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Thankfully, Jasmin's music doesn't have a particularly moshy crowd, so standing will probably be pretty chill! If you were going to a concert with music where people like to mosh, I'd just recommend staying away from the middle if you don't wanna be near that. Standing room is great because you can get a lot closer but that means everybody else is going to try to do that too, and you might find yourself standing in a densely packed crowd if the venue sold a lot of tickets. If you do end up in a crowd, you're going to have to get comfortable with pushing. Not rudely, but if you need to get out of there, people typically won't part for you, and you need to push through the crowd to get out/in. Be careful if you can get claustrophobic easily as big crowds can come in and be difficult to get out of. Sometimes, you can even feel how muggy the air is from everyone's breath and begin to feel hot from the body heat. It's really important to know your limits and not be afraid to ram your way to fresh air if it gets to be too much. But on the flip side, it provides an opportunity to get really close to the stage, and if the artist knows how to hype a crowd, people might start jumping around, which is always fun and everytime I've been in an energetic crowd I've had a great time. Though it's important to take care of yourself and be willing to push to get where you need to go as crowds can sometimes feel suffocating if they're too big, but hopefully it's not that crowded!


tysm for all the info!!! im hoping to get some pictures with my camera which might be a bit more challenging in a crowd, but im just happy enjoying the concert and $15 is a steal! i bought my tickets just now <3