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Would be surprised if it stays up seeing as WWE owns the SMW library


i dont think wwe cares enough to go after footage of some minor fed that doesnt even draw crickets for them. theyve probably lost more money uploading and upscaling all this territory wrestling footage than they did make money off it. and thats wwes own doing for condition its fans that everyone else is in the minor leagues. its been on youtube for years now.


It's been up for a while


I wouldn't be surprised if it's soem sort of viral clandestine WWE operation (really hoping)


For those worried, it’s been up for a long while. I binged it during the virus years so it’s been up a while.


Yep, I've been chipping away at the entire "series" in order for years now


Awesome! I didn't know so thank you. I grew up in WV so I got to see some SMW, usually late at night on channel 8


I lived in WV for four years - 1990 to 1994 - but never got to see SMW. But I think I was definitely more of a WCW fan as a kid, at least in part, because of living in the south for a while.


I used to love watching WCW Sat Night on TBS. Esp early 90s. So many guys who became superstars or who are still around we're on back then. I used to see Stunning Steve Austin (at the time) and Ricky Steamboat wrestle for the TV Title for free, that blows my mind now as an adult


Now if only Jim's OVW would be all on youtube ad well...


Idk if it’s the same channel, but there’s a lot of Mid-South Wrestling on youtube too, I’ve been checking that out a lot lately. Very entertaining stuff.


PPV’s too? I was a member of a private wrestling tracker for a while and managed to get a hold of the entire SMW video library. More than happy to share if anybody’s missing stuff


If you watch the first year of SMN in order, you'll get a 101 on how to book a new promotion.


How does this work on Peacock? I see they have “Season 3” of SMW which features sporadic 1994 episodes. Are they just missing a significant amount of episodes from the catalogue?


Music is a big problem. I also suspect cold feet about the Gangstas and the entire confederate flag thing with Tracy Smothers. I think WWE were slow dealing with SMW and Peacock refuse to air all kinds of shit, regardless of/if contextual disclaimers are provided. OVW has always been unfairly buried by WWE. Music touch ups would be huge, with so much unlicensed music needing to be replaced, but they have long sought to bury OVW footage from the day they bought the library. I wish Cornette held onto it. He could have made a mint reselling vintage OVW today.


I believe WWE has only uploaded sporadic episodes featuring Jericho. Much like the only AWA episodes they have uploaded are the ones featuring Shawn Michaels.


This is the reason.


Have they been up long? When stuff like this pops up I always worry they’ll be pulled down quickly.


I didn’t know this! I just subscribed to the channel. Thanks!


This is great! Thanks!


its been up for years along with other feds. still waiting for complete seasons of awa tho


There's also a ton of other territories out there. If you search by territory name (Central States, Houston, Southwest, etc) there are playlists for a lot of them. I've been watching some Houston stuff from the early 70's and the quality is incredible.


Give a good recommendation, which show should I first stream?


The SMW stuff only goes up to mid 93, but it’s still cool to see them on there


Honestly, it’s not good


I tried a few times it’s just too old school for me. I really need to hunt down his OVW run.


I don't. Post the link to the channel please


You can search the channel name and I’m sure you’ll find it.


or just post the link


I am entirely confident in your ability to find it on your own.


don't be so sure.. lol this is reddit.. but also.. Classic WCW Saturday Night!


Here https://youtube.com/@menace2k2?si=Q_b62w8dyqB2-p7-