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It’s crazy to me that Square Enix doesn’t push out a quick Chrono Trigger port to modern consoles. They have a good PC version right there. Of course it would be great to have on PlayStation and Xbox, but I think a Switch version would be the biggest hit.  It’s such an easy win. Why not take it?


Honestly this. It’s absolutely dumbfounding. Especially when you consider it’s long been their practice to release numerous games from their back catalog AND the game’s sequel Chrono Cross is on Switch (and I imagine other current platforms). The mobile version even still gets updated from time to time with the last update being 11 months ago (at time of writing). I mean for gods sake there are a ton of games from their Saga series on Switch and NOT Chrono Trigger! Aside from Saga Frontier Remastered, I just don’t care about the Saga series. Chrono Trigger should definitely be available over the Saga series! I can only think that there are some sort of licensing issues holding it back from newer platforms, otherwise this is just poor decision making. Then again, Square Enix did just pivot away from platform exclusivity and make other changes to their business decision making, so maybe poor decision making is exactly the issue.


Maybe they're working on a remake? I mean, it feels like a great hd-2d contender


porting the same game to consoles every five years isn't really a good use of resources. if you want to play old games, get a pc. this is good for developers and consumers. 


Chrono trigger has not gotten a console port since the ps1, about 27 years ago. Not sure where you are getting 5 years. The internet was at its infancy and smart phones didnt even exist. It was a long time ago.


that's what i mean. it would be a waste of time to do it so **they don't do it**. they already tried that with a lot of games. so many of their games have 4 ports. or more! yet time marches on, and now none of them count. people would only be happy if they wasted all of their time on it. the endgame is pc. which chrono trigger is on. (and also mobile and ds.)


You are stating things but it doesn't explain the reason why those things are true. Obviously Square doesn't think it is worth their time, I'm just not satisfied with the explanations given. They dont make sense to me. What I'm saying is Chrono trigger is a lot more popular than those games that they did try this with (it has sold better worldwide than those games before their modern ports with the exception of FF of course), so it would succeed with CT where it didn't with other games.


the ds install base was like 150 million and chrono trigger didn't do that great there, no reason to assume it's going to sell gangbusters on switch either.  chrono trigger has legacy with people on this sub but you're over-estimating its general popularity.  in any case, the default position is not and should not be "keep making ports." that sucks for the company and it sucks for us. this game already had the ideal situation occur. it got ported 4 times with two of them being somewhat evergreen ports. maybe they'll do another one some day on some console but that's a lot of time and resources for another 300k that they'd probably get on steam eventually by doing nothing anyway


It was the 68th best selling DS game at 1.1 million. Right under Final Fantasy 4, an FF game that got full remake treatment at 1.2 million. Thats pretty good. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_Nintendo_DS_video_games That makes it the best selling jrpg on the system other than mario, final fantasy, pokemon, and and dragon quest.


ah, i must have missed european numbers. that is better than i thought, nice. still, when ct came out on ds it didn't have two competing versions that are far more likely to get sales


I don't get it


Chrono Trigger currently runs great on Steam deck, and the PC version would be a good port with the state it's in right now.


Is PC versión the PS1 repack?


It’s a port of the mobile version but was heavily patched after release to not feel like a mobile version lol


Lol why the f**k i get a downvote just for asking a serious question? I ve asked because I played PS1 version back in the day and it was perfect.


The JRPG subreddit can be ridiculously toxic when people ask legitimate questions or dare to say you like a game that someone else doesn't, I'll never understand that mentality. Have an offsetting upvote... so we can both be downvoted more lol. And I will say, if you think the PS1 version of Chrono Trigger was perfect, you would enjoy pretty much any other version a good amount. That loading time only exists in the PS1 version of the game.


I meant, I think it was perfect because it was the first remake with added scenes and a new extra ending. Don't tell me those new full animated cutscenes were Bad. And i know most ppl now hate those loading times but they were normal in PS1 era due to hardware limitations and cd format.


I do like the cutscenes -- thankfully now you can get them in versions of the game without the loading times. I actually wish they'd do a release that implements them a bit better, e.g. have the anime cutscene replace the in-game version of the scene, rather than playing both. They could make it a toggle option for people who really want to see the original version as well.


