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one episode packed full of chaos like the comic itself.


Longer episode but yes I agree


One episode, to be honest i love the invincible war, but when i reread it, I cant believe how fast it happens. You can definitely have it in one episode, the alternate marks arent even explored much anyway other than one or two lines for some. Then the episode should end with conquest showing up.


Yeah. I always thought that unless they’re giving the alternate Marks more screen time than usual for their backstories at least for Viltrumite Mark, Mohawk Mark, and Sinister  Mark. The Invincible War should be ONE full complete episode of chaos and the never ending back and forth fight of every hero trying to stop them from causing mass destruction to the city. And obviously 5 minutes after the war ends we see the arrival of Conquest, which will then end Ep 7 and then we’ll pick back up at the finale.




This should be episode 6, with 7 being entirely about the consequences of the war. For such an huge event, the war always felt... Unimpactful in the comics, as Conquest arrives soon after for a much longer and epic fight, and then soon after we get the Viltrumite war that changes everything The show can change that and give us the full consequences of the world losing faith in Mark, all the ruined cities and dead characters, and of course Rexplode's funeral and more. The show will for sure have extra scenes and characters arcs like it added them to season 2 Then Conquest being episode 8


I feel like Conquest hit so much harder with him being immediately after the Invincible War, I see what you mean but I feel like it’d lose a lot of oomph if you space them out


You don't have to space it out. The war can be episode 6, Episode 7 can take place entirely on the day after the war ended, and Conquest shows up in the last scene. (Although personally I'd make the war episode 5. I actually think that the fight with conquest deserves to be all of episode 7, and the first half of episode 8)


I honestly disagree. Part of what made conquest so impactful is that he showed up RIGHT AFTER all the shit that already went down. In the comics Rex’s funeral isn’t even until after the fight


If it were a typical 20 min show I would say 2 but since it's these episodes are almost 45 min long I think 1 would be perfect if they rarely cut away and just let that episode be ONLY about the Invincible War


One. It’s supposed to be quick and brutal


As long as it isn’t bogged down with subplots like the thraxa episode, one should be enough.


Can there even be subplots when the entire earth is invaded by Marks


Talescria subplots i assume?


Even with the subplots the thraxxa episode covered like 3 issues of content. One episode would be more than enough.


One and a half. Starts halfway though one episode and ends at the very end of the next episode


Two episodes prior to War: Post-credits scene with Levy visiting an alternate Mark and telling him that he has an opportunity for him Episode prior to war: Sideplot of Levy meeting more alternate Marks and gathering them for war, have them come in and start wreaking havoc for 5-10 minutes as the world is too slow to respond War episode: Full hour of fighting, ends with *that* character showing up


I think it should be two episodes, kinda. One episode is a different plot with the ending them coming to earth and a quick montage of them laying waste to the planet and the next episode can be everything happening at once with Conk West appearing as a shadow at the end


yeah, it would make for a great cliffhanger lead-in


It should start on episode 6 and end episode 7


It's not gonna be 2 episodes. They dont have that much money


It doesn't matter to me as long as it's not rushed like the comic


I’m guessing the 25 minutes of action, 15 minutes of fallout and cleanup ending with Conquest arriving


Cliffhanger ending right before it begins. 1 entire episode of the entire war. Next episode deals with the aftermath


Definitely one chaotic episode, I just like the comic but it’ll probably be 2 because they’ve been building up the other invincibles pretty heavily to where I’m assuming we’re gonna get some backstory to at least 3 of them


starting on episode 7 and will end with conquest entering, with that whole ordeal happening episode 8


Maybe the ending to episode 6 will be the lead into Invincible War, episode 7 will be the event itself, and 8 will deal with the fallout and big daddy C’s arrival.


My ideal would be it starting in a 3-5 minute long post-credits scene a la Omni-Man killing the Guardians. Scene ends with the shots of the different Marks over the different destroyed cities. Next episode is the Invincible War, post credits scene of that is Conquest showing up.


One episode works fine in my opinion. Remember that in the comics the entire thing takes place in a single issue, and episodes of the show usually have the time and pacing to adapt more than one issue. If they’re planning on including everything between Issue 46 and the Conquest fight, Season 3 is already going to be packed anyway, I think it’s best to make it one big, very focused episode.


This is one of the two issues I think should be adapted into one episode. Enough happens and it's a big enough deal. The only other issue is the last one.


I think one and a half, like the end of an episode shows the alternate Marks beginning their invasion and the next episode focuses on the whole war and ends with Mark meeting Conquest.


Episode 6 credits scene is them being sent here by angstrom Episode 7 is the war and the final scene is Conquest arriving Episode 8 Conquest fight and aftermath This is the way


I think previous episode should end with the news showing other marks, then this episode should be all one, nonstop action, then end with mark cleaning up and leaning on the rubble then we end with "stand ready for my arrival worm"


Have them appear at the end of an episode (post credits scene?). The next episode goes straight into the action, and lasts most of the episode. Have a little bit of a break at the end of the episode, then He shows up at the end for the battle in the next episode/finale.


