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I had an argument with a guy the other day who refused to talk about the Young Bucks Obama birther thing. But kept stating that Cornette and Punk were bigoted racists and sexists.














North Carolina cons were publicly caught removing polling places from cities with higher black populations. They put it in writing lol. Trump ran on anti immigration nonsense. But this both sides' stuff is just nonsense


r/SquaredCircle is a shithole


They are the stupidest fucking people.


Left that toxic vat of a sub a long time ago. Cesspool, dumpsterfire, the worst humanity has to offer.


r/AEWOfficial is so much worse


I got permanently blocked there for saying Tony Khan was a coke fueled virgin


I got permanently banned for saying that Queen What’s-her-name is a jobber. Was I even wrong?




Lmao I got banned from here for saying khan still wanks dogs. And he does he’s a fuckin dog wanker


It really is. God forbid you give aew any criticism at all or mention their boogeyman (Punk). Get downvoted to hell with those sensitive pussies


I noticed since the Ariel interview announcement, them freaking out about what Punk might or can't say


My favorite is people calling Quebec City not a hot market, as if... yeah that makes it okay for AEW not drawing shit in that town. Like, if it's not a hot town, it's an awful long way to go to draw a very disappointing house.


Was pretty hot in August for Raw


And Quebec City is a backwoods French city in Canada. It’s a vast city with a ton of different folks, all kinds. It’s Quebec, a city with a rich history of professional wrasslin’. Man, these people suck.


Anybody who criticizes aew in there gets banned. They’ll trash wwe but if you joke about the no Millie anniversary you get banned for instigating 😂


Facts. On a post about the huge ratings for the latest CM Punk segment, I commented, "Real ratings Tony. Cry me a river." Permanent ban They are melting down


I genuinely want to apologize but damn I laughed, not at you tho but the fact that that sub can’t take a joke 😂😂


Punk who wore a Pro-Choice shirt in Texas on AEW TV... Who put out a pro-trans t-shirt when Trans attacks are at an all time high!


Tbf there's some sanity in there but it's usually down voted to hell especially if you bring up corny or insult their favorite wrestlers


Impossible. Yesterday, on the TNA thread, they were claiming TNA is (easily) the second most liked Fed over there. They just love to feel persecuted.


Not gonna lie, those TNA people are in their own universe. They’re really mad about MCMGs leaving. Like, those guys are a million years old and been with the company since 03 or 04. They aren’t even on par with any pairing of LWO members and that’s a rough, rough assessment.


Awwwww. They used to be so close. Now look at them. So sad to see. 😟 That AEW apologist Conrad is gonna be so pissed at Eric. Lol.


I can hear “Hey, come on now….” already!


Swiftly followed by; "Tony's such a nice guy Eric, don't you think you're being a little unfair?"


"According to the rumor an innuendo...."


You just triggered the conrad soundfile in my brain.


I love you fer that


Nope, I don't want to see Conrad ever again! Eric responded and is flying solo for almost an hour straight! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-e1RoM275tM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-e1RoM275tM)


He's much better solo or with Jon Alba.


Eric is one of the only meal tickets Conrad has left. He’ll have to get over it.


Easily, with Pritchard compromised for the time being and JR tied to AEW.


Why is Pritchard compromised right now? He wasn't named in the lawsuit


He works there. That’s enough for the most part, especially when you’re so close to Vince he cums on your collar.


Eric released a new show called Wise Choices today. It’s currently up on the 83 weeks YouTube channel and it’s Conrad free. It was pretty entertaining.


Looks to me like he'll make more and keep more in his pocket without Conrad. If he can stay on topic and be more entertaining by himself, he can ditch Conrad completely and be able to speak more freely without having to cater to that crybaby. It's hard to carry a show alone but it can definitely be done.


Probably one of the few smart things TK has done is not dare go after Jim on Twitter.


X-Pac had the words of wisdom on that one. Do not engage. Even if you're right, Jim will gut you like a fish.


Sean Waltman becoming the moral center of the wrestling world has truly been something to behold.


He's become a wise man in his elder years.


When you act the fool as much as he did in his younger days, you either become a wise man or you become a corpse. Thankfully, he became a wise man.


True story? I’d be happy to hear. I always thought he would be the next one to go. He has a lot of experience and his interviews / shoots are always really good. Seems like he really enjoys it.


Look at the way Jim and Brian have crucified his talent, they proved that The Bucks were full of shit because they offered Jim a job and Jim turned them down. Kenny said that everything Jim said about him being in ROH was true and that he did send them a picture of a broken ankle he found on the internet, then tried to deny it. Jim and Brian both said the Adam Cole devil story was pointless because Adam Cole nor MJF could wrestle and they were right. Jim and Brian also said that CM Punk sold most of the tickets for AEW and to quote Jim(Guess who won the pony on that one)


Nah... you just have to poke ol' TK a little bit more! (You know I want to see this!)


