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I have said it in other post that one hallmark of Lindon is he has not done anything the way everyone else has. I don’t have the quote but whisper told him to make his own path. That is something he has done the whole way. If it’s not this it’s going to be something that no one else saw coming. He will make his own way and leave cradle.


Perfect comment! Many theories these days gets rejected coz replies like “author said so, this is impossible…” gets thrown around.


Hahahah that’s wild. But I like it.


I don’t know if you are a Sanderson fan but this is kinda what one of his gods is— a perfect balance of 2 opposing forces that need each other to survive. It certainly would be an incredible way to keep Dreadgods from manifesting and other Monarchs rising.


Harmony for the win! Almost said the character’s real name, had to catch myself 😰


Nah, Harmony was a Dick (in Cradle)


Harmony \[Mistborn Era 2 spoilers ahead\]>!isn't balanced though, there is always more Ruin than Preservation in him and the prophecy in HoA does state "the Hero's name shall be discord but the people will still love the Hero for it"!<


I think the difference could be that he could just vent an excess if there was an imbalance. It’s an interesting theory the OP proposed. Would love to see the world he could create.


I don't think he can vent the excess, if he could then you would have had some for of The Pits on Scadrial Also, [TLM spoilers] >!Autonomy or one of her servants said "the time of discord is near", and I think others have also commented on how he can't really do much because his powers have him in a chokehold of sorts!<


Sorry, was talking about Lindon, not Harmony. Apologize for making the statement confusing.


that does explain the last part about the world he would create


Lol I was on a Sanderson binge before Cradle and once the Way showed up I was like damn they've both got their own awesome cosmeres going on


This is certainly interesting. I hadn’t considered this angle.


I very much enjoy this theory. I think it even has a chance of happening. This feels like a very Lindon solution to a problem. I don't think this would solve his ascension problems, because that's still tied to part of his Dreadgod nature, even if he fixes his system, but it's one step in the fix. I think part 2 of the ascension solution is using a great big Dreadgod Monarch **CONSUME** on all the Hunger aura on Cradle after ejecting all the current Monarchs. Thus his conceptual weight isn't tied to Cradle anymore since all the conceptual Hunger is with him.


You weren’t kidding when you said crackpot theory. The right arm is gonna have to go if he wants to ascend. A dreadgod is anchored to the planet. Maybe when he dumps that he can pull some shenanigans, but then we’ll have super OP Lindon leaving everyone behind, which he swore not to do again.


>A dreadgod is anchored to the planet. Maybe when he dumps that he can pull some shenanigans, I think they are anchored to the planet because as Subject One said, hunger is all linked, one force, one entity. If he forces the Monarchs to ascend and kills all the dreadgods then pretty much all of the hunger aura/madra will be in Lindon and he'll probably have the strength to rip out anything left in the world as he ascends himself.


There's a WoW that says he can't ascend until he deals with his hunger arm/Dreadgod power in some way. Hunger madra is inherently tied to Cradle and binds him to the Iteration somehow.


Yes but what if he takes Hunger aura with him and leaves nothing behind? Hunger is tied to Cradle because Monarchs create it as a byproduct, but if the source is gone there's no longer an anchor for Hunger aura in Cradle and if he takes the rest of the byproduct with him....


I mean, I can't claim to know how it all actually works, but my interpretation is hunger isn't just from Monarchs it's the combination of Monarchs and how Iteration 110 works. We know different Iterations magic systems work differently. So hunger is tied to both the Iteration itself and the existence of Monarchs, I think.


My interpretation is it's only tied to the Iteration because the source is bound to it. We've seen no other reason for any Iteration specific elements to bind you to that Iteration. So it's logical to think that Hunger is bound to its source, which just so happens to be on Cradle at the moment. Maybe beings of Hunger are weighed down by *all* the Hunger aura in the Iteration. Like a literal weight they carry and if the aura was removed, even if the source was still there, it would allow the Dreadgods to leave. I'm torn between the two theories: Bound to the Hunger source which only exists when Monarchs exist; Bound to the Hunger aura as an actual weight keeping them inside Cradle like chains. Or a bit of both. Guess we'll find out in a little over a week though, hah.


Huh. I wonder what Northstrider would lose if he ascends then. Might be part of the reason he is so paranoid about it. Besides being incredibly... stubborn.


