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Drake slid on that BBL beat.


You’re kidding right? What he was saying and how he was flowing was just not IT at all. Don’t know how or why people hype up the Drizzler lmao


huh? it was fire idk why yall keep hating for no reason


That shits trash all the way through. I thought it was a joke lol. People actually taking that song seriously is hilarious.


I couldn’t make it through sexy reds “music.”


My 3yr old raps at a better quality when he’s pissed and refusing nap time. 🤦🏽‍♂️


that "note" she was tryna hit in the first 15 secs or something lmao


sexyy red is TRASH. like TRASH TRASH... Like play that shit to the mfs hung upside down in guantanamo type trash Drake's verse on the song however is at the very least palatable, and he flips the BBL Drizzy thing... rhymes are pretty good, flow is pretty nice, its not the best verse he had, its not the worse, its a mid verse from him. like is that so hard to accept for half the sub lmao




Reddit user finds out that music is subjective, more at 11 That shit was trash bro.


Drake fans will hear a fire beat and think the song is top tier. Probably don’t even know how to listen to lyrics.




Sounds like you’re the one taking it serious. It was supposed to be a fun joke song… he rapped on BBL Drizzy like …?


Doesn’t make the song good lol


Old head detected


Look at his comment history, he is an S tier hate poster lmao


Not liking it does not equal “hating it”. I just don’t like it. It isn’t good. And I have several reasons, but not enough time to type them all— I gotta go start dinner for my family.


No reason?!?!!?! No reasonable person can get jiggy with that shit!!! That shit sound like some dumbass teenagers high off they ass talking about nothing! And as far as the beat, Metros bbl drizzy sample switch up was the only good part to my ears. I don't even recall the rest of the beat.


tay keith disrespect is crazy unc


His work just isn't for me, no disrespect.


People change every day, who knows maybe one day I'll come around to his garbage ass beats lol.


Dammit Bruceleessidepiece! You really bout to make me listen to that shit again! Imma give it a second chance and just focus on the beat.


I compromised, I checked the instrumental on youtube. Without that retarded ass flow over it the beat is not bad, nothing crazy but it's chill.


Name one bar that was fire


Imma be waiting to see if you get any replies.


It’s honestly funny, they can keep going


this is a kendrick sub now


They just hating cuz it’s a trend too rn. A couple of months later, drake might do something “good” then everyone will hop on the bandwagon and say “His verse on BBL Drizzy was actually fire”


I will always stand on that verse being hot garbage. It ain't no Wu Tang forever, it ain't no Marvin's Room. It ain't no if you're reading this it's too late. I like Drake, I like Kendrick. But that verse was not it.




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yall cole fans tryna drag drake shit down to make yallselves feel better lmso


The verse was fine, you just don’t like drake as a person


Alot of people dont like that guy have you seen and heard all the bad things he says


I know a lot of people don’t like him lol


The song was trash, the lyrics were mid, but the flow was clean and I don't really even like Drake as a rapper. The choice to do the BBL Drizzy beat shows he's not taking the battle that deep (whether that's true is another story).


Yea you obviously not the target audience. Go listen to wu tang clan on vinyl or something


How are you a J Cole fan yet trolling someone for liking Wu Tang?


That actually sounds like a good time lol maybe you’re right


The drizzy sub is full on coping, saw a post today saying how drake wins cuz One Dance is streaming more than meet the grahams… a club song compared to a mellow beat 7 minute diss… aight


No one said he won the beef for that. It was to show a cherry picked stat based on Not Like Us streams


Shhh spin the narrative bro


You mean the post in response to yall posting about fucking money trees outstreaming family matters like it matters? Then they went on to show drake has like 80-90 billion more streams than kendrick has or ever will have in his life 💀


So it’s funny. When you take the number of songs Drake has and divide it by the streams and then take Kendrick’s number of songs and divide it by the streams Kendrick comes out on top. Drake pumps out music for the masses. He pumps out radio hits. His albums are half garbage trying to be the next new sound. Nothing is cohesive and everything is for the streams. Now take Kendrick. He makes concept albums. Stuff you listen to when you wanna digest something. A few songs are bangers but most of them are something you listen to to feel the underlying emotion of. It’s like comparing Michael Jackson to Pink Floyd.


