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Wellcome to jew world on every 3 jews you have 5 opinions. We like to argue between ourself


At least 6 of those 5 opinions are from me.


I beg to argue on that.


You're wrong.


I can agree on that, but i still stand my ground on what i said


I can consent to you begging to argue, as long as you admit that you are wrong.


I did the math on this and ackshually; Given that; for 2 Jews there are 3 opinions. With 3 Jews, there are 3 sets of 2 Jews so they actually have 9 opinions in total!




You're assuming there are no overlapping opinions. I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just pointing out the assumption.


A very good argument! I would have agreed with you completely if it weren't for tradition, so now i disagree




No, it's seven opinions. Wanna argue about it?


Yeah it’s our national pastime. Sometimes people call it kevetching in Yiddish I think. I could be wrong.


we save it the entire week then on the shabat table we let it out


Pretty much lol


>This sub seems to have its opinions sway almost every few days. One day it’s “we are against the settlers because they harm Israel’s reputation” and the other day it’s “settlers are good because they secure Israel”. But also most importantly, the sub flips between “Biden is good, Trump is bad” and “Trump is good, Biden is bad” almost frequently.  Two Jews, three opinions. 


Just depends what kippah the dudes put on this morning


Many Israelis feel in existential threat. This fear comes mostly from the left who demonize Israel at every turn and some even call for its destruction. You are right, the right wing are insane but they are an easier enemy. They hate every guy that a bit different and they don’t hide it well. The left (especially the far left) in recent years, also started to hate everyone that is different than them and have put Israel as it’s primary enemy, the source of all the problem in world, like we Jews in the 30s, and they hide it. So yea, I prefer nut jobs who hate everyone than intelligent (but super naive) ones that especially hate me. We are living in a difficult time what can I say.


"intelligent" Participating in intellectual masturbation does not make one intelligent.


Ok funny lol. Relatively intelligent and more educated it’s the better term I guess


I’ve never heard anybody on the super left with a positive view of Israel. If anybody has a link or video of one, I’ll buy you a coffee. 


Not sure how you define super left, but Ritchie Torres is pretty Left-ward on the political spectrum, but is also a supporter of Israel. He quit the Progressive caucus after the antisemitism from it got too much. There's also Mondaire Jones, but I haven't researched as much on how pro-Israel he is. Apparently he criticized Bowman (New York Progressive Democrat, the guy who pulled the fire alarm during a Congressional vote) and endorsed his primary opponent, which caused the Progressive caucus to then drop their endorsement of him as retaliation. But yeah, most on the super left, at least in politics, don't hold Israel in good regards.


So IS the problem with THEM, not Me???


Right wing politicians in the west are almost all pro Israel and anti immigration that’s why.


The problem is they are only pro Israel as long as it serves them (and their support is motivated by antisemitic thinking: „If the jews have their own state we don’t have to tolerate them as part of our society here in the US/in Europe.“) I am really confused by the support for the Western right wing in this sub. Being from Europe I can see their antisemitic world view in their statements and campaigns every day, not just the superficial statements about Israel. I also grew up among ultra right wing people who would vote for those parties. Believe me, they hate jews. The just hate muslims more right now. Their main goal is to dismantle democracy and cosy up to dictators and autocrats. They will drop Israel like a hot potato once power structures have shifted globally or make it worse for everyone wanting to live peacefully in the region with their culture wars. I understand that in an existential threat one clings on to any straw one can find. But clinging onto the OG antisemitic buffoons who want to ethnically cleanse Jews out of their society seems wild to me (What makes you think Israel will be safe from them in the long term?) Also it is making life for Jewish people living in the West worse. I realize that the times are difficult, because we see right now - under liberal governments - a rise in public antisemitism and an outright betrayal of the Israeli people. But the solution cannot be to support their political opponents who in the end also hate jews and who want to destabilize whole political systems and democratic societies that are a prerequisite for successful allyship.


Without a right wing shift in the west we are headed to the 60s era politics. Being isolated so much we have to deal almost exclusively with a handful of other outcasts. There aren't a lot of those unclaimed by the eastern powers (iran russia china). What will be the most dangerous for Jews in the West? Israel being weak. Can't imagin showing Jewish symbols on october7 in western capitals. The bloodlust was outworldly. If Israel was destroyed I have no doubt pogroms from the 30s would immediately follow all the rest (atleast in europe). Guess it's bad options all around. At some point people would rather shuffle the deck, even if it's a big risk.


Yep from your perspective I understand. You only have bad options right now and it is about your immediate survival. From my European perspective I see the shit behind the glitter on a daily basis. I know that how it is right now cannot go on. But I really don’t want ultra-right wingers in power, they will create more chaos. Those are not simply right-wing conservatives. We are talking about hardcore, Holocaust denying pieces of shit Nazis 2.0. Especially here in Germany and in France. They present themselves as allies of Israel only as a means to an end and will fuck you and the Jews living in Europe over once they get the chance. We will not end up with 1960s politics, but 1930s/40s politics. I do not know if this is also in your best interest. Progroms have happened and absolutely will be happening under the extreme right again, because most of these parties and politicians are rooted in an antisemitic, Nazi tradition. Do not confuse them with moderate Christian conservatives. What I am missing are realist democratic centrist parties, that support a strong allyship with Israel (also publicly without any doubt), call out all forms of bigotry (including antisemitism) and implement policies that take into account the realities of the region(also against Iran, calling out the UN etc.). There parties like that, but they are weak or invisible, because everyone thinks the grass is greener on the extreme right-wing side. But this is the responsibility of us Europeans to push for these parties and policies. But we are failing you. The options you have right now or that are loud enough to make it across the mediterranean are rather shitty no matter how one looks at it. Also with regards to this sub it concerns me more the ideas that are transported with the stuff that is shared and who’s words are shared. When subscribing to the extreme right one usually doesn’t just buy into the one issue. Over time, their whole twisted ideology comes with it and slowly tickles in.


