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I've been in the Amazon near the cloud forest.  Wearing a suit is legitimately an insane decision.


Yup, I’ve been in an Amazon truck, definitely don’t recommend wearing a suit.


I've been naked in an Amazon truck. Wouldn't recommend wearing skin.


I ordered from Amazon naked. Wasn’t that bad


I’ve received an Amazon package naked on my front porch. Do not recommend.


Should've stopped after naked. Shame


Just when I thought I couldn’t love Lex any more! He’s the best!


Not even top 10 but he’s pretty good


Who’s your Top 10? Just curious.


The episode in the photo that u posted is one I am deff gonna listen to asap tho


Man there is a lot of podcast I love. I guess in no random order conan, dls, rogan, Brett McKay, sas, simms, Greg cote, Dan Patrick, hodgetwins, Mike Tyson, jocko, mcafee, Shultz, bomani, Mina kimes, burr. I’m sure I’m missing some but those I really enjoy more. But I like lex, especially w ufo/supernatural/cia type guest. He just talks too slow. Workoholics and it’s always sunny in Philadelphia has a podcast too but lex is better than those I feel.


One is required to keep up appearances, or so I’m told


Amazon Cloud? What's next, you're in Microsoft Azure?


Not when you have love. Love conquers all.


When I wore a suit while applying for jobs when I lived in Tampa I was sweating my ass off and hated it the moment I stepped out of my apartment. Hell, I hated it 2 months back applying in ***Boston in the dead of winter.***


Calm down, it’s just for the vibe of his podcast. I’m sure he changed after the pod was done


you can fast forward the video and see how he sweats progresively lol


Hey, me too! Whereabouts?


If you watched the pod Rosalie says he's the one that talked Lex into wearing the suit. Pretty funny that he agreed. Either way great ep.


Enjoyable ep. Always blows my mind how many people in this sub enter posts about Lex just to hate on him.


I don't get it. I understand he's pretty mild and doesn't have a ton of energy oozing from him, but the way these subs hate him for seemingly no reason is beyond me


He lost some respect from me when he defended Huberman. If you read the article, it's clear that there is plenty of evidence that Huberman is a lying snake who has willingly fucked up the lives of several women. I'm not down with that.


I was pleasantly surprised when I first listened to his podcast after reading reddit hate for months. I also dont get the animosity towards him. He is a little awkward but seems to be a decent person has some interesting conversations.


They don't like some of his guests and think he's too nice to those they don't like. (Elon for example) They just hate lex by proxy.


I hate Lex in person


Bro is a vlad apologist. You haven’t figured that?


Lol is that what liberal Qanon is saying these days? I guess the rest of us just aren't as skillful at "reading between the lines".


It's because he is a virgin weirdo and it hits a nerve with them lol dude is the most inoffensive people on the internets.


No, it's because he throws nothing but softball questions when he has prominent guests on his podcast, attempts to diffuse controversial issues under the guise of "Why can't we just all get long and love each other?" and is very sensitive to legitimate criticism. This is also the guy who thought he could end the Ukraine Russia conflict if he could have a sit-down with Zelensky and Putin on his pod.


Yeah, he should be an asshole to the people he talks to for multi hour long podcasts. The dude is not journalists. But even journalists always ask softball questions to not lose access. But lets be real it has nothing to do with his conversation style. You're just big mad he is not on the left/right crazy train.


I usually dislike confrontational 'interviews'.  It rarely accomplishes anything.  Just letting someone talk for a few hours gives you a good insight on who they are.  You can bluff your way thru a soundbite but long-form conversation reveals a lot more.


He is cringey and full of himself.


If you own a successful podcast, why wouldn't you at least try to get two world leaders to talk to each other? That shit would be miraculous 1000 years ago if you could have war lords could talk to each other over the phone and be asked questions by citizens. I wish we could've done that, would be far better than no dialogue and more bombs.


It’s because he’s a grifter.


does he push AG1?


