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Why are you eating with your aligners in? Just no.


You shouldn’t eat/chew with the aligners on. It might break/damage/warp the aligners.


My invisalign is a spark, maybe that's why?


Out of curiousity I just checked Spark’s website, and there they recommend removing the aligners before eating. I know it’s frustrating, but you’ll get used to removing them for eating. I’m on month 3 and now it’s truly part of the routine. Just have to say no to snacks a lot unfortunately.


🥲 I can't eat chips I will go on a diet😅


Chips are the most annoying thing to eat because you have to put your aligners in after eating and the chips don't come out of your teeth easily after brushing so I end up using a floss pick pointy end to pick the bits out. I don't normally eat chips which is weird but I have them occasionally. I would stick with pasta, soft meats like chicken ground meats, soft fruits, ice creams, sorbets, salads etc. I don't have problem eating veggies but some get stuck in my teeth easier lol. Just take them out when you eat. Your ortho is wrong to tell you to eat with them in and your teeth will be prone to getting cavities more easily when you do this. Also you have to floss after each meal to get food stuck in between your teeth out. As a person who's had 12 cavities from bad/no flossing, please take my advise!


Yup you're right, I'll take them off as I always eat sweet things I'll be attentive to floss afterwards. After all I don't wanna cavities thank you😋


FYI, this is like saying your Nikes are Adidas. But I've seen other people say that their orthos said they could eat with them in, but the official recommendation is to not, I think. At least that's what it said on the pamphlet thingy I got with my Invisalign package. But yeah, listen to your ortho, I guess. But unless he said you *should* eat with them in, then why not try without and see if it's better?


Sorry, I got confused still new to this aligners stuff 😅 It's better without them, but as I have am attachment down my left molars, I couldn't eat at the left side of my teeth so I asked my ortho and he said to eat with the aligners... Well I'm gonna remove them then before eating as I removed the aligners there were some watermelon bits in it. thanks 😊


The accepted consensus is that you should not eat with aligners in. Be it spark or invisalign. There are few orthos who ask patients to wear them while eating to complete the wear time. But successful and excellent orthos clearly say that you should remove the aligners while eating or drinking anything except water.


I would take them out to eat. The pain you’re experiencing when you remove them to eat is temporary. You’re only on your 4th day - the pain will subside quickly. For now I would suffer through and eat without them. They’re not intended to be worn while eating. I know what you mean about them pushing more onto your teeth but them can only push so far before the literal bone of your tooth stops it - so don’t let that worry you.


So you have aligners or retainer? But anyway, you shouldn't keep them in when eating.


I don't know 🥲 It's written aligner so it's aligners 👍


Ok, cause in your post you wrote both aligners and retainer. 😊


Who’s the idiot who told you to eat with your invisalign’s in?? You take them out to eat. Period. …smh!


Well I trust my ortho but now getting a secon opinion by people I'll remove them before eating!


OP, I’m thinking you’re brand new to this whole thing based on all the confused terminology you’re putting out. The generic term for this medical appliance is “aligners.” Invisalign is a brand name. People who choose this method of treatment start with aligners then move on to retainers to maintain their final results. The first tray set of a treatment like this tends to hurt the worst. But it should get better as u progress. I sense u might have attachments or “buttons” as they’re called w/ the Invisalign system. Buttons will feel awkward or uncomfortable at first. If they end up physically cutting u, ask ur ortho to smooth them out for u a little or apply dental wax to it until then. It’s a default recommendation to remove the trays prior to eating/drinking anything beyond plain still water. I hope this helps


🤯 so much knowledge thank you very much, I did not search this through. Thank you so much it really helps!!🙏🏽


I believe you're interchangeably using "retainers" and Invisalign. They're not the same. "Aligners" and "trays" are the actual Invisalign. "Retainers" come after you've finished your treatment.


Yes, eating hurt in the first few days. This is not a watermelon-specific problem. I didn't eat with my retainers in, but you are putting pressure on your teeth while chewing, and that's going to be sore with or without retainers the first few days.


But I'm asking for watermelon specifically as it's one of the few things that we can eat as it soft It doesn't hurt without aligners to eat🤔


The difference between eating with them in and with them out is that with them in, you are putting pressure on the aligner, thus affecting all of your teeth, instead of only putting pressure on the teeth you are chewing with. It makes sense that it could hurt more. But unless the ortho has, for some weird reason, instructed you to always keep them in while eating, the solution seems to be pretty easy – just take them out.


Ok, thanks! He said that I can eat with them as he placed an attachment down my left molar, so of I take then off I can only eat with my right part and not with the left.. when I told him that he said put the aligners to eat


You really don't have to be that careful with attachments. I had them on nearly every tooth, so I would have literally starved if I didn't chew with teeth they were on! Just don't eat really hard/crunchy stuff, like kettle chips or Doritos, or just chew them carefully. Watermelon is soft enough to cause zero issues. Over the course of my treatment (100+ aligners), I only lost 2 attachments, both within the week they were put on, which was normal (the bonding agent takes a few days to fully set).


Thank you for telling me this as I'm new to this aligners word😅 I didn't know that attachements are that strong that's great! I tried to eat doritos yesterday and it was hurting so much😔 I'll go on a diet :( or rather eat fruits as snacks 😆 I'm very positive though


Yeah, at the beginning it hurt so much that I mostly ate softer foods (though even sandwiches were a challenge for awhile). Then toward the end I said, "Screw this!" and started mostly eating normally again. On the plus side, I lost 10 pounds. But now that I'm finished, I gained the 10 pounds back. 😂


Ohh I envy you so much you finished you can eat all kind of foodies 😋 when I'll finish this treatment I'm getting 10 doritos packages to eat! But for now patience.. like they say "beauty is pain" 😭


Don't know why I'm getting downvoted but I guess it's because I made some mistakes? 🤷🏻‍♀️ strange🤔


Just take them out, eat, floss if needed, then rinse and put them back in. I really don’t get why everyone’s trying to chew gum, eat curry and smoke whatever with their trays in… and then there are people asking if they should take them out for a bj lol. Use common sense, or better yet ask your orthodontist or dentist.