You seem to misunderstand why a large portion of the Evangelical Right (US) supports Israel: the Bible. To them, so long as the prophecy remains unfulfilled, there will always be the need to defend the State until Jesus returns. So it comes down to whether the Book of Revelations is real: If it is, then the End Times makes everything moot. If it isn't, then the Evangelicals will continue to support Israel for the foreseeable future until they lose their majority influence on Republican politics. Other than that, you got the typical 'US Power Projection all across the globe' Republicans who see Israel as an ally in a region that lacks friendly options, and then others who have their own reasons to support Israel/Jews.


Yep maybe I mixed up US and Europe too much. Here in Europe we don’t have the cult-like Christian fundamentalism that motivates the extreme right wing politically like in the US. The European extreme right-wing is more in Nazi/facist tradition. However, I would argue that the hardcore Evangelical still share antisemitic beliefs. Especially when one looks at Trumps track record of antisemitic speech targeted at Jews in the US. Also his foreign politics cannot be compared with typical conservative hawkish power plays when it comes to the middle east. Let’s not forget that he was the one who negotiated and prepared the 2020/21 catastrophe in Afghanistan because of „America first“ and left that gigantic pile of shit on Bidens desk for him to handle. From an Israeli perspective you might not care, because for you your immediate survival is most important now. For Jews in the US the consequences of an extreme right presidency might not be that bright, that’s why it surprises me the most seeing a lot of them supporting Trump. But I guess it’s a choice between the plague and cholera right now.


What antisemitic statements did Polievre make?


That Trudeau is a WEF puppet and supports the “Great Reset”


Am I missing something here? How's that antisemitic? Did he try to tie it to a grand Jewish conspiracy or something like thar? Of the stuff I hear about the WEF, 99.9% of it has absolutely nothing to do with Jews. I believe that even Ben Shapiro made a video about the WEF, and he's a pro-Israel and pro-Jewish hardliner. Regardless of whether you think various criticisms of the WEF are reasonable or not, it seems pretty deranged to blindly equate all of them with antisemitism.


Some leftists aren’t use to or can’t accept the bigotry coming from their own side. It seems mental gymnastics ensues.


People say antisemitic stuff all the time without realizing it. That's why it spreads. We need to stop talking about it like it's bigotry and more like what it is: a language of conspiracy theory, that can slowly take over anyone's mind. Jews are not immune to it at all. I don't doubt that Ben Shapiro or say guys at Commentary Magazine love Israel or fellow Jews. But a lot of these guys have this need to drop Soros references in a way that ascribes to him far more power than he has. They aren't doing it because they hate Jews. They are doing it because Soros has become this totem on the right. Which would be fine, except Soros came to occupy this position *because* antisemites in the far right beginning in Hungary and then globally, like to use him as an exemplar of the shadowy, globalist Jew of their old stories. A lot of how this stuff works is that serious antisemites come up with a narrative or meme, which gets progressively sane-washed as it enters mainstream discourse. That doesn't mean you can't criticize the foundations he's affiliated with or funds or question the wisdom of who they have given money to. I'm just saying people should be a bit more responsible about it and less dismissive that rhetoric can be antisemitic. And none of this should be taken to assume we should be blind to how antisemitism spreads on the left or used to explain how one extreme is better than the other.


The way I see it, people weaponize the term "antisemitism" to negate criticism of people like Soros without actually addressing it. In my view, this detracts from attempts to call out very real antisemitism. The same thing has happened with terms like "racism," "fascism," "homophobia," etc. Organizations like the ADL both do really important work to fight antisemitism while simultaneously attempting to weaponize their positions to suppress the freedom of speech of people they don't like. I think this ends up with people seeing them as authoritarians fighting against free expression rather than Jews standing up for themselves. Jews are not well-served by trying to read antisemitism into things like criticism of Soros, unless that criticism is framed in EXPLICITLY antisemitic terms. There's plenty enough REAL antisemitism that should be focused on instead.


Not to be too cute or God forbid, level any accusation, but if you substitute "Israel" for "Soros" in your comment, you will understand my point. "People weaponize antisemitism to negate criticism of Israel"."criticism of Israel is antisemitism only when explicit antisemitic terms are used" This is how antisemitism spreads. One actor literally expresses how something symbolizes the evil Jews embody. The next actor cleans up the story and removes literal mention of Jews. Subsequent actors repeat the sanitized story over and over., until it is absorbed by trusted figures and ordinary people. And then because they aren't bigots, they defend that story and personally feel offended if you tell them about antisemitism. As this process iterates, the population becomes more used to more explicit versions of the story and develops ever stronger antipathy towards the symbol. Eventually , some feel comfortable saying outright antisemitism when the symbol is mentioned.


People DO use the term "antisemitism" to dismiss criticism of Israel without addressing it. Criticism of Israel should be addressed on its merits AND on its motivations, but should not be dismissed out of hand as antisemitic unless it directly relies on something pretty explicitly antisemitic. I think it does Israel a great disservice to label criticism as antisemitism without directly addressing it. A lot of criticism of Israel can be challenged through reason and logic. There's even some legitimate criticism of Israel going around, especially when it comes to Bibi. Just because we are seeing a LOT of criticism of Israel that relies on antisemitic precepts (such as holding Israel to a different standard than other countries) does not mean that we can just say that all criticism of Israel is antisemitic. Just think about where your position leads. If ANYTHING is tied to an antisemitic conspiracy theory of some kind or another, and then people make legitimate criticisms of that thing that sound similar but without the antisemitism, then that later criticism will get labeled antisemitic. I'm an atheist, so I will use that as an example. I happen to believe that the atheist community contains a disproportionate number of Marxists and communist sympathizers. However, there are also various pejorative stereotypes that try to link the atheist community at large to communism and other radical ideologies. Just because those stereotypes exist, does that mean it is wrong to use my point to criticize certain portions of the atheist community? There are a lot of political positions (including some held by many Jews) that bear superficial resemblance to antisemitic conspiracy theories. We should point out how they are DIFFERENT from those conspiracy theories, and why they are right even though those conspiracy theories are wrong, rather than try to tie them together.


