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As an Italian I find it very amusing to see our representative hiding his face like that. Shame on Italy for being the 3rd major arms supplier to Israel.


Jaa, Germany also made it their mission to always stand on the wrong side of history. Proud as always being a german..


Are Germans not selling their weapons to everyone ? Like Turks fight the Kurdish with Germans tanks and the Kurdish fight back with German Panzerfaust.


Yeah final stage capitalism at it's finest, money > everything i guess. I remember an article from 2022 about weapon deliveries within the 100mio to Putin, giving no shit about the embargo, while our Politicians calling the russian attack an attack against all our principles and values, europe safety and whatnot. We deliver weapons to authoritarian regimes, human right violators, into crisis-/ warzones et cetera. Being 4th weapon supplierer in the world is hard work ( (tbh idk if we still are number 4, maybe third, maybe fifth - doesn't matter imo).


Italian too,  Thought the same. Amusing,  horrifying, embarrassing, all at once.   *Cries in hands


When I read "cries in hands" I thought you were hilarious but realized you meant literally crying into your hands. I initially pictured an Italian crying and just doing🤌🤌


Bonjour, France is also still selling drone parts to israel and arresting journalists investigating it. Shame on our governments...


Let's just say the whole of Europe US, Uk, Turkey, And some other Arab countries they all are part of it.


Right? Like it literally says he’s from Italy right in front of him, who did he think he was hiding from😂


Now this is something that is worth watching


Where and when is this?


Turns out it's from 6 years ago... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OT_pAGoB_EM&pp=ygUWS3V3YWl0IGFnYWluc3QgaW5zdGFlbA%3D%3D


And it was just as back true then as it is now


Leaving comment to follow this up




Abolish Israel




Yeah it's not like they're so psychopathic that they have a nuclear suicide pact.... Oh wait.


Humanity has done it to others like Israel everytime they have risen in history. They may spread their tyranny for a while but eventually humanity self corrects and the human waste will be purged. It has happened every time there has been a tyrant. Just because something is written in your story book doesn't give it any importance. Israel's benefactors are being called out. American politicians who are sucking the teat of AIPAC are being singled out. They will be voted out The same will happen in Germany and Italy. Then what? What will puny apartheid Israel do when all of humanity deservedly smothers this devil out of existence. We will bury Israel with its book and with its devil god.


What makes me laugh so hard is how confused that Israeli dude looked. As though they haven't been bombing children to pieces for the last 6 months.


This video is at least 6 years old so there's that... - Still totally called for and fair. 


Didn't realise, but as you said totally still fair, they've been massacaring babies since 1948.


Israel needs to be erased and it's funders and defenders outed and punished severely. Think about the level of depravity that has allowed it's recurring massacres to be normalized like this: > "Oh, this is from the last massacre? Then it's not so bad, I guess..." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRLPkHfdJ8s




Sitting there with stupid, dumbfounded faces while everyone else is clapping around them.


Any information about this video pls ? 🙂 very satisfying 🙏😊


It's from 2018... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OT_pAGoB_EM&pp=ygUWS3V3YWl0IGFnYWluc3QgaW5zdGFlbA%3D%3D


Glad someone has the balls to stand up to these assholes.


Absolutely. The only reason why bullies do such things is they believe they can get away with it. The world needs more of this response. Fuck this behaviour where humans believe it's OK to hurt another for their own gain. I don't believe revenge is the solution to any problem, but I'd love to see this smug cunts face when he's thrown in a room with families who've lost their loved ones at the whim of his decisions. Fat weak middle aged men with no shred of substance or humanity. Fuck them.


Was with ya all the way till the end… so Ummm let’s not forget all the women across the ages that have been just as bad. I feel there’s a real denigration happening between the sexes currently ans has been for a while, and if we’re gonna make any headway that shit has to stop too.


old video which is sad considering israel still has a seat at the UN


Fuck yeah


Damn! Kuwait ain’t playing.


I swear the kuwaiti's are the only one with a backbone in the middle east


Fr, they expelled hundreds of thousands Palestinians. What an envy https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_exodus_from_Kuwait_(1990–91)


Are the rest skinwalkers?


more satisfying to see HezbAlla get Russian arms ,Chinese tech and Iranian drones. The world is taking sides like in WWII, this will only get bigger


Though it's ironic - that the UN is the body that gave birth to this diabolical entity, and when the UN takes a somewhat sensible stance on the impunity that Israel was enjoying, suddenly the UN is antisemitic. The Zionists used the UN when needed - and now are happy walking away - because they have no further use of the UN.




Are the people behind Kuwait asleep or summat lmao


I think they're summat


Is this recent?




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If only they had really been removed from the un.


These genocidal child killing maniacs need to be called out more often like this.


What exactly is the benefit of kicking them out?


Do people actually give a fuck about the UN anymore? That's so charming.


Never a useful country saying these things