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https://preview.redd.it/bijffffmn97d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe05ba2f577f81929ba59b5082ec6a2f7f8aaef7 JBP knows tyranny when he sees it šŸ¤” what a fucking fraud


Oh God, I thought that was a joke. He really wrote that...


The crisis is on our doorstep!!


Thatā€™s the hilarious part. He embraces almost all tyrants while pretending nerds are the tyranny. Heā€™s insane or extremely calculated towards maintaining good graces of said tyrants. He canā€™t be that openly hypocritical.


Anti climate change and ignoring the other side asking for immunity and saying they'd get rid of income tax in favor of tariffs that would fuck a lot more... classic lobster man


This is the stupidest shit I've heard in a long time.


This is your mentally unstable uncle at Christmas, you only asked for him to pass the nut roast...


What's with the clown suits? Is he trying to look like the Riddler?


He looks more like the ā€œFree Money from Government Programsā€ guy Matthew Lesko


Hey, that guy was awesome. There really are a ton of opportunities like that, probably one a year.


Ha, Iā€™ve run into Lesko in public several times over the yearsā€¦ he really wears those suits out and about.


The sulfates from the cider gave him a wacky sense of fashion. Its a lesser known cider side effect.


interesting. I'll remember that in the weeks before carnival.


Iā€™ve been thinking of starting a ā€œson of a peterā€ cider brand. Sour enough to put any man into a russian hospital induced coma. The label will feature the ramblings of a mad man. The proceeds will go to lgbt causes, canadian colleges, justin trudeau.


His brain was damaged by drugs and possibly by the "treatment" he used to detox. The suit is the least of his problems.


Detox in a Russian hospital yeah


Conservative influencers have to either have wacky hair or a trademark fashion statement to distract you from their lack of substance.


It's a distraction. So is talking with his hands and leaning forward as he speaks to you, not with you. People will generally believe more things at face value if they're distracted while being told.


His hand motions are the stuff of nightmares. Worse than listening to his word salad is looking at his hands.


Look up Don cherry. For JPs direct inspiration.Ā  But also It's a Canadian thing.Ā  We we were all raised on Mr dress up.Ā 


Lol I was like "there's no way Jorpie has ever heard of free jazz" before googling the name


Heā€™s lost in his sauce


Not a Peterson fan, but I quite like the suit jacket.


That jacket is by far the best of his recent flamboyant outfits, it's a shame he flubbed the rest of the fit.


Jordy's a flamboyant dresser because unbeknownst to Jordy, he's one of them queers.


Theyā€™re lobsters. A big part of his research on SSRIā€™s. Maybe read his book instead of being a hater. Itā€™s actually very good


His lobster behavior research can barely be considered "scientific" even in the lightest of terms. He continuously compared their reaction to serotonin as a basis of human hierarchy, even though their reaction to the chemical is literally the opposite of ours. Plus, on an evolutionary standing, our closest shared ancestor to the lobster is a fucking worm that existed 350 million years ago. Peterson isn't a biologist. He's a charlatan with a subscription to thesaurus.com.


You gotta be extremely rtarded to believe that lobsters are actually comparable to the complexity of human beings, but hey, at least he was smart when he wrote that garbage, as he sold that entirely to rtarded uneducated losersšŸ˜…


That's interesting ... I wonder how that applies to the guy saying "if they can come after me they can come after you -- I need absolute political immunity"... Or do we just exclude that one?


Is that the same guy running on a platform of 'elect me because we are being invaded' and 'every big city is is overrun with crime' or who said 'I alone can fix it'? But I guess climate change is the only fear mongering going on.


No, there are more. He just talks about the one.


I was pretty certain that JP was speaking specifically about Trump until he mentioned climate.


Yeah I actually think that's something to do with Russia. They are deeply invested in stopping green energy transition but... You go into a coma in Russia and come out anti green energy? Pretty suspect ...


Not saying Russia has no part in his propaganda, but he works for the Daily Wire which is primarily funded by the [Wilks Brothers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_and_Farris_Wilks)... Fracking billionaires with a direct financial interest in the perpetuation of O&G products, and in-turn, climate change denialism. When in doubt, follow the money.


I didn't actually know that. Thank you.


Itā€™s entirely possibleā€¦.


I wonder how it applies to comedians being the last line of defense against the wokes.




Martin Niemƶller?


Donald Trump said explicitly that he is going to be a dictator on the first day of his presidency. He said he would only be a dictator for one day, but I gotta tell you guys, a man who says he is going to be a dictator on day 1 is not going to stop being a dictator on day 2. I wonder what old Dr. Fruity Pebbles thinks about that.