(1) Everything you write is predicated on a false binary. That if you draw any attention to how a symbol is used by antisemites and how antisemtism spreads you MUST dismiss all criticism towards the subject. No. I addressed this in the very first comment. People need to be aware of how antisemitism isn't bigotry. It is more like a language of conspiracy thinking. That does not mean call everyone who disagrees with you an antisemite and declare victory. I did not say Ben Shapiro or Jon Podhoretz should never criticize Soros/his foundation/where the money goes. I said they should just be a little mindful about how they do it. (2) Contrary, to your assertion, it is not the case that if something is said to be connected to antisemitism that it is drummed out of discourse. Quite the opposite. In fact what often happens is that such narratives and terms become normalized. Either time attenuates the original reference. Or advocates ramp up the sane washing until it just fades into the background, where it can periodically be revived. Here's an example of the first: "Cultural Marxism" is a reference to Judeo-Bolshevism and ideas that Jews conspire to destroy white Christian societies from the inside. But that reference is weaker today, because of the dominance of anti-Western leftism in academia, which often casts Jews as white oppressors. The notion of an excessively powerful "Jewish lobby" is an ex. of the second. Ilhan Omar didn't need to introduce ideas about the undue influence of AIPAC. All she had to do was refer to them, giving them new life. In recent years, we can see blatant antisemtism get sane-washed into prominence. For ex. "Great Replacement" or stories about Israeli attempts at genocide. Or narratives about Israelis being Nazis. Or how it's Zionists, not Jews, who are the problem etc. All of these things are today quite mainstream. Unsurprisingly, this is occurring as prevalence of antisemitic beliefs and attacks have risen. (3) What you propose: to refute antisemitic stories without any reference to the larger process by which narratives are sane washed and passed around is incoherent w/the idea of appealing to reason. This is like saying we can't refer to the process by which Hamas assertions are used by NGOs, which in turn are cited by the UN and in turn mentioned by the media in a discussion about reliability of a news story or a report by an NGO or UN. More importantly, the idea that people shouldn't be aware of how antisemitism works and how stories are sane-washed, renders everyone vulnerable to imbibing and propagating antisemitism. In the extreme, such an idea is tantamount to asking society to disarm itself.


Claiming that the WEF seeks to control the world is antisemitic


Why? I don't think Klaus Schwab is even Jewish... Even if he were, that's like saying that any criticism of George Soros is antisemitic. He's been actively funding anti-Israel activism (as reported by reputable outlets like Politico) and this sub has had a ton of criticism of him on it. Just because there's antisemitic criticism of George Soros doesn't mean that ALL criticism of him is antisemitic. Just because there are conspiracy theories about the WEF that are antisemitic doesn't mean that ALL conspiracy theories about the WEF are antisemitic.


Not all criticism of Soros is antisemitic, but claiming Soros is a puppet master is antisemitic.


Why? Wouldn't it only be antisemitic if you tried to say it was BECAUSE he is Jewish or somehow link it to Zionism or something? George Soros controls billions of dollars that he uses to influence nonprofits and political campaigns, through organizations like the Open Society Foundation. In many ways, he's kind of like what the Koch brothers were to the Tea Party. Because a lot of his spending is done through nonprofits, there's a ton of evidence about what specific causes he astroturfs in publicly-disclosed material. Given that he's not really being secretive about it, that much isn't exactly a conspiracy theory.


No, it’s not. And Soros is a kapo, so no love lost.


Give evidence showing Soros was a fake Jew


Who said fake Jew? He was a kapo, admitted so on video. He is not someone to look up to. https://www.jpost.com/opinion/article-752559


The link talks about how legitimate criticism of him is not antisemitic (it’s not), but what is antisemitic is calling him a puppet master and controller


Soros is the single largest individual political donor in the US by a wide margin. He has a very influential behind the scenes role in the democratic party. It doesn't matter who fills this role, they will always get political shit thrown at them. I don't think it is antisemitic to refer to that as a puppet master.


> you will own nothing and you will be happy This is a direct quote from the WEF. The great reset isn't a conspiracy, it's also directly from the WEF. It's not antisemitic to be against global elites returning us to feudalism regardless of if some of them happen to be Jewish. Almost all of the discussion I have seen on the WEF is entirely unrelated to Judaism.


The WEF is not setting us back centuries, and the slogan is not what it literally says


When someone tells you who they are, believe them. It works for antisemites calling for a global intifada, and it works here. I saw the ad they made, this isn't an out of context thing someone accidentally said. It was their vision for the entire world renting from them.


I’ve wondered this before, but who thought that “The Great Reset” is a reasonable name at the WEF?! We’re post-Covid and its various conspiracy theories that sound vaguely similar. But “The Great Replacement” is fairly new (as a slight variant on “White Genocide”), widely known, and deeply rooted in antisemitism, and is often used in an outright antisemitic context. That name coming from an organization whose name is “Global Banking Cabal” in terms of being perfect nutty conspiracy theory bait. Some aren’t aware of the antisemitic origins of the countless conspiracy theories using that template, or miss dogwhistles like “the bankers” or “global elite” but find the conspiracy theory convincing anyway. Replacing “Jews” with “Zionists” in hate speech is by far a much better indicator for antisemitic intent. Even if the right-wing conspiracy types are often easily “taught” that the Jews are behind whatever, a lot of the Leftist stuff is much more disturbing and directly associated with Jewish students being harassed. Just the “White” label, and the entire post-Colonialist lens the wider Conflict is viewed through as a result, is antisemitic to its core, denying the existence of Mizrahi and Sephardic Jews, for example.


You are entirely right on this.


