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1) keshet teamim; 2) tiv taam; 3) karlberg; 4) maadanei mania etc. In general, every russian supermarket or christian arab market (depends on where do you live).


You are in a democratic country with freedom of your own religion, nothing offensive about the request.


we love Israel. 🇮🇳❤️🇮🇱


Israel loves India. Enjoy your stay




Way to conflate a religious practice with a country via a single person! How about you rephrase this so you aren't holding the entire country accountable for the shitty practices of some? 


India doesn't even use it anymore 😭


I know- if it were still official policy, they might- MIGHT- have had a valid argument. But it was abolished (at least in theory) and there's only so much a government can do to change attitudes- only actions.


It was abolished centuries ago iirc


Maybe the caste system in the Republic of India was the friends we made along the way


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Judaism only prohibits Jews from eating pork, so even most observant Jews wouldn't be offended.


If you're in Haifa, downtown butchers selling pork are plenty. (Dirty little secret: I'm a horrible Jew and used to live in Haifa. Downtown is where I got my bread over Pesach and my pork the rest of the year. But shhhhht, let it be our little secret!)


That's it, i'm calling the kosher police


PLEASE, NO!!! Not them! They will come after me even over here in NL and find out what I have in my fridge today...BBQ season is just starting and I do not want to lose my sparerib stash!


“Come back with a hechsher!”


Ha! Thank you I try to go friend 👍


Adding for Haifa: you can also get pork at any of the butchers in Wadi Nis Nas (:


I love thick bacon and pork chops!


Haifa is safe though now? Most of us in the US side with Israel. The media wants to spin the story for support from Arab and Islamic world.


Well, that's one way of dealing with the boar...


Search for ״קשת טעמים״ super market near you’re area https://www.keshet-teamim.co.il/retailer/information/1572 That store is the go to for all not kosher food


Also, טיב טעם


Also, most cities got that one random russian shop that sells everything, just gotta find it


Aside from the larger supermarkets that others replied, you can try Russian delis/minimarts. If you can recognize Russian writing, there are normally a few unassuming local delis that may offer pork


The other guy who said טיב טעם is correct. You can also type בשר לבן into google maps


Thank you friend


טיב טעם (Tiv Taam) is really expensive. As a fellow Beer-Sheva man for the past 5 years, go to Keshet Te’amim. They sell pork for much cheaper, it’s open on Shabbat and is actually a great supermarket, and one of the cheaper ones. קשת טעמים is how you write it in Hebrew. It’s a Russian supermarket, which is generally where you get pork. Most small Russian minimarts do NOT have pork in Beer Sheva, in my experience. Other important things: **The Urban Market** is far and out the cheapest and best place to buy fresh produce, as well as olives, pickles, nuts, etc. best time to go is Friday around noon, you’ll get slightly more tired produce but REALLY cheap. When you hear them shout something that sounds like “Kol Habasta Be____” it means they’re selling everything in the stall for ____ amount which is ridiculous. **Kokhav Hatavlinim (כוכב התבלינים)** - is owned by 2 Indians, they have CRAPTONS of imported Indian stuff like all these types of Dhal, Jaggery, spices, frozen Samosas, masala dosa mixes, etc. they’re cheap, friendly, and would prolly give you VIP treatment since you’re Indian. They have other spices/condiments, not only Indian. Definitely one of my top 3 shops in Beer Sheva, and I’m a serious foodie.


Go hunting in Haifa for wild boar. :)


Two ~~birds~~ boars one stone


if you can do that id be impressed and you can go ahead and try haifa residents wont tell on you


The Russians, they are the pork dealers


'Pork dealers', lol 😆


This sounds like an offensive stereotype but it's just true lmao


There is a net of Russian sueprmarkets called קשת טעמים, they have some selection of pork there


טיב טעם/ Tiv Ta’am Can also be good for you


Many, if not most Russian grocery stores carry pork or pork products.


If you can’t find a tiv taam or keshet look for small grocery stores that are owned by Russian repatriates. They sell pork as well


You should take a look at local "Russian" stores, they are usually non-koaher and might very likely have pork. P.S. I don't think there is anything offensive in your question


nothing offensive about having your preferences


Tiv-Tam Usually the small Russian grocery stores will also carry it.


You don't have to feel bad for eating pork in Israel. Jews don't view pigs the same way that Hindus view cows. Pork is seen as not-kosher which basically means it is unclean religiously. Still, many secular Jews and Christians eat it.


It's not offensive. Enjoy!