I assumed that he was speaking about Trump until he mentioned climate. There is tyranny in every far wing.


"Well.... Trump is a phenomena!"


ā€œWellā€¦it depends on what you mean by ā€œā€isā€ā€ā€¦.ā€


I'm just impressed that he went a full 2 1/2 minutes without crying.




Two grifters sit down for two hours to say absolutely nothing


The worst type of content.


It is amazing that Peterson can produce so much content repeating the same stuff. Like he is probably going to a different podcast every few weeks repeating the same tiring 5 things


He learned from the best, he learned from Rogan.


As is tradition.


Iā€™m gonna ignore the buzzword politics he stuffs in the second half of this answer, but it makes me wonder how Bukele in El Salvador should be considered. Iā€™ve been reading up on him lately and I donā€™t think itā€™s going in a positive direction, but itā€™s hard to deny the difference thatā€™s been made in the country so far. By no means perfect at all, lots of people suffered from what bukele did, but so many are better off because of it. Theyā€™ve stayed in a state of martial law since they started locking up the cartels. That country was pretty fucked before he got there, Iā€™m really interested to see how it pans out.


They're also locking up thousands of innocent people along with the cartel. It's kind of a, "well, there's going to be some Innocents locked up and tortured, but it's mostly the bad guys. Gotta take the bad with the good, amirite?" I'm sure a lot of conservatives would love Trump to enact something similar here in the US because they think ahead about as far as they can see.


Not to meantion accusations that the gangs just run the prisons like their personal feifdoms and have regular access to the outside still and their criminal empires including the politicians they own. Murder is down but it the accusations seem to suggest there is a deal between the gangs and the ruling party to keep the situation stable..


This to me is the only explanation that makes sense. I don't care how hard you come down on cartels, the murder rate doesn't fall that hard without them playing along. The only thing that makes sense is that they made an agreement that they can continue to operate but to do so without the constant turf wars. And many people see the reduction in crime as worth the authoritarianism, but what they refuse to acknowledge is that dictators do not leave once they seize power. Gaddafi was also well liked at the start and did some pretty damn progressive stuff for the time.... until he didn't and became a tyrant. Always happens and will also happen in El Salvador eventually.


>well, there's going to be some Innocents locked up and tortured, but it's mostly the bad guys. Gotta take the bad with the good, believe me, this is an honest question coming from a left-leaning folk: in a state like El Salvador, where the systemic cartel violence has spread like a metastatic cancer reaching its terminal stage, what would be the solution? I ask because in such places, much like what we see in certain regions of Mexico and Haiti, innocents have already been locked up and tortured - and beheaded, and scalped and skinned alive - for decades. what do you do when so many humans have gone that far to the other side? I am talking about unmistakably evil violent criminals, the ones who already did all that multiple times, and, trust me, they are not a fringe minority of psychopaths like we like to believe. cartels have been creating sicarios out of teenagers, making them learn how to dismember an alive human body etc. this is all well documented. No rehabilitation program can bring back someone who has gone that far. so what can you do? what would you do? or...would you do nothing? I would not think "yeah, Mr Bukele, I think that's a great ideia", but at the same time I don't know what to say or do in such circumstances.


I don't have a solution. Maybe this will "work". You're absolutely correct that there will be immense pain no matter what. I don't know. It's a terrible situation with no good fixes. To be clear, I don't like what's going on there because I'm more of the mindset, "I'd rather 10 guilty go free rather than one innocent be locked up." At the same time, do I have a better solution? Nope.


Well, suspending civil liberties indefinitely is definitely *a* solution...


Dictators always revert to ā€œthe greater goodā€ narrative.


I totally want to listen to a conversation between a guy in a lobster suit and a guy who plays with swords in his driveway.


And a guy dressed as a dragon pops in halfway through the conversation




The only thing that would make this better is if Sam Harris, Destiny, and Ben Shapiro were having a 3-way argument by themselves over in the corner of the room, loud enough that you can barely make out their buzzwords


My test to see if a rightwinger is even worth hearing out is did that person play into Trumps 2020 election was stolen narrative. James Lindsay did so he fails the test and is immediately ignored. As far as I know Jordan Peterson passes this test so Ill give him a listen I just wish JP didnt push so much bad science to try and make his prose about his preferred bog standard 1950's Christian social norms as scientific. While we are it he needs to dial down his catastrophizing. He treats everything from the left as 1916 Russia. Turns out most places at most times aren't 1916 Russia. My god can he be just as bad as some climate activist convinced we are all going to die in 5 years and gluing themselves to the road.


