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Look around man. It's not just ironwork. It's the whole industry. All of the building trades are feeling it and all of the locals need to stand together. I'm in a north jersey local. Having travellers from the city is unheard of. Historically we would go to the city to help man work when it was busy. Not the other way around.


Seeing lots of travelers for deep foundation and piledriving work. Morris Shea is coming up into Union cities, smaller regional companies traveling out of state … etc. Developers welcoming in non-union or double breasted site work operations …


One reason I can come up with- Trump axed the regulations that was preventing all these companies from “establishing” an “apprenticeship program” and a lot of these current job contracts were awarded during that time. Biden reenacted the regs in ‘21, so it *should* go back to normal eventually. But if/when Trump gets back in we’re double fucked right in the neck.


"National right to work". It will happen if trump wins. And each and every local will be drastically affected. C'mon brothers and sisters. We can't give this away all in one swoop. All of us whove paid dues know exactly who trump is. You're going to vote against all out efforts and still be "bretheren"...


I'll never understand why he has so much blue collar support.


It’s because people don’t understand. Most union workers have no fucking clue what right to work is. I was talking to my new foreman last week and he mentioned being in the Army and casually told me how he left because it was shit under Obama. When I pressed he said that Obama fucked military wages. Dude literally had no concept about how military budgets are passed. This is how it is for everything. My mom recently went on a rant blaming Joe Biden for gas prices. Now I don’t fucking like Biden, but he certainly didnt cause the gas price increase. Another dude I was talking to was bitching about his taxes. Blaming Biden. Like bro, we’re still under the Trump tax policy. There is so so so much ignorance and no one to inform these dudes. And I keep my mouth shut because I value not being blackballed. Even the dudes who see correct information are reactionary. Go look, at the IW, UA, IBEW Facebook pages. There will be a post like “Biden Creates 100,000 Jobs” and dudes in the comments are like “Fuck Sleepy Joe, what he ever done for me” and it’s like, bro , this is what he did… 100k jobs, you’re literally in the post about it you illiterate fuck.


>“Fuck Sleepy Joe, what he ever done for me” I can tell you he never developed property and stiffed his contractors causing blue collar workers and their companies to go bankrupt.


Always funny listening to union guys mention this, considering sleepy Joe bailed out the unions pensions.


Its one of the funniest things 90% of union workers vote republican forgeting that republicans hate unions


That's not the argument you think it is, his move protected labour, Trump's hurt it.




Would rather take my chance on right to work than continue having all these illegals coming here taking are jobs. Look at places like Hawaii that they can't swim to the unions are strong


I don’t think you understand what right to work is buddy.


No I do buddy my union is headquartered in a right to work state and we do just fine there


Of all the right to work states there are only 2 that pay a good wage. So congrats for being in Missouri or DFW.


Missouri overturned Right to Work back in 2018.


I think you’re mistaken on this. Everything that I can find confirms MO is still right to work.


Fuck off


You need to look into RFK for president.. not trump. Not bashing trump. Look into RFK.


And RTW will only allow the illegals to take your work more with less regulation than there already is. We need a president that’s going to shut the fucking bored down like RFK


Because they are angry and uneducated, generally. That’s not the entirety of it, but it’s not far off as a summation.


The simple fact of the matter is the middle class has been getting hollowed out for 50 years and it hasn’t mattered which party is in office. Both parties get their money from the same places. Bill Clinton signed nafta and shipped our manufacturing jobs away. Biden broke the rail workers strike, ended the keystone xl and has been flooding the labor pool with cheap labor due to our open border policy. Bernie was one of the few politicians to even acknowledge the problem and I’ve watched the dems screw him over twice while they tell us trump will end democracy.