That’s true and not antisemitic. I can’t wait to vote for PP!!!!!


what are these two things


The WEF (World Economic Forum) is a group of corporate/capitalist elite types who try to use their power to influence public policy and to promote stakeholder capitalism. There are various legitimate criticisms of it, some conspiracy theories, and a few voices who try to tie it to antisemitic conspiracy theories. Most criticism of it isn't based on antisemitism, though. The Great Reset was the WEF's proposal to reshape the world economy in response to the COVID pandemic. There are various legitimate criticisms as well as various conspiracy theories about it as well.


Because they don't? Right now the Canadian liberals have passed a bill criminalizing the criticism of hamas's narrative. https://nationalpost.com/opinion/university-teacher-faces-firing-for-denouncing-hamas Such a bill is CLEARLY aimed at Jews, and combined with the Canadian pre crime bill that allows the police to preemptively arrest people for suspicion of preparing to espouse "hate speech", they will be able to legally Round Up Jews likely before the end of the year. Meanwhile in the US, The Democrats are running a flat earther (Jamal bowen) that thinks that Jews control the world, but I constantly hear liberal Jews tell me that he actually secretly likes us. Meanwhile, the Republicans are trying to pass a bill that will literally criminalize anti-semitism, but the same liberal Jews are telling me that they secretly hate us. Believe what people tell you; it's not a big secret. Liberal Jews suffer pronoia for their own side and paranoia against the other. Open your ears. You don't have to read that far into things to see which way the wind is blowing right now.


Well put and I'd like to build on this. 25 years ago my entire family was conservative. The left has had issues with antisemitism for years. Look at Annamie Paul, fighting antisemitism still hanging on in far left politics, in 2021... Im reluctantly voting PP next election.


Please provide a citation for "the Canadian liberals have passed a bill criminalizing the criticism of hamas's narrative" this is definitely not mentioned in the linked article.


“The Democrats are running” That’s not really how things work. Bowmam’s list of endorsements is pretty thin, especially for an incumbent.


What are your feelings on this? https://nationalpost.com/opinion/university-teacher-faces-firing-for-denouncing-hamas


It’s wrong. Not sure what it has to do with primary elections in New York


That's not what we were talking about. We were talking about the fact that left wing parties are anti-semitic now.


I was referring to the fact that Democrats aren’t ‘running’ Bowman as a candidate. Bowman is running as a Democrat and hopefully he will lose his primary election. There are antisemitic politicians in both the Democratic Party and the GOP. Neither party is ‘antisemitic’.


I looked up the flat earther claim and all I see is someone found his YouTube subscriptions. Seems like a pretty weak claim.


>a pretty weak claim. I'm 100% positive that if you ever found out that Donald Trump was subscribed to Flat Earth videos, you would put a second mortgage on your home to rent out the largest billboard you could find to broadcast it.


Nah it be the same. There is no shortage of dumb shit for either they directly said, no need to go digging.


"The tricks of the right" השם ישמור.  Just look who is out there protesting our existence under the guise of "anti zionism"  There is a reason immigrant Jews overwhelmingly vote right. My parents are from the former Soviet and first handedly experienced what the progressive and their pandering politicians are trying to get us to revert to.


Yes, but antisemitism on the right should NOT be ignored too.


Those words ever came out my keyboard?  The far right has a anti semtisim problem, it's far worse by the left. Just go in nyc with an israeli flag next to a college campus. 


the left is WAAAAY more antisemitic than the right the left's antisemites are AT LEAST in the tens of millions because it's a trend. the right's antisemites are pretty fringe groups hanging onto the top-right corner of the political spectrum for dear life


Antisemitism is growing in the American right thanks to the growing Groypers. Also take into account that many American youth are either critical of Israel or apathetic of it and they will be by definition the future leaders of their country in many cases....


not really


Yes but antisemitism is becoming mainstream in the GOP


It seems that you cheer for the Democrats like they’re your favorite sports team and will vote for whoever has a D next to their name. You know very well that the anti-semitism is far, far worse in the left. Your post seems more like a rally to support the left than a true concern for Israel.


AOC and Tlaib’s ideologies are not in the mainstream of the Democratic party. Antisemitism on the GOP is in the mainstream of the party.


“The Squad” are openly anti-Semitic and no one on the left ever calls them out on it. Also, Biden withheld military aid from Israel that was passed by the Republican House. Biden has also spoken against Israel which is an ally of America. Also, the the vast majority of the college student, queer, and Muslim protesters are overwhelmingly on the left. Sure the KKK on the right doesn’t like Jews but they are a bunch of country bumpkins hiding in the shadows and don’t get the support of politicians.


again, can you prove that?




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so... one comment making a meaningless accusation based on a headline makes antisemitism mainstream in the GOP... got it


...ummm... can you show me a bit of proof for this


Go on /r/Jewish


Top post I see is from the National Post talking about how the left is making being Jewish a form of racism. Yeah, bro... I don't see your point at all.


i dont see anything


How so? Lets see some sources


It shouldn't be. It's just a lot more based on braindead conspiracy theories about specific families than it is about wanting to kill Jews. Except for the Alt-Right antisemites. They call Trump "Zion Don" these days, though. He pandered to them a bit early on, but they hate him now from what I gather.


It’s clear that the right-wing brand has an impact in terms of even outright terrorism, such as the Tree of Life synagogue shooting. But the college campus stuff alone has seen Left-Wing antisemites harassing countless Jewish students.


How is not liking the WEF antisemetism? They have all types of media about the great reset as well it’s not exactly a conspiracy theory. It’s a push for crony stakeholder capitalism and corporate governance. You’ve been brainwashed by the “young global leaders” who control and are selling out your country to the highest bidder. WEF controls right wing politicians too like Ron DeSantis from Florida.




Yes but antisemitism wont die it will always be there, eventually every country with jews will turn on them, sure it might be our grandkids who they will turn on, but they always will. What truly matters is for those jews to have a safe homeland they can flee to when shit hits the fen. In the end both sides hate us but one of them supports our only shelter in this cruel cold world.


