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Nothing bad happens to my boy Daniel šŸ¤ž


>!I hope he gets the dark gift!!<


I hope he gets the D gift. šŸ˜






I think he hopes so too








The Dark Gift or the D gift?Ā  šŸ˜šŸ˜œ


Whatever, Paul.


Did it say who gives it to him? The way things are I'm not sure it'd be Armand o:


Itā€™s either Louis or Armand. They didnā€™t go into more detail and it sounds like we wonā€™t actually see it happen, just him with vampire eyes by the end of episodes eight.


šŸ’Æ agree! I love that man!


Santiago dying in the most horrific fashion. Thats all I need. edit: Sam gotta go too!


I want Louis to rip him limb from limb before ripping out his tongue and throwing him in a fire. Or onstage under the sunlight!


this. right here. i want him goneeeee


I actually hope not tbh. It would make sense in the story obviously but pretty selfishly Ben Daniels' performance has been such a highlight of this show that i would love to see more of him. He's the boss.


He going bye bye


Yep, pretty sure he is. Still a bummer though


Heā€™s a great character, the actor is wonderful. I like him a lot more than Daniel.


I just made a post regarding Santiago. I think he was forced to play the villain, so Armand could keep his hands clean.


But you can tell Sam really didnā€™t want that stuff to happen


Heā€™s going to survive


I don't know how to spoiler tag. So I guess this comment is pointless other than, hey, can someone teach me how to spoiler tag?


You put a > and a ! before the spoiler, and a ! and a < after, with no spaces. Automod would delete the comment as a broke spoiler tag if I actually tried to show it... Post a practice one first pls!


We donā€™t know that yet. He died in the movie but survived in the book. I hope the show kill his ass


My Hopes + Louis/Lestat https://preview.redd.it/2krf1w0ns59d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5b547ea851d49ba8e6d22521ee13446cf4f699f


Louis is clearly the duck in this equation.


Hehehe why is this so right?


>A longer episode! [AMC's schedule](https://www.amc.com/schedule/?tz=PT&from=2024-06-30&bc=west) is giving it a 1hr 15min block, although I'm not sure how much commercials dig into that.


That's about the same length of most of the episodes I had recorded from AMC this Season (we get it in our satellite package)


Hmmm donā€™t love that. But since season 3 is confirmed Iā€™m not as concerned about cliffhangers or unanswered questions as I was before


AMC+ is 55 min commercial free.


Do you know if that is different from usual? I know on streaming the episodes are usually longer than an hour but it includes the previews and behind the scenes stuff.


The biggest hope: Louis the Vampire Hunter, I want him to rip that Vampires apart in the most gruesome fashion, while looking hot as hell. Burn it all down, Louis. I want Louis and Lestat having a moment of connection just being grieving parents. I want the small plot points to pay off: Bacon Triptych, Fred Stein photographs, Claudia's missing pages, Real Rashid and the reason for Fake Rashid ruse. There's a lot ground that the finale has to cover, I hope they wrap it up in satisfactory manner


same especially those small plot points! also why are they doing this 2nd interview? WHY???


In a ep 8 preview you see Louis say I'm gonna kill you to Lestat.


All of that. And I want to see some followup on "how do you hide from the cloud" where Daniel realizes they can pick and chose when their voices hit the tape. ā€‹


Here's how I would do the last scenes: Daniel safely leaves the penthouse. Cut to six months later, the book is published. Daniel is doing a signing. He hates it. The next person walks up. Daniel, without looking up, says, "Who should I make it out to?" "Lestat de Lioncourt." There stands Lestat, in all his glory. Cut to credits.


Okay, I love this but letā€™s edit that a bit. This should be his final line when he gets the book signed. ā€œI assume I need no introduction.ā€


Then Sympathy for the Devil starts playing as he laughs


Yes! Yes! Yes!


Okay, I live this but letā€™s edit that a bit. This should be his final line when he gets the book signed. ā€œI assume I need no introduction.ā€


Why did reading this give chills!!!! Like imagine it !!!! love this!!!!


