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Joe Rogan describing the plot to the Community movie.


I wonder if subway is gonna make a comeback?


Love how he is wearing a Muhammad ali shirt, while slamming peace protests


He's literally repeating the same kind of bullshit right wing propaganda memes that idiots were screeching at Ali when he was protesting the vietnam war. Claiming he's just a "marxist agent" that wants to "destroy the fabric of america", lmao Rogan is such a fucking moron.


If we had free education like Israel maybe we’d have enough educated writers to turn this into a good script


is this the same dude parroting russian propaganda on his show like having tucker carlson on or kids using litter boxes in class?


You don't get it. Russian propaganda is when *you* disagree with *me*, not the other way round.


Not just Russia, there's Russia, the former Soviet Union, China, and Russia!


It’s like all they’re so close to actually getting it, but the stupidity and utter lack of self awareness makes it completely impossible for them.


It means he’s afraid of universal healthcare!


Carlson literally went to Russia and promoted (and lied about) ways in which Russia is better than the US. But sure, the woke crowd with their Ukrainian flag profile photos are the ones spewing Russsian propoganda.


Joe is seeing Russia in all the wrong places. He should have just checked Tucker’s speed dial when he was on the show.


but the subways are so fancy! The supermarkets, plentiful!


They've got like six different kinds of bread!


.* forces out high pitched laughter ripped directly from Jimmy Carr *


Ah ah ah ah ahhhhhhhh


Coin operated grocery carts!!


So there's an incentive not to bring it back to your HOMELESS ENCAMPMENT


It's funny because every talking point Joe spews are literally manufatured in Russian bot farms


This might not be an accident.


they don't even have to pay him!


I've never met a Marxist college student or graduate. But apparently they're everywhere.


Its so obvious but they still fall for it. “Dont become educated! Theyll brainwash you” they need the voters to stay stupid


"My perfectly obedient son/daughter returned from living around people with different backgrounds and suddenly they are questioning the beliefs I instilled in them. This is surely the fault of the educators indoctrinating them."


Eroding the social fabric of America!


Intellectuals who want war to end and affordable healthcare are fucking everywhere.


Marxism = healthcare and peace Rogan just needs to say that then. These professors who want their students to have healthcare and live in peace are clearly causing all the problems with our kids today.


Richard Wolff, an actual Marxist professor was asked about this he basically said as much, "I'm a Marxist professor and I can count how many other Marxist professors I know in the US on one hand". Slavoy Zizek said something similar in his talk with Jordan Peterson when Peterson reguritated the same propaganda meme. Zizek kept asking him, "where are the Marxists?" and Peterson had no response, lol.


“Take it from former Dean of Boston college’s accredited kickboxing program - you can’t throw a wheel kick in the quad these days without connecting with the faces of at least a dozen “woke moralists” and “marxists”.” Joe’s really got his finger on the pulse here. 😂


Its honestly getting a bit bizarre and very stupid how its only one side of politics thats getting manipulated despite.


Didn’t joe acknowledge there’s a genocide going on a few weeks back?  So protesting such a wicked thing as genocide is now Marxist?


Yeah that is the wild part. I'm a huge critic of US support for Israel, but haven't even called it a genocide. Rogan called it a genocide recently, but doesn't want Americans protesting it? Just a weird take by the former host of the Man Show.


Joe's a dumbass.


Nope, he got his answers from his buddies.


A good red blooded American is only supposed to work, get drunk and listen to Joe Rogan. His political views should NOT extend beyond what goes on in his neighborhood.


It’s wild how those who haven’t stepped foot near these institutions in decades have such strong opinions about what’s happens inside them…


"Am I out of touch? No, it MUST be the mind virus!"


Surely it can't just be anti-war Americans....like Americans who were against the War in Iraq...and the first Gulf war...and the Vietnam war...and even the second World War.. ....it's almost as if there is a long histroy of Americans rejecting the wars that the military industrial complex keeps getting us into. Fuck, our political system is so dysfunctional, that we will have a choice between TWO war candidates! We don't even get the option for peace.  ...and just like with the Vietnam War, and the Gulf War, and the War in Iraq...conservatives are acting like the students are wrong! And when I say "conservatives," I mean the conservatives in BOTH parties.