I would like to note that Lindon can teleport around just fine after his advancement. But the other dreadgods can’t do that, so there is something different.


But here's the question: **why** are the dreadgods anchored to the planet? If we can answer that then we can potentially find a solution. If it's a matter of spiritual significance, then my theory is that instead of Lindon going to the higher realm, he can just make the higher realm come to him, kinda like what the Soul Forge does.


Iirc, I believe they are “conceptually” too heavy to leave the world. I may be misremembering though. But hey, we have Class 1 fiends in Asylum in the same iteration and they can bounce if they breach the defenses and I imagine a Dreadgod would be akin to a class 3 or 4 fiend. So who really knows except Will?


See if they're too heavy to to go the higher realms, then you just need to bring the higher realms down to you instead!


Or just accumulate enough power to Drag the entire iteration with you.


Put cradle inside his soul space. Problem solved. I don't really know but it sounded like a fun theory.


They're in a different iteration in the same sector


I think it probably has to do with the fact that they're avatars of hunger, which is a manifestation of monarchs' greed. The idea of what they are is tied to being on cradle. If they left, they wouldn't be what they are.


I think it probably has to do with the fact that they're avatars of hunger, which is a manifestation of monarchs' greed. The idea of what they are is tied to being on cradle. If they left, they wouldn't be what they are.


I don’t think his dreadgodness is confined to his arm anymore, the power sharing from dread god deaths is turning the rest of him into a dread god in truth. Even if he lost the arm at this point he wouldn’t revert to a normal sage so I don’t think that’ll help him ascend. He’s gonna have to pull some other trickery.


This would be really cool. Honestly I’d love any way that Lindon could find to have two separate systems of Madra channels. It would answer the question of what his bloodline legacy is and allow him to use two types of madra simultaneously. He could even have techniques that weave his madra types together (without mixing)


A mixed attack could be insane. Pure madra to erase whatever defenses, and Blackflame to wreck whatever's behind them.


While I enjoy the theory I’m not certain we can say Lindon is locked out of Herald. While he definitely isn’t atm, I’m not certain physical channels indicate strongly that he’s more dreadbeast than Herald. The way I interpreted it was more of a sneak peak at Herald. Kinda like how he got a sneak peak at Sage.


I kind of like this and wouldn't be mad if this happened


If it does happen, I think it will be before he kills the Titan, at the very least. I feel that part of Suriel's vision will come true.


Nah, I don't think he will have two madra channels, I think he will find some kind of workaround to make it so he can ascend, likely by using information gained from "the paths of heaven"




Where was the bit about his arm said?


82% of the way through Bloodline, according to kindle. It was right before they went back to fight the the dread god in sacred valley, Lindon had a vision with Suriel where she showed him possible futures. There were several, but the one I’m talking about was this one: “He saw himself years in the future, one arm white and one coated in what looked like black scales, his eyes black pools with white circles. He stood over the crumpled body of the Wandering Titan, cycling its power…and condensing the spare earth madra as he vented it, tucking it away for storage. Northstrider loomed up opposite him, moving for the Titan, and Lindon appeared in his way. The clash of their wills warped space, and the vision changed.” His eyes changed in Dreadgod to match the ones in the vision, now he’s just missing the black scaled arm.


If I had to guess, he was a monarch at that point, or he's gonna get that black scaled arm in the time pocket world and be able to fight NS by himself so a monarch adjacent?


In some Xianxia fics, I believe you have meridians created at the beginning of the world using the equivalent of Authority. So, not totally implausible


The dragon advances.


Lindon has always had a strange relationship with remnants, he didn't need to take one in like everyone else because of orthos, weirder if he also doesn't merge with his own because of dreadgod shenanigans




>and nothing we read so far says you cannot merge with another remnant. Everything we read says you can't. If you could just merge with any remnant you find lying around, what Yerin did wouldn't be unprecedented and the pinnacle achievement of one of the greatest researchers of at least the last thousand years or so.




>The outcome is either Herald (same as with your own remnant) or death (higher chance) so why would you even experiment? Because the reason that you have to be an archlord to advance to herald is that it is extremely difficult to stably manifest your own remnant. Being able to merge with another spirit would, like in Yerin's case, allow advancing early. And there absolutely are a lot of people who'd be interested in that.


I have no idea if this will happen, but I like it!!


If it happens, you’re a wizard. If it doesn’t, you’re insane.