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Without a doubt.


I think I would make a better vampire than any of these idiots


Does it matter who


Nah I’m not picky. Santiago has some cool powers so he’d be in my top three.


Only if drugs still worked. 😭 You’d get so bored. Edit: I’d want Lestat to turn me. Because. Reasons. 🥰


It seemed to be working for Louis


In the show they do


They work on a vampire if you take blood laced with drugs. So a living mortal has to take the drugs first then you drink said humans blood.


And Louis seemed to have that all figured out in the 70s between just having a case full of drugs and taking strangers home every night. It seems like it's only *marginally* harder to be a vampire junkie than a mortal junkie.


Yes, I don't see why not. It just gives you more options, you don't HAVE to live forever. I don't understand people saying they don't want it because they don't want to be immortal. You're not immortal. Vampires can definitely die. I already hate the sunlight. I would love to be able to have no physical fear of humans, who are often scary and ill intentioned, and far out number vampires. Sleeping in a coffin sounds very cozy. It would be easier to accumulate wealth as a vampire than as a regular ass human. I wouldn't care who it was from, I would take it and never talk to them again. I'm not trying to build a vampire family. I'm trying to live alone in a castle with my 9 cats like Enya. It would probably be weird to get used to drinking blood, but it seems like vampires take to it pretty fast. There are lots of terrible people in the world, a vampire could live 5 centuries and never kill a truly innocent person, if they wanted. Dexterize my dinner selection. What is the downside?


Just to nuance this, after reaching a certain amount of power, it becomes more and more difficult for a vampire to die ... so you'll have to find other vampire willing to help you suicide I guess and it make the deed much more complex


Couldn't you guillotine yourself? Break into a museum in France and cut your head off the same way they did to do isn't in the French Revolution. Plus the lady who burned herself in the fire on the first episode didn't seem young. Just old and tired and ready to go. She was weak, but if a vampire is that hopeless and ready to go, it makes sense for them to be weak. If you have power over fire like Louis and Armand you could burn yourself to a crisp in a crematorium oven by starting the fire.


I am with you on all of these points! Except maybe the sulight part...I would miss that at first...


Hell yes


Does it matter who


I'd take it without hesitation, no matter who'd offer. First of all, immortality and superpowers is not something I'd ever reject. Second of all, remember, there is a high chance that a vampire would kill me (a human in the know) if I refuse that offer. A perfect excuse to never beat myself up over that choice in the future, lol.


If I could still taste regular human food then probably. Can't give up cheesecake


Noooooo, never. I can barely cope with life as it is.


Armand, I'm ready https://preview.redd.it/swo6wrzto87d1.jpeg?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fafd14972ff528258294c36820f811dd6f3a155


Armand yes, anyone else probably not


Only from Armand 🥰😊😘😋


Oh, absolutely! So much time to explore, learn, and watch the world changing. Freedom from the pressures of life. Plus cool powers! Anne Rice's vampires get a pretty sweet deal.


No, I'm too depressed for Immortality


yes, no it doesn't matter the character, the mind block between maker and fledgling means i would take the gift and fuck off they'd never see me again.


I would for sure! Probably would hunt down idk people who abuse their kids or animals for food


I like the idea of seeing history unfold and no longer being afraid of the dark. I like the idea of having powers and being able to kill evil people of my choosing with little fear of repercusions...child abusers woudl be top of the list.


Yeah that’s gonna be a hard no.


It would have to be Lestat. Only him. 😍 Louis, maybe if Lestat is part of the package.


Yes I’d take it from any of the vampires but I’d want it to be Akasha so I’d be super powerful


Um. Yeah. I run a sad little excuse of a cat rescue now... imagine it with the gift! I could do it for hundreds of years. Money would no longer be an issue if I could influence donors. Physical ability or age wouldn't limit it. I could catch the little fuckers for TNR without traps. The blood probably heals them. How would I survive eternity? Locate or become Bastet. Edit: Don't care who... but Armand or Gabrielle would be good choices in general. He'd be locked out of your head, and she wouldn't stalk you.