I saw a “-“ so I did my part


Wasn’t me 🤷🏻‍♀️


the ps1 version is widely considered to be unplayable. obviously your mileage may vary if you consider it perfect but most of us find it far from it


I explained My comment in other posts, the PS1 version was the only way to play the Game if You don't own a SNes back in the day. And having full new cutscenes and ending was superb. Every other re release of the Game it's based on PS1 version without the loading, and thats because PS1 hardware limitations You dont have today.


Read the Wiki on the game and how the pc port was terrible at launch


As the previous poster said, its in a much better state right now. If they were to give us a PS4/5 port it would most likely be based on this version.


I just don't get Square Enixs thinking it's free money for sure


They might rather wait and let desire build up for a remake. If the DQ HD-2D games do well, I could see them considering the same treatment for Chrono Trigger.


Well that kind of answers your question about "how hard can it be?" /s


Haha that's fair


It’s been heavily patched since launch. It’s pretty awesome now.


It’s probably the best version now that it’s been patched, and you don’t even need a good PC to run it! I only have a shitty laptop and it runs the game flawlessly lol


I just played the Steam version a month ago after not having played the game since back in the mid-90's when it came out and I didn't have any issues at all. It worked perfectly. Granted, I originally played it so long ago that I can't remember the details in order to notice if they made changes, but I can guarantee that this port worked perfectly for me.


I would kill for a switch version of Chrono Trigger or FF Tactics. I have them both on my phone, but a switch version would more convenient for me. I would cool with ps4/5 versions too. But since the PS5 is in our living room, I get more time on switch.


FF tactics is getting a remaster IIRC so that might be on switch (2) soon enough


Tactics remaster is still a rumor at this point and has not been announced , but im sure its bound to happen.


It's less a question of "Is it hard" and more "Is it worth the cost". Which, maybe? But we're not exactly in a position to answer that objectively, as this subreddit is a *very small* segment of the gaming community, and focused on that specific genre of game. There's also things to take into account like if they'd get repeat buyers when the game is already on the largest gaming platform in the world as-is, the cost with Sony just to list it, developing/testing an effective front-end (because let's be honest, it's cheaper and more likely that they would just have it launch in an emulator rather than build a native version), marketing, and I'm sure plenty of things that I'm not remembering to list. Would it then sell enough (at whatever price they list it for - let's assume $10) to recoup that cost, make enough profit to be worthwhile, *and* have that profit be more money than they would make if those resources were allocated to a different game entirely? Not for nothing, I love Chrono Trigger to death, but I absolutely wouldn't another port just to buy it. My foolish pipe-dream hope is that the work they've done for DQIII (and now I+II) has given them a strong development suite to develop more remakes in that style in a shorter span of time, and we see more of their older 8- and 16-bit games remade. I doubt that'll be the case, but I would absolutely prefer that over yet-another-port that looks the same, sounds the same, and plays the same. Entice gamers with something that sets the release apart from what you already have available to them.


Youre explanations and questions all make sense but I would say Yes is the answer to them. Youre discounting a huge amount of people who dont like playing games on PC that would buy the port on any console. This isnt another port for us. Its the *first* port on a console in 27 years.


>Youre explanations and questions all make sense but I would say Yes is the answer to them. Neither you nor I is in a position to answer the question of if it's worth the cost. It's not our time or money that would be invested and need to see a return (because it is a *need* - SquEnix did, after all, recently advise their investors they were eating a loss of 140 million USD. And that was only in one fiscal year - that's discounting other poor financial moves and losses in years prior. They simply can't afford to keep making calls and investments that aren't going to turn around and post strong profits. And as I said originally, we - users in this subreddit - are *not* an unbiased and objective barometer of how well it would perform. We are a small subset of a niche genre interest. Even if every single person in this sub were willing to buy that console port day 1, that's only 234k sales - how much of that revenue is eaten up by paying folks to develop it? How much is further lost to distribution and console licenses? What about the cost to produce a physical copy (if they hypothetically went that route)? Marketing and promotion? >Youre discounting a huge amount of people who dont like playing games on PC that would buy the port on any console. Not for nothing, but I didn't discount anything. What I'm in fact not doing is overestimating the market that would buy a port of a game that has been widely available on the two largest gaming markets for over 10 years. And I have no idea where you're getting "the first port on a console in 27 years". It's been on SNES (1995), PS1 (1999 in JP, 2001 in US - only 25/23 years), Wii (2011 - 13 years), and the PS3 (also 2011). That ignores releases on DS (2008), Mobile (2011), PSP/Vita (2011 because it's a digital PS1 title), and PC (2018) because those generally aren't considered "consoles". It also ignores playing the Wii version on a Wii U, of course, or using a PS1 disc to play it on the PS3 at console launch (the date I provided is for the digital release on PSN).