First off, NAFTA was the brain child of Reagen. He ran on that in 1980. Bush Sr. Negotiated what was to become NAFTA in 1988... yes, Bill signed it, however it was already draw up, agreed upon by Canada and Mexico and US before he was even in office so thanks Republicans! Bill also would ratify it without two changes, the the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC) and the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC). I've worked for months on infrastructure bill money...so that's false to say nothing happened from them economically. The biggest jobs that came through my local that had federal money was all pushed for and allocated all from democrats, not Republicans. and as far as the "open border" that's such a bullshit excuse. Dems brought out a border bill, the strictest one ever and the GOP voted it down. .. I wonder why... oh, so they can use the only ammo they've got for political purposes, they don't a flying fuck about the border. They just want the talking point. Remember, orange clown here fills his properties with work visa holders. (A huge % of illegals are those with work visas that have expired i.e. the company didn't do its due diligence.) The biggest issue isn't the people coming over here bud. It's the companies that hire them. Let's start holding the companies feet to the fire. They are the ones hiring them and lowering pay, not the hungry person coming here to escape the life that we kinda forced on them by messing with their countries politics. Study just came a year or two ago, Indiana right to work and removal of common construction wage saved the state.... 0 dollars! Lost a shitton of money in out of towner wages though, and a bunch of jobs that would of gone to local hands. You'll never see a republican voting for legislation that will help unions. Never. Fuck me, they determined construction workers aren't even privy to fucking water breaks when it's hot out...you think they'll do ANYTHING to help a union? Again, Thanks Republicans!


Strictest border bill ever? There was a clause in there to let in a minimum number of migrants above and beyond typical immigration processes. But let's say that what you're saying is true. What difference does it make if the administration is responsible for actively helping immigrants avoid immigration law? These are the people coordinating flights of undocumented migrants into the country. They are actively encouraging as many migrants as possible.


Nobody cares who drew it up and who signed it the end result is the same which was my whole point. Also the border bill had 90billion in pork that they knew the reps would oppose. I do agree with you that they should crack down on companies hiring illegals but like I said neither party has an interest in this because it would affect their money.


The one signed by Trump?




Nafta has been dead for about 8 years now. We're currently under the usmca which was negotiated and signed by Trump, which has very few changes from the former (nafta) agreement.


Reagan started to ball rolling with our bordering csnada n Mexico. And many many US workers work in those factories. But Clinton fucked our unions, and the whole country with the Asia trade agreement to "help china's economy " Now Because of the unbridled support (and millions in sleepy Joe's families pockets 2 decades later Chins is economically, militarily, environmentally. The Worlds biggest Threat thanks to Clinton. I watched in 2008 as bridge work came to a crawl..Bush had the infrastructure bill signed. The democrats and Obama waited until his 2nd term to release the funding to the states!! I was in Atlantic city on Trumps casino erection. All Union All got paid. Dad was on a job on Trump tower, all union, all paid. I don't know where our Reps come up with the BS he's anti union. All his projects have been union. How many of Bobo bidens or Obumma projects put union guys on the job?? Get the fuck outa here with your Bs and uneducated lies.


Ok.... https://time.com/4465744/donald-trump-undocumented-workers/ It's widely known. For decades. "A review of the presumptive Republican presidential nominee's projects reveals that he hires union when project labor agreements or dominant market share forces him to. But more than 60% of his projects developed outside New York City and Atlantic City—which includes most of his recent projects—were built nonunion. When you exclude developments with project labor agreements, that number jumps to nearly 80% built nonunion." The stiffed contractors list is a mile long and he's been sued thousands of times for it. Take the orange dick out your mouth. Edit: I've been on more projects linked to infrastructure plans that were pushed for by democrats than I ever have from Republicans. It's not even close. I'm still reaping the benefits of it. I'll be going out the next few days because of federal funding on infrastructure. Work fucking sucked with Trump in office. He did absolutely nothing for unions. And won't, ever. He will push through national right to work. Oh hey... do you even remember their plan for an all encompassing "apprenticeship"? Yeah that was Trump and the Republicans. I signed a letter and sent it in protecting my fellow ironworkers apprenticeships, did you? Or are you blindly forgetting that actually happened?


The recent library in DC is a prime example of the lies. His company was the "investor " like most of his projects. Unpaid subs and non Union subs crawled all over it. Trumps bad right? Not if you educated yourself on the facts, the truth. His development company, hired a General Contractor. The general hired the subs. The general had different subs bidding on different floors! And many weren't paid in full. And lots and lots of little brown non English speaking workers got screwed too. Soooo Whos the bad guy??? If your not to teary eyed swallowing the dems load? It ain't, once again, trump or his companies fault.