Grifter meaning on reddit: A person who changes their opinions on things that I disagree with.


How so? Genuinely curious.


He had kanye and elon on, so aparently he's the enemy or some shit. Idk, I really enjoy his show. His voice has the personallity of a cardboard box, but he's a good listener and asks great questions. I wish he'd press people more though.


Meh, I don't get this idea that every podcast host ever has to ask pushy questions. I mean how many podcasts are out there now? If someone doesn't like Lex's podcast or the way he does it, then don't watch. There are plenty of argumentative podcasts out there. Pick your poison


Lex clearly is all about love and being kind to your fellow man. He had tucker on and didn't ask him about any of the bs he peddled in the past 2 decades. All he did was push him very lightly on the Russia supermarket video. That said, that's really my only critique of lex. He's top 3 in my podcast list. And at the end of the day, that's just my opinion. Lex can do whatever the fuck he wants


Yeah I agree but does every single podcast need to have the same damn topics? Why can't the two just sit down and shoot the shit without it needing to be a battle? I seriously struggle with the idea that podcasts always have to push back on everything and interrogate the damn guest. Sometimes you get more out of a guest when they are relaxed and just speaking their mind rather than trying to defend wildly popular critical talking points.


I totally hear you. I just want 2 guys being guys sometimes too. But when you have someone on who has spent the last two decades being a political mouthpiece, it might not be the best idea to show the world that he can be a good guy. It gives some of the crazy shit he's said more weight.


I partly agree. Pushing back also will limit guest who will come on. I do wish he would stop having bad faith actors on though. He becomes the useful idiot. Tucker is a prime example. We know for a fact that he's willing to say one thing publicly when he actually disagrees (Dominion texts) It's not an anti right thing. For example I don't mind Ben Shapiro being a guest. I disagree with him on many things but at least that's actually what he thinks.


Grifter seems to now mean anybody on any platform who has ever said something I disagree with or says things in a way I don't like.


I'd love an example


It's because he's tried so hard to be deep and cool.


No reason lol


They are insecure wannabe intellectuals that are jealous of lexs success and perceived intelligence.  They are the type of people that think correcting grammar proves their intellectual superiority. No other metric in life has validated their ego and hate is all they have left


I like Lex and I like the programming & science based podcasts, but I think he's as naive as the 6 to 8 year old children I've known. I'm bewildered that he thinks he could sit down with Putin and Zelensky and broker a Kuchneresque peace deal.


Sounds like me after my first time doing ecstasy. “We gotta get this stuff to the leaders of the world and all our problems will melt away!”


I think having people like Lex in this crazy fucking world is a good thing.


In what way? Lex is to geopolitical issues as Disney Princess movies are to love. He has a simple, completely non-nuanced understanding of these giant issues and pushes this ideology while refuting experts telling him "Its more complicated than that."  He's the opposite of realpolitik.


Blows my mind that people think this Lex guy offers anything of value to the world. Get real.


And what do you have to offer other than a few comments on Reddit?


Stay on topic.


I've enjoyed countless hours of his conversations with all walks of life. I like his outlook on life. I'd much rather gravitate towards optimistic people like Lex than pessimistic ones like yourself. Get real.


Wow bravo, good for you.




We're both getting down voted for not having a deep seated hatred for Lex 😂😂


I've enjoyed countless hours of his conversations with all walks of life. I like his outlook on life. I'd much rather gravitate towards optimistic people like Lex than pessimistic ones like yourself. Get real.


I just like the ones about how he never went to MIT but acts like he did and talks about it all the time like he did


He worked at MIT though, still does. Did he claim that he graduated from there?


> He worked at MIT though, still does. proof?


https://deeplearning.mit.edu/ https://lids.mit.edu/people/research-staff Took me seconds to google.


https://www.reddit.com/r/DecodingTheGurus/comments/zaeztd/lex_fridman_at_mit/ some good clarification and critique of his credentials itt


Ok. That doesn't mean he didn't work there.


