnared when told exactly what he wants to hear — that he’s a loyal son, good businessman, etc. and loved, ofc. A lot of the other stuff about dark powers and their implications barely registers and he’s locked in on the notion that he can escape his current hell and have Lestat and — ironically — reap the full gamut of human experience he’s been denied over and over again.


I agree, which would make all the consequences the next day? night? quite a shock. Lestat basically vampire love bombs him


Louise was his third. He turned his mother and his lover first. His lover hated him for it even though he begged him....but he was so lonely he still turned Louise anyway.


I think it depends on the in universe level of mythos vampires have both in folklore and literature. Given vampires are real in this universe and bodies are regularly found drained of blood in various parts of the world, you can assume the folklore tales of vampires are more prevalent than our real world. While the term vampire may vary they seem to be aware (implied by the scenes in eastern Europe) that vampires exist. Regardless of whether Bram Stoker published Dracula in this universe I'd say there's a high chance Louis knew.