I don’t see why international left wing parties should discredit any Israeli left wing parties, unless they have the same platform. Which they don’t. And sure the labor zionists were racist to Mizrahim 70 years ago, but a lot changes in 70 years and those people aren’t alive anymore. And Bibi has no problem treating other Jews like garbage when he sees fit.




Yup some of it is really bad. But just because people in other countries have stupid people on the left doesn’t mean the Israeli left wing has those same positions.




Yeah it’s become really bad. There are only so many sane voices left




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Your over-generalization of "This Sub" is as amusing as that of your "The Right" one. There are many people here with many opinions and various levels of knowledge. I'm not sure if by "the right is not your true friend" you're specifically referring to the Canadian right. If so, well you're obviously more versed in that topic than I am and I'll absolutely take your word for it. If you're referring to right wing parties in general/worldwide, then I wholeheartedly disagree. The political left has proven itself to be the most vile antisemitic movement out there today.


I don't find Pierre's comments to be antisemitic. Trudeau may not be a dictator, but he and his party seemed to be compromised with foreign influence. He also tried to fire his Attorney general for prosecuting a company in his home district.


Many of us are pragmatic and don’t take things on the party line. In terms of Canada, Trudeau drove the economy into the ground, I’m 100% behind the Conservative Party in fixing that.


Because they support our right to live. But either way, I think this sub is totally wrong on Biden.


(Unless you’re a woman)


What? Are you saying right leaning politicians don’t want women to live? What are you smoking? Looks like you’re victim to the same propaganda as the other lefties.


You clearly haven't been following the abortion legislation in the US


The abortion issue is real but it's just deprioritized. Besides 90% of us conservatives are pro-choice. The dumb right politicians are pandering to the religious zealots who want to not allow the abortion of kids that are deformed will never have a quality of life or are the product of rape.


How is that relevant to Canada? And how does that not support a woman’s “right to live”, which is what you objected to. Ironically, a certain decision on abortion would save a lot of women by not killing them in the womb. And I’m not even a die hard pro-lifer…. I’m just not in denial of what an abortion is. Kisses!


How is Biden relevant to Canada? And if you make treatment for miscarriages a felony, you’re not protecting lives. If you force all women, regardless of age, evenas young as 12 years old, to carry all babies to term, you’re not protecting lives. But these are the laws being passed.


Yes, how is US abortion law relevant to Canada? Conservative party in Canada is not touching abortion. You know what I meant. Elective abortions kill babies. Half of whom, if not more (especially in other countries) are female. The cases you brought up I agree with you on. My whole point is that your reaction to “right wing” is emotional and ignorant. The right (in North America) does not hate women.


The Republicans pander to nutjob conspiracy theorists. The Democrats pander to Muslims in Deerborn Michigan who want to wipe out Israel and the Jews. One of these is not like the other. In terms of actual policy, I think that Trump would give Israel a far freer hand to deal with Gaza as it sees fit, whereas the Biden is more likely to provide military aid in situations where Iran launches missiles or things like that. There are tradeoffs to each approach. Trump is a nut job and panders to some loony people, but he's not actively courting the votes of Islamists in Deerborn the way that the Democrats are. In terms of Canada, Trudeau certainly isn't a full-out dictator, but his recent moves to consolidate control over the media and place restrictions on free speech are HIGHLY concerning. Bari Weiss's outlet published a piece recently on threats to freedom of expression across the West, including from Trudeau: [https://www.thefp.com/p/hate-speech-laws-free-speect-first-amendment](https://www.thefp.com/p/hate-speech-laws-free-speect-first-amendment) It's telling that I don't know ANY non-Jewish Democrats under 35 who support Israel, but ALL the Republicans I know support Israel. Do I think that Trump actually cares about Israel? Of course not. He only cares about himself. But a lot of his supporters, as well as more traditional NeoCons, care a LOT about Israel. I'm not a fan of either party, but I'll probably suck it up and vote for Trump this time around. I voted for Biden last time and his policies have ended up being far worse for me than Trump's were. :/


Pierre is a staunch supporter of Israel as are most conservatives. I'm voting for Pierre and happily donate. Done with the left in this country.




Lol. Facts.


You can’t be a settler when it’s your land in the first place


Because Israelis know more about the foreign policies promoted by US politicians than their domestic policies. We don’t know what the fuck Trump thinks about Healthcare in the US, we know he moved the embassy to Jerusalem


the left has repeatedly used and betrayed us, the right has a pretty good track record with the jews


I’m also a Canadian and I’m not a fan of Pollievre either. I’m starting to think most people don’t have an opinion of their own anymore. To much social media, it’s like they only have group opinions. Whatever is trending is how they develop an opinion. Just watching these pro Palestinians is so disheartening. They have no idea what they’re supporting. What world are we living in when Canadians support terrorist organizations. I’m also tired of Trudeau and wish he would step aside and let new leadership to take over.


I literally saw a comment on social yesterday that read: “wait, I need to know who we’re voting for” 🤦‍♀️


Poilievre is a populist. Not like Bernier, but still one. I generally dislike populists, but there's no way I vote for any of the red-orange clowns.


I love the right wing nationalists... as long as I'm far away from that country. Not being funny, I think the pendulum needs to swing the other way before we find balance, I just hope all the jews understand that the right will murder them just like the left wants to murder them.


There’s something about the fact that the far right is at least honest about hating us. The right is nominally supportive of Israel (for very weird reasons) so if you’re a single issue voter and your single issue is Israel you will probably vote Republican. I think the right’s support is very conditional, but alas. I would much rather have a politician who at least pretends to support my civil rights and bodily autonomy than one who simply cares about antisemitism when it’s coming from the left. I honestly think Biden is doing a lot better of a job than people like to say he is. He’s in a lose/lose situation with the far left vis a vis Jews, but he has generally stuck to his stances and routinely calls out antisemitism so it could be a lot worse.