how he was flowing? lol what was wrong with the flow


That drizz god flow ain’t for everybody 🤷🏽‍♂️




Stick out your BBL for the drizzler


i mean it was better than the Cole verse


This is Kendrick Lamars burner


I remember I was conflicted…


Nah it was 🔥


Huh? It was fine lmao. At worst it was passable. Bro is the only reason the song was listenable.


that shit was funny and hard I liked it


Drake was fine, but the fact that he was on that beat at all in the first place is embarrassing for him and he really had to reach to spin BBL Drizzy. Claiming he pays for plastic surgery for tons of women ain't it. Kendrick is looking like a prophet, though. "Once a lame always a lame" and "some things are just cringe worthy, it ain't even gotta be deep, I guess" are pretty accurate. All on a song with his fellow bad bitch.


Lolol calling Kendrick a prophet for > "Once a lame always a lame" and "some things are just cringe worthy, it ain't even gotta be deep, I guess" Kendrick just opened his mouth , someone go get him a Grammy rn


Drake being salty about the grammys will never not be funny


Prolly gonna happen too. That’s gonna be the best part.


Narrator: he did not in fact slide on that BBL beat


“Is drake sliding on the BBL beat in the room with us rn?”




i get so much 2nd hand embarrassment from Drake how are you pushing 40 with a heart cut in ur hair 😭


Lol well now it’s braids that he supposedly grew enough hair for in 2 years (I don’t think it’s his real hair)


How is eve ru one saying the bbl drizzy part is the beat, the majority of the song isn’t even that beat


You know these losers hate Drake too much to give credit


Drake fanboys so weird bro


All he did was yap in his verse with his insufferable voice


Slid off a cliff, yeah.


Drake's verse is decent but the song is so ass that it's irredeemable. Cole on the other hand did a trash verse.


but as always good flow i was laughing when he said grippy


Nah the Mickey Mouse Disney land bar in that flow was hilarious too ☠️


That one made me audibly laugh too😭


Like I said anyone taking this shit seriously is a wet blanket


This part. Drake slid.


Where can I listen? I youtubed "drake bbl drizzy" and im only getting the metro beat without the verses?


It’s a Sexxy Red song I believe


I my everything. His verse starts 2 mins in 




Its Grippy tho hmmmmm Its Grippy.... grippy.... grippy brother thought we didn't hear him the first time he said it


Cole be Coleing


*looks at comments* Ah, so this is where r/Drizzy have retreated to.


*Looks at other replies* Yep, you’re right about that.


only r/kendricklamar niggas be typing in Italics


Here's a sneak peek of /r/KendrickLamar using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [pack it up boys we're done here](https://i.redd.it/soysffd9eb8b1.png) | [435 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/comments/14jadej/pack_it_up_boys_were_done_here/) \#2: [The healing did not work 💀](https://i.redd.it/pnkqkce24wpc1.jpeg) | [250 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/comments/1bkzn0h/the_healing_did_not_work/) \#3: [Average Kendrick Lamar fan](https://i.redd.it/bwxo76910v8b1.jpg) | [208 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/comments/14lr8fw/average_kendrick_lamar_fan/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This place turned into r/Drizzy the moment *Like That* dropped because everyone assumed Cole & Drake would team up, and it got even worse after the apology




Nah if ur own sub ain’t agreeing wit u then yk it’s a bad take


Your entire comment history is running drake defense bro.


Yeah wtf cole fans used to be cool there are some clowns up in here


They've been brigading other subs a lot recently. Pretty much any post about the new song.


Nah drakes verse was the only redeemable part of that song 🤣


Idk that Drake feature goes kinds hard ngl


Hardly listenable


Stfu bro stop capping Lmao


Drakes verse was cool but ain't nothing saving that trash ass song


Pls drake dropped an above average verse the only reason people hate the song is sexy.. someone tell that woman to take singing lessons or just stop singing


Thts her gimmick she don’t give af if she can or can’t she just a vibe tbh


"her gimmick is being bad and vibing" lmao bar so fuckin low


Drake literally reinforced everything thing he was criticized for on that verse and people are saying he killed it lol. Strange times man.


what did he reinforce?