Some justice for Lestat (I know he's not perfect, not saying he is, but I feel bad for him getting slagged off for two seasons). Justice for Claudia, particularly in regards to the coven. I want them all, but especially Santiago, to not only get brutalised, but also to realise how out of their depth they were. Honestly, their arrogance infuriates me. More of Armand's treachery to be revealed, just because he's so clever and I like the concept of the vampires being truly quite formidable demons. Louis breaking free!


Lestat, Lestat, Lestat, Louis, Lestat, Lestat, LESTAT, LESTAT, LESTAT!


I want to see Louis murder the fuck out of Santiago with extreme prejudice. Everything else is just a bonus.


I hope they explain/ show that tiny bit in the preview for Episode 8 that showed someone (a female?) falling several feet down onto what looked like a pile of dust...as if they had fallen through a trap door on the stage. That tiny bit in the preview has been haunting me...


I think that's her going into the rat box in the new teaser. My conjecture: Louis is trapped in that box for a while. Armand is put on fledgling duties as penance. The woman is just a random human killed on stage during a No Pain act. We see a sewing machine and other misc as she drops implying its backstage. The bodies are dropped through a trap door after the act. The rat room is called The Wet Room, but when Armand retrieves Claudia from Madeline's apartment for skipling chores, he says there is rot on The Green Room floor. Implying where the bodies drop to isn't actually The Wet Room. So Armand is carrying the body from the nights show from under the stage to The Wet Room and putting her in the box. Cleaning up. Like he do. The penance here is not only is it humbling bitch work, he has to approach the vaults and hear Louis scream, and they surely know when they're near each other, so Louis knows he's right there not helping. And when he releases the rats Louis hears the sound of them like he heard when Claudia went in there adding yet another layer to the torture for both of them. Then at some point Armand has enough or has opportunity and opens the vault and gives him blood so he can go get his vengeance. The way he carries the body, atonement, ignoring Louis's screams while cleaning up, Louis (kinda) having almost gotten himself killed... all echo in the post-interview San Fransisco scene. Am I a reminder of the worst of it? Because he's being reminded of the worst of it himself in that moment. Anyway, brb crying.


Isnā€˜t it one of the vampires of the coven?


I don;t know...I rewound it a few times but I couldn't tell who it was..it went by really fast!


Same! Rewound and paused, but I didn't recognize her.


Thanks...it will be itneresting to see what is going on in that scene..who IS that??




Yes - this is what I thought too! Cannot wait to find out Sunday night what is going on in that fast clip we saw!!! Could it have anything to do with the other fast clip where Armand said "I lied" ????? Ugh! Sunday cannot come fast enough!!!!!!!


We saw them roll the body of a dead woman onto the trap door and drop her while taking their bows. Maybe that's the same stage drop? Such a cool shot.


I want to know 1) why Louis clearly wonā€™t actually kill Lestat because clearly he wonā€™t, 2) what Armand could even remotely say to persuade Louis to stay with him, and 3) how on earth Daniel gets out with his life?


I want to see a Lestat pop-in to Dubai. Nice introduction to Daniel. Throw Armand off the balcony. Tell Louis he will always love him and will wait for him forever. Fly off the balcony looking longingly at Louie.


I'm honestly more excited for Louis to confront Armand than I am to watch the flashback of him getting his revenge. I hope they devote a decent amount of screen time to their breakup. And obviously I'm hoping for some indication of what lestat is doing and how he's doing in the present day. if not an outright meeting between Louis and lestat. Dare to dream!


Lestat in the present.


That the real Rashid please stand up ![gif](giphy|UX3gouMbG7vLq)


Fire, murder, and Lestat


I want Louis to have his revenge for Paris and be free of Armand. I hope season 3 gives us the real Louis without the shadow of his obsessed boyfriends. And yeah a longer episode so the finale won't feel rushed.


Look all I have wanted since the very start of the show when they made it extremely clear that Louis du Pointe de Lac is the textbook definition of ā€œunreliable narratorā€ is for Lestat to eventually show up and get to be like ā€œBITCH, that is NOT how that happened.ā€ Looks like I might hafta wait til next season but itā€™s going to be delicious no matter when it happens.


I want Santiago and the other members of the ThĆØĆ¢tre des vampires to get curb stomped so hard by Louis.


I need Daniel to give Louis a hug, they both need it.


Loustat sex scene. if we are hoping.


