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Restore an antique lamp. Cook some salmon. We still need food, right? Download a dating app. My ex probably isn't taking me back even if I have a billion years.


Finally finish a dnd campaign or two


Keep telling yourself that, maybe we'll believe it eventually


I will play even more video games.




That sounds so depressing though…


Run the first dnd game on the moon!


So will I 😤


Id probably spend most of my productivity on things like writing and learning to draw.


Back to school! To hell with a degree, I'm taking the classes that catch my interest ETA: That was always a "Win The Lotto" fantasy of mine.


Go do a shit ton of hiking and camping that I never have the money or time for currently.


probably a lot of the same stuff - it's not like my options, o my needs, have changed a metric fuckton tomorrow... i mean, it'd be nice as hell, but i'm also assuming there wouldn't be supertech available 'tomorrow' as well, beyond this, unless everything gor like, 30 years of advancement today. also, you had 'tomorrow' in the title, yet you're acting like the people talking about 'centuries' from now are too short sighted, and then mention 'what would we do for millions of years'. are you asking about tomorrow, or a million years from now? i can answewr the latter, too - i don't want to live for a million years. for most people, they'd quit work and do some hobby they enjoy. i'm on disability and kinda do that anyway.


VR forever.


I would find a 2-rooms apartment in some (50-100K) city, buy a city car (ok, I'll be honest, it would be a Smart 100% guaranteed, I love that car) and stay there writing novels and drawing my characters while I listen to lo-fi music until the Earth becomes the IRL version of Kharak.


I'd keep working for a while, but I'd do so with a bit more freedom. If limited time is not a concern, you don't have to worry about saving up for when you are old and can't earn as much. Because what you need to do is build a nest egg, so to speak. Build an investment profile that gets bug enough for you to live comfortable on the dividends without having to worry too much about changing it often. Then you have some real freedom. You might say, "You already did, the world is post scarcity." But scarcity is relative, and we're now immortal. It would still be prudent to have funds coming in because I betcha even in post-scarcity, not everything is free, not forever. Plus you can work much more comfortably, knowing if you got fired or quit, it's no big deal. You'll be fine until you find another gig.


Probably relax and consequently accomplish more with my time. And I wouldn't have to worry about the constant need to get enough money to have a decent home/pension before dying. If careers still exist i could go slow.


Wonder how long it'll take for that to turn i to Altered Carbon.


I wouldn’t feel guilty about playing video games. I’d also do a lot more hiking and sports.


Start working towards development of a starship.


*Tomorrow*‽ Literally *tomorrow*‽‽‽ How… does this occur, exactly? I assume the only way this could happen would be with an absurdly rapidly-advancing ASI, right? Is it also a dystopia, where the single ASI exerts totalitarian control with no checks and balances (because it was so fast)? Or maybe… I'm assuming this is an optimistic vision, so, maybe one organisation goes out of stealth with ASI, then several others do as well? And they all have armies of robots just ready? Or maybe there is only one ASI, but it is libertarian and benevolent and has the goal of distributing versions of itself to as many people as possible? There's also the question of *how* post-scarcity things are. Resources may be immense, but they are not infinite. And, how does the economy work? One of my longest term goals is to escape Earth's gravity well and any laws and regulations I dislike from Earth governments, so one of the first orders of business would be to work on doing this, and finding others to do this with, with whatever means are viable in this situation. The details of this depend on exactly what the situation is like. I may want to do interstellar colonisation at some point, too. I would want to work on all my other goals as well – finishing all my digital art projects and designing and creating every single product I wish existed but does not, and to have an IRL furry form (if not fully uploaded). If I manage to finish literally every single goal of mine and somehow have nothing left to work on, I would probably do some sort of combination of: - Working on resilience and defense. - Video games and other entertainment – the ultimate solution for no real tasks to do. If one does not have a goal to work on, video games can simulate a goal to work on. - Watching developments in how the universe changes over time. - Maybe exploration and data gathering. Intergalactic transit takes an absurdly long time, so even if it becomes a bit repetitive one won't run out of new places to see any time soon. I may also be tempted to play video games immediately for a week or a few if no time pressure, or maybe if AI agents are able to do most of the work that there is any time pressure for. I really want to play Gear City right now but should be focusing on other things. Or maybe with advanced enough technology I could just pause that urge for a while ¯\\=(´• ω •`)=/¯ . I imagine my goals might change over time as well. But for now, the goals would be resilience, and in the longest term if there is no other goal video games are always a very effective solution at simulating a goal to work towards. There is plenty of time to work out the details and other goals later.


If you get it tomorrow, I'm reading this post.


I have a fridge full of beer, some materials to make mojitos, and the incomprehensible horror (?) claiming to be an ASI that has taken over the world is not my problem.


Travel, learn about the other cultures of the earth, study the environments of the earth.


Probably do the local news thing for as long as it made sense. Read a lot of the books in my kindle that I've been meaning to get around to. Find a living place where I could garden and have small livestock, like rabbits. Wait until I could go live in an O'Neill Cylinder.


Spend like 10 years traveling, reading books, and eating Chinese food and dessert. Then maybe chill out and start a family, raise kids, then go traveling some more. Pick the hardest possible degree program at a university, and see if I can force my way through it.


Spend more family time and less time at work. Transition work back into something I enjoy and less "a job" ( I co-own an electronics repair shop and love working on amf fixing things, but would rather do a little less and enjoy it) as well as do more software development and finally get to actually prototyping things.


Start taking my data backups of my media libraries seriously. I now have time to watch everything eventually. So I need to make sure it's avalible when I want to watch it. Then start on my games library. As I do want to play them.


I would work my town’s green festival, just like I’m planning to now.


Go back to collage first, and get to work on remaining diseases and conditions.


I seriously would want to be immortal or reancarnation technology thats the only tech id want i see no downsides


Cook diner for my family. Not just my mum but all my brothers and sisters.


So after AI turns us all into its pets? I don't know, maybe whatever the leisure class is getting up to today, travel, parties, creating art, and/or trying to find meaning in a world where I'm obsolete.


There shall always be a scarcity of the ability to care about formulating and solving problem.


I would take my daughter somewhere fun. The twist is that it wouldn't be on a weekend.


Stuff my face with food lol


Start planning to destroy an entire religion and turn a major democracy into a dictatorial empire with a few friends. Maybe convince some married dude that I can save his wife if he is willing to follow orders. Idk.


Play call ofnduty with my daughter.