Didn't Rogan call it a genocide a few weeks ago? Now he's mad that people are protesting?


Those wars were being fought by our fellow Americans. The current protests are about a thousand year old religious war between two countries on the other side of the world. Not the same at all


We helped shoot down those missiles Iran fired at Israel after Israel bombed one of its embassy compounds. We also give Israel a shitload of financial and military aid, and we have bases throughout the region that would get targeted if the war were to widen.  


Israel has universal Healthcare on the American dime and yet our pharmaceutical companies are trying to figure out how they can squeeze more money from a diabetic retiree that has to pick between groceries and insulin. This is the best our country can do?


This war is being fought with our tax dollars.


and attention dollars the media and our politicians are giving it their full attention


That's a comical misrepresentation of what's happening. Israel is an extension of US interests in the middle east. They also get infinite money and infinite protection from America. The "conflict" would have been over decades ago if the west hadn't decided to foist Zionism on the people of Palestine.


You mean like when American college students were protesting apartheid South Africa?


Even for right wing freaks, the only ones I’ve ever heard say ‘woke mind virus’ are Elon and Penisman…. because it’s a meaningless buzz term. Read another source dumbass.


Nikki Haley too.


When Trump won we saw years of redditors saying he won due to Russian disinfo. And some of it was probably true. "None of my views could have come from propaganda but everyone else's views did"


University is a hotbed of ideas. Lots of different groups looking for influence and new members. There are Christian cults on my campus as well as the socialist society that constantly try to recruit everyone and everyone, I imagine there are many others.


I'm sure Rogan gets his views on college from PragerU videos.


>He attended the University of Massachusetts Boston but found the endeavor "pointless" and dropped out early. In short, he has no fucking clue what he's talking about.


Exactly. Someone should tell Rogan that 99% of college students just want a degree and education without participating in any of this.


I graduated recently and there is no Russian influence but there is a bunch of pussies on campus, that is true.






I hope you don’t have any strong opinions about anything outside of your hometown then. I see you have a lot of Israel and Gaza comments. Have you stepped foot there recently? What a dumb take.


Hardly. If Rogan, Peterson, Shapiro or any of the other loons could back up their claims with direct proof or data of any kind then, sure, comment away. But all I hear from them are empty statements and anecdotes (Joe’s friend of a friend saw this one video about how LEEBRAL WOKE colleges are teaching ur kids how to cut off their dingalings for trans-2-spirit rights!!! WE GOTTA STOP EM!!!) My problem is that they chat about this stuff as if they go to these schools themselves. I mean, come on, brother, to claim the “Soviet Union” is controlling the educational syllabus because polsci undergrads are learning about Marxist theory is fucking ludicrous




Who is influenced by Russia more these college campuses or his recent guest Tucker who was just in Russia interviewing Putin and saying how great Russia was compared to US? Right wing joe has no awareness.


I just want to say I appreciate that this sub is willing to call out Rogan on bs lol


It's what old Rogan (circa pre-2014) would want wanted, really


Man, Joe became that uncle you thought was cool when you were a kid but now you realize he's a fucking loser.


Palestine has been an issue on college campuses for 30+ years


32+ years even


Joe 1000% percent has no idea what Marxist even means, he just heard the word from Jordan Peterson. Even Trump is throwing it around now.


I’d be surprised if Joe can demonstrate that he knows what economics means.


Hey Joe, define Marxism for me real quick. “It’s uhhhhhh, bad. It’s the thing destroying America. It’s the woke stuff they, like, teach at universities. Marxism bad.”


It’s when you tell Joe it’s bad to genocide a country He’s also afraid of public healthcare


None of the idiots like Joe who overuse the words Marxism and Socialism are EVER asked to define what that actually means because they avoid any conversations that would require them to do so. We are at the point where a lot of public discourse is simply a mashup of trigger words and there's almost never a request to dive deeper into what anything actually means. This is the safe space that conservatives require to operate - they all require you to keep it surface level so that the nonexistent framework of their arguments never see the light of day. And if you dare ask for more clarity, they will either laugh as if its a ridiculous question, or get more upset and just yell and repeat the same things.