JP doesn't know the first thing about science. His chosen specialty is "Jungian Psychology" which is a field which has been rejected by science because it lacks any empirical basis and cannot be scientifically analyzed. It's just wordy fantasy mumbo-jumbo with ghosts and faeries and synchronicities. He has zero expertise to talk about gender, climate change or any of his other little right wing hobby horses. There is nothing scientific about "Jungian" anything, but it's good for people who like to pontificate and make shit up, which is exactly what JP does. He's a Pied Piper wearing a Joker suit with the gift of gab but no underlying substance, a type which seems to mesmerize Rogan fans. It makes them feel smart whereas actual science is boring and difficult and time-consuming and takes a great deal of effort and training to understand, so it makes them feel stupid therefore they simply reject it. Jordan caters beautifully to their insecurities and intellectual deficits and makes them feel oh so smart and perceptive.


His version of science seems to consist of accusing those that speak about climate change as being possessed by the devil.


This applies to Trump too.


Sometimes JP says ok stuff but it's disingenuous to specifically talk about a perceived negative of the "far left" without also talking about a similar negative of the "far right". If he is a man of reason then give an example from both sides. There's plenty of "malignant narcissistic radical right" wingers to mention.


I hope this is just part of bigger speech. This would mean all my grandparents were tyrants because they followed their leaders who compelled them to fight the Nazis. This also means any steps taken to fight not just global warming even pollution is tyranny. I get the feeling op is posting shit out of context to push a narrative.


Exactly. Itā€™s such black and white thinking. And of course the fear based narrative is only coming from the left in JPā€™s world. He would never mention how much the right fear mongers and all of the apocalyptic rhetoric coming from religious institutions.


It's mathematically proven the Earth is getting hotter at a rate never seen before. You know he isn't talking about fear of immigrants, fear of non-Christians, fear of change, and fear od de-whitificaiton


- ā€œIt's mathematically proven the Earth is getting hotter at a rate never seen before.ā€œ Younger Dryas?


No there is this thing called average temperature that has gone up. Not to mention fire and hurricane seasons are lasting longer, farmers are planting earlier and glaciers are retreating


Iā€™m just saying that itā€™s definitely not ā€œmathematically proven the Earth is getting hotter at a rate never seen before.ā€ Iā€™m not downplaying climate change by any means, but itā€™s more likely that the end of the younger dryas was a much faster increase in global temperature. Definitely not ā€œmathematically provenā€, we literally donā€™t know.


>This also means any steps taken to fight not just global warming even pollution is tyranny. This is pretty much what many of them believe.


Ya thereā€™s a real cyclical logic that could get applied to what heā€™s saying, because heā€™s describing a crisis(ignoring whether itā€™s true or not: existing under tyrannical control of the leftest radical narcissistic malignant types who are going to sacrifice the poor to their climate scam), and the cure to that crisis is to pick the guys he says are describing the other crisisā€¦ but by his own point those people are looking for their own tyrannical rule. So I guess if someone else speaks up about that and describes it as a crisis they too become tyrants now. So itā€™s tyrants all the way down as you try to confront and solve issues as long as youā€™re willing to describe them the way he does.


No you see, heā€™s just saying we donā€™t need to fight the Nazis because weā€™re all gonna die one day anyway.


Depends upon what you yourself mean by "tyrant" and "leader". - JBP (probably)


so basically every conservative leader that he/his supporters would back?


The reality is every single political leader instrumentalizes crises to their advantage at some point. This just feels like a post out of r/iam14andthisisdeep.


this is literally just the shock doctrine but dumb, and that book came out in like 02


This guy is SO self important and the camera moves are so ponderous that it kinda makes me laugh like they're trying to make people think that this bird brain is a deep thinker or something. I literally had at least 6 college lecturers who could talk this guy under the table and were actually likable too.


So right-wing fear of immigrants and "urban youth" would also be a good example for Peterson. I imagine he'll use it next.


Iā€™ve heard meth heads make more sense. Fuckin imagine listening to this horseshit and thinking itā€™s truth? Lol


He will say all this shit then have dinner with Nethanyahu and Ben Shapiro


I feel like he is describing himself at this point


JFC I switched the sound on for 2 seconds and had to block out that nasal Kermit the Frog cunt immediately. His voice has driven the world insane. Iā€™m calling it. Itā€™s a frequency Terrence Howard should look into, itā€™s got some powers.


Lmao, no leftist is trying to sacrifice the poor to save the planet. He's talking about libs like himself, fucking scammer ass.


Literal straw man argument leading into actual literal religious demonization.


Jordan Peterson is brain broken


Yes, anybody who is going to claim renewable energy is a plan to kill marginalized people (straw man argument) and speaks in satans voice (literal demonization) is a victim of broken brain. This is correct.




