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I mean to be fair to them, they thought it was fake and just them acting. To them, the entire premise of the theater is macabre, dark humor where they're encouraged to participate. It's entirely possible that they're loving people outside the theater with their own dreams and pains. The writers also made it very 4th wall leaning. We are the audience as well being entertained by the brutal scenes we watch


I imagine something is done to them when they leave to ‘dampen’ it a bit, I mean all the vampire business on the stage was very overt this time round. It seems like if they just let them wander off after seeing Claudia and Madeleine burn, Lestat teleport, etc, some of them would be like UM excuse me that wasn’t just stage effects.


Well Claudia, Louis and every other vampire there has killed hundreds of people at least so I have very little empathy for them. That's a thing about viewership of this show. We look at it by what these vampires do to each other like a Lifetime drama but we forget that they murder people every night off camera.


LOL. I went to a show like that a long time ago. The audience had to vote guilty or not guilty at the end, but we didn't have a say on the kind of sentencing. So the actors changed the ending of the play according to the verdict. The main protagonist ended up burned at the stake during the performance i attended. And yes if anyone wonders, it was FAKE, ahaha


Are you sure you didn't help sentence a vampire to death there? :P


Considering i attended the actor-who-died-on-stage 's wedding a few years later, i really hope the bride didn't marry a ghost. Or a vampire 😂


Well in defense of the human jury they all thought it was a play, and they were all being mind control. So even if they didn't want to vote her guilty, she was to be found guilty.


And now they must die. Should have choose a different show to see that day. 🤷‍♂️


And we all think it's a tv show 🤔 We watch iwtv for the same reasons the audience goes to the theater, don't we? We love to see our human ugliness reflected with such style and drama. And like, it's not a bad metaphor for the entertainment industry!


Yes, but we all sided with Claudia and Louis! They would thank us and turn us into vampires so we could always hang out. Let the TV show audience members die!!


You’re taking a fictional show waaaaaay too seriously.


They didn't know it was real, they thought it was part of the show. Plus it was clearly a farce. Had they all voted "not guilty" Claudia would have been killed regardless. They voted banishment for Louis and he was trapped to starve to death... However, regardless of that, the whole premise of the spectator effect and how "easy" it is to be on the mart of the majority and the power while the victim suffers really hits. I was absolutely devastated and hoping for Claudia's ghost to find them as well


How many performances in that theater did Claudia watch and/or partake in the killing of a human? It's different now because she's on the other end? 😂😂😂😂


I know right. Also, she didn’t give a fuck when the Coven was humiliating, tormenting and murdering young women on stage either. In fact, she was enjoying it!


Right? I mean, yeah, sucks to be Claudia in that moment, but I seem to remember her finding the nightly torture and murder of innocent people on stage to be wonderful fun! She applauded with stars in her eyes and couldn't wait to be part of the fun! I still want Louis to murder the fuck out of the entire coven though, starting with Santiago.


I mean, they were human, weren’t they? Why would a vampire care for them lol


Claudia liked Madeleine well enough when she was human. Vampires are a different species. But all vampires were human, live among humans, walk like humans, talk like humans, participate in their culture or art. They’re really not that different.


clock it


Yes. drain them all.


I personally like Rice’s original concept for Claudia, though, which is a small child vampire vs a teenager because her that much more sympathetic, and her death that much more invoking. This actress could easily pass for 20 and therefore makes it hard to understand why the Coven is so enraged to her being made a vampire. Rice actually created Claudia‘s character when she lost her own child as she marveled at the idea of a child who could live forever as a way to process her own grief. It’s easier to cast a child for a movie than a series though.


Death is a bit harsh, they were being rolled pretty hard. Now the homophobic, deserter soldier? He can die, repeatedly.


He’s first on the itinerary for sure, but everybody gotta go.🗣️




why? they didn't think it was real obviously it was just another performance to them. in that case did claudia deserve to die for killing innocent humans?


Claudia is dead already. She’s paid for her sins, now they will as well. They were participants in a lync…stoning, so- They have to die. Period. They can talk to god about why it happened.


genuinely why would they have to die when it wasn't real to them? if they knew it was a real trial that would be a different story. but you think it's ok to punish people, who all have their own lives and families, for participating in....hypotheticals? lmao


It was real for them. Claudia disintergrated in front of them. They will pay. If you want to go to their house and defend them from this avenging, go ahead.


this is hilarious 😭


Lmaooo I don’t play bout Claudia


Claudia has viciously killed thousands of humans…..I’d call it even 🤷‍♀️


I think I'd rather be drained of blood than burned alive


What’s a few more in her honor 🤷‍♂️


My theory is that she is going to come back as a character in Luis subconscious like Lestat driving his revenge (as we know he gets revenge if they show-makers choose to follow Rice on this point). Claudia’s character is so pivotal to this version of the show and people will miss her. I did like the original actress better, but felt her replacement did a decent job.


At least they didn’t know it was for real but it does seem like absolutely bizarre entertainment


They’re avant-garde, edgy French former theatre kids. Not bizarre entertainment to a group like that lol


The deserting homophonic soldier did not last the night. Fucking guarantee it. Lestat had that guy's number.


Off with his deserter head


Especially the guy with the big mouth in the front. He was obnoxious. I wonder if Louis will hunt them all down, too.


Knowing Louis, it’s a total possibility and I would give 10s.


I’ve been thinking either Louis or Lestat will hunt them down. I’d like to see Lestat do it in honor of Claudia.


I would seriously respect Lestat if he avenged her this way. I actually like Lestat doing it. Seems fitting.


lmao. You have lost the plot. Claudia was a monster. So was Madeline. Both Claudia and Madeline would have devoured any human in that audience without a second thought. No human did them any more wrong than Claudia and Madeline would have. They are sympathetic monsters but lmao, they are still fucking monsters. Good on the humans for giving as good as Madeline and Claudia would have given.


Exactly. Killing the patrons for participating in a stoning would be in line with vampire behavior & something a monster would do. This is a show about "fucking monsters" as you stated. Glad you agree & know the plot 😉!


They way she talked about afterlife... I hope that's a set-up for a vengeful ghost of Claudia


I hope Louis kills them all to honor claudias ‘last promise’ if anyone has watched vampire diaries is very unhinged Damon Augustine revenge vibes and I’m here for it.


I would have been King Petty that day! I’d have locked those theater doors, set the place ablaze, and shouted, “Oh, you want to roast people? Well, here’s a real fire for that ass!”


I hope the season ends with their deaths


The way they all shuffled out of there with Claudia’s dress laying on stage sent me over. Every last one of them need to be m e m o r i e s.


I would be content if the last 5-10 minutes of the finale were a comedic montage of Louis unsubscribing them all from life.




It felt like a hate rally, even if they didn't know it was real. And unless they were being telepathically "massaged" into complacency I find it difficult to believe they wouldn't have at least suspected.


Exactly. Those people knew the moment Lestat appeared in the crowd to gather the homophobe. They gotta go. Every last one of them.


The way that theater is set up I think only people sitting in the balcony could see that trick. At the very least he forgets to use his theater voice so even they really can't hear him. They could easily assume a staff member got on a guy for heckling.  A human theater troup could pull that off the trick planting a lookalike. 


Everybody needs to go Louis needs to go. Armand needs to go. Lestat needs to go. They all betrayed my baby.


I need Louis to raise some hell and go to war for that baby in the finale!


... what did Louis do, exactly?