It is a lot worse. Biden and the Democrats are procriminal. The far right and conservatives are too pro corporate. But the fact remains there are two almost three wars going on in the world, the cost of groceries has almost doubled in the US, the left wants to defund the police and the rest of us will not tolerate crime and criminals. No I don't mean Trump. We wanted DeSantis or Haley ...we're just going down on the ladder but anybody's better than Biden. He's a corpse puppet. It's elder abuse. It's also bloody frustrating to listen to left people scream about people's rights and words that are hurtful. They hate everybody who isn't a Starbucks loving, gay transitioning, 6-year-old, walking around with vagina hats wanting to abort all their babies. Even the ones that aren't defective.


Least unhinged Blue Anon post.


Right wingers on west have better policies for Israel and middle east in general. This isn't even up to debate when you look at whom leftists politicians trying to garner vote from.


Is there an example of trump making antisemitic comments? Wouldn’t put anything by him but I Havnt heard any I can recall. Also Biden has a literal track record now of abandoning Israel. And I’m confused also on your statement because look at all the protest what political party are they made of? And it’s not close it’s unanimous, also what political representatives are the most out spoken against Israel? They literally had the “squad” So I’m confused by your stance.


There are so many antisemitic things Trump said. Check them out in /r/Jewish


So are you too lazy to give us an example. Or you don’t actually know how to explain them so just tell us to go read ourselves.


So you have no proof.


Why are you unwilling to look into that subreddit? Because /r/Jewish is a bunch of blue-leaning Jews?


It’s your job to prove your argument, not mine. There’s hundreds of threads in that subreddit, are you actually asking me to go digging for you? That’s not how an argument works.


Tell that to Trump's beloved orthodox Jewish daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren.


Please. The “jewish” sub just permanently banned me, they lean dopey mainstream Democratic because they enforce an echo chamber. The far right sucks but its already merged with the far left, bonding over its mutual antisemitism. Trump never coddled antisemites the way the Democratic Party does now.


Trump did invite antisemitic individuals to his events.


Yeah? Who? You live in Canada, the left’s policies there have made it unsafe for Jews. Why do you even care about trump?


Kanye West, Nick Fuentes, etc.


Nick Fuentes was brought as a guest by Kanye. He was not invited by Trump. Not even NBC, which leans Left, supports your claim. [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/story-trumps-explosive-dinner-ye-nick-fuentes-rcna59010](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/story-trumps-explosive-dinner-ye-nick-fuentes-rcna59010) Yiannopoulos, a former Breitbart editor who was banned from Twitter in 2016 for inciting a racist campaign against the comedian Leslie Jones, told NBC News that he was “the architect” of the **plan to have Fuentes travel with Ye in the hopes of slipping him into the dinner with Trump***.* The intent, according to Yiannopoulos, was for Fuentes to give Trump an unvarnished view of how a portion of his base views his candidacy. \[...\] “I also wanted to send a message to Trump that he has systematically repeatedly neglected, ignored, abused the people who love him the most, the people who put him in office, and that kind of behavior comes back to bite you in the end,” he added.  And, **Yiannopoulos said, he arranged the dinner “just to make Trump’s life miserable” because news of the dinner would leak and Trump would mishandle it.**  Fuentes echoed the sentiment: “I hate to say it, but the chickens are coming home to roost. You know, this is the frustration with his base and with his true loyalists.” Trump fumed afterward that Ye had betrayed him by ambushing him. “He tried to f--- me. He’s crazy. He can’t beat me,” Trump said, according to one confidant, who then relayed the conversation to NBC News on the condition of anonymity to discuss private conversations. \[...\] Hours before Ye’s flight arrived in Florida, Yiannopoulos enticed Giorno to pick up the rapper in Miami and take him to Mar-a-Lago, 70 miles away. **Giorno said that Yiannopoulos only told her that Ye would be with two people, including someone named “Nick,” but he didn’t give a last name. Yiannopoulos confirmed that he gave limited information to Giorno.**  **Both say Giorno was not told in advance of the plan to confront Trump.** **But some Trump loyalists and advisers in Trump’s inner circle still fault Giorno for not giving the former president or his team a heads-up about Fuentes**, whose identity she said she learned on the drive.


[adl article](https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/extremists-react-trump-dinner-ye-and-nick-fuentes) In the days following the dinner, Trump attempted to distance himself from Ye and Fuentes, writing on Truth Social, “This past week, Kanye West called me to have dinner at Mar-a-Lago. Shortly thereafter, he unexpectedly showed up with three of his friends, whom I knew nothing about...The dinner was quick and uneventful.” In a follow-up post, Trump said, “We got along great, he [Ye] expressed no anti-Semitism, & I appreciated all of the nice things he said about me on “Tucker Carlson.” Why wouldn’t I agree to meet? Also, I didn’t know Nick Fuentes.” Many prominent Groypers, a network of white supremacists who support Nick Fuentes, have abandoned former President Trump in favor of Ye’s 2024 presidential campaign. Several prominent Groypers changed their social media handles to signal the shift. During his November 26, 2022, livestream, Fuentes stated that the America First movement must distance itself from former President Donald Trump “to move forward in the service of Christ, in service of the truth, and service of America.”


No sane person would trust almost anything this douchebag says. This is like Putin saying “I’m a very nice person”.


lol. I live in America, and I have family in Canada. What the right wing spews is absolutely nothing compared to the left. Only a person heavily sheltered that only stays online and never travels thinks the opposite.


Because the left is worse.


Rare fact: Ukraine is far away from Canada


It is far, but in the context of what Poilievre said, “Ukraine doesn’t need our help as it’s not important”. These are not his exact words, but this is what he means.


How exactly do you propose that Canada should help Ukraine? He is right it's far and Canada doesn't have the interest or ability to intervene. A strong case could be made for the EU or even the US (due to existing strategic presence across the globe and constant competition with Russia) to intervene yet they have not made any direct intervention in over a year of war. Wtf do you want Canada to do and why? I would say the same thing for the war in Gaza. All of these 'protestors' asking their government, universities and institutions to intervene when it's not their war and they have no say. The US is the only country with any sway and this war continues to test the limits of its influence. If you care so much about Ukraine you can join the Ukrainian army, same goes for Gaza. Stop expecting governments to put the needs of other countries before their own. I am in no way condoning the actions of the Russians and I very much hope that Ukraine finds a favourable end to its war, however sometimes the truth is hard to swallow.