Fetishizing black women and perpetuating negative stereotypes about them Simping for shallow women, aka bragging about buying them BBLs Being a culture vulture that just hops on trends to stay relevant, aka jumping on a track with an industry plant like sexy red and also the BBL drizzy beat


the irony of kendrick criticizing drake for the women he fucks after making a song w future has been lost on everyone but me, it seems


I mean if future came at kdot the same way drake did then I’m sure he would flame him for it too


so it's only an issue if you diss kendrick


Ask him. I’m not the one who wrote the diss.


Some of Kendrick's critiques of Drake apply to a lot of the industry. He'd have to quit being a rapper if he focuses on every single problematic rapper or producer he's in contact with. Which, he kinda did?


No one’s asking him to make a choice between not rapping and working with horrible people, but it calls his standards/morals to question when he can put a convicted rapist on one album 3 times, and take issue with another. What’s the criteria for being on Kendrick’s bad side, because it clearly isn’t rape 😭🙏🏾


Wait so it’s being a culture vulture when sexxy helps drake with one of the biggest songs on his album and in return he gives her a verse back? Plus they very clearly are friends and are around each other quite often. What the fuck are we talking about here? Is he just never allowed to do a feature again regardless of his interpersonal relationship w the person?


I mean Drake is the new benzino. He’s done. We are watching the fall happen.


callin Sexy Red an industry plant is hilarious, yall niggas dont know how to use that term and call anyone that blows up that. He's a culture vulture for flipping a beat that was used to diss him? You sayin anything. And how is any of his verse perpetuating negative stereotypes about black women? You reachin hard as shit


Did you hear the verse?


Bro cous as u can see he don’t care u should do the same it’s getting weird


Naw... he just doesn't care. What, you thought Drake was gonna hide and change everything about himself over this beef or somethin? The people criticizing him were never fans in the first place.


So what kendrick is just supposed to chanfe everything about him? Thatd make drake a bitch


Actually listen to the song. He literally tells Sexxy don’t worry about getting surgery, keep it natural. He buys women surgery if they want it but he literally does not encourage it otherwise. I swear Drake haters do not actually listen to what he says. He did not ONCE reinforce a single diss thrown his way. He hopped on a Sexxy Redd song, murdered Metro’s beat, and left. If you can actually find a lyric on that song that “reinforces everything he was criticized on” then lmk. Otherwise, keep tryna defend UR goat who legitimately dropped a shit song. It happens. Drake has shit songs too. Stop bitching, take ya L and stop tryna demonize other people to distract from Cole’s Rare BACK TO BACK Ls.


Drakes verse is the only good part of that song and idk what Cole was thinking


Someone tell drake to take a break from commenting on Reddit


And on today's news, fans left hysterical as J cole teases fall off in new song "Grippy"


I love that Cole fans are pushing the narrative that Drake’s song was bad just to diminish how shit Grippy was. Nah, i’d listen to U My Everything for the rest of my life just to never hear Grippy again. Cole ain’t have a single bar on that freaky ass record he put out. Do NOT compare Grippy to a song with actual bars.


Same way Cole fans (me included) tried to say that somehow Cole is the real winner of the beef.  The song is bad though, but that’s on Sexxy Red. 




In that post I said that U My Everything is a feminist anthem. It’s jokes 


O if it’s just a joke than my fault


In the words of dababy “i will beat you bitch ass up”


i enjoy both 😎


HUH 😭 Drake glide on that verse and beat. Come on now bruh


Drakes feature was good, the rest of the song was just too bad.


First time we hear from Cole since the beef situation and not only is the song trash but Cole rapping like Ice Spice Sexy red song is mega ass but Drake is at least decent on there


Kendrick: you a body shamer, you feed into women’s insecurities and then take advantage of those insecurities and exploit them in a perverted power trip Drake: yeaaaah make her get a bbl cuz she want me so baaaad


That’s the opposite of what he said in the verse. But go off I guess  “BBL Drizzy, they want a new body, they ask me for it.” Then says  “But Red, don't even worry about all of that shit Just keep it natural for 'em, I swear”


That bbl joint was fire. Stop hating


Trash song




Bunch of OV-Hoes in here lmao


Drake was just on a bad song... J.cole... sheesh.