Dude, just take his cock out your mouth. He doesn't care about you. At all.


Man, you're just fighting a losing battle. Dude doesn't want the truth, won't believe it and can't understand it. Would he believe the Trump tax cut only benefitted rich people? Would he believe anything that was a fact which he could verify himself? You are just wasting your time and raising your blood pressure! Take Care


Non of them do!!! That's what you reerees dont understand . But the dems take more of our union money and rub our internationals heads so they believe it.


Yup the company funding the project has zero say in whether it’s built union. Moron


There are two conservative parties and we all get fucked. One party just fucks us more.


If you don't think the Republicans won't read project 2025. It is a long slog but it's their Manifesto for fascism! You don't have to believe me. But look it up and read it. I didn't write it they did!


because blue collar work is filled with sexist, racist, homophobic white nationalists that believe in the prosperity gospel and the Great Replacement Theory


Untrue, at least in SoCal.


1. I didn’t say it was an absolute so my statement isn’t untrue. 2. 2020 election results (Dem/Rep) Imperial - 61/36 Kern - 43/53 LA - 71/26 Orange - 53/44 Riverside - 52/45 SB - 54/43 SD - 60/37 SLO - 55/42 Santa Barbara - 64/32 Ventura - 59/38 Bestie one county went Republican, and 3 were less than 10 percentage points away from each other. So I hate to tell you this, but SoCal seems to have a lot of sexist, racist, homophobes who believe in the prosperity gospel and the Great Replacement Theory. Unless you know how your coworkers voted, again, my statement isn’t untrue.


I’m just going off of the union letters I get which suggest we vote for progressive candidates. Usually lines up with my personal picks as a leftie


I get it, I’m in local 17, but what individuals do will always vary from the greater organization. Especially in our political system.


When any random uneducated conservative leaning guy is automatically a white  nationalist to you, you’ve lost the plot. 


You’re the only one who implied that “any random uneducated conservative leaning guy is automatically a white nationalist”.


Because he is willing to not tax us to death and inflation should go down if he gets back in. Plus he wants you to have guns.


Do you think the president is the only person in charge of inflation?? If anything that's the federal reserve and they can only do so much. Inflation has been a problem around the world, not just the US. he's just a president, not a king.


Well if you read the actual comment it says it should go down. Biden has been spending like its free money that plays a big role in that too. Giving people bail outs and countries billions does not help. They do have a better ability to make change to bring costs down with tariffs and trade policies.


Okay, I misunderstood. But also trump gave a bunch of tax breaks to the rich and signed the first round of covid handouts into law. I hate that these are our two options


Agreed but after that debate I could not imagine biden being fit.


Obviously you’ve never been to any one f the Democrat political rally’s. If you have you’d realize that non of their values line up with the blue collar workers and they could care less about you economically. They’ve used the union for votes and they literally cast us aside after they’re done with us.


And somehow that make you support of a felon conman rapist who is notorious for not paying contractors…. Bbbbutt I’m gonna be the first blue collar billionaire?!?!?


Nope I’m voting for the original democrat RFK so should you. Still supports unions and better aligns with my family values


He’s a far left socialist who just hates vaccines. It’s been his thing for 30 years, conservatives just hopped on for the covid vaccine and ignored that he is further left than AOC.


Rfk is not a far left socialist. 


Universal healthcare, free housing for low income, $15 minimum wage, free child care, cutting military funding, banning corporate bailouts, raising taxes on corporations and the wealthy, $1k housing subsidies for low and middle class families, against legislation banning abortions, federal money to lower student loan debt by lowering the interest rates, also wants congress to colorist interest on new and existing student loans, expand access and funding for trade schools, “transform” policing in America by training all cops in de-escalation. But his biggest concern is climate change and the environment. No more pesticides, clean water initiatives, move away from carbon based fuel for energy. Sounds pretty left to me. And that’s all from his campaign website.


He’s won plenty of cases proving his stance on vaccines isn’t wrong. Not to mention his voice issues is from a vaccine injury. Why don’t they have safety testing on vaccines?


