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Sometimes gender dysphoria isn't about wanting to be a specific thing, it's about not being happy with whatever you've got going on presently. Maybe put some thought into what you'd like to be different, regardless of what that might mean to the outside world - different hair? Different name? Different pronouns? Different clothes? Different body?


So much of this. I felt I was living from everyone’s expectations rather than how I was.


it’s a very existential film, that makes you question your own reality given that the midnight realm is basically our reality. what if we’re all buried somewhere in the pink opaque suffocating and slowly dying? it’s a very scary thought tbh, which is probably why it makes you anxious.


And I love that it’s a horror and some trogs are saying “it wasn’t horror” and I’m like, it’s set in the reality we live in, which is pretty damn hell scapish.


agreed!!!! i understand it may have more drama elements, but to me it’s undeniably a horror movie. the entire sequence of mr. melancholy talking to isabelle before burying her is horrifying!! and honestly everything after lol.


Yes. The sequence from maddie back to Owen running away is terrifying start to finish. And then a short narration and the brutal ending.


I always made it a point to say it’s not a traditional horror, no slashers or strong gore but it’s IDENTITY horror and it makes you really existential about your existence afterward. The only thing I could say about it after my first watch was that it was haunting because I didn’t have the words yet to explain how the film made me feel other than it left me feeling hollow for a good minute


Fair. And I’m here for it being horror but ya. I get it’s not traditional but I literally have never watched a traditional horror cause I’m a scaredy pants. But ya. Existential horror seems to fit. Everyone who like it seems to be walking out of theatre bawling or just a little confused until they watch it again 😂


Exactly, I wouldn’t say I was scared on my first watch but I was haunted which was way more effective in making the movie stick with me


I definitely spent the first day after i saw the film asking my girlfriend for reassurance that we were on the top layer of reality. i can totally understand why it would be triggering (in the original psychiatric-care usage of the word) and why the feelings it triggers would be difficult to sort through. try and take some time to write out what you're feeling and see what thoughts form.


I am cis and asexual. This movie really resonated with me due to the themes of wasted time and not being your true self. I spent 10 years in a heterosexual marriage forcing myself to participate in the physical aspects that I hated. I wish I could have been myself in my 20s, and this movie really hurt at points. However, the graffiti reminding us that there’s still time moved me to tears. I think MANY people of all walks of life can relate to these themes.


Ya, I’ve been saying it’s a movie about what it’s like when societal pressure do not allow you to live as your full authentic self. Whatever that means for whoever is watching.


A lot of people are relating to the film, including a lot of cis queers. Perhaps an obvious question but - are you out publicly?


I get exactly what you mean, I feel the same way after watching it. I am seriously questioning who I am rn and it’s scary af


You’re not going crazy. I’m spiralling into it too I’m a similar way but mine is a bit less disruptive to my life rn. Sorry you’re going through that. There’s still time. Every rewatch makes me cry more. Every rewatch I see more themes. It’s unfolding. I’m currently on watch 5. Can’t sleep. I’m going to binge it. I might be crazy here but I also really don’t think I’m trans. Maaaayybe non binary but I dunno. I think I relate cause I’m autistic, and have cptsd, and I, as many, am learning this in my late 20s. I feel like I had to hide for so long and life was hard for so long and I never knew why and now coming to terms with the fact that I am autistic. It’s all making sense now. This movie really just captures what it is to repress your true authentic self and how it eats at you. Try a rewatch or two. Journal. And take notes about it. It feels very healing for me.


I don’t think this reaction means you’re trans. (I mean you could be, I don’t know you, but not because of this reaction alone) Even apart from the themes of repression, the film is very existential. The ideas of your life passing you by, that we’re all slowly dying, that you’ll end up old and unhappy, they’re fairly universal human fears.


I think this is the perfect forum for discussing this. To me, I Saw the TV Glow is a movie about being slowly killed by a lack of authenticity. There are potentially so many ways that a queer person could feel like they are squandering their life and not feeling like they are authentic or out enough. Feeling like the relationship they are in is limiting them, feeling like they aren't presenting as masc or fem or androgynous as they want, feeling like they try to blend in as straight. Of course, you also just did see a disturbing piece of fiction. It's okay to be disturbed. But I very much agree with the comments to the effect that if you're worried about aging out of your prime, think about what about how you're currently living your youth, you might regret in 20 years.


this movie made me feel strange for days after. i couldn't walk at night in the moon light without feeling creeped out and super weird like all my senses were turned up to 100 idk how to explain it


Who was the ice cream man🍧


The guy from adventures of Pete and Pete 🍦💪