The spiderman meme is me looking at Drake


Those were the most dog shit songs I’ve heard in a minute, it amazes me how much fans will put up with just to say they liked it, I couldn’t finish either of them


I hope y’all know, if “The Fall Off” isn’t at bare minimum at Top 75 rap album ever, Cole is gonna get the 2019 Chance The Rapper treatment You can’t spend years daring anyone to go against you on wax, let Kendrick Lamar moan & shitpost his way through a verse, try to diss him, and then immediately apologize Yeah the apology was the right choice in hindsight, but he shouldn’t have dissed in the first place, J. Cole knows he can’t outrap Kendrick


Cole caught a stray from the pipsqueak then shot himself in the foot. Feels bad man 


What did drake release


U my everything


Bae, I luh yuu




U my everything by sexy Redd (as a Drake hater he’s legit the best part of the song. Redd sounds like she’s being intentionally awful. Also Cole was featured on Grippy. It’s aight, I listened to it as a bop the other night when I cooked dinner.


I hate grippy with every fiber of my being


That’s an objectively fair opinion and honestly 90% of the sub feels the same. I just don’t hate it, don’t love it at all, but i don’t hate it as much as I initially did. It’s kinda funny hearing Cobain hum into the mic knowing that the Cobain fans loved it


True true. Yea I love Cole, and I make music so I understand that sometimes an artist thinks "fuck it lemme rap in the style of ___" and sometimes, like this song, it doesn't result in a banger. Oh well, onto the next song.


Exactly bro, I’ve been saying what others have been saying, it’s just not a song for the Cole fans despite Cole being on the majority of the song. I’m following him on his journey because if it’s actually as he has portrayed and shown us, he’s pretty close to the type of man I hope to be, and my dad couldn’t teach me that so I’m just loving the Journey with him. Still wish he would quit associating with Drake but we all got fuck buddy friends I guess


Fucking bicep is bigger than my head


It’s…it’s..it’s…hmm..🤔…Grippy! 😁


I don’t care for Drake’s verse but it’s definitely not the worst verse of his career. I can think of multiple verses off of FatD alone that are way worse


Hit me with one. I wanna hear 


his entire verse on Gently is laughable bad from the bars to the fake spanish accent. also idk about the whole song but All The Parties is incredibly stupid and towards the end he just randomly interpolates West End Girls by The Pet Shop Boys for absolutely no reason


drake's verse wasn't that bad, the song was bad, big difference


you all are truly lost. so sad.


nah nah dont drag a good Drake feature down because y'all seeing Cole get slandered lmao


Can't get any lower than your low point. Might as well release all the mid tracks and keep em talking bout you then turn things round in the summer with some heat.


Drakes verse is a whole lot better than coles


What song?


Cole, sure. Drake, not bad but his ass is not winning that 10k


So people not gonna listen to j Cole or drake cause of the battle. Like when Jay z lost to Nas. J Cole minority owner of a nba team. His people probably told him stop 🛑. It’s bigger than Rap.


nah the drake verse was fire people over analyzing shit, yeah talking bout paying a bbl ain’t the best but it’s just a fun verse that he slid on, doesn’t need to be deconstructed to find a meaning lmao


Still blasting both of them in the Chally regardless


Drakes verse was fine, it's just Sexxy Redd is just a distracting talentless ho


Lol nah don’t pull Drake into this one. Let Cole take his L on the chin like Drizzy did


Drake slid and Cole slid, irdk what ya hearing, I got two slaps from two goats on the same day, W. I only wish it wasn't a Sexxy Red song, her voice sound like a cat scratching a chalkboard. I fw Cash, he gotta vibe and Cole knocked it out the park on this one.