I still don't get how a Romancing Saga or Legend of Mana port is seen as more profitable than Chrono Trigger. I hear what you are saying that I'm not in that position, but I just don't understand what I'm missing for this to be the case that Romancing Saga 2 and Legend of Mana were seen as more worth it and less of a risk than Chrono Trigger. > And I have no idea where you're getting "the first port on a console in 27 years". It's been on SNES (1995), PS1 (1999 in JP, 2001 in US - only 25/23 years), Wii (2011 - 13 years), and the PS3 (also 2011). Chrono trigger is on PS3? Where?


>I still don't get how a Romancing Saga or Legend of Mana port is seen as more profitable than Chrono Trigger. Because neither Legend of Mana nor Romancing Saga was already readily available on the two largest gaming platforms in the world. Both are also inherently tied into franchises that are still ongoing with more recent releases, allowing for easier consumer recognition to the broader spectrum of gaming instead of just "existing fans of the title". Like... it's hard to overstate just how important it is to consider that Chrono Trigger is already available on mobile (which is a MASSIVE market) and PC. >Chrono trigger is on PS3? Where? It's been available on PSN for ages, along with a large number of other PS1 titles. Like, outside of the built-in capacity to run the PS1 disc, it was given a standalone digital release. It's still on the store now for $10. If you want to talk console ports, it's right there (along with the SNES version being available on the Wii until that store closed).


Chrono series does have a recent release with the Chross remaster and radical dreamers port, which saw a western release for the first time. Also if youre talking about the ps1 version on ps3, that thing has abysmal load times. But your other points are taken.


That would be a recent port - I'm talking about actual releases. Things with an involved development cycle, and from franchises that have continued to get work beyond a simple port. Legend of Mana could ride on the releases of full remakes of the original trilogy (full blown remakes, mind you - not just the ports in Collection) as well as tying in to the launch of their new mobile game (so it also served the purpose of trying to hype people up to throw money into a gacha service) SaGa Scarlet Grace in addition to is own plethora of ports/remakes and a quite successful gacha title in Re:Universe that's been running for 6 years. So yeah - both franchises have had involved development of recent entries, which Chrono didn't. It's had a port of Cross, sure, but that's nowhere near the investment of a brand new title, nor does a port compare to full remakes of a trilogy that include a massive overhaul of graphics to a new 3D engine. Both franchises ALSO had mobile games that they were trying to push (one successful, one not) which really drives the desire to make your titles more widely available to try and both entice people into the gacha and sell copies of your port because people want more of the character they spent money to pull. And you can complain about the load times all you want - it's still a port that was available far more recently than your "27 years" (every port has been more recent that that anyway) implies. Which really gets down to the nitty gritty of the discussion anyway - you aren't in a position to decide if another port of CT is worth it for a company to release. You don't have all the facts on it behind the scenes, and appear to only look at it through a very narrow scope even for the non-privileged data available to consumers. Like how Cross was only remastered because the devs feared it would become unplayable since it only has the PS1 and PS3 releases (something that isn't true for Chrono Trigger, and hasn't been true for over 10 years). Or how the Cross port was (rightly) blasted at launch for performing worse than the original release and took a year to fix - and while it sold fine, it didn't exactly move copies enough to show interest in more Chrono investment. Apparently it's sold less than 500k units across all platforms in over 2 years, which is... Actually that's not "it sold fine", that's kinda bad for a game that originally sold 1.5 mil and was released by a major publisher. It's not awful, it's just not necessarily good.


If they can port VP Lenneth with rewind features, why couldn’t they they do that with Chrono Trigger and Parasite Eve?


I know Parasite Eve has rights issues. It's based off a book that I don't think they have the rights to anymore. That's why the 3rd game was called third birthday.


