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Telling Brendan Schaub that he should transition into stand up comedy


That one’s hard to forgive


Nailed it.


Pack it in folks, I think we’re done here 


I honestly think Joe did it out of guilt partially after that episode were he totally crushed Brendans skill as a fighter


Unfunny guy telling another unfunny guy they should do stand up is funnier than all their specials put together.


And then encourage him to do an even unfunnier podcast.


This might be top comment soon


I will say though, at that time Brendan could have devoted his time and energy into becoming a decent comedian. What sucks is he didn’t put the effort in to hone his craft and thus never really improved. Imagine if he had humbled himself and spent the time to be a good comedian. He probably wouldn’t be an all time great but I bet he’d be decent.


No he wouldn't. He refuses to make himself the butt of the joke because he's a narcissist. If you can't poke fun at yourself, you're not funny. Same goes for 🏳️‍🌈Joe🏳️‍🌈


Well yeah that’s what happened. I’m saying imagine if he was able to do those things. It’s just a what if I thought of reading that comment.


When your not funny yourself its easy to misinterpret who is actually funny


Joe makes fun of himself all the time


Not really. The only time he does is when he is proven blatantly wrong, then instead of taking accountability for it, he just says "I'm an idiot and no one should listen to me". He just says that in the dismissive way to sidestep any criticism. If he really thought no one should listen to him he wouldn't have a podcast, be a commentator, or be a stand-up "comedian". He also gets REALLY touchy when someone makes a joke at his expense. He's allowed to joke about other people, but they can't joke about him.


I’m pretty sure he was putting in plenty of stage time, but it doesn’t matter. You can do comedy for like 10 years and still be just as horrendous as any random open mic’er (just look at Kill Tony contestants). It’s not like lifting weights. Some people have it and some people don’t. There’s really no reason anyone had to think that Schaub, a concussed meathead, could ever do comedy well enough to pay his bills.


Standups are usually above average intelligence. He is below average intelligence.


It was all worth it with Dana Whites >That makes sense 😃 Yeah Schaub is annoying, but he has produced so much lolcow content.


If somebody stays in full mount at the end of the last round they should win the whole fight


a lot of his mma takes have been off lol


The time he screeched at the scientist about Bondo Theory. I think that tells you most of what you need to know about the guy.


That clip is brutal


Got a link for that gem?


Maybe this one? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=isUFa1Ewd1E


Damn that rough. I’ve never seen that.


It’s pretty bad. It’s hard to hear him talk without hearing that screeching.


Wanna give some context, or a link?


Just google joe Rogan bondo theory.


Oh, shit why didn't i think of that. So fucking stupid of me




Oh wait, someone posted it above! Now neither of us had to google it for you.


He fell for the 4chan prank that an elementary school student was identifying as a cat and demanded use of a litter box in school to accommodate this.


Lol but he knows someone personally where it was happening at that kids school according to him


“Buddy of mine’s”


*my buddy's wife


And then, when he was called out on it, he claimed “Yeah, I tried to get back in touch with my buddy to verify, but I can’t get ahold of him. So I don’t know.” Yeah, Joe, it’s tough to get ahold of people who don’t exist.


Even worse he claimed his friends had kids that went to a school where they installed one


That was *very* stupid, but like most wannabe Fox News commentators they just say outrageous shit, it makes the rounds. If anybody calls you out it’s libruhl hysteria. Everybody moves on. Damage is done. But they win. Everyone is dumber for it.


That Terrence Howard is intelligent


Telling Brendan Schaub he should stop fighting. It would’ve been good for Schaub to get knocked out 3 or 4 more times


Is the theory that a few more concussions would have realigned his brain cells


When he said that Terrence Howard's claims need to be further investigated and studied and taken seriously.




Talking about how video games are a waste of time. Same could be said for any hobby he has…


Wasn’t that for him though? Because he gets addicted?


Did you see when he had Hugo Martin on - creative director at ID software for Doom Eternal? He alternated between saying the game was a waste of time and giving him shit because it wasn't exactly the same as Quake 20 years ago.


He was being very polite to Joe who was, I'm guessing, too sober to be a fun host. I was so excited to see this guy talk about his passion project, but Joe just tore that game down before giving that man a shot. That episode was painful. 


hahaha couldn't agree more with this😂


It's funny he acts like he's better than video games because he has said that he was obsessed with quake and got a T1 internet line installed at his house back in the 90s.


Also I wonder if Joe realizes not every one who games stays up all night gaming for hours.


No, he doesn't. His social circle consists of a handful of unfunny comedian sycophants that constantly kiss his ass.


Which emits easy to do if you don’t have a 9-5 job 


I feel like it's more that he realizes it's fun but unproductive


Time enjoyed is not a waste of time if balanced properly.


