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It seems more likely to me he is a Talamasca asset or member, and that it won’t end well.


The sushi restaurant scene basically confirms that, the question is how the hell he’s successfully hiding that from two skilled mind-readers who vet the hell out of all their staff


The Talamasca is full of powerful mind readers and some are recruited at a young age. They can be quite skilled at locking their mind. Armand seems to know something is up, but maybe distraction explains him not totally catching on. We may find out he knows everything and wants to see how Daniel reacts to the recruitment attempts.


yep I was gonna reply this too- I thought it was clearly confirmed he is an agent from the interactions in the sushi restaurant


I still think Armand and Louis know all about the Talamasca and just don't think they're enough of a threat to care. Either because they also have agents on the inside or because they're happy to let them collect information and then use it themselves.


Agreed. The Talamasca doesn’t interfere with their subjects. They just watch and study. There’s no reason for Armand and Louis to care. He’ll, Lestat regularly visits them because he likes the attention.


Lmao forever at Daniel: You guys can rescue me from the vampires right? Raglan James: 🫠


That right there is why I thought Daniel should have come clean about the Talamasca trying to contact him. Because Armand may already know everything and is testing him.


Justin Kirk does a great slightly batty person performance. Same guy who played Prior Walter in Angels in America. (The 2003 HBO series). I was like "where have I seen this guy before?!" and then it hit me. He was great in that series. Unrecognizable with the glasses and white hair, but it has been 20 years!


I don’t see how a human could hide that from Armand


There are humans who can entirely lock out psychic intrusion, in fact David claims in Body Thief that basically anyone can learn how if they apply themselves. But Armand would certainly notice if one of his domestic servants was totally walled off from him like that, and that would be fairly suspicious.


Can we address Body Thief? This is why I think Lestat is hiding in plain sight. The moment I heard Raglan James I was like that's probably Lestat and 'Rashid' could be David Talbot.


I don't think it's very likely they'd go there now. That's trying to do two stories at once. I think it's considerably more likely that Raglan is exactly who he says he is and we're seeing him before his break with the order. I'm anticipating that we'll see that break actually happen in the Talamasca show.


That's a good point, however I still have a nagging suspicion that Lestat is closer to them in Dubai than we or the characters think. tbf it would be a very Lestat thing to do such as putting all that info on Daniel's computer or being Rashid. Although 'Real Rashid' sounds like an awesome nickname


I don’t think he’s Marius, but I am impressed this actor has been classically handsome for 2,000+ years


Classically handsome, god I love this.


I understand the theory, but they did the “surprise this side character is actually another vampire” twist once already. And it also seems they’re doing it again with Sam given the logline for the S3 announcement. I just don’t want this to become a gimmick thing where they’re constantly revealing small side characters to really be other more important characters. So, while I get the theory, I really hope they don’t do this.


Not only did they do the “surprise this side character is actually another vampire” twist already, but they specifically did the “surprise ‘Rashid’ is actually another vampire” already. Doing it with Rashid again in particular would just come off as silly and comical. Extra funny if they did it and then introduced a third Rashid and claimed him to be the actual real Rashid, though.


Could you imagine? They’re like, this is REAL real Rashid. We PROMISE this is actually Rashid this time……. Then it turns out to be Raglan James having body swapped with Rashid. And Daniel is just like… ![gif](giphy|EtB1yylKGGAUg)


🏆for the gif, it really made the whole story


😂😂😂 thank you I’ll be here all week.


Yesssss. 🙌🙌🙌


I would pay to watch that though. 🤣


I mean, it could be Vampiric Rashids all the way down.. we don’t know 🤷‍♀️


Watch, the next Rashid will have long blonde hair and look like she could be Lestat's mom.


With an obvious fake mustache!


Just an endless Matryoshka of Rashids


Agreed! I think he’s Talamasca for sure


But is his name really Rashid? I've been assuming they just go through so many valets that they call them all "Rashid". That seems like something the diva side of Armand would do without ever admitting he was doing it. They'd all believe their name was really Rashid while they worked for him. Maybe the real question is, how many journalists named "Daniel Molloy" have there been and which one is the real one?




That’s Buffy.


Every character turns out to be some other sub-creature.


? Don’t get the reference. It’s been a minute since I’ve watched Buffy.


Unpopular opinion maybe but I hated it when they did it with Armand and I hope they never do it again. It's maybe the only big thing I haven't liked in the show. Assad is such a perfect Armand. They didn't need to do all that. Just introduce the vampires as vampires.


I didn’t mind it. I had a tiny blip of disappointment that we didn’t get red haired twink Armand 😂. But that quickly dissipated and then obviously Assad is *incredible*. But what I like about it is it meant Armand joining the interview in season 2. And it also foreshadowed how controlling Armand is: he didn’t want to participate at first, but he did want to keep an eye on. And yeah, I think Armand being a part of the interview added so much. I wouldn’t have wanted to lose that. I suppose without the Rashid twist they could’ve just had Armand show up in season 2 and be like ‘honey I’m home!’ And Louis could’ve introduced him. But that wouldn’t have been as interesting.


