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I noticed this too. To me, this personality change was closely tied to saying goodbye to Dream-stat. I think Louis decided in order to move on he had to lock up that part of himself. When he puts away Lestat (emotionally) he becomes who he was before he met him — a ruthless businessman who’s keeping his true self closely guarded.


This is the harder edged, business minded, by any means necessary Louis of New Orleans who pulled a blade on his brother to protect his reputation. This has always been in him.


My thoughts exactly!


Yes, I think people are forgetting that Louis has always had, for a lack of a better term, "Daddy" energy 🙄. Armand is enthralled by it and reverts to a "sub" whenever Louis becomes his more commanding self. It's actually kind of cute in a way, considering how Armand could snap him like a twig with ease.  It was also just fucking hot for Louis to command Armand to lie face down in the coffin and read to him while Louis fucks him 🫡🥰


I felt like it was a regression, actually, in Louis's personality. He went back to his old habits as a pimp/businessman in New Orleans. He is in surviving mode, ready for war. We forget, but he threatened his brother with a knife in EP 1, those instincts are still there. Also, I don't think Louis likes that aspect of his personality and the fact (if we believe Armand's version) Louis prefers to see himself as the good guy and if that is true, him asking Armand to take his memories makes more sense. Take away his pain, take away his anger and take away his insecurities and he thinks that is the best version of the man he could be. (but is it him? No.) I don't know..did I make any sense?


That makes a lot of sense to me! I’m also wondering about what triggered the regression - another commenter mentioned it might be saying goodbye to dream Lestat. I was also thinking it might be him trying on the persona of artist/photographer and feeling like that failed.


It’s how he maintains a grip on his life. When he escaped Lestat, he thought things would be good. And then things… weren’t. Now he’s losing Claudia and being with Armand hasn’t fixed anything. He’s gripping the power Armand is “giving” him to convince himself he’s in control even as things slip back to as awful things were before. The show is full of power struggles and positioning yourself the best you can within those struggles—sometimes, it’s giving up the power and fawning (or at least pretending to) and sometimes it’s grabbing the power and flaunting it (or at least pretending to). Right now, Armand implied he wants Louis to grab it. When it’s convenient for him.


Since he came to Paris, Louis tried to define himself again, outside of his relationships with others. He tried doing this through photographic art, but his capabilities fell short of his own expectations. Hence, he came back to what he already knew he was good at - business. Being a boss. He returned to his roots as the Pimp Louis, while (subconsciously?) channeling Lestat. But your interpretation is pretty awesome too.


Louis seemed really, truly hurt in this episode. In the past he was kind of okay with living within Armand's bounds, but I think this was a very fundamental betrayal. He does seem to be accepting Armand's story, which Daniel is not. Louis may not be as strong a vampire as Armand, but he's not a weak guy. Pimp Louis turned businessman Louis is still right there. Also, right off of that, they are talking about a horrible moment. At the end Armand, who has no shame, couldn't even look at Daniel. You can see Armand lose his composure a little bit as they get towards that part of the story. Yelling "stop it" is also not the action of a smooth operator or Mr. Cryptobro's sunglasses from a little while ago. Daniel just looked very serious as well. I would never get past a betrayal like what Armand did in Paris and just I don't think anything can make up for it. This is the crack in the foundation of any relationship between Armand and Louis.


All good points, I definitely agree… I forgot to mention I was thinking of the scenes in Paris, like in those scenes he seemed all of a sudden to have this colder more ruthless attitude and it kind of caught me off guard…


I have a suspicion that it has something to do with Louis recovering memories - like, he’s more able to remember himself accurately, or maybe just that he and Armand are at odds right now so Armand’s descriptions of him are less favorable. Hard to tell which since this episode’s story is being told by both of them.


fwiw, raglan told daniel he should be "afraid of the other one" not directly name dropping louis but name dropping armand? and i don't think raglan meant louis two episodes to go, i wonder what answers we will get


I second this tbh. It could be referring to Louis' rage, but i believe it's everyone's favorite someone.






Yeah, I think it was a misdirection. But he could be referring to Louis going apeshit in Paris when he burned down the theatre.


Yes I wanted to post abt it cause he is so cocky and has so much swag in this episode it was jarring. I didn’t post cause I figured it was Armand having worked his juju on him and making him think he’s the dominant one in the relationship. Armand has a great way of doing this to get what he wants. I don’t have the profound words and explanations like some of these other posts but yeah Louis was feeling himself and the whole time it’s Armand’s plan.


I think losing Claudia is really pushing him into a depression the way it did the first time. She's his family and has been his own friend for so long. Who is he if he's not Daddy Lou keeping her safe ans trying to make her happy?