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You cannot be unaccompanied in an hotel or Airbnb or any legal accomodation in Italy if you are a minor. Your parents must be present, not only the documents.


say I get an adult to check me into the hotel, do they need to be present for checkout?


The adult should be legally authorized by your parents with proper paperwork and copies of their IDs. That person has to check-in with you (meaning that, the reservationhas to be made for 2 people), you can't be cheked-in alone in a room as a minor. Source: I'm a receptionist


and at check-out?


In theory you cannot stay alone in the accomodations. In practice you may think of picking an Airbnb where the day of checkout, if everything is paid, you can just walk away, like the ones that have a combination to open the door.


Can you finds program like EF? An experience abroad on s campus with language lessons and planned trips with teacher as supervisor ? There must be something like this available in your country


This is the way to go. I did AFS (in Rome!) as a 16 year old. You could also look at language schools and see if they have a program for minors.


Honestly, just wait until you're 18 - it's annoying I know but think of it as extra time to save more cash so you can have a better time. When I was 17 I was extremely independent and did a TESOL course after school in the evenings, and secretly got a job teaching English in China so when I turned 18 I immediately applied for an adult passport and told my parents I was moving to China haha. In the past laws were less strict, friends of my mother talk about going to India and Greece and all these places as 16 year olds...I believe you are fine to travel on your own but laws are stricter these days, you could even run into issues when you land if you still have a kid passport and immigration might be like wtf where are your parents and give you a hard time, easier just to wait honestly I know a year probably seems like an eternity, but trust me as a nearly 40 year old , you have your whole life ahead of you :-)


someone call child protection services. Op do not endanger yourself, do not attempt travel and wait til 18, be safe.


“Child protection services? someone said something on the internet”


Have you looked at programs like CIEE? They have programs in Italy, all over Europe and other parts of the World too. I know it's expensive but you get to make friends and everything is inclusive. Good luck!