Dude he works there. Just give it up and go outside.


what does he do there specifically, and how much does he make? why the aggression and defensiveness from his fans for asking questions?


It’s always Decoding the Gurus with you mindless freaks lmao.


Are you autistic? Legitimate question because its weird you calling aggression with the way you are demanding and asserting


I googled it and found the staff website in about 5 seconds. Come on man...




You do realize that does not disprove him working at MIT? You can be a researcher but not a professor, you can also be a researcher without being a leading one.


from what im seeing by googling this guy, it seems like his "researcher" title seems kind of dubious as well. idk yet but its interesting to see honest critiques of him. (tbh though, when i see the rogan-bro's start grunting about what a "genius" someone is, i remember the rest of the IDW lol)


His name is listed as a researcher employed at their Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems. https://lids.mit.edu/people/research-staff I don't really give a shit what you think of him. I don't listen to his podcast, find him pretty dull and his obsession with "love" is weird. But, that does not mean that he is *not* working at MIT. That's what you asked for proof of, and you got it. You can critique his work all you want, but you come off as disingenuous when you try to claim that he's not even affiliated with MIT.


I can understand some of the Joe hate. He’s a horrible comedian imo,he flip flops, he bloviates. But Lex strikes me as the 100% real deal guy he portrays himself to be. Hes intelligent, empathetic, funny, open minded, etc. I know not everyone is gonna like everyone. But damn, Lex should be damn close to universally likable, and trustworthy.


Nice try Lex.


I love you


Yes, love is the answer. Please don’t block me Lex


Maybe people don't trust a guy who keeps saying 'just love everyone' but will block anyone who he comments how he doesn't like. 


He loved you enough to save you from having to read his posts that you obviously dislike. Hope you're having a better day. Lex bless.


In Lex we trust. I actually haven’t watched him in months. Prob binging time.


Ya, I’m sure he just blocks absolutely anyone who doesn’t like him, all Willy nilly. Some? Sure maybe. Not gonna hate the guy for maybe being over sensitive. But I’ve also seen how people act in podcaster subs. Like this’n por ejemplo. It should just be r/bitchaboutjoeroganfest. I’m sure it gets old being told by arrogant, smug know it alls who have accomplished fuck all that he’s a rich asshole, all his opinions are garbage, etc. They have every right to their opinion, as does he. And he has every right to block him, as do they. That’s if he runs his own socials. I have no clue. But I imagine you do.


Alright, but enough of that suit already.


Not sure if you misinterpret my posting of this thread as criticizing Lex, I actually like the guy and enjoy his show. It just seemed hilarious he'd stay on brand and wear a suit in the motherfucking rainforest. I'd get rid off that blazer at least within minutes. It must be soaking wet.


Lefties bro


Totally. Way to commit to the bit.


Didn’t know about it but now I’m gonna watch. Paul Rosalie is amazing


You can’t say that here, this sub hates lex


Really cool episode, Rosalie is awesome but you could tell Lex was dying in that suit. Even at night when the temp drops the humidity still makes the heat unbearable.


I went to Borneo last year, and we did a "midnight hike" and the humidity/mosquitos were HORRIBLE. Literally felt like i was dumped into the river. Can't imagine how much it sucked for him.


Im 5 minutes in and he is dying in the damn suit theres mo way he was in that for 4 hours


He was


Mormons don’t even make missionaries wear suits in Brazil because it’s too hot/humid. Quite the sacrifice but props to his consistency I guess?


He was in the Amazon wearing a suit with my mom when she was researching spiders just before she died....


Was it hot out there?


Do you like hot fudge sundays?




Kudos to lex for keeping the suit on


Yeah this is badass. If that kid reviewbrah did this everybody would love it.


Bert Kreischer does this and everybody hates it, however: the Amazon rainforest would be an appropriate place to take your shirt off.