Never heard VP Lenneth but I do know Parasite Eve


Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth, the PSP re-release of the original Valkyrie Profile (PS1).


I mean the Steam version is totally competent at this point. It really is only missing a CRT filter, imo. So it should be balls easy to bring that over as is.


I don't think porting chrono Trigger to ps4 would be difficult at all, considering how games like Legends of Dragoons and Wild Arms are ported nicely with some added emulator features (save states, rewinds, ...etc). Tbh, I don't know this has not happened yet. However I recommend you emulate the snes version (seamless transitions into and out of combat without loading), but you can't go wrong anyways. Chrono Cross is one of my all times favorite. I think the worst thing about it is the name and the expectations tied to it. CC is very different from any other JRPGs out there including CT. The story and combat can feel too convoluted and if you want to experience every single thing in this game, it get too frustrating. FF6 is also a whole different thing. This sub will crossify me for this, but there is something about the FF series at its prime (4-10) that I enjoy more than any other RPG. for some reason they feel way better than the sum of their parts. Man, I miss that era. A lot of creativity and unique games that age like fine wine. Don't bother with comparing them to each other, just play them all.


At this point, I think it's something related to rights or something? The latest relases from this game have been to NDS, mobile and PC... the last time it was released in a Sony platform was for Ps1 25 years ago...


Makes sense. DQ games I think are also stuck on the DS and 3DS for some reason (they are on mobile, but that is kinda irrelevant).


I have no pc for emulating lol I use console only and my.laptop is an old piece of shit 😂 sounds like CC is worth trying eventually, I've done FFVII, VIII and I'm playing X but very early on ATM


Any potato can emulate the SNES.


And almost the same for PS1


Ah fair, tbh I have no idea how that stuff works 😂


Just use Emudeck. There is now a version for Windows in addition to the original Steamdeck version. It sets up everything for you with emulators, just gotta get the roms from somewhere like CDromance.


Any old piece of shit can run a SNES emulator. They're free to download and try, anyway.


Might be worth trying, idk how fun laptop controls would be lol


You can plug in your PS controller:)


If you have an Android phone: 1. Download RetroArch 2. Buy yourself a cheap but good phone pad, like a Gamesir There you go - you now have handheld console that can play NES, SNES, PSX and GBA games


If you have a smartphone (an Android at least, I assume you can on iPhone too) there are some options to run them there as well. I did a playthrough of Fire Emblem 4 on my cell once. The touch interface isn't satisfying to me, but something slow and turn based is acceptable on it.


For a PC to not be able to emulate an SNES game it would have to be a low-end PC from 25 years ago


If you are expecting Chrono Trigger 2, then NO, Chrono Cross is not what you want. However, if you're just looking for an excellent RPG that stands on its own, Chrono Cross is a lot of fun. It just uses very different systems from Chrono Trigger.


It's certainly not a true sequel, but CC still delivers as a very good CT successor. Same themes, throwback to actual story elements, etc. It's an excellent game, and you'll enjoy it more having played CT.


It definitely counts as a sequel. Nothing in CC can have occured without CT having occured. The plot is a direct escalation, you just don't understand how until very late in the game. When it first came out, a lot of people wanted CT2 though and since CC is a mechanically different game, they were disappointed. If you go into CC expecting a mechanically different game, you can enjoy it for what it is.


I vastly prefer CT, but Cross is a good game.  I think in a lot of ways it would be better if it were its own thing. A lot of the tie-in stuff only really comes to light other than a few place names until late in the game. I personally feel like it is kind of forced at that. It has some similarities to FFVI, but also very different, particularly character wise and battles taking place in the field (and some attacks depending on where the characters are standing relative to the enemies) rather than a battle screen. Not quite as big of a cast as FFIV or VI. Not as many spells or special techniques, but does have combos between some characters. CT has many different endings depending on when you face the final boss. CT also has New Game+ so you can play again with your existing stats/inventories to redo the story or go for different endings/make different choices. Similarly it has great music, graphics, depth of story, extensive weapon/armor/accessory variety, etc. 