Imagine you care about being productive


Eh. As i get older i feel that sometimes. I coulda been practicing guitar or building stuff or learning to 3d model, or naking art. Instead im 4hrs into dark souls.


Yeah but dark souls slaps


It do. I restarted with the item randomizer mod. Like a brand new game.


Holy shit now that I’m 28. This resonates with me so much.


38 here brother.


Games often are a source of purpose and inspiration to my modeling, animating, and art making. Only reason I do any of that stuff is to build video games. I don’t think I would have ever learned how to code if not for video games. I admit that too much of a good thing can be terrible so I limit my playtime by playing only the best of the best games.


Yeah good point. My art is heavily based off the games i play. In fact all the shit i make most my money selling is pokemon related.


“What are you doing playing those video games for all the time? “I’m working on my problem solving skills!” I laugh at this as someone who used to play games a ton from 2010-2014. A big waste of time (to me).


Yes I’m happier with no video games. They are just too addictive and I am too weak. 


This whole new thing where he seems to think AI is actually smart and can think original thoughts and concepts. Literally every episode now has him ranting about AI take over while constantly saying “I’m stupid i don’t know shit”.. yea clearly, bro.


One episode he goes “What if AI told us all to eat mushrooms, the world would be better place instantly”.. as if the AI isn’t just pulling information from Reddit and Google and just saying what’s popular


That Greg Abbott is a decent person


“A very cool guy”


Yeah, if you like full-blown abortion bans


Mostly just his stand-up


Back before the Dominion lawsuit, when Tucker still had the highest ratings at Fox, Joe was crying about how Tucker was being "marginalized" by the mainstream media.


And then after Tucker was fired from Fox, after Tucker’s own emails and texts showed that he knowingly participated in Trump’s election lies, he invited Tucker onto his show. To be fair, I haven’t watched that episode and I never will, but my guess is Joe didn’t hold Tucker accountable for his lies in a hard-hitting display of truth-seeking.


Oh, God no. 😂 In a just world, he’d have asked Tucker about apologizing to all the Democrats he smeared while promoting his “WMD” lie that killed a million-plus people. And then asked him about his emails savaging Trump as “a four-year disaster with no upside” and “a demonic force of destruction” while he was saying on-air “Donald Trump was the greatest president of my lifetime.” And then, as a cherry on top, ask Tucker about all the emails found on Hunter Biden’s laptop from Tucker and his wife to Hunter, sucking up to him and asking him to use his influence to get their son Buckley into Georgetown. 😂 But no. Joe asked him about aliens.


Maybe also ask him if he’s being paid to spread Russian propaganda or if he’s just a useful idiot. Anyone with integrity would start an interview with Tucker this way: “You claim to be a journalist, yet you lie constantly. No one should ever believe a word you say about anything. There’s no question here. Fuck you.”


I haven't listened in probably over a decade so I'm sure he's had some worse takes since, but one that always bugged me back in the day was his thought process on our mass production and consumption of beef and beef products. He would go on and on about how terrible their methane was for the environment and how inhumane the cows are treated.. but we can't stop now cause what would we do with all the cows?? Like cows would just take over the country sides and clog up the highways if we stopped killing them for food or some shit. No dumb dumb, we just stop breeding so many of them. At first I thought it was a weird joke, but then he just never got to the punchline.


He’s changed his tune here. Now he makes fun of people with these views.


Yeah that sounds about right. So fucking glad I never got that JRE tattoo I had drawn up


Okay but a highway clogged up with cows would be a pretty rad tattoo. Like just a giant pileup of cows spilling over the median.


Man really thought we would be fookin India


Crowder during the cannabis baited-in debate. Crowder didn’t even wanna talk abt it. Joe’s weirdness in that made me sway from checking every episode since. I miss the UStream version JRE


Telling people in particular athletes/fighters that they should cut out carbs and sugar.


Black rappers are supporting trump after he was convicted of a felony because it’s a corrupt system that has fucked them over too


They kind of are though. Facts


“Facts” have proof. Lets see it.


Sexy red, 50 cent, Benny the butcher, Kodak black Do some googling nitwit


I can say a bunch of names too. That doesn’t mean the case against trump was what got these people to support him.


I’ve provided artists who have openly supported Trump since being convicted of 34 felonies for paying a pornstar to not mention they had sex 16 years ago. She got paid 134k. 1-5 felonies, ok maybe. 34 felonies? Come on. The system is corrupt and it’s evident to anyone who isn’t a party shill for the blue team that it’s politically motivated because they’re afraid he might win. You being emotionally invested in Donald Trump because you don’t like him doesn’t change the fact that many people who are familiar with the system see it as a political witch hunt. Google rappers who support Donald Trump. The list will probably make you more emotionally upset.


So why didn’t Trump fix the “evidently” corrupt criminal justice system? Are republicans the “law and order” party? Or is “law and order” in America corrupt?


