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In fact, forget the falafel.


Went on a food tour in TLV last year. The guide said the cardinal rules of falafel: if it's hard, mostly brown and/or under a heat lamp, do not eat it. So may their falafels be hard, mostly brown and under a heat lamp.


Also, they can have hummus. But only pumpkin spice hummus.


Chocolate hummus


Chocolate hummus with roasted garlic and onion!


Fine, durian hummus!


So very french onion soup tasting hummus?


MMM delicious.


Had it in Israel. It's really fucking good.


My sister swears it's delicious just as much as I swear she's adopted


It's like chocolate frosting.


This is antisemitic


I was flabbergasted by this abomination when I moved from IL to Canada.


Don't make me throw up.




I'd give you a better rule, If it doesn't have constant buyers, Don't buy it, it's falafel is garbage after hour outside. But tbh I barely eat it, why eat falafel when we got Shawarma and Schnitzel so damm good


Falafel yes, fresh pita no.


They can have the shitty falafel balls they serve in IDF cafeterias, with no Tahini


My mouth is reliving the cuts just thinking about it


Yep- eat canned beans


I love this man


He's so based. Mossad Agent, was handed the Keys to a Terrorist Organization, but said FU and did a complete 180. Watching E Jihadis screech at him is amazing lol


Let the pro Hamas folks pay to rebuild Gaza then.


Fr, why does the UNRWA even exist, and why do liberal democracies (Japan, Western Europe, USA) even fund it? Palestinians are the most privileged refugees in the world. Japan resumed funding to the UNWRA with a donation of $35 million. You know how many Japanese lives could have been improved with this amount of money? Simply by investing that money into lesser-developed areas?But nope, they just gotta send it to a terrorist organization. Now imagine how many billions of dollars has each UNRWA country been contributing to Palestine and how much of it could have been used to significantly improve the life of their own citizens. Fuck gaza, shithole doesn't deserve to be rebuilt, especially not by taxpayers' money. Rebuilding a luxurious gaza would be rewarding terrorism, which is exactly what countries currently recognizing palestine are doing. I live in the periphery. If our government decides to send financial aid to Gaza rather than improve the life of *their own citizens* who live in absolute shitholes, I'd lose all hope in the state.


The leaders of Hamas and the PA are very wealthy. Let them pay. They're the ones responsible for destroying it.


May their falafel be dry and the pita split open on the first bite.


oooh I hate that shit. I love pita bread but I hate when it does that.


If the pita does not burst on the 5th bite, it was not properly stuffed, and the pita is not fresh.


Egypt is prepared to reestablish their old smuggling routes and create some new ones. Maybe even get some good positions in on Israel if US influence wanes and the Muslim Brotherhood becomes stronger.


I don’t think Israel is going to leave the Philadelphi corridor.


The best part: those pro "Palestine" activists have achieve **nothing**. All those protests, encampments, social media lies, boycotts, etc. have changed absolutely nothing. They delayed 1 bomb shipment by a few weeks, but even that ultimately went through. Something about Palestinian's always collecting L's...


something about never missing an opportunity to miss an opportunity


They have achieved some things actually: “elite” western universities have had massive damage to their reputations. Radical Progressives have outed themselves to everyone rational as to what they truly are — traitors who hate their home countries and want to destroy the west. The majority of people now hate radical progressives. This was not the case last year. These are both very positive


I genuinely wish all of Hamas’s assets were seized to rebuild Gaza. Not a penny from Israel or the US should go to any rebuilding until the Hamas leaders lose everything first


If israel even gives a penny to gaza, I would lose all remaining respect I have for the government, which is already almost non-existent. Look at Israel's north; people there are living in shitholes. No jobs, no education, no entertainment, no opportunities. No nothing. Now imagine how much it could improve **if israel focused on rebuilding itself rather than rebuilding gaza.**


Or make Gaza part of Israel again. Also, Israel has been actively rebuilding the sewers with plastic pipes. Israel has also begun planning how to rebuild in a manner useful to the IDF, and not Hamas.


This guy definitely knows what he's talking about. Respect.




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He is a Great Man.


>The Green Prince weighs in. The fact I first though of the Romania path tells me I played too much Kaiserreich.


Based beyond belief ( ´◡‿ゝ◡`)


Oh no! How could you! Please don't equate such good food as finely prepared falafel with what we really think they should eat.


They can eat dirt, Falafel is too good for them.


And the billions of $ will come from western taxpayers. The same amount of money can be used to bring several areas out of poverty in their own countries.


Some of these pro Palestine activists and it's leaders/founders should be hunted by the Mossad and put on a watch list as well. Their pogroms and witch hunt of Israelis and Jews ended up deadly several time already.


Can we make this guy the new leader of Gaza?


Real question: who will rebuild Gaza? I don't know anything about intra-Arab politics, but in reality, who's going to lay down the billions of dollars knowing that the money will get stolen and what gets built may be destroyed?


Israel will. It will be an attempt to shore up goodwill with its neighbors and the world. No one will care. The cycle will continue.


really? the public would support that? I feel that most of Israeli public would be more than happy to shut the door on Gaza and have no connections whatsoever


They already started with the sewers using plastic pipes.


Any government that transfers even a shekel to the people who dragged our citizens down their streets screaming Allahu Akbar will be out of power the next election.


I doubt it. Last time if was mostly Turkey and Qatar.


Qatar, UAE and Saudi I’m guessing


If only this man could run for office here in Israel. He would have my vote and the vote of so many I know personally.


I hope this is right…it would be a great outcome…something Israel needs.


Shin Bet gives me Romulan vibes I dont know why.


"the pro palestine activists can eat falafel and STFU" holy shit i knew this man was based but DAMNN


Make him PM already


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Why do the Hamas leaders want to go to Jordan or turkey? Israel has killed bad guys in Jordan!


Israel fucked up big time in Jordan in the 90s; they literally had to have an Israeli doctor cross the border to give a Hamas leader an antidote to poison. And that was d/t Mossad getting busted administering the poison (apparently Mossad was at a low point in skills during the 90s)


My spirit animal.


Id say 1 Lafa and a sack of 2 Falafels


I don't believe this. But I want to.