I need someone to stick a fork in the Louis & Armand 'ship. I've had enough. And I'm not saying for Lestat & Louis to get back together at this point, either. It's way too early for that. I just need Louis and Armand to be set up for separate journeys in S3, where they can interact with different characters in different settings.


I love Armand but not with Louis (he should stop pretending to be boring so other people can stand him), I hope he gets his own spinoff but might not be popular enough in the fandom for that, or that he at least shows up again now and then throughout the seasons. I'm not interested in them eventually crossing over with the Mayfair Witches and hopefully Lestat and Louis will end up together instead if they can get over all their bullshit.


I would be very sad if we don't get Armand/Daniel, but I don't know if the age gap is working in their favor at this point. I think both Armand and Lestat benefit from having partners who can rile them up and call them out on their gremlin behavior, and Daniel definitely gets that response.


At least Armand and Daniel would be interesting, but I don't know if Daniel would want to become a vampire at this point in his life and it really doesn't look like he'd be into Armand from what we've seen in the show so far. Armand definitely needs someone that can appreciate all his conniving and manipulations and either give the same in turn or call him out on his bullshit.


> I don't know if Daniel would want to become a vampire at this point in his life I expect that however it ends up happening, it's not going to be something Daniel wants or asks for. He's probably going to be a lot like another character in the books, who wanted it deep down but couldn't bring himself to "surrender" to that desire and actually let himself be made a vampire willingly.


I know the book people love Daniel/Armand but seriously having just heard all this would Daniel really be at all charmed by Armand?


I said I don't think he would be into him in the show and I don't care if they get together in the show, I just want Armand and Louis not to be together. If Armand was with anyone it should be someone who can see through his shit and turn it around on him for fun and who enjoys the games and manipulation so Armand can be freely a bit unhinged instead of pretending to be boring so people will put up with him. And Louis and Lestat are not a better couple but more dramatic and interesting together because they actually have emotional intensity and passion that Louis does not seem to have at all with Armand. In terms of healthy relationships they should probably all be alone, but in terms of what would be the most interesting it would be Louis + Lestat and Armand + Daniel or all of them together in a very dysfunctional polycule.


If Armand/Louis were okay together, I can't see why Armand/Daniel couldn't work. Daniel isn't that much younger than Louis... /s


Yeah Iā€™m pretty much over Dubai/Louis & Armand as well. Not that I havenā€™t enjoyed those present day interview scenes, but Iā€™m ready for a change.


I think they ALL are. This book and the end of the relationship sort of kicks off ALL of the subsequent drama in the series.


I'm assuming that it'll end like the movie. We've seen that ominous scythe in the building quite a lot. It's been 30 years since I've read the book, so I don't recall exactly how that went down.


Daniel finally meets Lestat


I hope we get a shot of the statues for Akasha and Enkil


I neeeeed to hear Sam say ā€œI believe I need no introductionā€


And see him adjusting the lace in his shirt cuffs. Like a real life šŸ’…


AMC 1hr 15 min w/commercials. AMC+ 55 min w/out w/commercials.


A Louie n Lestat sit down


I feel, and hope, that the finale ends with us backstage with Lestat in present day before he goes on stage to perform. Gives us that rockstar vibe early!


I want as much as my sweet prince Armand as I can possibly have! I need his sad doe eyes on my screen!!


Same. I'm still hoping that he's not 100% the one behind this. I was actually relieved that last week left a slim chance so I could continue my denial for just a bit. At the risk of making myself sound like a horrible person, and not to gloss over the horrible things that we know for a fact that the character has done, I have empathy for Armand.


I have unbelievable amounts of empathy for him. His horrific and profound suffering as a child is so very heartbreaking that I find it hard to hold him accountable in any way. To me it seems like instead of the distance of hundreds of years from his abuse, the time passed has only made his pain more intense and profound. Deeply sad!!


Us getting a good conclusion to Louis memories.


1. They might go away for a while but they'll most surely return, there is a reason why. 2. I think there is a big chance even if it's just a post credit scene or something like that. 3. I hope so


A crumb of DM. Literally would be happy with a crumb. Old or young Daniel I donā€™t care. And Louis the pyro.


I want to see members of the coven get ripped apart. I want to see Loui with Lestat.