He’s won no cases on vaccines. He won an injunction allowing him to continue to publicly make false medical statements. Look at what he did in Samoa where he took advantage of a horrible mistake in a poor hospital system, and effectively lowered vaccine rates (long before covid). Then when kids started dying from disease that vaccines would have protected them from, he said he didn’t want people to stop getting vaccinated, he was just “raising awareness.” They do safety test vaccines. And they continue to for decades after their approval.


Democratic rallies? Where 


I’m on the board, I get to go to all the democratic rally’s that we buy support for. Last one spoke nothing on the economy all they could talk about was LBGTQ crap and how bad the orange hair man could be. Not a single word on wages, economy or inflation. We wasted our money




I’m not dumb dude.


So name one


Oh let’s not forget abortion rights we had to listen to that divisive crap for at least 30% of the banquet.


Do you have a mother? Wife, girlfriend or sister, aunts? What about a daughter...?




lol Forgot to switch alt


Dude the democrats had what 50 years to codify Roe v Wade? They instead left it so they could use it as a political wedge ever election, holding your mothers, daughters, grandmothers hostages for votes. Sorry my dude but they’ve completely left the people they were supposed to be protecting behind. All while they just keep shipping your hard earned tax dollars over seas while they can’t even control the problems here.


Oh it's the dems fault now... Holy fuck. They didn't attack it. Dismantle it. Pushing for religious views in legislation... thats Republicans. And libertarians...please. libertarians are even dumber than Republicans. You must have strong legs to hop on foot to other like that so much. Talk about false equivalency...


If you can’t see that you’ve been played I don’t really have any hope that this conversation will go anywhere. I’m not voting for trump, I’m voting for RFK which still holds the values you’re gripping onto with both hands RFK RFK RFK RFK RFK


Wonder why you guys stopped engaging in conversation? Wasn’t going your way huh? Lmao


Bro you're being a blowhard and not listening that's why they stopped.


Vote your wallet, or vote your country away, we all have a hard pill to swallow in January 2025 either way




Fucking facts lose lose for us sadley


I’ve never understood why some of my co-workers feel a need to vote against themselves


The amount of guys I know that are union and pro Trump, blow my mind tbh


Same thing when I see a thin blue line sticker and a don’t tread on me sticker on the same truck.


Lol or the thin blue line Punisher sticker


Same. It baffles me. The stupidity and ignorance knows no bounds.


This shit is kinda nuts tbh. It’s a hive mind mentality I guess…. Absolutely ripe with misdirected righteous anger. I’m a woman btw, but this shit still affects us ALL… have you read Project 2025? It’s fucking terrifying for literally everyone other than the Amish, and the Puritans that settled at Plymouth Rock.


I have not but am from Boston so that would be a good read for me. My girlfriend of 3 years I is an iron worker too. We met prior to the local.


Are you pro Biden? What has he done for unions? Hell even the infrastructure bill gave money to Ukraine


Never said I was pro Biden


Sweet then we’re both voting for RFK


Lol a wasted vote


A vote for Biden or Trump is just as big of a waste. Sorry don’t want to see our country continue to fall apart. Maybe you should be so brave to vote for someone you believe in rather than the lesser of two evils


I’m voting 4 Pedro


Voting for obvious criminals is also a wasted vote


And these fools want to keep voting for that clown. Trump hates UNIONS


Um, I'm not sure about Trump. But Biden signed a 1/2 billion dollar aid package for the DAC I project in Odessa Tx. to do exactly what you're saying. It's failing due to non english speaking people and management saying I don't care if they fail or pass, Dana Davis with Worley was my supervisor and fired me for copywriting infringement, she would not allow my students with NCCER to bring their books home so I started making study guides for them to take home. I've been an instructor previously with NCCER, and never once did they have a problem with what I was doing. I've been in the business for 36 years, and all I want to do is see the craftsmanship come back.