Yep. That is a defining characteristic of conservative rhetoric. They always keep it vague and generalized. They can never explain something beyond the surface level.


Yes we need to ask more far right misinfo memers like MTG and Joe to define Marxism I don't care if you don't see Joe as a far right dude. He sure pushes a lot of far right shit for someone who is supposedly "center"


Joe couldn’t define Marxist if his life depended on it. Thankfully he’s the wall which protects us from the woke. So I think we should give him some grace 🙏   #ilovejoe


Thankfully none of Joe's guests would ever ask him to define marxism, socialism or communism. He's in his safe space!


I keep hearing people on Reddit scream about Russian bots and Russian propaganda and Russian disinformation mills. Are we supposed to believe those things exist but they aren’t working to influence the actions of the most ~~influential~~ influenceable demographic in our society?


Joe is saying that they push for the "wokest teachers" and "nuttiest policies". Do you think that influencing policies and the hiring of teachers is the easiest thing to do online? All of that to influence the one age demographic that is the least likely to vote.


In reality they are pushing “look that’s woke” to rile up the right wing more than anything. Joe is falling for it hook line and sinker


They want social division, and the east place to divide society is by using the youth as a wedge between older generations. Just look at how people feel about Israel by generation.


You didn't answer if you think that it is easy to influence the hiring practices of teachers. That is the claim being made here. Not that Russia influences the young directly but rather that they do it through influencing college admin decisions.


No, the easiest place to divide society is by fucking with all the old people at home stuck on facebook. You're way off target


> Just look at how people feel about Israel by generation. People are less commited to their parents bullshit. It's nothing new. In 40 years the kids aren't going to give two shits about Taiwan or Ukraine either. There's only so much propaganda to go around and Pro Israel propaganda has been on the downturn since they felt like they already captured the boomers already.


There's (currently) 83 comments in this post and 30 of them are yours?


Young people are the least influential group. They don't have money, any kind of institutional power and engage in politics at a much lower rate than any other demographic. The "commies made the young people do it" line is about as old Joe himself and probably got used against the protests of his generation as well.


Fucking autocorrect. Thank you, I fixed it. Meant influencable


It's still wrong. Study after study shows that boomers are basically vacuum cleaners for bullshit. Exhibit A is ol impeccable bullshit meter himself.


Nah, young people are less experienced and therefore more easily swayed by societal pressure. I’m in my 20’s, I see how quickly my friends change their view in all aspects because certain things fell in and out of fashion with people they wanted to identify with


I was a conservative in my 20’s, because I got stuck listening to Limbaugh in work trucks and let him influence me over the course of a couple years. Then in my 30’s, I got tired of the smartest people I knew curbstomping me in political debates, started reading long form news and turned off the AM radio, and listened to the friends I still had.


Not wrong at all. Its a U-curve. The younger you are and the more elderly you are, the more easily influenced you are. All must be vigilant.


Right, they themselves are not influential, but they are emphatic and ideological. Who is this stuff influencing? The right. I don’t know if you keep tabs on any conservative media, but they just can’t get enough of this stuff right now. Eating it up left and right, calling everyone unamerican and talking about how the Palestinians would probably kill these kids if they were there. I don’t have opinions on those things (don’t want to wade into that), but sometimes it’s more about who’s watching than who’s doing…. Okay, that’s all of my tin foil rant now.


>Are we supposed to believe those things exist but they aren’t working to influence the actions of the most ~~influential~~ influenceable demographic in our society? I'd argue that the angry people, with no education and who sit behind a computer screen all day listening to how everyone else is brainwashed and only them who knows the truth might be the most influencible people on the market. Ever notice how the pro-Russian crowd are usually uneducated people who also believe that they, and only they, know the real truth about what's going on. They are usually JRE listeners and Trump supporters, not grad students.


The most influenceable people in the country think Biden cheated to win the 2020 election


unfortunately it's true. if you can't care less to listen to the whole thing, give this a try at least.  https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=6dA95TJXVwb2vZQ7&v=d9CJmvBXNTc&feature=youtu.be I'm from a post-socialist country. You have no idea how bad the Soviet / Russian psyop is. 