Absolutely. No hesitation. I’d prefer an ancient. But anyone 100yrs or older would be ok I suppose.


Yes without hesitation. All the time you need to learn ,explore, experience ... I am really afraid of death so living forever suits me perfectly. And I have already a lot of ideas of what to do with the gift !!


Absolutely! IDC who!


Of course I would, because 95% of the problems in my life would be gone. I wish it was Armand or Lestat, I like their abilities the most.


I wouldn’t. I know i’d kill myself. unless my ocd somehow magically resolves itself


Hard no from me. I'd have a hard time killing people to survive. Also, I want kids. Adopting them would take about a century (I've noted most vampires need about 100 years for the itch of hunger to quell). Escaping through paramours would suck too. I'd only consider it if Daniel thought of turning someone as I get his personality/train of thought would probably consider very well before turning someone so long as Armand exists. Actually, I'd probably avoid him to avoid Armand. Love him, but if we lived in the same world, he's one anyone with a brain would be good to avoid as it's guaranteed death sentence. I always thought that fine print would be one of the reasons Armand would eventually trust Daniel with the Dark Gift; Daniel will respect Armand's wishes to that end and also procure for the safety of any potential fledging due to Armand.


No, because I don’t like the idea of living forever. Plus, I’m kind of a germaphobe so I’m not biting just anybody and I’m definitely not going the animal route like Louis.


lol. Ew, I hadn’t thought of that. You could sanitize their neck with an alcohol prep pad like when you get blood drawn.


Yes, not sure if it matters who. If there's some benefit to someone then sure but if it was at random I wouldn't be upset about it.


No, I'd demand to speak to Tom.


I’d be such an awkward vampire.


Yeah, for sure. I think now my mind is mature enough but not old yet, I have a character, I like my mentality and have no issues being who I am In regards of who… I’d pick Lestat, Marius or series!Louis. I really loved Lestat’s experience with recognising eternity, it was fun and tragic at the same time, but also inspiring. His kind of possessive, jealous, over-extending love is something I recognise too, although I reflect on myself a lot, much like book!Louis, I think. Marius is just a chill dude with lots of experience and powers, mysterious and elusive, I want to be like him when I am ~~old~~ a 1000-year-old vampire myself. Series!Louis is a kind, sweet soul, not without issues, but I think we could help each other and stay friends and rely on each other in times of need even if we would drift apart with time Aaaah this is so fun to think about


Not even gonna lie. If I'm turning, I want the most OP characters, so Lestat or one the ancients.


Yes. But I would refuse to harm others. Unlesssss absolutely necessary. Almost like how Louis is. He rarely killed. Wouldn’t allow himself to do it. Seemed repulsed by the entire act.


Yes. I'd want Lestat to do it, too. I'd spend a lifetime or two with him travelling every country on the planet. Even though I'm a heterosexual male ever since I was a teenager, I have been drawn to the character. I don't know why. He's very alluring. As for killing to feed, I don't see it any different than me eating animals for sustaince.




I would take it and I would be a mess! lol


Just cutting your head won't be enough to kill you as your head will try to move itself to reconnect with your body. For the fire part I guess it's the only way left


Ohh what vampire lore does this come from? I've never heard of this?


In Blood And Gold Marius talk about a vampire who had been dismembered and its body parts were trying to reconnect by themselves ahah


Ah looks like I have to finish reading.


I mean if Lestat was standing in front of me I’d take anything he was offering.


Nah. It sounds like a dreary grind, and you'd lose all your good friends and spend the rest of eternity with terrible ones. I wouldn't last more than a week before spreading a towel on a pleasant beach at sunrise and praying for sweet release. You'd get much further in life not fearing death and understanding how familiarity with your own mortality brings both focus and clarity.