I also enjoy public executions


He will eventually.


I just don't think he really pays attention or cares about Jim all that much which is fair enough


Tony has said many times that he's listened to Jim's criticisms before and found most of them fair and appreciated the occasional positives. However he never really got into detail beyond that statement.


His promo arms are too short to box with god


Eric is right though. There’s no way they turned a profit on that building with that gate. Even when you consider merch.


You see the merch stand pics/hear the complaints about lack of merch?  They're lucky if their sales covered the cost of the gas to transport it.


It's funny to me that AEW tries to come off as this big major promotion, but can't fill an arena outside of tiny venues or big PPVs, and their merch stands emptier than Tony's head.


The worst part is that they DID have much more packed arenas. Worse than never having it to begin with.


Yup. They tasted the big leagues just for Tiny to piss it all away for Meltzer stars.


Tony's head isn't empty. ...I'm sure there's lots of snorted paprika and White Claws up there...




The merch stand was a tribute to Lonely Virgil. RIP Mike


I agree tbh the merch area in Toronto felt like I was at a local metal show.. thought there would be more options.


Is there a bridge Tony doesn’t enjoy burning?


Not sure Eric Bishoff can be considered a bridge at this point. Perhaps a moss covered slippery rock in the middle of a stream?


If you think Bichoff doesn't have a few connections in WWE or TNA, then you're talking crazy.


Wasn’t he hired and fired from WWE for not showing up to smackdown a few years back?


This doesn’t work for me, brother.


>Perhaps a moss covered slippery rock in the middle of a stream? I can agree on that one! :D


I’m waiting for the inevitable time when Owen Hart’s wife realizes AEW is not something with which she wants her husband’s name to be associated.


Once he stops paying her, she’ll move on


I’m surprised she would allow it after Tony allowed Sting to come down from the rafters recently.


I'm pretty sure they made sure she was OK with it first


I think it was reported that AEW asked before having Sting do it, and she was okay with it. I’m just thinking eventually she’ll realize her husband’s name is being pimped out by a second or third rate organization, and is in no way enhancing Owen Hart’s legacy.


I wonder (as a side note), with the removal of VKM at TKO, if Martha Hart is more open to Owen being associated with WWE? Would this mean that Owen will be, eventually, inducted into WWE Hall of Fame?


That’s a good question. I guess it depends on if she blames Vince or the company as a whole for Owen’s death.


And what did that cost, I wonder?


I'm sure she's enjoying the money for doing nothing.


The time will come when someone has a serious accident due to some stupid stunt. The question is that if she will cling onto the association after that just to spite the WWE.


The Jackson Family bridge


The one to suburban San Jose.


So you're saying TK is responsible for Baltimore?! It all makes sense!


I was wondering if someone would finally pick up on what I was implying. I heard Baltimore criticized AEW.


Tony's Dad must get one hell of a tax right off... This has to be a scam at this point...


If we have learned anything about the Khan family it’s that they don’t give a shit if the product they present is garbage. Just look at the Jaguars.




As a Patriots fan (don’t hold that against me) that is fucking hilarious


That's bad when a Pats fan feels bad for ya... Lol


You shut your mouth when you're talking about the Jaguars


Right haha this is a donation, not an investment


So Shahid Khan owns Flex’n’Gate. Their annual revenues are around $8B to $9B. I can’t find anything to indicate their are other owners or shareholders in the company, although they might not have to disclose them depending on how many there are. If Shahid is honestly just happy to see his son spend the money while he is happy, then losing $30M a year is just a drop in the bucket compared to his actual business.


Forget the fact that Flex-N-Gate is a behemoth of the secondary automotive industry, Khan sr. owns an NFL franchise. Even the least sexiest franchise in the league is still basically a license to print money. AEW isn't just a hobby turned passion project for the son, it's an opportunity for Khan sr. to branch out into the entertainment industry.


Revenue by itself does not say how much of it is profit, and we don't know how much money AEW is losing on an annual basis.


I think it is fair to assume a place grossing ten figures is extremely profitable.


Yes, it probably is, but I still think Tony's toy box takes a sizable chunk of that.


heard someone say his dad is jus letting him be happy by spending all his money before he dies.. it sounds real but have no idea if there’s any truth to it😂




Oh I'm sure you have the "in" what part of AEW isn't successful?


And why not really...I bet Tony is having a blast...


That's fair... I need a friend like that to play wrestling with... Lol


Kill ROH and utilise the library. Have your ROH Champions and AEW Champions unify the titles. Scrap Rampage and Collision Smaller venues Bring in someone who can help you book. But what do I know?


