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Get married then come with your husband. Problem solved.


You should break up - he'll want to date/hook up with locals


What the heck what makes you think for a second bro will be unfaithful just because he’s away from his partner??? I’m sure they’ll be fine omg


Hello, since you're not married you won't be able to come over on a dependent visa. But you have a few options: You can apply for a working visa but it may be difficult if you don't have a N2 level of proficiency in the Japanese (Japanese proficiency test). However, there are some jobs that require minimal Japanese such as software engineering, English teaching and maybe modelling. Another option is you can fly over on a 90 day tourist visa and fly back to your home country to renew your visa before coming back. I know of a couple who did this and their partner studied online on the tourist visa. The digital nomad visa is another option but it requires you to make a certain amount of money. In Australia it's a minimum of around $100,000 a year. But discuss this with your current company and be aware they might not want to let you do this due to taxation laws.


>Another option is you can fly over on a 90 day tourist visa and fly back to your home country to renew your visa before coming back. I know of a couple who did this and their partner studied online on the tourist visa. To do this, you don't need to go back to your home country necessarily, you just need to leave Japan. So, for example, OP could go to Korea for a bit then return. But there is a limit to the number of days one can stay in Japan without a visa per year, which appears to be 180 days in a year. Also, doing it this way, OP would have to be careful about income, as you're technically not allowed to work while you're staying as a "temporary visitor"in Japan, and you may raise eyebrows if anyone looks into your money situation.


Working holiday visa is your best bet, but you'd need to keep any remote work on the DL as it's not allowed on your visa. Or try applying for jobs before he leaves


Working Holiday Visa is probably your only option.


This is probably a better question for the r/movingtojapan subreddit. Since you're not married there isn't much you can do besides coming over on a tourist visa for short stays. Or You might be able to get one of the new digital nomad visas and work remotely here for 6 months.


Minimum annual salary for digital nomad visa is 10 million yen, so that's not happening.




Yeah I know a lot of 22 year old remote working freelancers on $60k a year /s




The number of college grads in the US who still can't make enough to live alone would indicate otherwise.


The median British income for full time workers is almost half of that


Basically your only realistic choice if you want to go and live with your boyfriend is to get married and get a dependent visa based on that.


Since you are not married, a spouse/dependent visa is out of the question. This leaves you with the possibility of obtaining a [working holiday visa](https://www.mofa.go.jp/j_info/visit/w_holiday/index.html), provided you have a British passport. You could also come and teach English like your boyfriend (this requires a four-year degree). Here are the requirements for working remote jobs, [which would need a digital nomad visa.](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2024/02/02/japan/society/digital-nomad-visa-march/)