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You can't really decide because it's usually more than straightening teeth, the bite could change and your bite will be off therefore a consult with an ortho will determine if you need to do both bottom and top or not.


You can’t usually just straighten one row of teeth because moving any teeth can affect your tooth alignment/bite, it needs to be done as a whole. And I doubt they’d discount it either way cause they’d still need the money for scans, trays, appointments, and other materials. If you have a minor cosmetic case then you might qualify for Invisalign lite which is cheaper


I thought I only had 2 front teeth that were crooked... 19 attachments later, now i know better!


It seems unlikely that you can only do one half. I only really needed my lower teeth fixed, but my dentist said that it's hard to get the bite right with only one half controlled.


I have several crooked teeth and I just started Invisalign yesterday. My advice is to go consult with a few dentists/orthos.


You can’t pick and choose the teeth you want to move, but my understanding is there’s tiers of services, and if you don’t have a lot to move, you would just be in the lowest cost bracket. Actual numbers kinda depend on where you are and providers I think.


You basically can’t just do upper or lower. I only wanted to fix my lower but doesn’t work that way as good providers are looking to adjust teeth for your health, not just aesthetics. My provider said she wouldn’t ever do just one or the other as it’s bad practice - moving your uppers will 100% affect your lowers and so they need to be adjusted accordingly. If you find a provider that will do just your uppers, I’d be questioning the legitimacy of that provider. I know you want it done fast and look good, but what you should ultimately be hoping for is for it to be done right.


No ortho or dentist will only do top teeth