Oh Chrono Cross soundtrack is even better than CT imo, I have heard that VI has a very big cast, damn NG+ back then? That's pretty cool


Chrono Cross OST is the greatest video game soundtrack ever made. I’ve listened to it probably thousands of times while I’m doing work. Radical Dreamers goes so fucking hard.


It's just incredible, my favourite ost is Streets of Rage 2 and Super Mario Galaxy


I love CCs soundtrack but for me the regular battle theme rules it out of contention for best OST


Chrono Trigger is the origin of New Game +. It's what created the whole idea.


Chrono Trigger is amazing and equally as high quality as FF6, possibly better. Chrono Cross is also a good game in it's own right but if you played Trigger beforehand it's easy to find it... disappointing, because it is a very different game. If you don't have the ability to play Trigger, IMO feel free to play Chrono Cross first IMO because while you will miss some nods to the 1st game (particularly near the end) you will at least avoid the feeling of "wait... why isn't this like the game I already enjoyed"


Sounds like a decent plan, just got a.backlog to get through, on FFX rn lol


Chrono Cross is an interesting game but go in with no expectations. Don’t think of it as a sequel to Chrono Trigger. Go in cold treating it like it’s an entirely new game. You might bounce off it but you might like it. 


I haven't played Trigger yet either so wouldn't know haha gotta try both


You have to have a guide for Chrono Cross FYI. There are some things that you might screw up without one. 


Ah fair I tend not to guide but can do


Just play it on your mobile phone.


I don't think porting chrono Trigger to ps4 would be difficult at all, considering how games like Legends of Dragoons and Wild Arms are ported nicely with some added emulator features (save states, rewinds, ...etc). Tbh, I don't know this has not happened yet. However I recommend you emulate the snes version (seamless transitions into and out of combat without loading), but you can't go wrong anyways. Chrono Cross is one of my all times favorite. I think the worst thing about it is the name and the expectations tied to it. CC is very different from any other JRPGs out there including CT. The story and combat can feel too convoluted and if you want to experience every single thing in this game, it get too frustrating. FF6 is also a whole different thing. This sub will crossify me for this, but there is something about the FF series at its prime (4-10) that I enjoy more than any other RPG. for some reason they feel way better than the sum of their parts. Man, I miss that era. A lot of creativity and unique games that age like fine wine. Don't bother with comparing them to each other, just play them all.


Just play the SNES version on an emulator.


I've just been playing it on my phone with the Delta emulator. I usually stick to official releases, but sometimes you can't just keep waiting for these corporations to do what you want them to.


I actually prefer Chrono Cross over Trigger. It’s a really good game.


I think FF6 and Chrono Trigger are both excellent games, the beat of that era. To me, Chrono Trigger is just a tighter package, there is maybe less to the game overall but that also means less flaws.


Chrono Trigger was the game that hooked me on RPGs. Everything I played before that was random, fighting games, sports games, platformers, action adventure, beat-em-up, etc. Trigger Drew me into the world like nothing had before and it's still my favorite game of all time, over 25 years later. I've heard of people who generally skip all cut scenes and just play the gameplay find this game so intriguing that they actually pay attention to the story. Strangely enough, it's not the absolute best at all of the individual components of a game, but everything is so well done, so tightly put together that the entire package is the best package. I will always recommend the original version on SNES. It can be emulated on a toaster oven as long as you can get an os loaded on said oven. The original script, while not always the most accurate, gives the game a personality that helps bring the story to life. However, the PC version is also solid with a more accurate translation and the ability to fix most of what square messed up in porting the game through mods and some of the fixes they offered in updates since the game's release. Chrono Cross is also a lot of fun, though it doesn't live up to Trigger. Cross does have the best soundtrack in a game that I've ever heard. Hearing many of those songs now still brings goosebumps or tears to me, depending on the song. The PC version is good, the original is also good. With the remaster on PC, you start with a fast forward feature right off the bat and probably other boosters that I ignored. It also has mods for some better looking background and a more solid frame rate. Definitely worth the playthrough if you enjoy Trigger. Just don't expect it to be Chrono Trigger 2, it's a different game in the same universe that has ties to Trigger, but doesn't continue the original story


> Chrono Cross is also a lot of fun, though it doesn't live up to Trigger. Chrono Cross' story had a bunch of potential but dang >!did the original cast dirty. Probably the worst case of using death as a source of drama.!< >!Players spent hours and hours playing a game making their characters into eldritch god killing machines... Only for them to die like unnamed NPCs!<


So Chrono Cross is beyond worth it as long as you don't walk into expecting Chrono Trigger like I did when I was a kid lol I replayed it as an adult and it absolutely slaps.