Ole Benzo Petermcbob


Dude is trying too hard


He just unironically described Netanyahu and tried to spin it into a climate debate


...using the same argument that the southern states used to perpetuate slavery - " we cant get rid of it! That will destroy the economay!"


This title is misleading. He didnā€™t distinguish between tyrants and real leaders. He discussed how people purporting to be real leaders might actually be mistaken, but to not how to distinguish them from tyrannical ones




below the frame cus he 3 feet tall


Real leaders have the blood of the house of the dragon and tyrants are the dragons of chaos that keep telling you what to do *LIKE MY MISERABLE SHRILL HARPY WIFE THAT RUINED MY LIFE!!!*


There are better definitions for tyrant. And also obviously there is a climate crisis, so whatā€™s his suggested solution for it? Watch the world burn? This guy hasnā€™t given a solution to anything in 10 years. Gone out of his mind. Sad.


Hey guys, the house is on fire, we should get out now. "STFU tyrant" - guy setting fire to the house frame to make charcoal to sell


Jame's Lindsay looks like the one kid that walked home alone from school, and when a pedophile drove by he was like "eh.... nah im good..."


Chubby. Lloyd. Christmas.


I think heā€™s got a good point


If youā€™re 10 and trying to seem like youā€™re on top of it, sure.


Yes he did! He said a thing. A thing that was so very clever that all of the big boys with big brains like you were impressed by it.


I can feel the hate from here, chill dude


He does not


Only if there is no emergencies ever


Again, I think thatā€™s kind of his point. Thereā€™s always emergencies, and maybe not the best course of action to give up your sovereignty to someone who promises to fix that said emergency.




Benzo Kermit spewing more nonsense


This is just a video of a mentally unwell man going through a manic period being fluffed in a hotel room. This isn't even a discussion. "That's right" "You're so right" "So true"


Buddy looks coked out or something


Jordan is the whiniest of all the whiners . Thatā€™s what the conservative movement is now. Full of the whiny and afraid .




i cannot think of a better exemplification of mental masturbation than this guy. the epitome of "i am big smart"


I don't think he's helping Donald Trump campaign by speaking about him that way.


Why is this clown everywhere I look on line? WTF??


It's nice to hear an honest take on Trump from Jorboner and the racist libertarian neckbeard.


Describes Trudeau perfectly.


Dude talks in Platitudes and acts like he is the first man to think it


Sounds like he's describing Trump


I thought this was hunter Biden. But it was just another drug addicted grifter


why dont they ever recognize they are describing trump?


So Trump and Biden are both tyrants. Got it.


He reminds me of Don Cherry https://youtu.be/L_EVcjxOdgA?si=2VslFnI_4ohgtVzz Can you imagine the two of them


remember last week when he was basically in tears because gay people had rights and somebody needed to push back and teach them a lesson about crossing over their fences. dudes of vile piece of shit that insinuates doing violence against people is justice for them having a shot at equal justice under the law.


Tyrants tell people to clean their rooms.


According to Peterson plumbers save more people than doctors. Peterson is a moron.


My brain hurts


LOL! His boy Trump was literally threatening MAGA violence if not elected this week!


Good leaders lead from the back


Is this an interview? Doesnā€™t seem like it.


What he is right about is giving up freedoms due to fear. We saw this first hand when we invaded Iraq in 2001 stemming from 9/11. We gave up freedoms and gave the govt Carte Blanche in search of WMDā€™s (no actionable intelligence of WMDā€™s) turns out they were looking for oil. Thereā€™s some truth here.


I mean yeah, thatā€™s why immigration, access to abortion, marriage equality, and the economy are used as the fucking boogie man every election, even when statistics show these are all good things.


The suits aren't helping.


Is jackets give Riddler vibes.


Trump is a great example of this. If you canā€™t distinguish, well then you might be aā€¦


Did he manage to get through this word salad without crying again? Are his team playing tricks on him? Who the fuck is dressing this man.


Dude we need to ban Jordan Peterson from this sub- I have heard enough of this moron.


Blah blah Marxist woke pronoun blah blah starts crying wahhh post modernist blah blah


He looks like he's maniacally going to try to teach me how to get the government to pay for my things


Why can't Conservatives think for themselves vs. mindlessly following Internet Preachers like this imbecile?! "Trust in those who seek the truth...... and doubt those who've found it"


This guy's suits are something else.


Jordan is the worldā€™s most elaborate oil shill.


How do these guys not realize that this very obviously applies to their likely preferred candidate as well


I love how James is starting to look like Lloyd Christmas from Dumb and Dumber. It reminds me to not listen to anything that clown says now. He went off the deep end. Jordan talking to him is a good fit, he also went clown shoes a few years ago. Shame, they used to be interesting to listen to.