I think it's hopeless. The problem is Tony, and there's no solution. The only way to fix things would be for him to step back and put someone in charge who would actually be in charge. However if he's no longer playing with his toys, AEW is probably getting shut down. It's ironic that the thing that could save the company in one way is also the thing that would kill it.


He didn’t have these issues in his e-Fed in 2003


When he hosted Tub Wars 99, none of his dolls complained about the bubble bath.


Hey now…Darth Vader vs storm shadow was dope. 4.25 stars.


My favorite part was when Darth Vader machine gun Chopped Storm Shadow's light Saber truly restored the feeling.


Would’ve been 7 stars had it been in the Tokyo Dome.


Benign neglect helped Fulham pretty nicely.


Killing all those other shows would be funny.  Tony would have to find a way to fit all 215 of his rostered wrestlers (with an aggregate payroll of around $90M) into one 2 hour show (90 minutes after commercial).   If I was in charge, move #1 would be cutting about 140 people off the roster and try to negotiate buyouts with any that have guaranteed long term deals.    75 wrestlers gives Snowman 30 faces, 30 heels, and 8 regular tag teams.  That should be plenty to work with. 


Hell, even if he just let the folks on contract stay at home until their contracts expired it would be cheaper than the travel/lodging expenses for all those expendable employees. I can't even imagine the losses he's taking. Hopefully the eventual documentary will cover all these things.


Put together merchandise that people want and actually sell it.


Hi I’m willing to build a team in my e-Fed 😂


AEW started going downhill the day he announced he bought ROH and rushed it out without getting a TV deal so he wouldn't have to shoehorn ROH guys on to AEW programs


You expect that cokehead to make a continuous stream of competent decisions?


You know more than Tony, since you are willing to listen to people knowledgeable about the business


Yeah but you're thinking about this like a business and thinking of steps to make it work (and profit) for what it is. Tony thinks of it like his childhood toy box full of WWF figures.


This is funny considering these two were so close that EB appeared on their TV during a pandemic 😂


They weren't close, he did an appearance.


Man Tony better deliver on that media deal because he’s ALL IN on it happening now. Even more so than he was when he was crowing that the video game would make them profitable


That game was/is bbbbad.


At this point, anything less than a billion dollars is going to be a failure. WWE got billions with Netflix. With how Tony's talked, they better bring in at least a billion for whatever deal they sign. Otherwise, it's going to be yet another shit streak across Tony's upper lip.


With Zaslav still slashing and burning in attempts to cost cut there is no way in hell AEW with its abysmal 798000 drawing main shows get anywhere near a billion dollar TV deal. Nah, if Tiny does get a deal it will be for close to what NXT gets as Dynamite does only mildly better then NXT.


They got billions from Netflix for one show mind you.


I like Eric and his commentary. He has a good perspective and surprisingly agrees with Jim on a lot of things. I think a company where Eric deals with all the corporate high level bullshit and Jim writes the wrestling would unfold real well.


Hell yeah, give those two a company with a high budget. Let Jim book from home and show up on the titantron via satellite. Bischoff can make in-person appearances.


Yeah, people discount Eric's insights all the time, yeah, his booking wasn't always great, but he understands story structure. And more important, he understands the business aspect of television better than just about anyone in the wrestling business with a podcast.


Of course, we saw that in WCW and TNA


Their tastes in wrestling are probably closer than WCW or SMW would make you think, Eric grew up an AWA fan.


A mark who doesn't understand wrestling vs a mark who doesn't understand wrestling


Don't worry I am sure CONRAD will have an opinion lmao


"Can't we all just get along?! Wrestling is like a buffet, there's something for EVERYONE!"


"Wrestling is like a buffet ...there's nothing left for anyone once the bulbous one has seen the buffet..."


Beat me to the joke!


Says Conman, who looks like he ate the buffet before anyone else had a go of it!


My response to that would be “I’m not watching 5 hours of tv a week and spending $50 on every PPV just to hopefully see one decent match twice a year.”


I hate the PLE name but WWE has positioned themselves nicely in the marketplace. $5/month for Peacock vs $50/month for AEW is an easy one to figure out.


Not to mention all the content that comes with that


Tony's initial tweets was at  4a. Tony's at that Dynamite after party like Tony Montana


Wtf is this sentence?


Initially=Initial Treats=Tweets 4a= 4AM Tony at that Dynamite after party like Tony Montana=Gentleman rather enjoyed his cocaine after the show


I appreciate the translation!


My phone has aggressive autocorrect and I wasn't paying close attention.  Corrected 


LOL ah, now it makes sense.