Invincible War in One, Conquest fight in the next episode


It needs to be one episode completely focused on the war, no B plot. I don't give a fuck what Allen and his hentai monster are doing, I don't want to cut to that fucking mummy tomb again, give me a whole 45-55 minutes of the war and everyone affected by the war.


Fuck it make it a whole season and explore the alternate marks more than we got in the comic, I truly think that’s the best option cause so many of them seemed really interesting just from their design but then they’re just dead 2 pages later with 0 dialog


It should break at the end of one episode. Just end with Levy releasing them and this scene.... And then spend one entire episode fucking everything up, and then begin the 3rd episode with it's conclusion of initial release, and transition to the new world scene


Two. One for the Invincible War, one for the fight with Conquest. It would make a great season finale.


How will they make a whole episode out of a war you can’t see?


Damn auto-correct.


Neither it should probably be by the end because I think>! Conquest should be the final episode!<


I’ve seen much sentiment that it should span several episodes, but it was only 1 issue in the comic, which tend to shake out as 1/4 maybe 1/3 of an episode, if even. If it lasts an entire episode I will be more than satisfied on the expansion, but my hopes aren’t much higher than it lasting half an episode. As exciting as the prospect of it being bigger is, I also think more than one episode takes too much time away from everything else Invincible has going on.


An epissode regarding the first two days and another regarding the aftermath and Conquest fight would be ok. Wonder how Amazon would handle the amount of heroes that will fight the alternate Invincibles, the show doesn\`t have fill heroes, we only get to see some of them in Guardians of the Globes cast and Omnipotus 'scene' and are very very couple of them.


One episode is more than enough considering that they tend to adapt multiple issues per episode.


As good as it would be in one episode to mirror the comics I feel like since a lot of the shows fanbase haven’t seen the comic they may just feel like this really cool episode had been rushed.


How about 1 1/2? Like how the Angstrom fight was half the episode, then everything after dealt with repercussions?


Currently rereading the comic. Should be 1 episode immediately followed by Conquest as the final episode. I do think it's going to be hard to adapt this part of Angstrom's storyline cause after this he totally disappears from the story for like 50 issues. Could translate to him instigating the Invincible war then being totally MIA for like 2-3 seasons.


One and some change We’re going through a normal episode, everything seems fine. Then , at the ending…BAM!! Explosions, collapsing buildings, screams. Every hero rushes to their phones, computers, TVs, to find out what’s happening and they’re all shocked to see Sinister Invincible on their screens as laughing as he slaughters innocent bystanders. Credits. Next episode every hero is panicked as the GDA plans to deal with this evil Invincible. Then Donald starts telling Cecil that within minutes of the first attack several other evil Invincibles have appeared attacking all over the globe. Heroes are mobilized and we get an entire action packed episode. Rex’s sacrifice, Donald leading some Reanimen against Flaxxan Invincible (leading to Cecil ordering the recovery of all defeated Invincibles), several other sacrifices, and constant fighting all around. Then the Elite Evil Eight convene, revealing Angstrom to actually be alive as that episode comes to a close on the shot of Angstrom and the Evil Invincibles. The next episode starts with instead of Angstrom just shoving all the Invincibles into the deserted dimension, he only shoves Sinister Invincible and a couple others, leaving at least two with him so Angstrom’s got some backup against Invincible, Kid Omni-Man, and Bulletproof, besides his robotic spy orbs. They fight and it’s decided within the first 10-15 minutes of the episode. The rest of the episode is spent rebuilding in every sense of the world. Right at the end, just as everyone is catching their breaths…enter Conquest. And then cut to credits as the entire fanbase lets out a collective, “F#%$!”


If I were doing it I’d have the end of an episode be essentially this panel then a full invincible war episode and that ends on Rex’s death then a conclusion and aftermath episode


It will tease the war at the end of episode 6 and episode 7 will be the entire war, then episode 8... you already know


Either two less dense episodes, or one action-packed episode


2 or 3 bc wee need the prison break scence


One for İnvincible War öne for the Conquest fight


It’s a very quick story in the books and goes right into you know who so one episode seems sufficient


I’d prefer it if it was at least two episodes in duration, but I’d still be okay with it being less than that. As long as it’s done well enough and given the right amount of lead up and development, that’s all that really counts for me.


Definitely one episode. I think invincible war is just a fun prelude to conquest.


Three or four, at least.


for sure 1 episode just longer


one episode, the follow up with conquest should be about two and a half


2 hours or more would be crazy But two or three episodes gonna drive the fan base insane


It’ll be 2 episodes with 1 episode…maybe an extra 3ed of the second dedicated to something that happened to little Oliver…. Seems to be the trend during epic fights that should be their own episode or something along those lines.


It should be 12 minutes of fighting and 40 minutes of monologues