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I’ve never really noticed anything except maybe 3 times this whole season… definitely didn’t take me out or anything.


I can’t imagine seeing her big scenes last episode and being bothered by something so small but different folks, I guess.


It wasn't that small, it was very noticeable. That wasn't a southern accent, especially not a new Orleans accent at all. Just needs more vocal training.


I typically hear her accent break when she's yelling, but it didn't stick out to me in this episode for some reason. Her not having blood/ripped up clothes all over her after the rat box was a much bigger issue for me.


The dress thing stood out so much to me I'm convinced it's part of the thirdhand narrative (Louis + Armand's influence) we're getting, and the moment might be revisited. They're SO careful with set dressing and costuming.


Yeah unfortunately I agree, maybe it's because I'm from the South but I was really taken aback by how British she sounded when yelling. Incredible actor, great episode but I'm just going to have to overlook the Dickensian accent lol, especially since it was her last appearance


I’m from New York and I was taken aback lol. So it’s not just you! It was very, very noticeable in this last episode. The accent only seemed to get more noticeable as the season went on, actually.


Great flair and I'm from New York but living in south nowadays yeah it was just very noticeable. Yeah it did, which is odd.


Thank you! Hahaha I always forget about my flair lol. I’m wondering if this is her first role? I don’t know much about her but she might just need more practice. She’s a great actress but definitely needs a bit of help in the accent department


Yea, it really took me out of the scenes. The ending was a brutal one though, great episode, but that accent lol I mean, Louis' actor is English too, but can get somewhat of a southern accent down


I loved her performance!!! 🎭 I love acting and I wasn’t bothered by a slight slip up :)


Yeah, unfortunately Delainey's horrible accent took me out of her scenes this season again and again. Her death is her big, climactic moment, but it didn't hit for me the way it should have because she just sounds SO English. I wanted to be moved, but I ended up being more moved by Madeleine's choice. The way they died holding each other was very effective and chilling though. Eta: What am I even being downvoted for now?! We can either have discussions or we can limit it to fawning adoration, but it's killing actual fandom discussion to downvote people for every damn thing.


Yea she was good (accent) so far. I mean, lil slip here and there, but this last one she went straight Julie Andrews on our ass lol


So many of the actors in this show are British. Shouting seems like it’s always difficult to keep in an accent.


It's not just shouting, but also being emotionally involved and present in a very dramatic scene. People don't realize how hard acting is.


Glad I'm not from a native English speaker bc I couldn't hear the difference 


Now I kinda get how people felt with Bailey’s accent bothering them, which actually never bothered me all that much. Maybe because she’s American and even if she didn’t sound like she was from NOLA, she sounded neutral to my ears. But Delainy’s accent took me all the way out, like so many times I had to pause because it was it really bothered me.


I find her accent work absolutely atrocious. It’s so distracting— I feel like it wouldn’t have been difficult to find an actress that could pull off the accent successfully. Delainy is an amazing actress but yeesh.


I think in the early episodes her English accent came out a lot


A accent crack took y’all out a scene that was so big and powerful? I would love to see all y’all do that scene, stay in character, yell and keep a perfect accent. Don’t worry I’ll wait.


Her New Orleans accent dropped so many times through out this season, especially when she had to speak loudly or yell. Delaney did a decent job but was not able to fill Bailey's shoes.


Claudia's death would have absolutely gutted me had it been Bailey. I adored my little chaos gremlin daughter. Delainey is not a bad actor, but she needs more accent and dialect coaching if she's going to play non-English characters.


I agree completely. Accent aside, Delainey did a phenomenal job in her last episode. That scene, her absolute defiance, did the character justice.