Every time I check in with Rogan he’s saying dumber things than the last time.


He’s really not very smart


Tulsi is not going to like this


Mind virus, Marxists, wokest teachers. He’s talking like someone asked ai to read off a Fox News script. 


Stop yelling at the clouds old man


I think Joe guzzles cumshots from Elon Musk and Jordan Peterson, eventually giving birth to a dogshit opinion.


Joe "state department" Rogan


But MAGA trying to blatantly destroy America is fine lmao ok Joe.


i can't believe it turned out the confederate flag people actually didn't really love America


you missed the bit about Yuri then huh. or ignored it..


"They have... like... plans for it."


Mean while Republicans are actively taking in Russian money. Joe Rogan, wtf happened to you??


he got money, realized he wanted more and more and found the easiest way to do that and have your ass kissed 100% of the time instead of the usual celebrity 99% of the time, was to grift the right wing dude knows who buys 100 dollar monkey kettle bells and who doesn't once covid hit, most of the accidently left wing brain vitamin people just went over to the right anyways because they finally stopped attacking gay people and switched to trans, and since there are so few of those, they didn't care as much as they wanted to hear about big pharma being evil


“Marxist philosophers” That’s when I know not to take someone seriously There are like 10 actual Marxists floating around


Damn internet, getting those Marxist Kent state kids all up in arms. Thank the lord we had those brave National Guardsmen on hand to restore order. Fucking woke mind virus strikes again.


Joe is so cooked dog. It's over.


These old dipshits said this same shit, word for word, about Iraq War protests. Remember the Iraq War? The one everyone *swears* they were against the entire time?


Vietnam war too. Everybody gets amnesia and forgets about how they supported the bad thing.


i mean now people pretend Bush Jr. was a good guy all along, that is arguably more frightening


Reactionaries are incapable of consistency. They really hate when you call it out.


Yup, and litter boxes in classrooms for furries...I hate this fuckin time line.


kool aid = drunk


Hold up…..shitposter on internet who’s arguably become the poster person for the uneducated, unskilled, and uninformed is complaining about others doing it?


Wow, so Joe Rogan is an absolute fucking regard?


Talk to Joe about Israel: >It's terrible what they are doing in Gaza Talk to university protestors about Israel: >It's terrible what they are doing in Gaza Talk to Joe about university protestors: >Theyve been compromised by Russia and China Talk to university protestors about Joe: >The old guy with the horse paste? Talk to Israel about Joe or University protestors: >They are all Hamas