Yet he loves Trump.


I couldn't help but hear Trump's fearmongering echo when JP was speaking about tyrants. There are tyrants on both sides, not just the left. Though, the left has had its fair share of genocidal tyrants in the last 100 years.


Tyrants wear dumb suits with what appears to be pink penises on them


Why do people still watch this fucking clown


Thatā€™s just incoherent rambling


I really can't understand the people who are still listneing to him. Like even if you agree with his idiotic takes he is literally repeating the same stuff all the time. I get it, some people are deep in that culture war stuff but how many times can you really hear the same tiring shit?


I like to think that pre-benzos JP would recognize that using a univariate test for something as important as identifying who's a tyrant is bad methodology.


Everything he mentioned applies to businesses trying to influence you to spend money on their crap, capitalist billionaires threatening the world will end if you ask them to pay taxes and every shade of far right politician. Why doesn't Peterson go after them with the same vigour? >I know who's speaking through your mouth. The great cosmic joker. This is the moment you politely excuse yourself and get off the bus two stops early.


So there's always a crisis.. so any form of policy can be seen as compulsion therefore anyone you want to be a tyrant is one... fuck this complete idiot. Money went straight to his decaying head It's like these right-wing fucktsrfs can't accept that no-one wants the republicans in charge


He likes listening to himself talk.


Tyrants use fear to produce compulsion. Also, if your raise prices by 10% you'll kill 20 million people!


Such as "the election was stolen and the media is the enemy of the people". That kind of crisis?


Hurts the poor you say? There's this thing called The Green New Deal.....


He literally describes Donald J "If you dont vote for me you wont have a country any more" Trump. The very same man who is arguing that police and the US President should be immune from prosecution. Then he goes on to excoriate the leftz using the exact same argument that the Southern US states tried to maintain slavery- - essentially, "you can't do the right thing because it will hurt the economy". And the irony is that the Christians in the audience dont realize which of the two masters he serves.


What's crazy is some people think he's saying something amazingly profound. Kinda reminds me of that trad wife who legitimately is a conservative darling for saying every conservative straw man for clicks. Like


That whole time i thought he was speaking about trump and he mentions climate change lol


I wish Jordan had attended therapy to deal with his demons. As he said in a old Q & A I listened to, he just reads up on whatever problem he has or comes up. I think he would be so much more reasonable and less angry if he sorted his shaddows out, as he tells other people to do.


"Those people are barely clinging on to the edge of reality".......man, if that isn't projection, I don't know what is.


Surprised it took JP this long to get into dragons...


Surprised it took JP this long to get into dragons...


Man who advocated socially-enforced monogamy has very strong thoughts about tyranny


Damn, got bait and switched! Shoulda expected no less from JR


As with virtually every time I see him speak, I ask myself: why is this person someone with any authority to opine on this topic? I mean heā€™s describing himself. Thatā€™s the amazing thing.


People think heā€™s smart :)


"That's right."


Peterson crushes with nuance. You're all insufferable weasels and lames lol


Jordy is now apparently an expert on earth science. Or maybe oil tycoons fund The Daily Wire. Go look up the Wilks brothers.


Do they let him out of the home on Sundays?


Up until the last minute I was like ā€œwow itā€™s crazy heā€™s condemning Trumpā€™s pandemic response like that, I thought he was Trumpā€™s little water boyā€ and then he was talking about climate change??


JP has brain damage


JBP is such a weakling, he is the definition of insecureā€¦


Ah yes, the dude who unironically compared human to fcking lobsters, the dude who will tell you to make your bed before changing the world (or your life) but has a whole f king mess on his desk and is addicted to barbiturates, that one dude yes.


Dudeā€™s daughter got banged by Andrew Tate and he lost his mind.


Incredible fall from a respectable position to blatant shill, I liked his self help stuff but it was basically "start small and work up from there" in as many ways as he can will some blatant christian rhetoric ham fisted in


I honestly think the drugs messed him up permanently. I used to really like the guy. He's impossible to listen to now.


High on his own supply


Americans will watch this and think: "that's exactly what the guys on the OTHER side is doing".


Lobster man strikes again! Again, it's incredible the amount of grifters Joe Rogan spewed from his ass. It will be studied in history books. Grifter comics is another topic but they are at least staying away from serious topics.


Hes just JBP now? Sounds important!


If somebody could make a machine that would turn JP hate into power, they could maybe run a small country just on that. Nothing he said here is anything special, he didnt have to go into a long rant about it, this applies for the right and the left.