Have computer just emulate it. Also Chrono cross is awesome.


Chrono Cross is a great if flawed game, but it's worth playing just for the soundtrack alone! It's got one of the best soundtracks in a video game.


They have chrono trigger and DQ4-6 ports perfectly fine on mobile and PC (Chrono) but refuse to port them to consoles for free money. No idea why Granted DQ4-6 in HD2D is looking more realistic and Id be *all* for it. Chrono Trigger on steam is fine if you have some device that can run it (just did my first playthrough ever on there last year). System reqs are low at least


Well, they would need the rights of like three different entities, from my understanding, and as far as I know about things like this, it is unfortunately really difficult to get that many parties aligned simultaneously.


The remaster is going to smash sales records, it makes sense to wait for the right moment, the right tech, and the right market. It’s as simple as that


To echo what others have said -- after all the patches, I would say the PC version is the definitive version now. I know it's a bit more complicated than "both systems are x86" but I can't imagine bringing it over to PS4/PS5 at this point would be a major effort for them. There are certain older games that Square has left in limbo where I just don't understand the lack of a port. Dragon Quest VIII is another one -- at the very least, the PS4 and PS5 have PS2 emulators already.


You can download it from play/Apple store and play on your phone if you have Apple or Android.


If you've never played Trigger or Cross, Cross is a much better game if you play it before Trigger and it only has minor spoilers for Trigger that didn't affect my enjoyment of it at all when I played it.


At this point, I implore everyone to just buy a steam deck so you can keep going back to the classics instead of being at the mercy of a company deciding if its worth porting your game again or not.


its extremely hard


It cant be that hard if legend of dragoon got a port to ps4/5


Chrono cross is fun but it's kinda slow. the first time i played it i dropped about 20 hours into the game, then i replayed with a friend and we managed to finish it but it was quite a journey


CC is fine, but it's not really anything like Trigger. Of course, this is understandable when you realize that almost none of the original staff from Trigger worked on the game. You can see the influence from CT, but the story feels like a mess, and most characters are easily forgettable. I loved the music and ending of CC though. But there are so many good games out there, so maybe try it after tackling your backlog, first. Anyway, SE is probably saving a CT port for a rainy day. In general, I think it's a lot more user-friendly than FF6, and the SNES version is paced perfectly, so I'd go for that if you could. The ports of CT had some random interns add a bunch of garbage dungeons which hurt pacing/immersion in my opinion.


Cross is probably in my top 5 of all time but nothing you say is a lie. There are like 40 characters but less than 10 of them matter. If they had more ressources they could have done a better job. But still, CC feels cozy to me. I’ve beaten it dozens of times and it’s just such a warm feeling game. I’ll always go back to it and always love it.


Music of both is beautiful and ive never owned a Snes, all too expensive and awkward for me haha




Good to hear I might try it in the future,.just got a backlog atm lol


Why just PS? Why not Xbox and Switch too?


Yeah them too I just went for what I had lol


Most of the members of the retro JRPG audience aren't buying these consoles. The games they usually want are on pc.


While I know you were asking about Chrono Cross as a fill in as you can't play Chrono Trigger on PS4/5, I would recommend Live A Live. It's actually a precursor to Chrono Trigger, and you can really see it when you play it.


Chrono Cross has some of the best music ever created for a video game, and honestly just any piece of media. That being said, the game sucks dick. Just play Chrono Trigger any way you can


It's a shame it didn't find it's way into the FF pixel remaster compilation the way they packaged it with ff4 as final fantasy chronicles on PS1.


Ooh I'm tempted by FFVI pixel remaster next, is the music the same? That's key to me icl


Even better, you have the option to use the original music or the remastered version. I've always been a big fan of FF music, and played with the remastered music. Trust me, it's *very* well done.


Oh that's sick Spyro did that with Reignited it's so good, I'll have to try that I'm usually an originals guy


Chrono Cross is really bad. Both story and gameplay.