Joe has mashed his brains with constant drugs


Joe Rogan's best friends Tucker Carlson and Donald Trump are Putin's puppets, working to destroy America from within... But it's the woke liberal college professors and their imaginary kiddy litter boxes? Joe open your ignorant mind a little wider! I mean I could almost agree with Joe here if he wasn't such partisan ideolog willing to feed his own ego and political bias with Russian propaganda. The guy can't even see the full picture. He's the definition of a tool. He's repeating one side of the equation, and in return spreading the same division that he claims the "woke" are. This is exactly how the Russian manipulation tactics are designed to work. The reality is... our shit is being stirred and Joe Rogan is too fucking dumb and ignorant to see that he is one of the most popular outlets for spreading Russian propaganda. All of us can be manipulated like this. It's not just Joe's fault that he's human.... but it is this fault that he's a fucking dumb one that only sees one side as the enemy, while telling us it's they who are dividing us, and not him... NOT HIM! He couldn't possibly be a tool of Russian Propaganda... nope The Kitty Litter boxes are real folks! Tucker Carlson and Donald Trump are his friends. It's that old man Biden's fault, you know the American guy that is trying to support Ukraine AGAINST Russia... meanwhile Tucker and Trump want to hand Putin, Ukraine and America. Yeah.. It's the woke Joe... not you. Just the woke. Fucking guy is so blind, he can't see himself. He can see half the picture but he's too stupid to put it all together and look at himself and how he's been manipulated and the people around him that he has invited to come and brainwash him further, are tools of Russian propaganda. Tulsi Tucker Trump These are all poisoned people he is proud to call friends.... The Ex President that tried to rip the country apart by claiming the election was stolen, and conspiring to use fake electors to hand him the election illegally.... The guy that inspired a riot at our capital.... He's not dividing us at all. It's the woke that want better pay and equality. Nope.. I'm not buying that Joe. There is plenty of manipulation going on from Russia, pitting both sides against each other because It's easy to push over a rotting tree that is already about to fall on its own. Sure there is cult thinking on both sides of the isle, but they being poisoned by Russian propaganda, and our shit is being stirred so much by foreign influence that we can't figure out the difference between the manipulation and cult thinking. Joe is a victim of cult thinking and Russian propaganda, just like many are regardless of their political leanings. In fact we all are. So when are we going to recognize this and stop hating each other for it? Probably never. I think the damage is done. We want to fight each other.... And if anything Joe Rogan has taught us about our own human behavior.... WE EAT IT UP. WE LOVE CONSPIRACY. WE LOVE THE BULLSHIT. WE LOVE TO LET IT DRIVE US MAD!!!!!!! WE LOVE FEELIN RIGHTEOUS!, WE LOVE DOMINATING EACH OTHER!!!!!! LETS GO !!!!!!!!!!!!! See.. we're too far gone now. The election will tell us just how far gone we are. I think it will be close, but honestly it shouldnt be close at all. Trump is the biggest threat to America because we enable him and he is a lightning rod for our mental dysfunction and manipulated minds. He is Putin's puppet.


This is what happens when a dude avoided all academia and intellectualism until like 10 years ago lmao


I was going to ask, is this an AI fabrication? But then I listened to it again, and nah, no need, this is unironically the exact kind of bullshit far right propaganda meme trash that Rogan actually believes. He literally believes 1950s era red scare propaganda, in 2024, lmao.


He's not wrong. I despise people who get in the way of others, especially when it comes to education. They've blocked the entrances and do not allow students to get in. Then they proceed to destroy these places. For what? Is their theory to destroy and disrupt till they are acknowledged? What a waste of space.


This was a real plot in the 50s/60s


[Foundations of Geopolitics, The Geopolitical Future of Russia, 1997](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics) Aleksandr Dugin aka Putin Whisperer The West In the Americas, United States and Canada: Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States and Canada to fuel instability and separatism against neoliberal globalist Western hegemony, such as, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists" to create severe backlash against the rotten political state of affairs in the current present day system of the United States and Canada. Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics".


Joe is referencing the Yuri Bezmenov videos. If you haven't watched them check it out [short clip](https://youtu.be/IQPsKvG6WMI). He was a former member of the KGB that defected to the US and exposed what they were doing. What the USSR was doing back then would be considered social engineering to break down family values and promote extreme forms of individualism. it's a very effective tactic which Russia, China and the US still utilize today.


Honestly after talking to Palestine supporters I 100% agree, the know virtually nothing about the history of this war or recent history and are completely propagated and convinced their not


He’s kinda right. Regardless of how brutalized the Palestinians they are being used by Iran (which in turn are being funded by Russia) who Russia in turn are being funded by china ( using chinas ability to fuck with social media algorithms) to sow discourse in America. As china gobbles up more and more economy assets and turns the world’s eyes against supporting Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan.


*"let me tell you what's wrong with colleges these days"* - guy who spent half a semester skipping a community college class he took 30 years ago


He’s sounding exactly like Lauren Boebert. Does this idiot really think that college professors can’t think for themselves and are all implants from the former Soviet Union and China? It reminds me of a great Colbert quote, “we all know the truth has a significant liberal bias…”


But still says nothing about trump actually vowing to gut 50000 thousand civil servants and replace them with right wing ideologs loyal to him to destroy actual democracy. Or trying to stop the peacful transition of power to desroy actual democracy.


He’s right. Look at Tortoise Media’s recent investigation into the Depp and Heard case. Saudi gov troll farms were the ones pushing the case online the hardest. Over half of all tweets weren’t from real users at one point. These are actual operations going on to divide societies in the west. And it’s working, worryingly.


He isn't wrong.