I know Jim and Brian will side with Tony because Jim hates Bischoff but I love how Eric unapologetically just dgaf anymore and no matter who Tony buys,he’ll never win the argument 😂😂😂😂😂 Yes Eric did bad business in WCW but I think the overall basis of his critiques are DONT DO WHAT I DID! There are literal books on WCW didnt turn profits & lost money,for a guy who loves analytics and research,Tony does even worse. Conrad is going to have his XXXXXL boxers in a bunch over this


Eric owned most of his mistakes on the 83 Weeks podcast. He's got my respect for that. 


Aew marks bring up wembly the same way some dude 30 years ago brings up a touchdown he had in high school.


Seeing wrestlers like Osprey and Okada act like it’s comparable to Wrestlemania makes me die a little inside. Proves wrestlers are fucking idiots!


I’m sure that’s part of what Tony pays them for. All his wrestlers talk up AEW like it’s the second coming of Christ but a lot of them are ex WWE and have tasted real glory. With the exception of mox I think he’s just dumb.


That's four touchdowns, sir! (Puts hand in pants)


Doesn't anyone else just find it a little Ironic that a company that was accused of being a T-shirt company in its infancy is now being accused of not having enough Tshirts to sell?


My shower thought this morning lol.


Cocaine the Clown 🤡 strikes again. What a moron.


Tony needs serious PR training. He needs every tweet pre-approved.


Tony is just living out his fantasy. He won’t give up creative power, he won’t listen to reason, he is not interested in making a dollar, nor is he bothered by losing a measly $33 million in 2023. That’s pocket change for a billionaire. 5 years from now they’ll have no big names left. It’ll be Billie Starkz and Nick Wayne as the world champions performing in front of 9 fans and the other wrestlers like it’s Daily’s Pandemic all over again. When money is not what you’re after, your business has no future.


I'm not here to make money, I'm here to make friends.


I’m here to watch people make money, not watch them make friends.


A huge bucket of popcorn for the whole sub, please...! :D


I'd rather have a nice, big, fat, greasy cheeseburger. I've got my Cheeseburger Towel ready and everything!


Jeez those empty seats man, I mean they must of signed ironclad agreements with all these buildings or something otherwise why would you book it when you haven’t filled a building in months.


I refuse to believe it's "ironclad agreements" and more Snowman desperately trying to not look a putz by needing to fuck off to smaller buildings.


It’s so interesting to see the difference in people’s responses here vs r/AEWOfficial. I’m entertained.


Jaysus. Look at all the deleted comments. What the hell happened there? 🤣


Right? Lmao


If he waste TV time for a twitter spat hes going to get roasted over the coals.


It’s remarkable, Tony Khan is so shitty, I find myself listening to Bischoff’s (and regrettably Russo) podcasts/clips. I always thought those two were the worst… little did I know. Edit: I should qualify my comment by saying I’m totally entertained by the clips of them shitting on AEW. That’s it.


Eric is good for WCW retrospectives and shitting on AEW. Russo, eh kinda.


Is Quebec really one of the hottest pro wrestling markets in North America? Seems to me this is Eric trying to stir up shit on Twitter because Tony ran the wrong building.


Montreal was, for a time. Quebec as a whole? ehhhhh


Pretty sure he just means Canada as a whole.


Just look at what they did with Sami Zayn last year -- people were hanging from the rafters.


I'm sure he just means Canada... but also, why the hell are they running Quebec City if it's not a hot market for them?


Quebec has such a long rich history of professional wrestling. It really sucks to see them draw such a poor house last night. They do not have a lot to be excited about despite what Uncle Dave, the WON board ,Voices of wrestling discord and Twitter believe


Good thing it's not professional wrestling no matter how hard they convince themselves. That ship has long sailed.


4am coke bender TK is good shit pal.


Someone please tell me that one of them is not a ceo of a multi million dollar wrestling company who has got nothing else to do then spend time on stupid twitter arguing with anyone and everyone.




This company will be out of business soon anyway


No it won't lol


Eric is fighting with Tony? We need memes of a crying Conrad over Eric attacking Conrad's God.


Eric did a Goldberg squash on Tony more like.


Bischoff was just as bad as a booker Tony is right now, but at least he was a good salesman who recognized if a wrestler or angle could be sold. Tony doesn't even have that, he's just a nepo baby.


Shad Khan is worth $12 billion. Tony will never come close to blowing so much that daddy turns off the faucet. $12B is fuck u money.


WCW now Souled Out …lest we forget




Do you listen to Cornette? He brings up politics more than a few times. The sub is a reflection of that. 


Just because they have some dopey idiot spending his dads money eventually that will end


MJF should head to WWE after all those stup_id decisions TK made. Glad Nemeth didn't sign on All Entitled Wrestling.


Aew will become an indie show if they don't step up their game