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Unless Real Rashid is a super Talamasca employee and has the ability to close his mind.


That has to be it because I can't see any other explanation for his continued aliveness.


I'm really hoping Real Rashid survives and appears in the upcoming Talamasca series. He's mysterious, charming and I want more of him.


Fingers crossed for Real Rashid!!! I’m rooting for you buddy!!


Wouldn't that still be suspicious? "I can read every other human mind, except Rashid. Weird. Anyways, back to the interview.."


It wouldn't be just closing your mind. It would be closing your mind, but also projecting some surface shallow thoughts that Armand could look at and dismiss.




Lololol , I love that Rashid can never be ordinary. Is there going to be a real real Rashid that just serves instead of serves 💅🏼


RR's had a red shirt on since he appeared.


I’d die


Welp, let's say our goodbyes now.


My sister thinks "Real Rashid" is gonna be the star of the new Talamasca series. I agree with you. I'm pretty certain all will be revealed and he'll die bloody. If not next week, if he makes an appearance at all, then *definitely* in the finale. I can't remember the movie, but the one where someone's still beating heart gets ripped out of their chest, yeah that.


That would be interesting, but I don't think Real Rashid has the power to hold an entire series together. In my unlearned opinion, he just doesn't have the charisma you find in Louie, Armand, Lestat, or even season 1 Claudia, played by the sorely missed BB.


People didn't think Armand\Rashid had the power to be Armand but look where we are now. Actors can be surprising and he's so handsome


That is entirely possible and would surprise me.


he barely has any lines...


and yet he has gotten a lot of focus and attention this season for a background character with limited lines.


yeah, i dont get this person. He barely has any lines or screen time to showcase his talent. but he's still getting attention. i remembered watching Belle and barley remembering Sam Reids face or that he was in that movie. With the right material, he's proving hes an amazing actor.


That dude is vampire chow unless there is a triple cross going on


Yup. He'll die in the season finale, but he brought it on himself. Who the fuck betrays two telepathic vampires, eh? An idiot, or someone really looking forward to an easeful death. And he'll get it, unless Armand and Louis are actually spinning some kind of plan here, and he's *their* double agent.


Might not be so easeful...


I’m confused as to why Armand hasn’t read Rashid’s mind and found this out. I get why Armand may not want to go poking in Daniel’s mind, but why not Rashid? He even asked Rashid if he left Daniel alone after sushi, bc he was suspicious. Why not just check for yourself?


He got pretty specific in his questions - it really sounded like Armand was fully aware with what was going on.


Ooo I like this interpretation. Armand’s always spinning a web, and I like the idea that this is part of it.


I agree. And he asks Rashid right after Daniel questions why he didn’t read the Coven minds about the coup. I think it’s a subtle way of showing that he absolutely had read their minds before the coup. Kind of similar to S02E03 when he answers both Daniel’s questions at once.


Rashid's his servant, he knows that they're vampires, he knows when they eat and he knows where they sleep. There has to be a certain level of trust and I'm sure that Armand is also at least a little bit arrogant and thinks that a human would never betray him.


I think real rashid is low key becoming my new sassy character — he’s not playing with no one


Like maybe he is also a vampire….


I was wondering if he was Talamasca...... How can he keep his mind locked from both vampires?


Most Talamasca members are psychics of some kind


I think Louis/Armand know about the Talamasca, and Real Rashid knows as a result of that. Armand definitely knows about the meeting, but is asking and pretending to not read their minds to further manipulate Daniel/regain control.


If Malloy dies I am quitting the series.


I just want to know what he was doing during Season 1. I need closure.


Another theory is that the real Rashid is lestat. What do you think?


I think Ragland James is. The accent being put on by Justin Kirk has peculiarities. Not American not British but sounds like Lestat's accent almost.


So lestat is James and Rashid is with talamasca?


How would that be possible?


My understanding is that in one of the books Lestat switches bodies with a human. Ragland James is the human (apparently he has the ability to switch bodies) Seems silly and I hope they don't go this route but it's apparently one of the book plots.


Real Rashid is human too


Saw someone on Twitter suggest that body-hopping is responsible for Rashid going to the bathroom at the most convenient time + his misreporting/misremembering of his time with Daniel. No idea if that's what the show will be going, but it seemed an interesting theory.


Body-hopping? Nuh uh...you made that up, right? Trying to fool someone who hasn't read the books like how I did with noobs and Gane of Thrones? Well, this is one person you ain't gonna fool. I'm on to you, scammer!


Can lestat body hop?


Not Lestat, but that Raglan guy can in the book canon. I've yet to read past the first book though so iDK the particulars of how his body hopping/swapping works, never mind how the show canon might choose to implement it.


Rashid is Marius. That's why Armand can't read his mind. He changed bodies.


What? Changed bodies? Like the other contributer, ya'll are trying to trick me, and I ain't gonna fall for it!


Maybe I missed something in the ep but where was confirmed? I know we saw Rashid lie for Daniel saying he didn't meet anyone at the restaurant - but was there something else?


People are inferring from the way he didn’t seem surprised or concerned when he saw Raglan speaking to Daniel, nor was he phased when Raglan spoke to him and called him by name. That + the lying to Armand.


The fact RR knows Ragland is all that needs saying. A servant of a pair of very powerful vampires, one of which is batshit insane, knowing an agent/handler of a super secret organization tasked with (I assuming) the surveillance and tracking of supernatural beings is not coincidence. And neither Arun or Louie would see the humor in it.


Daniel literally calls him agent Rashid