Whatever happened to Joe acknowledging the vocal minority? 99% of people couldn't care less about the shit that he yammers on about these days. I used to enjoy this podcast, but that feels like a lifetime ago.


Y’all be naive to believe there isn’t any foreign influence involved in these protests.


Its right in front of your faces and you chose not to see it. Its fucking insanity.


Joe only knows about universities from the internet and his dickhead grifter pals. Dude has ZERO clue what college is like and thinks it’s all libs of TikTok.


"Maybe I'm the mind virus" 🤔 Pops dewormer


Joe literally just parrots whatever right wing talking point he heard last this point contradicts everything he was saying just last week what a fucking buffoon


He is correct


Nothing wrong with what he said


Yeah, I'm sure it has nothing to do with the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the obvious ties the university has to Israel. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the bipartisan support for the apartheid state of Israel.


People don't realize -or if they do just barely mention- how incredibly fucking weird American support for Israel had been up until now. Years ago (and shit, they may have still been doing it) a few states were making teachers sign what amounted to loyalty pledges to Israel before they were allowed to work. I genuinely have no idea why so many "America First" patriots really don't see how fucking weird it is to require citizens of this country support the policies and government of another.


Yup. If I post anything that calls out the Zionist hypocrisy I get permanently banned and called an Islamic terrorist.


There are large swaths of reddit you can't even post now because you'll get banned immediately, like in worldnews or any other sub infected by rdestiny redacts, whom enforce their braindead libtard ideology and all the horrors that come with it on these subs and anyone that speaks against it gets banned.


There is no genocide, the universities are right to “support” Israel by way of investment into their economy, and there is no apartheid between two separate nations. So in general you’re wrong on everything


Definitely a genocide and definitely an apartheid.


Not a genocide by any definition and you can’t have an apartheid between two nations.


Amnesty International , Human Rights Watch..both the GOLD standard label Israel an apartheid state. This ' you can't have an apartheid between two nations' is absolute drivel and makes no sense. According to pew, the more people are educated about Israel/Palestine the more they are on the Pro Palestine side..that's why dumbing people down only benefits Israel. Hopefully you will educate yourself


They even have an apartheid road. Definitely a genocide.


Ah yea the mythical apartheid road! Remind me, where is that?


In the west bank. https://youtu.be/MTK1u8ANjWg?si=Scfc0diD6ROZqffY


Ah so not in Israel


Israeli occupied apartheid, as it has been.


So not in Israel. In Israel, everyone has equal rights, am I correct? However in the West Bank, in illegal settlements, you’re claiming people are doing illegal things? Shocker.


You're simply projecting. Did you think the premeditated criminal activity of the UCLA "counter protesters" is justified?


We are headed towards more government oppression. It's not about the system, but who is in charge behind it. Is it possible to have a good monarchy? Yes, but only if leadership is good. The government is just a tool, and a tool in the hands of the wicked will never produce anything good


At this point, I am only tuning in for archaeology, history, and UFOs


He’s never said any of this before. What a different and thoroughly researched statement.


It's mad that bombing a city into oblivion and killing 15k children isn't 'deteriorating the fabric of society'


Obviously Russia spreads disinfo here, but from an efficiency standpoint doesn’t it make more sense that they would stoke flames that are already lit instead of starting something from scratch? They may have an impact in making these protests bigger, but the rage against what’s going on would be there regardless.


Bunch of geniuses in this sub.


"Damn Democrats Trump would never have let this happen" - JR


Joe hits reset on his brain with each episode. He’s had Dave Smith on, Abby Martin, among others. He knows the situation in Gaza is fucked. He knows that the US wasted 20 years playing around in Afghanistan, throwing away tons of lives and tax dollars in the process. But when some kids echo those same sentiments, they’re just whiny woke idiots? How? Just because you jam a camera in someone’s face (out of the thousands who are protesting) and they don’t know what the protest is about, it invalidates the whole thing? You can literally go to any rally or protest for any political cause and find an uneducated person.