Dude, stop. The comment was about rappers who support trump. Take your tit for tat BS elsewhere. You got all angry and upset because I accurately listed names of commercially popular rappers who support the dude. Go argue with the clouds and be all sad.


Also, the comment was about rappers deciding to support trump BECAUSE of the convictions. All you did was name rappers who support Trump.


You should apply for commissioner of the last word club. Burns you up to be made to look like the fool you are. Do the world a favor, pull your bottom lip over your head and swallow.


You’re the one that simped for trump here. Why bring it up yourself and then say “dude stop?” Absolute coward lol.


Coward because I accurately listed rappers who support Donald Trump? You’re unhinged and grasping at any straw you can to make this about your political views vs my political views, which it isn’t. It’s about rappers who support don trump, not me “simping” for trump. Prove me wrong about the amount of successful rap artists who are openly supporting trump and you win. You can’t Go do something with your life and stop picking arguments over trivial political nonsense. Again, I listed rappers who have openly supported Trump. Doesn’t mean I like Trump. Does being convicted of 34 felonies for paying a prostitute 134k 16 years ago to not mention it seem felonious? Not really, but go bang your drum and while you’re at it bang your head against the wall. Maybe it’ll knock some sense into you.


I missed that one. When did he say that?


Everytime someone triggers his favorite talking points and teeters the convo into another rehashed soapbox.


Speaking of triggering, have you seen this trans girl, or boy I don’t know. This trans person. We can say person right? This trans person yelling at the manager because a waiter misgendered them? And the purple hair, like… what is that? Also, ice baths.


That Burnt Crystler is “fucking funny man” I cannot stand him, or Schaub.


I also get extremely annoyed by Andrew Shultz I mutar personally don’t think he’s funny. Him and most of his guys are just nothing special. Imho


that anyone can make it in life if they work hard enough that depression can be cured with kettlebell swings “people are jealous of brendan schaub because he’s big, tall and handsome and looks like the bully in high school who took your girl”


What would you recommend against depression then? There's a lot of studies out there proving that consistent exercise is more efficient at reducing depression than anti-depressants are. I agree with your other points but telling someone who's depressed that, perhaps, if they get off the couch, stop eating junk and start living a healthy, active lifestyle might make them feel a lot better isn't a bad take at all imo. I fight competitively but i got a bad knee injury and was reduced to doing basically nothing for 6 months and i can tell you right now i definitely felt like absolute shit compared to when i was training consistently.


Sounds like Toe is jealous of Schaub …


one time he said to avoid social media because it’s full of haters and losers which makes no sense because this sub is full of healthy well adjusted individuals


Best comment I’ve read in a while hahaha


That MMA should take place in an open field with no stand-ups and no rounds. Dude, you have the money to make this happen. But you won't because it's guaranteed to lose money because everyone knows that would be garbage to watch.


Elon musk explaining mma to joe and joe not rebuffing his statements.


"if you took the roster of the UFC's bantamweights, 135 pounds, and you paired them up against Ronda Rousey, she might be able to beat 50 percent of them. That's not a joke.”


Australia is a totalitarian state and citizens can’t grow their own vegetables. Also related, how impeccable he thinks his bullshit detector is.


It is impeccable though. He detects bullshit and then believes it


Telling people to intentionally catch COVID because natural immunity is better than vaccinated immunity. Some genius level shit there.


Seems to have aged well


Terrence Howard is a genius and makes complete sense to me.


him praising Vultures both before and after it’s release even tho it’s easily Kanyes worst album imo at least


His opinion that legalizing drugs will not create more drug users because “people do it if they want regardless”. He’s completing disregarding the millions of people that would never touch drugs if they were illegal because (1) they don’t do illegal stuff for fear of getting caught and (2) they aren’t easily accessible. Recently it seems he’s finally admitted you’d have more users if it was legal, but this has been one of his worst takes historically.


Hate to brake it to you but he indeed has acknowledged this multiple times recently and stated if they legalize drugs many more people that would not do them if illegal would now


re-read my post


Lol my bad I was skimming multiple and I read the majority of this until the end I guess 😂


lol all good


Anything he regurgitates from Dr. Carl Hart or any of his opinions on nicotine.


his late night online iq test and bragging about the results to this day OR his fake height claims




His music taste


He likes Sturgill Simpson. That’s objectively good music


And Tool as well as a lot of classic rock.


And 90s rap


Sturgill solid but doesn’t cancel out honey honey


I guess you have excellent taste in music?