If you want Zika, sure


Do you not have to take a vaccine for that regardless?


its badass? 😂 damn we lowering the badass bar by the day huh


I'm pretty sure he still lives with his grandparents. He's definitely not venturing out of his house or a 5 mile radius to buy fast food


The optics of the intro was funny, seeing him walking in the jungle with that suit


Yeah, I laughed out loud at that and put a smile on my face


Lex cannot not wear a suit as he's a never-nude


He also wears the suit while Rogan fucks him


Autism is a hell of a drug.


Nah this was just a play on the meme “Lex always suit”, unless playing on such memes are expressions of autism


Tawlmbout yourself bubba?


I do have quite a bit of the tism.


He does sound like he has some kind of brain damage innit


“You won the meet Mr. Feeny contest and so you wore a suit?“


Very well Mr. Friedman! And Mr. Feeny fucked my ass. And that's what I want. And that's what I want.


Just replace Friedlands with Friedman. Perfect fit in (and I'm talking about Mr. Teeny in Friedman's ass.)


You'reeeee ahhhh staahhhrrr


Verryyy goood Mr. Fridman verrrry good


Nevermind the suit, they've got a table and two chairs out there and they're not the lightweight folding kind.


Looks like there's a campground set up behind them.. they move the camera around to look at the snake in the tree.


Lex looks so shiny. Must be hot in that thing.


Rainforest Cafe?


Without the suit he's just a normal man


thats kinda funny


Peak autism


Dedication to the craft wouldn’t be caught dead in that 😅


He should play guitar in an Interpol cover band


Your daily reminder he went to Drexel, not MIT


I’ve been critical of lex but I really enjoyed this conversation.


Paul convinced him to wear it. It's an amazing episode actually


Hahaha. Such a great podcast though


I really enjoy listening to Paul but I cannot stand Lex, was he his usual stale bread self?


Yes. Even worse actually because he was miserable and exhausted from wearing the suit for 4 hrs. Sweat dripping off his face.. it was distracting to be honest.. After about 3 hrs in I gave up because Paul was the main one carrying the conversation.. I’m not usually a Lex hater but I’m starting to see why so many think the guy is full of it..


I listened to the entire pod without seeing any video and besides the 1 second part of them talking about how Paul was the one to tell him to wear the suit, this suit played 0 role in a great episode. Yall will literally hate on anything. Maybe you sir, are the one who is full of it….


Goes all that way to a unique environment and ruins the episode for a stupid prank. What a nob why didn't he just fucking chill, dress appropriately and enjoy it.


Why I actually prefer it, there is to many fake podcasters putting on fake personas. Guess you like the fake personas


Paul is an interesting person who lives an extraordinary life and has a lot of really good stories. Lex not so much, not sure what that has to do with liking fake personalities.


Why are two people supposed to be the same? Lex is a hell of a lot smarter then you i guarantee you couldn't even keep a conversation with half of the guests. From Quantum Mechanics, Space, programming, AI, and the dozens of other topics. Most people can't hold a conversation in all those fields and thats why i like his podcast way better then a majority of them out there it's far more technical.


Damn you guys get triggered easy, never said I was smarter than him he just has a very boring personality - he ain't for everyone, implying I only like "fake personas" because I don't enjoy listening to some fuck droning on and on.


Lex is just being himself. Don't like it? Don't watch it. Stop complaining about someone's personality on Reddit like your opinion actually matters


Reread my first comment I was asking if it would be worth watching seeing how he was out of his comfort zone, keep riding his dick though.


I'm just saying, why do you bother watching it and getting upset at the way Lex does podcasts when you could watch others? It's not dick riding if it applies to literally every podcast ever. Watch what you like and don't watch what you don't like.


I don't watch Lex at all, I do watch Paul on pretty much anything he's on so I was torn on whether to bother watching this hence me asking if he was his same old self.


Because Lex has the tism.


Tim pools beanie, lex’s suit, Rogan’s morons. Insecure people can’t hide it.