Joe's right, the trouble is that he's so indoctrinated he can't see that he's the other side of the very coin he's talking about. They have a weapon that we don't have at our disposal and that's a free Internet and free speech and they are masters at what they do. Combine this with the fact that people and politicians can be so easily bought/blackmailed and we've got a problem, a very big one and the only people who are able to do anything about it are bought and paid for. Joe's not a bad person he's just genuinely very very gullible.


I never understood the reaction to these idiots, they are comedians they’re job is to tell jokes why would anyone take advice or take anything they say seriously. Because they have money? They make people laugh sometimes, this guy fucks stools on stage why would you take him seriously? Like the Rock running for president? Wtf does he know about politics? Because he’s famous?


> never understood the reaction to these idiots, they are comedians they’re job is to tell jokes why would anyone take advice or take anything they say seriously. There's a lot of stupid people out there.


He’s actually sort of pro Palestine so how he doesn’t understand what’s going on is beyond me


What a fucking moron 


Joe is a moron. He’s just a stupid guy. That’s all there is to it. He works hard and has made some right moves in his life, but he is not a thinker. This is also why his comedy sucks. You have to be smart to be funny. Stool humping ain’t funny.


Both sides continue to underestimate the power and tentacles of Russian propaganda. They would take any chance they can to destabilize the US no matter how large or small that chance was and in the past different protests on different sides of the aisle have been infiltrated and funded in different ways.


Joe has always had this opinion about russia and china using social media to sow unrest and divide us. Nothing new guys.


Joe has always had this opinion about russia and china using social media to sow unrest and divide us. Nothing new guys.


He’s not wrong. We’ve already been warned about what he is saying here.


It’s BlackRock


JOE, STAY IN YOUR LANE You sound like a bumbling maniac. None of this has any support whatsoever (if it does then show it), otherwise don’t bother.


joe needs to smoke more weed and stop hanging out with fake intellectuals who circlejerk themselves constantly


wasn't he just talking about how Israel is committing a genocide last week?


Dude W.T.F.


Absolutely... none of it has to do with 5 months of a live streamed genocide


Surprising take for leftist Joe Rogan.


A broken clock is right twice per day. Russia, China and Iran are all on the same axis. Of course its misinformation and propaganda that are leading all of these twat Gen Z kids to defend a group of people that are the antithesis of every progressive value they hold dear. The far right is in love with fascist russian savages and the far left is in love with religious zealot savages.


Joe, college students were protesting when your grand-dad was young. They were protesting when your dad was young. They were protesting when you were young and they'll be protesting when your grand-kid's grand-kids are young. Welcome to the real world, people complain it's what they do.


"without the influence of the internet" [List of protests against the Vietnam War - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_protests_against_the_Vietnam_War) People can, actually, share ideas and organize. Joe is a fucking idiot.


Ironically he's wearing an Ali tshirt, the same guy that literally protested the vietnam war and was called *all the same things* Joe is calling his "evil enemies". "far left", "marxist badmen" etc etc


Dude, we know you exist because of the internet. without it, you're nobody. is he speaking like this with proof or just throwing the usual Russian China bs? Americans can't take accountability for their failures not once. Let's blame students while Congress is actively working hard to serve the Israeli lobbyists by policing speech that criticizes The zionist state. They've torn down women's rights, and now the First Amendment lets hope the Supreme Court shuts it down.


Ticktock is the social media app used by young people. Young people attend college. Could it be that the app they want to shut down is actually manipulating people to do stupid things?


Hook the movie: "You're doing it Peter, you're doing it! You're starting to believe!" Yes Joe, Russians are creating confusion in America to decay democracy. Imagine all the things they've made you believe....


If anyone has been alive and paying attention past college age they already know Hamas/Palestine is full of shit. I'm not sorry. War is bad. Innocent people shouldn't suffer. I always agree to that but I feel like we are ignoring a lot of stuff and just screaming about genocide and that's not what's happening.


Says the guy who took a deworming drug to treat a viral disease(infection?) And constantly spouts far right misinfo memes that he saw on facebook on his podcast as if they are fact lol Let's not forget the kitty litter meme he claimed was his friend who was a teacher or something acting as if he had direct connection to someone who witnessed this fake thing




They have like "plaaans" for it


And u don't?


Good lord...