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stock up on toilet paper and finally get some reading done


Nope. If ever this happens, my country will be at war with China and I think i’ll he safer in Japan.


Surely this is a shitpost mods lol.


It's a shitpost until the day something actually does happen (not saying it's likely). No need to ridicule people for showing any amount of concern. It was just a question that you're free to ignore or downvote.


nothing ever happens


Sure, and there are always to convey that without shutting down an innocent question.


Nothing cause Japan won't intervene. It's just all talk.


If it's something that worries you, then leave now. Same deal for earthquakes, tsunamis, and typhoons. If you can't handle it, then don't be in Japan. If war were to break out while I was there? I'd probably stay unless my embassy or the government told me to leave. Especially considering that I wouldn't be in Tokyo, so there's little danger of an invasion or a bomb dropping on me.


“It’s genuinely not something I try to think too much about. There are people to love and dishes to do in the meantime.” With something so grand and complex, I’m sure JET would communicate if the situation was unsafe to continue with the programme. I always think of that one quote whenever things internationally are too big and beyond my control. For now, I’m just gonna try not to think about it as much as I can while worrying about the job I’m going to be learning to do and making lesson plans I suppose.




shitpost or mental retardation call it


Westoids try to think for themselves and not regurgitate American propaganda challenge ***IMPOSSIBLE***




Well we definitely won’t hear it from people like you


Exhibit A.


The country famous for volcanoes earthquakes and tsunamis might not be the safest place to live because of a possible war with China? Oh no! So what do you do if WWIII tips off? Go back home just so you can be drafted and shipped back to die? Realize unless the Chinese are insane (which they are not) they are going to keep war damage fairly limited to their own military targets and not risk a full scale war with the US. And if it gets to that point the war is likely to turn Nuclear anyway so everyone is fucked regardless. No point worrying about it really. Read 1984. China will be content to have their little war and the US will be content to have their token resistance. Same as Ukraine. Same as Gaza. No countries actually want to upset the status quo too much because in a nuclear war there are no winners. In small scale conflicts the economy is the winner as it fuels the military industrial complex and keeps your citizens angst focused outward away from the government and prevents them from achieving class consciousness and realizing the dictatorship of the proletariat.