Justice for Real Rashid!


There's no way. Armand would be actin OUT if Marius were there. I hope they do like in the books and have Armand find out Marius is alive from Lestat revealing that Mars rescued him and gave him his blood. The jealousy!! Armand is gonna SNAP like in 1973. He's gonna go full Jigsaw


Sign me up. I loved how they did it in musical. It was plain nasty. (Also Drew and Hugh sold it so well.) Basically, gimme all the drama.


That would be too repetitive.  Also, this Armand/Louis relationship is about to implode, so now is an odd time to reveal it was actually some fucked up threesome with Marius.  However, maybe real Rashid could be the body that Daniel takes possession of at the end of TOTBT?


I had the same thought; a way to keep Daniel’s character around by switching actors in a manner that is consistent with lore.


I'd be really sad to see Eric Bogosian leave the show, but I had been thinking that they might use Daniel as a replacement for David's character, since they're doing a dedicated Talamasca show anyway. Good way to keep him around as a human for a while, and if they get enough seasons they can swap him out via Body Thief shenanigans.


I don't think they can pull that rag from underneath us again. I'm fairly certain Rashid is just a Talamasca agent.


I want him to be David Talbot. And they don't know it. Like after he switched bodies to be young again. Description would fit


Oh please no!


Why wouldn't Armand recognize his own maker playing servant?


Maybe Armand is in on it idk


Lestat is half French and half Italian, Marius's father was Roman, his mother was from Gaul. Both were born in (now) France. Their lifes weren't ruled by religious superstitions, they identify more with the ideas of the Enlightenment. I always found those parallels interesting. Lestat being Marius 2.0 in some regards was another reason Armand was so drawn to him. If they change Marius's backstory they hopefully do it consciously.


I'd be pretty surprised if Rolin Jones made any changes that weren't pretty thoroughly considered.


One of the reasons Lestat was so triggering to Armand is that Lestat looks like Marius. Now, the show doesn’t need to tie itself to that, but I can’t imagine why Marius would be there at that point of the story. It would not make much sense. Maybe an actually-Raglan argument could be made for real Rashid. (David would be too screwy timeline wise). If so that would be hilarious. Every season a new Rashid reveal. Fake Rashids all the way down 😄


I want Lee Pace for the role of Marius. Can we petition this? https://preview.redd.it/5lwy25w0629d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac6ce4ca7f3a8e856d75ff6c133373017e5ff2b3




Crazy if they type cast an actual vampire like that. 


double fake rashid might blow daniel's brains even more lol


sorry to say but I hope not. Don’t think I can deal with another season of “Not my Marius”


Nahh I think it’s more likely to be Daniel Talbot ~


I bet he’s Lestat body swapping …


I like to think all the rich vampires have a Telemasca agent as a servant/employee. They don’t have to worry about the agent getting freaked out by their vampirism, and they are easier to retain for long periods of time as the Telemasca benefits from close surveillance. Win win for everyone.


I doubt it. First, they already pulled "secret vampire reveal" and this would be just retreading same lines again, unimaginative kind of reveal.Secondly, are they going to claim that Armand and Louis did NOT know if real Rashid was a vampire and that Armand could not recognize his own maker?! I don't think any of these minor characters are any major vampire reveals - Sam, real Rashid or Fareed. Real Rashid and Fareed may be Talamasca but not vampires.


Except Fareed is a vampire in the books


If this is so, it's going to be ridiculous, since everyone in that tower in Dubai, except Daniel and blood donors, is a vampire!


I don’t agree with the theory but real Rashid is so handsome I’ll give you an upvote for putting his face on my screen anyway


For Real Real Rashid is coming






My image of Marius has long white / blond hair e\_e


It would be hilarious if it turned out there was a second even older vampire hiding among Louis and Armand's house staff and Armand's maker no less! Next thing you know, they will discover Khayman as the pool boy! However, I do fully agree with the part of your statement that predicts that they will change Marius' background from Gaul to something else. I wouldn't be surprised if they made him Egyptian or something like that.


Maybe he is "the other one" that Raglan alluded to - we assumed he meant Louis, but he did not utter his name.


I don’t think so, simply because we’ve seen what his hands look like. All the vamps have those claw nails going on (Armand had to hide his with gloves when he was pretending to be Rashid).


Love that you guys are thinking about this too


He would make a great Ramses from her Mummy Books!!! 😍


I wish Marius looked like that 😭😭😭 Wasn’t he blonde as well? I think it’s his biggest flaw being blonde 😔 Nothing against blondies, I like some, but I love brunettes


He was.  Ngl... I have been re-reading the books and somehow Ben Daniels has replaced the face of my previous head-canon Marius.  He was so perfect as Santiago, though.


Poor Marius if he looked like that 😭 I wish he had that Mediterranean strong features bulk body olive skinned hairy type of man to match with Armand being a twink 🥺 So sad he’s blonde 😔 I’d change if i was a show runner ahahah he should be something around Clive Owen and Burak Deniz, in my mind


This description of marius is how I saw him sorta. Dark skinned not bulky good tone eh not hairy just not white. Dark hair and complexion. I kept having to re-read the description cause it didn't feel right and yet still I can't imagine it.