Tim Pool's beanie, Lex's suit, Rogan's lifts, Huberman's black book, B shuab 's addies and kratom, Tom's trust fund, Bert's shit-stained underwear and alcoholism, Andrew Schulz's trust fund, Andrew Tate's 2 books, Guide on How to brainwash women into Becoming Webcam Girls vol 1. and How to traffic women for Dummies special edition signed .


Lex is like a cyborg trying to convince us he's a human. I hate how he always takes everything to some weird emotional level "what did you feeeeeel when you looked that bushmaster in the eyes"


These are not serious people.


Who still watches this bafoon?


this guy is just soooooooooo soooo full of himself...


I bet he didn’t have problems with wrinkles in his suit.


I would have worn an air-conditioned spacesuit because there are some crazy insects in the Amazon Rainforest


😂😂😂. It’s hilarious they made him wear that


I was expecting full safari get up and a pith helmet


Seems perfectly legitimate to me. Mosquitos there are absolutely insane and the suit will make it more difficult.


But the sweat will attract them to him


He is consistent at least


The suit thing was based on (joke) challenge from Rosalie, alright. But WHY does he have to bring up aliens every episode?! Enough already.


I’m still looking for that moth Paul mentioned that was the size of a small eagle.


He’s a man of honor.


Is he holding a grinder?


I love Paul Rosolie so much now. I was introduced to him on his JRE episode


He is a real life Fred Flinstone when it comes to wardrobe choice. Second only to Tim Pool. I am sure he would wear one to a swimming pool.


My first thought was, how the hell did they get the desk and all that podcasting equipement in. Assuming the desk was already at the camp thats still a hell of a lot of electronics to haul into the amazon jungle!


How tf did they bring a table and lights and chairs into the middle of that rainforest? I don’t understand how they could be far from the road


I mean it does protect him from the mosquitos at least.


He’s a gentleman, and a scholar


I haven't seen anybody say anything about this yet.. why the green screened background?


Can someone explain how popularity? It seems like he has Between Two Ferns gimmick going where delivers his questions deadpan like he doesn't care.


1. Get popular guest 2. Get popular people to talk you up 3. Let the popular people talk


Really good podcast btw


Pretty funny tbf




When you’re more boring than a fucking stick in the ground you will quickly realize you have to figure out other means to make yourself known. He talks like a monotone ogre who doesn’t have anything really NEW and interesting to say. I still don’t get how he hasn’t faded off.


Lex is awesome


What do you expect from a man who ponders the Nazi Holocaust while running 26 miles. Followed up by (pick whatever pretentious song) length ice bath. It’s his Russian dna that makes him seek being uncomfortable as much as humanly possible.


I’m convinced he wears a suit taking a bath


I don’t like him


The guy is an absolute fucking turd


He’s a chode


It would be an amazing experience to be able to traverse the rain forest with Paul as a guide. That has to be life changing.


Gotta keep that shtick going 🙄


Cause he is a freaking legend ![gif](giphy|joeRYmOkLaj2U6hwdj|downsized)


Didn't think I could hate him more. Thanks


I'm done with Lex. After the fucking terrible Tucker Carlson interview I can't take him seriously. His nice guy bit is turning him into a doormat for bad faith personalities.


Thank you


The only reason he would do this is because he learned that Einstein only wore grey suits and only had grey suits in his closet, so that he would never have to expend any mental energy on what he was gonna wear, you aint Einstein bub.


I usually have some hate for Lex for being such a disgusting fencesitter and dicksucker of Elon and Joe. But this ep is pretty cool. Its his own thing. Great listen.


This fucking guy. Even those stuffy Brits would wear shorts sometimes when they were out colonizing everyone


I know this one will be guaranteed greatness.


My boy got heart, tip your cap fellas


Take it as you want but when I see a man who stays consistently dressed for an occasion (such as something important like his show) it shows he’s dedicated in my opinion. I’m more prone to trust him since he’s staying consistent. All around amazing human


He literally did it as a joke but ok bro.


Offensively Russian