In Beer Sheva: Tiv-Taam: [Yitshak Nafha St 25]() or [Derekh Hebron 48]() Keshet Teamim: Victor Ventura St 222 Also: [Sderot Ye'elim 90]() [26, Rahvat Radak 18]() [Yitzhack I. Rager Blvd 9]()


Any Russian supermarket in Israel


Hi my parents live there and they eat pork, there’s a few Russian delis w pork


Any russian store sell pork tbh hehe


The russian neighborhoods


Just find a Russian store, Tiv-Tam, Keshet Taamim and Karl Berg will get you what you want


Try a Christian store maybe, Russian ones too will almost definately have it. In Tel Aviv I think they sell it too.


The supermarket chain Tiv Ta'am (טיב טעם) is a prime source of non-kosher meat. Russian stores will also likely have it.


nothing offensive. look for non kosher supermarkets like those open during saturday or russian / christian arab grocery stores, they are more likely to have pork in them. i think keshet teamim (קשת טעמים) and tiv ta'am (טיב טעם) should have pork in them. depends on where you at, you might even find butcheries which sell pork. haifa for example, or in christian arab villages.


This is illegal! No, kidding - any Russian supermarket. Good luck!


Maadaney Mania, Keshet Teamim, Tiv Taam... Other than that, look for Cyrillic basically You can also find some non-Kosher things in Arab places, but they also mostly don't eat pork iirc


Tiv Taam in Beer Sheva: טיב טעם 08-625-2000  https://g.co/kgs/DrSCTtB


There was a grocery store right on Allenby & Ben Yehuda in Tel Aviv I used to get pork from across from my hostel. This was many years ago though.. I'm a bad Jew 😂


The kibbutz (kibbutz mitzra) i used to be on had a pork factory. There are still stores out there around the country


Whats offensive about this? In fact, Im enjoying a sweet pork leg as I type this... juices flowing down my hand into my keyboard.


How is the pig reacting, lol?


go to this chain of russian supermarkets: keshet ta’amim (קשת טעמים )


Tiv Taam and Keshet Taamim supermarkets.


Any Russian store in be’er Sheva will have pork!


You need to find a a non-kosher shop. I dont know specifically in Beer-sheva but here in the North we have two chains, Rossman market (רוסמן מרקט) and Keshet Teamim (קשת טעמים) try looking for one of those. Otherwise, just look for a food store trying to target Russians (Russian signs, Russian food etc.) many of those non-kosher stores sell primary to Russians. Just be aware that pork is expensive in Israel.


Depends on where you live. There might be a branch of Tiv Ta'am or Karl Berg near you or some local deli targeting former post-soviet citizens (you'll see russian-language signage in addition to or instead of Hebrew. It's ok you can still buy there if you don't know russian). Some other specialty shops might have bacon or other forms of pork / seafood (e.g. Delicatessen in south Tel Aviv). You might also have luck in areas where a lot of christian Arabs live. Again, the signage will be more in Arabic than Hebrew (if there's any Hebrew at all) but you can buy there even if you don't speak Arabic. Be aware though that some forms of pork are very expensive in Israel (I'm talking bacon especially). Some others are very cheap though.


I always wondered about pork consumption in Israel.


Just make sure to tell me where to purchase beef when I come!


https://www.benedict.co.il/en/pages/תפריט Has great bacon eggs!


Tel Aviv central bus station area, sketchiest place in Israel ;).


[I don't eat pork](https://www.google.com/maps/place/KINGDOM+OF+PORK/@32.0587036,34.7771762,310m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m10!1m2!2m1!1spork!3m6!1s0x151d4b63a2e9b661:0x3bfb9ef59660aff8!8m2!3d32.0590559!4d34.7781362!15sCgRwb3JrWgYiBHBvcmuSAQxidXRjaGVyX3Nob3CaASNDaFpEU1VoTk1HOW5TMFZKUTBGblNVUjNiVXhwZFZKQkVBReABAA!16s%2Fg%2F11gfbb8zpf!5m1!1e2?entry=ttu), but drove by here with a friend and we joked about it,thats how I know it :). so it may be trash, may be tasty,


You may find it as simply as turning on location (if you are not in the north) and typing "Russian Store near me" into Google Maps. Russian stores tend to have stuff nowhere else has, including non-kosher, berries, and my favourite: canned fish-products (salmon is really good!)


This thread feels so odd/reversed. Trying to find non-kosher food in southern Israel is like trying to find kosher food in America.


Why not beef? sorry if offensive