I'm in Chicago. There is no work here because there are no commercial buildings going up at all. Work from home has, rightly, changed everything. No one is going to build an office building if they are going to remain half empty. Chicago office buildings have been half empty, or worse, for the last few years. Stores are closing over revenue loss because they've lost half of their foot traffic. Downtown is empty af to me. I'm on the roof of an 11 story building, on the North side of Chicago, for the last few days looking directly at downtown Chicago and I counted maybe 3 tower cranes up. I'm sure NY is going through the same shit. How, and when, we get over this is beyond me.


Well, going to need people to convert those places to apartments 


I’ve been wondering about this for our trade . The decline of Massive commercial property’s can really wreck us


No one wants to live in those shit states either


You're confusing mAgat red states with the actual good states of America but when you form your opinion while inside of an orange asshole you make the comment you made and think you've said something substantive. You didn't.


Everyone is moving to the south buddy no one wants to live in overpriced democrat ran states


If no one wants to live there, why are they so expensive. Some smartass tried to tell me about this law of supply and demand,but that’s obviously bullshit. Otherwise the red states you say are in demand would be way more expensive than the blue states where no one wants to live.


Actually when looking for a place to relocate for better wages I had to rule out the entire south.


If nobody wants to live there…..it wouldn’t be overpriced. Think man


Lol it don’t work like that


It does work like. Supply, demand etc


You sound dumb enough to truly believe that. Hahahaha....


It's the same situation in Boston and I've been watching less and less cranes go up in the since 2021. Granted, we have a finite amount of space and the FAA (Logan's runways) limits how high we can erect on one side of the city. People can blame the WFH crowd all they want, but that's a very simplistic view of the situation. Housing costs have exploded in MA and pay has gone up very little. And all of the STEM careers promised to students at Harvard and MIT are dwindling. There's very little reason for anyone to establish roots here and for developers to invest into anything other than Lab Space


The free market wins again. They'll hire illegals for minimum wage if they can get inspection to pass.


Slaves. It will be slaves if allowed.


If nothing changes, nothing changes.


Day terk rrrr jubs!!!


People think they are saving money paying cheap slow hands who take 5 times as long to do the same job but it cost the customer twice as much in the end


Jumping over dollars to pick up pennies.


Unionize the dumb fucking southerners


The southern states or the workers from south of the border? As a scab in a southern “right to work” state I’d love a solid union based on merit, not family ties. I left the goddamn industry, turn wrenches in a food plant for the same money I use to weld and connect for.


Every Ironworkers Local in the south is merit based. We don't have the ability to do the family shit because we claw and scratch for every dollar we get.


I went the opposite and more than tripled my money. But I left the union, and opened my own company


Man that kinda talk wants to make me organize big time /s


Same thought I had lol, just remember homeboy doesn’t have anything going for him so he has to talk down on others to make himself feel better


I’m serious. Union or bust. This shit we do is worth something man. Yeah the way the south does things I don’t like it.


Work for myself so not likely to organize regardless of y’all’s terrible elitist attitudes about non union labor.


So you’re on a union ironwork page expecting people to agree with you?


Where do you see an expectation of agreement? Y’all are horrible at recruitment


Also this isn’t a “union page”. It’s just an iron worker page but im guessing you think you own the trade lol


Spare me this southern nonsense. You wanna make 50 an hr or 23? Your game only works if you’re the business owner, and if you are, there’s nothing to talk about man.


I make more than $50/hr but thanks for trying


A lot of contractors Central Midwest still hire union over non union guys. They cost more, but do a better job. The quality is there and for a lot of these jobs its better to guarantee solid work so it doesn’t bite you in the ass later on


I don't know. I'm starting to see a decline in workmanship coming out of the unions. Especially the electricians. I had a third year apprentice who didn't know how to bend a 90 with a kick in 1/2" EMT. Had another third year who roughed in and left only 18" whips out of the top plates, now they need put j-boxes in everywhere. Another one ,after working 8 days on scissor lift say he couldn't go on the lift anymore.


Damn are a whole bunch of local 40 guys still out of work? I know it was fucking terrible last year for them. It’s a good thing their pay is good enough where they can survive with 3 months or so off


Unions are there own worst enemy. Eventually they cause worse problems then they solve. Lot of Unions guys not getting work because they're jobs were outbid and can be done faster with honestly sometimes better quality work.