Subjectively yes. Welcome the Reddit where we share our opinions


Who even listens to podcasters for their music taste? 😂


It’s in reference to him wedging horrible music taste into the convo whenever music is mentioned


Totally agree, boomer level palette


Not even the best songs of the boomer era mixed with honey honey. The amount of times he’s talked about the chick from honey honey doing that cover with Gary Clark Jr says enough about his music taste. Wasn’t even that great and he shows people like it’s Hendrix at Woodstock or something


He's got a crush on her and dr Rhonda patrick


That’s not bad taste…


No, but the music is


I don’t think boomers are fawning over yeezy


Rogan doesn't listen to Yzy, he's never once asked about his songs//music, he just likes Kanye cus he's crazy and successful


Worst opinion or what rubs me the wrong way and makes me view him differently is his belief the Egyptians were like an advanced futuristic tech civilization without speaking to any actual Egypt specialists except you know who. Makes me think if he can be so wrong on that he can also be wrong on a lot of the other hot takes he has had if you know what I mean. He just sounds like a child when he talks about Egypt and it makes me cringe and feel like he’s dumb.


Pretty much everything he’s done in life has made him dumber and dumber  That’s why he votes republican now 


I haven't seen it mentioned, but I loved the way he backtracked when he found out that the "airports in the revolutionary war" quote wasn't from Biden 


Antifa was lighting all the forest fires around Portland one year lol Joe falls for all of it.


That women should be allowed to vote.


His takes are wild!


Almost all of the music Joe likes.


His stance that you can’t pull yourself up by your own boot straps.


In the Bobby Lee episode, Bobby asked at 8:09 "Do you believe (covid) was man-made?" Joe responded: >It was definitely man-made. Yeah, I wouldn't say definitely, because I'm not really an expert. But every expert that I have talked to that examined the virus itself - the cleavage sites, the way it skipped all animal forms. You can't find that virus out in the wild. (Not) that also made a leap to person. It also has ALL of the earmarks of being engineered.


That’s uh, pretty much the prevailing opinion on the origin of Covid right now. Who’s still saying natural origin lol?


The prevailing theory is that every expert agrees the virus was engineered? Which peer reviewed studies back that theory? Which major scientific journals lean in that direction?


That’s the neat part! None of them.


So what was the origin?


The U.S. Energy Department concluded with “low confidence” the coronavirus leaked from a lab. The same WSJ article that broke that story also said Four unknown agencies and the National Intelligence Council believe “low confidence” humans caught the virus naturally through animals rather than through a lab incident, unchanged from the 2021 NIC report. The NIC Council also ruled out the possibility that the virus was developed as a biological weapon and assessed the virus was not genetically engineered. National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Disease: The agency has said evidence suggests the virus originated in nature and spread from an unidentified animal host to humans. Centers for Disease Control leans towards zoonotic origin. Federal Bureau of Investigation: concluded that the virus originated accidentally from the Wuhan Institute of Virology Central Intelligence Agency remains on the fence. Basically, we don't know for sure. Anyone who says it's obvious and the experts all know, is full of shit.


So the worst take you ever heard him say might be true?


Saying it has "all the earmarks of it being engineered" is wrong. He definitely has worse takes, I just happened to listen to this episode today so it was fresh. His takes on the moon landing being fake or why it's great to drink your own piss were probably worse tbh.


Why is it wrong


If it had all the earmarks of being engineered, it would be obvious to all of the scientists who studied the virus, and be the high confidence leading theory among all of the journals and the investigations into the origins of covid. That isn't the case.


So natural origin then?


Unknown, and probably never will be known given China seems to be more interested in obfuscating evidence than pursuing it.


That Democrats cause poverty because of the visible homelessness in big cities—ignoring the fact that Republican-led states have by far the worst poverty in America.


But the poverty in red states is spread over the entire state, not just the cities !


Exactly, republican incompetence and lack of empathy is both severe and widespread.


Joe: Can you believe the left is doing \[insert any unbelievable nonsense\]? They must be stopped. Facts: That's not true. Joe: But me even imagining that it's true means the left must be stopped, y'know?


His bullshit meter is fine tuned and Trump doesn’t trigger a reading.


The litter box thing is up tnere


How he constantly dismisses the bible because of “how primitive and dumber people were 2000 years ago” and how that is just a book of stories written by dumb people. And then the very next episode he’s praising researchers in how technologically advanced we mist have been 10,000 years ago.. seems kind of contradictory. I myself don’t know what to believe therefore i don’t dismiss anything really. But that’s something I’ve noticed for almost ten years about him. But i have noticed he’s been letting people preach or reference the bible a whole lot more this year which is kinda ofd for toe rogaine himself. Maybe he’s had an epiphany idk


That that picture from the pentagon looked like a plane and not a missile


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Slayerofthemindset: *That that picture from* *The pentagon looked like a* *Plane and not a missile* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


His condemnation of groups like Antifa, rather than the white christian nationalist groups like Patriot Prayer, who they were counterprotesting.


That you should form your own take! You won’t.


His takes on being vegan


Is this really a pro Joe Rogan sub? If you don't like the guy, why are you even here?