Pedo Drake chewing on sticks for sure


I actually really liked Drake’s feature and the song in general and I’m not even a sexy Redd fan. It’s just a laid back, low effort summer song that has a south-type nostalgia to it and I can appreciate it. Drake’s bbl bars aren’t meant to be groundbreaking but they’re definitely on brand with what he stands for: a very unserious dude. All this is coming from a hardcore Cole fan and imma have to say that grippy just wasn’t it man. I get maybe he wants to try more lighthearted things but I think he thought he could skip the steps for that and just do a full 180 and it just didn’t work


You like her singing? 🤢


Drake is actor rapper , cmon people n people don’t be so naive ,, open your eyes you all stuck in his movie ha


J Cole got converted to the dark side


God y’all hate drake sooooo much that nigga slid


Man y'all even know what happened or understand the narrative or did you hear the songs and drake has no where to go he thought he had a mole but what he had was Kendrick moles wrightimg his rhymes like literally some shit but when he says you should revisit my post a bit more you missed something and then you see Kendrick basically said hi from the future remember all the shit you came at me with a month from now well this is what your gonna say and when anybody and everybody trys to fact check it there gonna find out its lies unlike what I will be saying about you because you have to much dirty laundry you been praying on the week and using your power to steel artist style rymes songs and flows and getting away with it crushed the Future and ther whole wave to add another fake hit to your catalog and you have been so good at it ive had to wait for to do more fuck shit so when I come for you the evidence is overwhelming and understandable for anyone who merelyc peeks into your life gets flooded with the most troubleling accusations going back to the beggingimg because your fans Will ignores not look into and defend you which is wrong your a predator and im the Hunter who takes down the beast when I trap you catch you open up your shit and lay you out for death only gross people who defend people who defend peto will be ther for you but hip hop fans you tricked lied to and made foolish fans and supporters of peto fake ass flow stealing rich boys is going to probably get the fuck away from you and your songs that are all about young girls and every cool thing and note and hook shit out by you came from an authentic rappers mouth style city and dj his culture drake is the biggest culture voltiure to ever exist strike 1,2 and 3 in hip hop and then place the peto shit on top of that and that's it anybody sporting drake at this point is at best a ignorant person who doesn't know what they are saying because when they learn what's actually going on whoops My bad they will say fuck Drake and bounce


This subreddit tries dragging Drake to be on Cole’s level too much Cole is a goat and his reputation will recover — you all just gotta be patient


Bae i love youuuu


The drake song is a 100% ratchet babymom vibes I know all the hood bitches around me gonna be playing all summer yall think it’s ass cous yall can’t relate and that’s cool


Members of the so-called big 3 mind you.


Well, it seems like your point was about him being a hypocrite for working with a womanizer, and rapist, while calling Drake a womanizer (and rapist?)...but what you're forgetting is Kendrick has also called himself a womanizer. If you didn't understand Kodak's role on Mr. Morale, listen again. The entire album is about being a hypocrite and redemption, down to the title of the album. This is something Drake doesn't do, and ultimately how Kendrick won. You can't expose someone who has spent their entire career exposing their own traumas. He just forced Drake to do the same while also exposing deeper darker traumas Drake may have. We're not used to hearing those things about the untouchable "golden child", so it hits harder.


Ain't no way in hell that's an actual verse. Please for the love of God tell me that's not a verse


Lol. The hate is unfuckingreal.


I love that same Drizzy verse every time he’s dropped it for 15 years now.


Now she strickly dickly (bbl drizzy)


Jcol was good but drakes feature was terrible.....beep boop




Jcole just made history hes bringing 1990 3rd grade raps back on a twice dubbed sample that sounds like it was recorded on reel to reel in 2024..Kdot was right these guys rapping like 7yr olds


Red is so trash lol god damn but drake saved that track from being a complete waste of time.


Jcole chickening out of the beef was the best decision he’ll ever make for his career. Still a pussy though, being self-aware doesn’t excuse you from being a pussy.


There’s def a bunch of Drake fans here tryna say his verse was good lol clown behavior


Us lightskins keep taking LS to y'all. Keep triggering my identity issues...or heal me bastards 😶‍🌫️🥲😶‍🌫️


WTH ? Drakes verse was good the song itself was bleeding ears , J Cole verse was not a typical J Cole verse and can arguably be one of his worst one to date.




Not gunna lie I laughed when I heard that. Like I don’t mind a little bite on my stick (little nibble) but chewing like it’s gum…. That don’t sound too good fam.


Stop trying to throw shade at Drake. He's never made anything as bad as grippy.


Don’t compare Grippy to Drakes BBL verse☠️ Drake slid, Grippy is trash