I have never seen Trump spout anti semitic rhetoric. He also has multiple Jewish grand children and is very proud of them


The right may be racist, but its the left who are actively trying to destroy us.


Because they're better for us than the pro palestinian "progressives" and their far-left voters


Examples of the anti-Semitism from the right that you are referring to please?


> This completely overlooks his antisemitic conspiracy theories about the WEF and the “Great Reset”, and him repeatedly falsely claiming that Trudeau is a dictator. I’m Canadian, and while I’m tired of having Trudeau as PM for so long, I do not like Polievre based on his antisemitic statements. This is the same Poilievre who said that Ukraine is a far-away place and no big deal for Canada. For all of Poilievre's ills, I dont think he believes that jews are trying to control the world through the WEF. He's pandering to the anti-vaxxer crowd, but he's /not/ someone that wishes us harm. Its also important to keep in mind that Canadian jews overwhelmingly voted for Stephen Harper, and that Harper's been the most prominent voice for Israel in the past few months in the canadian political sphere.


What's funny is that in the US, the extreme left are anti-Israel because they think all Jews are white. And at the same time the extreme right is pro-Israel because they think all Jews are white.


The extreme right is Pro Israel because of Christian beliefs the extreme right however is anti-Jews buy into Jews owning all the money theory and treat Jews like an minority group except Muslims are involved. We had literal months of right wing nut job peddling Jews are evil and own everything conspiracy theories right until 10/7 happened. If 10/7 didn't happen we would still be going on


If you check the profiles of such posters, most aren’t real people, just shallow constructs for influence campaigns. Reddit doesn’t care, but Russia cares very much.


I hope they aren’t real, it’s infuriating. 


People pretend that Israel doesn't a very strong right wing population. Theres a reason snot rich and givr exist. Jewish people aren't inherently more resistant to right wing demagoguery than anyone else


Eyeroll. Good one with the snot roll. So classy. So intellectual.


Which right wing politicians have said antisemitic conspiracy theories? Who are they and what did they say? WEF and Great Reset are not antisemitic that I know of. In any case it's not the right marching the streets in the hundreds of thousands calling for my death right now. They're also not teaching in it every university and all over social media braying for it either. They're not trying to get pro-Palestinian propaganda taught in K-12. The left is. I love this "please forget that you just saw the left go full Nazi with your own eyes, it's the right that are bad, we super swear they're only using you, forget what happened to your family under communism, be sure to vote blue no matter who before you go back to Poland filthy Zio" bullshit the blue bots are spamming this sub with lately, coming here telling us uppity Jews not to believe our lying eyes.


Look at all of Trump’s antisemitic statements. His support for Israel is just for his ultra-Christofascist base. And yes, the WEF and Great Reset are conspiracy theories because they talk about how Jews are controlling the world and turning it into a scary place.


I could look at them if you linked them. He has a Jewish daughter, son in law, and grandkids. He moved the embassy to Jerusalem. The Abraham Accords were the best thing to happen to the Middle East in decades until Biden shat on it. I've never heard Great Reset or WEF people blame it expressly on Jews, I've just heard lefties say they do (just like the conceit that Evangelicals only support Israel becauseof a prophecy - again a small minority believe that, but not most.) I've especially not heard right wing politicians say anything of the sort. In any case I don't care that a small minority on the right are antisemitic when the majority of the left is.


The OP is just a shill for the Democratic Party. They care more about the D next to the candidate’s name than they do about Israel.


Trump having Jewish family members and doing the Abraham accords doesn’t excuse his antisemitism. Remember how he said that neo-Nazis in Charlottesville were “very fine people”, and only condemned them when he was pressured to?


>Remember how he said that neo-Nazis in Charlottesville were “very fine people”, and only condemned them when he was pressured to? You remember wrong. ABC News: Trump defends 2017 'very fine people' comments, calls Robert E. Lee 'a great general' > "You also had some very fine people on both sides," Trump said in 2017. "You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down, of to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name. You had people -- **and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists; they should be condemned totally -- you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists."** ABC News leans Left.


The "majority" of the left, maybe all, is NOT "antisemitic". The ones protesting don't even know what that means. All they know is that Israel is statist, the palestinians are the oppressed workers. The reason they have gone all out on this issue instead of, say, the Syrian "civil war" or Sudan's famine is solely because palestinians have been allowed to infiltrate the western universities with some very charismatic propagandists, coupled with the long time establishment support for Israel, for the reasons we know(I hope). and they are anti establishment(anticapitalists). Don't give them more credit than they deserve.


Dude, it’s very simple. While there are some antisemitic extremists in the right, on the left antisemitism is MAINSTREAM.


Antisemitic? Right is pro Israel, that’s more a problem with your own party.


Well the antisemitism is becoming mainstream in the GOP. Antisemitism is not mainstream in the Democratic Party, even though the mainstream has not condemned the antisemites in the Democratic party


Netanyahu is considered conservative, right wing, no? So why has he and his coalition been in power so long? And how/why is he/they right wing?


1000% agreed. Biden is way less of a wildcard and a wildcard is not what is needed in these times. Beyond Trump being an absolute idiot of epic proportions( criminal , conman , narcissist , rapist) the Republican Party is dangerous in itself and backwards as hell…. Trump is an existential threat to American democratic institutions. Period. That danger supersedes anything related to Israel/ Iran. As much as I’m frustrated with Biden for his handling of the Middle East, nothing is more dangerous for Jews + Israel than the US political system being destroyed for one man’s ego. Let’s not forget Trump had Kanye and Nick Fuentes at the White House. Anyone who thinks his Jewish family will deter him from switching his stance on Jews hasn’t been following. I just want to throw this out there in writing in case it does happen…. I wouldn’t be surprised Trump mandates Jews who voted for Biden to wear a yellow lapel or marker of some sort. I also foresee Jewish republicans defending it like morons.