I actually always saw him as white men but would prefer him being more like I described :( would be amazing if he was black or brown, though


I always imagined him on a darker olive side if that makes sense.


That would make him perfect ahahahaha I always imagined him having very strong masculine classic features, contrasting with Armand’s young features


I could see it. I never really thought of his body structure. For some reason my mind always gravitated to him wearing really big robes like too big for him


Ahahahah that’s funny I was a horny shy closeted teen when I read it, I recall my vivid fantasies with Armand and Marius ahahahaha


Maybe it's cause I'm ace and don't really into that sort of stuff. I'm more into like faces or personality. Like personality I fucking love Lestat. You don't know what's next with him. I need a shake up in my life.


Yup. Just a big tall pile of billowing velvet. Occasionally collapsed into a chair manspread and brooding.


I hope they don’t change his physique too much: Marius was kidnapped and turned for being blonde - like Lestat was. They even waited until his short hair grew long enough to their liking before turning him. It’s an important part in the character and draws a nice parallel to Lestat. But let’s see! So far all their changes have been great!


I didn’t recall that… so yeah, they shouldn’t change it then… But I mean, they made Armand look like a 30yo full grown up man, I’m not expecting much… I still love the Louie and Claudia casting though


I actually like what they did with Armand. His major trait wasn’t that he was Russian, his major trait was that he was taken from his home and that he was beautiful. Their new Armand ticks both boxes. Besides I like that they changed the pedophile relationship to an artist/muse relationship; it’s very on point with today’s concerns in the cinema industry.


Where did I say anything about his nationality? But if one character is known widely for being like an angel and they make him a man… that’s a big jump I didn’t like


You don’t think the actor nailed it? He looks so innocent with his big eyes… how could he possibly lie?


That is... an image. 🫠 Maybe we can get a lil stand alone special of what Loumand and all the Variously Real Rashids got up to in the Penthouse before Daniel's arrival. 


I honestly haven’t watched the series ahahahaa 😂 I hate the Armand casting cause the actor looks like an adult :( at least they got the hair part a little better but they simply changed Armand’s whole character by making him look like a man and not a boy… it’s among the strongest reasons Marius gave him the gift, the core of many issues throughout his life and with other vampires later on as well… I just can’t, it’s one of my fav character not only from Anne’s work but in art in general so… yeah, I’m picky when it comes to him ahahaha I was able to be chaotic twink I am because of him/her ahaha


Okay... listen. I'm autistic, and growing up, these books were my trains. My OG special interest. So much so that I literally \*moved to New Orleans\* just to sit around in the actual locations referenced while re-reading over and over. And Armand was always my favorite. That character has been living rent free in my head rent free for 25 years. I know he doesn't look like we expected. And he's older. But, it's him. It really is. As much as Sam is Lestat, Assad is Armand. Maybe more so. It's a like a fever dream, I am astounded. You \*need\* to watch the show. Trust me.


I’m really really really reluctant ahaahahha I don’t think I will watch it anytime soon or ever If it’s a man it’s not Armand 🤷🏻‍♀️ Armand twisting persona portraying a beautiful innocent boy, on the surface, delicate and fragile, but him being completely insane at times and not at all childish or innocent although he does act like a brat also due to how young he was turned and how others perceive him as well… without all that, it’s not Armand, unfortunately 🤷🏻‍♀️ But I’m glad people are liking him, I actually loved Louis and Claudia casting, they’re perfect! I don’t like Lestat but it’s a nice casting, I would’ve chosen somebody with not so much chin though… I think Lestat has more of a slender figure but I still think it’s a nice casting, idk acting wise how all of them are performing, but as far as looks go I think it’s fine But Armand… nope, it’s a big huge no for me and I couldn’t be more at peace with that ahahahaa I still got the Botticelli painting to look at when I wanna see Armand and all modesty aside, I nowadays with long hair am looking pretty Armand-ish which I love ahahaha


His backstory is still largely the same. He met Marius at the same age... just rather than a poison blade forcing Marius to give the gift, it's an illness a few years later. He's still the same boy... because, really, how much could he have truly matured in that house with those dynamics. I'm hurting for you for missing out over here. 😅


Oh don’t hurt yourself ahahahha I’m more than fine with not watching It’s a personal pet peeve ahahaha And also I don’t like changing things that would make the characters story completely different and this changes everything ahahaha You know how many times Armand’s young features are mentioned whenever he’s around and how people talk about it and all that… and him having issues with that as well Again, I’m glad they’re doing a good job overall aside from this part but for me is a no ahahaha at least it’s fucking antonio banderas being super manly ahahahaha Antonio could be a perfect Marius, that would actually be amazing


I LOVE the changes, more variety, which is what I like.


> Poor Marius if he looked like that 😭 What?... Excuse me 🤨


Hahaha as in “poor Marius, would be so good, if he looked like that”


Sure, jan


You good, darling? Idk what you trynna find but you may find it 🤓


Rashid = David Raglan = Lestat

