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I'm going to repost a comment I made on a similar post just kind of giving my 2 cents on what it's like being a part of standing room! Friendly reminder that there will be NO CHAIRS in sight and the only time you'll likely be able to sit down will either be on the ground outside (you would likely have to sit in the smoking section, which at 14 they'll totally let you out there because they know everyone needs fresh air, but just be aware people might be smoking cigarettes if that's going to make it worse) otherwise the closest thing to sitting down you'll have for the night will be going to the bathroom. Even if it looks like there's empty seats nearby usually they're actually reserved and security will very quickly stop you. Thankfully, Jazmin's music doesn't have a particularly moshy crowd, so standing will probably be pretty chill! If you were going to a concert with music where people like to mosh, I'd just recommend staying away from the middle of the crowd if you don't wanna be near that. Standing room is great because you can get a lot closer to the stage and really be up close and personal with Jazmin but that means everybody else is going to try to do that too, and you might find yourself standing in a densely packed crowd if the venue sold a lot of tickets. If you do end up in a crowd, you're going to have to get comfortable with pushing. Not rudely, but if you need to get out of there, people typically won't part for you, and you need to push through the crowd to get out/in. Be careful if you can get claustrophobic easily as big crowds can come in and be difficult to get out of. Sometimes, you can even feel how muggy the air is from everyone's breath and begin to feel hot from the body heat. It's really important to know your limits and not be afraid to ram your way to fresh air if it gets to be too much. But on the flip side, it provides an opportunity to get really close to the stage, and if the artist knows how to hype a crowd, people might start jumping around, which is always fun and every time I've been in an energetic crowd I've had a great time. Though it's important to take care of yourself and be willing to push to get where you need to go as crowds can sometimes feel suffocating if they're too big, but hopefully it's not that crowded! Lastly, if you're going with a group of people, have a meeting place/time if you end up getting separated, because trying to find your friends in a crowd especially when it's time to go is fucking terrifying. On the way in, designate a spot to meet up before leaving so if you're separated by the end of the night, you'll all just meet up there before leaving. People won't rally here until it's time to go, so if you lose them mid-show sadly you might end up alone for a bit (a good reason to focus on staying together in a crowd Edit: don't be afraid to physically hold onto whoever you're with, just holding onto a part of their shirt can be enough to prevent the crowd from pulling you apart) But this has literally saved me from searching for people at the end of the night so we can go home countless times. Edit: Jazmin usually doesn't have massive dangerous crowds, so this bit of advice likely isn't necessary, as well countless safety measures and protocols go into making sure crushes don't happen- But when a lot of people are packed together in a small space, there's sometimes a risk of crowd crush which is basically when there's too many bodies packed together and people stop being able to move or breathe. If you find yourself in a dense crowd, try keeping your forearms up close to your chest. In the event of being squeezed by the crowd, your arms protect your diaphragm so you can keep breathing. This is extremely rare and genuinely not something to worry about, and you can tell LONG before the crowd starts squeezing you that you're starting to feel smushed (if you feel unsafe in a crowd, it's always a smart move to get out while you can), but I think it's important advice for people to know on the off chance they find themselves in a crowd that's too dense.


Thanks! I'm going with my dad who's a hippie and never went to a concert before and what should I say to prepare him?


That's awesome! I'd just stick close to him and let him know that he can slip outside via the smoking section anytime he needs if the crowd becomes too much, but to be fair you don't know how packed it's going to be until you get there. Jazmin is a somewhat smaller artist but they absolutely can still draw a crowd. Mostly just get ready for it to be loud and to stand a lot lol. I'd maybe mention the meet up point or come up with an easy way to let each other know that you need to move as talking during sets can be almost impossible, but as long as he's ready to just sort of stand around for a few hours everything should be good!


definitely depends on the venue. they performed at a old theater-like venue with chairs that you would sit in for like a play or something and the stage was small. people would either sit in the back or come up to the front to watch them sing. i would check where they are performing


Not sure if this was said in that huge post, but since you're young - please invest in earplugs to keep your ears safe! I went to their Terrified tour and it was a blast but also very loud.


Thanks! I have some loops that will work


Ayyy have a great time then! *I might also recommend platform shoes if you can! I can never go to concerts without em as a 5'5" girlie. Otherwise my phone is the best method for seeing the concert lol*