The right is Pro Israel but Anti Jews The right was peddling conspiracy theories about Jews owning everything and having all the power the year leading up to 10/7 They only stopped because of 10/7 due to Israel needing to exist for Armageddon and hating Muslims more


The Left is great at hanging false labels and loudly repeating them to silence moderate conservative voices. Pierre is NOT antisemitic. The Left in Canada has celebrated a Nazi in Parliament, failed to protect Jews, allowed rabid Jew-hating cultures an unfettered platform. Canada is wickedly unsafe for Jews, Christians, moderate and ordinary people, including white people. BTW, being of European heritage is NOT a crime, nor is it "right-extremist. The Left is massively race-devisive and Marxist.


I asked myself how bad it would have to get before I actually voted republican, even with trump at the helm - and that point was the university encampments. The democrats have not done enough to shut down the spreading anti-semitism. The anti-semitism that is now normalized across the country is coming from the left because the left has refused to call out its own for far too long. And because it's now socially acceptable to hate Jews, they scare me more than the white supremacy on the right. The republicans are standing up to it and calling it out. I know they're only doing it because it's politically convenient, but the reason doesn't matter - the results do. The democrat party is far more terrifying, and it needs to be shown that we won't stand for it. The Jew hate needs to be shut down and marginalized. If the Democrats won't do it, then I'll give my support to the republicans.


Why does this sub have to be a monolith. If we all are perfectly uniform in thought it wouldn’t add up given how complex and critical Destiny’s support of Israel is. He’s attracted I say a mixed bag of opinions that overall don’t unnecessarily distort what Hamas is and mischaracterize Israel’s intentions in this war.




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IMO it's not about right and left. I believe Biden and Trudeau have largely ignored concerns of antisemitism right now, they are the current leaders and if they don't care enough about the issue then it's not surprising Jews will support their opponents.


I would rather vote for a used diaper than vote for Trump. The diaper would probably do a better job.


Because they’re largely anti-immigration and pro-Israel. Two extremely important issues that are both existential threats to us as Jews & Israeli’s. They are my top two issues as to what I care about for the next 4 years. Abortion is already toast, and gay marriage isn’t going to be gone. Those are both moot points to me. People need to find other reasons to vote for Biden if those are the two big ticket issues.


Trump has a Jewish daughter, son in law, and grandchildren. He also brought the Abraham Accords and moved the embassy to Jerusalem. How is that being antisemitic and anti-Israel?


Doesn’t excuse his antisemitic statements, and his pro-Israel support is just for his evangelical base


How is calling out the WEF and their “great reset” which absolutely is not a conspiracy theory — they lay all of this out openly online — antisemitism? WTF


u/Happy_Traveller_2023 I mean, Kissinger said there are no allies, only those with common interests. In my opinion, there is more antisemitism right now on the left than on the right. So, the way things are going, I'm casting my vote for Trump (I'm in the US).


Just a troll post guys Look at OPs comments, they are off their rocker


You have an immature take on Donald trump. Yes he acts like a clown but his policies are good. He’s got a good instinct but terrible bed side manner. Lots of corporate men are the same way. He offended your feelings? Grow up! Biden is so weak and feable the world is becoming a sewer. But I’m glad he didn’t offend you. 


we’re living through a dark time when jews are facing very real antisemitism from the left, so they are bound to become useful idiot to a lot of right wing xenophobes. this conflict naturally divides jews and muslims, so christian nationalists can use the tension, win over some jews for a spell, and corral them into an anti-muslim coalition. once the jews are no longer needed, the christian right will turn on us and ask when we’re going back home to start their rapture.


The muslims kicked out 800000 jews from their countries. They were never our friends. we are second class humans in their eyes (read up about Dhimmitude, Dhawa and Takiya)


no shit! the logic of the religious persecution we expect from both Muslims and from Christians is to divide and conquer religious minorities. news flash—there aren’t enough Muslims here for a sharia state. but we do have a whoooooole lot of evangelical Christians who cannot WAIT to deport the Jews and start the Rapture. the US far left is paving the way for antisemitism to be a mainstream position and the far right is going to run with it. hell, the european-style far right out here might even start courting Muslims for the same reason. it is of desperate strategic importance that pro-peace Jews and Zionist Muslims find each other and work together. otherwise the Christians will decimate us all. this might sound crazy to anybody in Israel—but you’re surrounded by Muslim countries. out in Christ country, any Muslim who heeds the word of Allah as given to the prophet Moses in the holy Qu’ran is a more sincere friend than an evangelical Christian because they’re just as afraid of being singled out as we are.


I like how you two are getting down voted but you are right. The extreme right which the right is courting don't actually like Jews, the months if not year leading to 10/7 was filled with antisemitism from the right. It only stopped at 10/7 because they still want Israel to exists so Armageddon can happen and because one of the few things they hate more then Jews is Muslims


That’s the sad truth here.


the downvote it because they know deep in their hearts that we as a people have no friends. they desperately want to believe we can be safe with the goyishe right just because the goyishe left is what it is. how sadly mistaken can somebody be? did we learn nothing over the last one hundred years?


What? In America, the antisemitism is almost exclusively from the left. Poor Joe Biden personally supports Israel, but he has an election to face, and many in his Party base are seriously in support of HAMAS. So he flips back and forth, but his actions seem for the most part to favor Israel. Donald Trump is wholehearted in his support for Israel. And he doesn’t have the issue with people in his base supporting HAMAS.


All I see with your post is emotion, not reason.   Your post is insulting to the many right-wing folks who support Israel. And you give one poor specific example to justify that.  And Trump objectively was better on Israel than Biden. The fact he is an "orange asshole" doesn't change that bit of reality.