I know what will help! Another 11,000,000 across the southern border in 4 years /s


It's like we're in a fn predicament. Yes, the dems have been better for the unions and the trades, but their policies are also running this country as a whole into the ground whereas the conservatives policies are much healthier for the fabric of America but aren't exactly friendly towards the trade unions...how can we vote in good conscience here?


Which policies precisely?


Explain this please ?


Skilled labor ain’t cheap and cheap labor ain’t skilled


What's 40s rate again hate to say it brother but bleed the cow to much with topping out pay and all that I know I'll get hate for it


It’s well deserved when you consider what it costs us to live in NY






So the southerner is then New Mexican stealing jobs. Who could have seen that coming.


Good move south.


I was an ironworker for about nine years and I wasn’t union and I worked all the time because I got paid less than the union people I got sick of all the travel and took a shop job


You know Trump, who you love, is VERY anti-union? [https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/sep/25/trump-united-auto-workers-strike](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/sep/25/trump-united-auto-workers-strike)


Um, I'm not sure about Trump. But Biden signed a 1/2 billion dollar aid package for the DAC I project in Odessa Tx. to do exactly what you're saying. It's failing due to non english speaking people and management saying I don't care if they fail or pass, Dana Davis with Worley was my supervisor and fired me for copywriting infringement, she would not allow my students with NCCER to bring their books home so 1 started making study guides for them to take home. I've been an instructor previously with NCCER, and never once did they have a problem with what I was doing. I've been in the business for 36 years, and all I want to do is see the craftsmanship come back. "National right to work". Add a comment D-F-B-81 2d 1


We call those people “scabs”.


It’s because of Biden, we need to get Trump back in office to deport the illegals.


Why not just let them join the union?


Good luck telling them that


I don't understand, are they just anti union?


Yes. Very! I’m from Texas, moved to Arizona after high school, and now live in Cleveland. Since I’ve started posting about joining local 17 I’m hearing lots of shit talking including people who have been seriously injured, and others who have flatlined in an ambulance TWICE on the way to the hospital.


Is that what they're saying happened because of the union or are those the nightmares you've heard from those that are not unionized?


Nightmares that happened to guys who work non union


Well I expected that. Would telling some of the anti union people those stories help at all?


It hasn’t really helped. They see it as the other person being a dumbass or that contractor being bad. They assume it can never happen to them 😔


Well I'm sorry that's happened. I've dealt with a lot of people like that in my life, but usually they aren't actively threatening my safety and livelihood. Can I try and make a suggestion?




Non Union guys work faster




RFK For President!!!!


Union members voting for Trump is like the chickens voting for Col Sanders


Labor. Militancy.


In California it's been slow for a few years now. Every trade deals with illegals undercutting union brothers. Doesn't help the unions bring those same guys on board. On another note didn't joe biden increase tariffs on Chinese aluminum and steel among other stuff that negatively affects the construction industry?


Actually it was Trump who initiated that deal.


It was Trump and it was the correct thing to do…Union Ironworkers should be hanging/placing American steel not cheap China steel.


Yes but my point being joe increased those tariffs again


Do you know what they used to do to scabs?? Sounds like y’all need to handle some business.. had a kid bragging to me on the job one day he wasn’t union… he wasn’t there at the end of the day..


Big tuff guy


U Betcha….


Us , non-union Southern folks, have to travel north to get work because the immigrants do the same job cheaper. I'm in Louisiana fwi. My brother was a home builder for 15 years and has to travel to make what he made in the 90’s. The Hispanic day laborers come in and throw up a house for half what the local guys charge. You can't compete with that. I pay the Hispanics to do the majority then have the few journeyman carpenters come straighten and fix it. Alot of the migrant workers say they have a skill then by the time you realize they don't know what they are doing you have lost half the day and ruined materials. They just bounce to the next site.




So what’s he supposed to do? Not work?


And who has opened that border allowing all of them to come over and screw us all out of our work?


Finally! The right answer.


You win some, you lose some.. just how it works


It is what it is


Can’t win em all…


Unions suck balls. If you want a job done in a timely manner for half the cost, they’ll hire non union. Easy enough.

