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Tom was relatable and people liked it. He built his career on being relatable. He was so relatable he was able to parlay that into a ton of money. Upon receipt of said money, Tom was no longer relatable. His former fans, now "audience", realized that their formerly loveable, relatable, loser was now a rich douchebag. Tom's shtick now is about being an unrelatable rich douchebag. He's literally just always been himself and the audience responds accordingly. He is currently the antithesis of what appealed about him in the first place.


He tried that Andrew Tate rich guy persona and fell on his face quickly


I saw that video. He jumped less than an inch in the air and broke every bone in his body.


the irony of him being so into gruesome injury videos and then that happening was ...chef's kiss.


I wonder if that was the catalyst of his downfall. Him and Bert were at the top, and they’re falling from grace


As a long time fan of him and his podcast, it absolutely was. It was a life altering injury and he change his entire lifestyle from his diet to clothes. He lost weight and became an even bigger asshole. Not to mention his dad died not too long after. All of that compounds and changes a person. Sometimes it makes diamonds, sometimes it makes shit.


It’s me, I’m shit


Hey, same here though lol


When was Bert ever at the top? He had 1 funny bit. I do agree that Tom has had quite a fall from “grace”. But Bert has never been a good comedian. He has one good story and laughs in a way that makes you want to also laugh. That’s it. EDIT: holy fuck I get it people. You don’t like his laugh. You’re very special for that.


Saw Bert a couple months ago with some friends and he closed with The Machine bit. Also had a really awkward, clearly pre planned singing of the national anthem that he tried to pass of off as a riff in the spur of the moment kind of thing. As soon as he said "I accidentally joined the Russian Mafia" we left and beat all the traffic. Best part of of the show.


Either way, you paid to see him and that’s exactly why he’s as big as he is


I bought tickets for $25, but I didn’t pay to see him. Tony hinchcliff came. Everyone around me was like, who is that guy? I was like, that’s the guy I paid to see. For $25 the concert was worth it. They also have a phenomenal dj.


What, he still does that bit? That's not professional at all. Though that he dropped after it went viral. Like other comics do, when they film their special.


Yes, I've seen him 3 times live over about 5 or 6 years and he closed with it twice and did it in the middle the other time. Now I will say, most of the other stuff he did was "new" as in just more stories about his family and he did like 7 minutes on Zyn.


Or do a whole ass movie about it.


His special was around the bit and a movie, at what point does that joke get burned.


I have to disagree. Bert’s one bit was never funny, and his laugh makes my ears bleed, it doesn’t make me want to laugh as well


Yeah I always felt like I just didn’t get it or something. My friend showed me the machine video in like 7th or 9th grade and even then it just came across way too fake and not funny


I honestly feel like I’m taking crazy pills with his Russian mafia story. Most people I meet act like it’s one of the best bits of comedy they’ve ever heard. Like even if it’s not a fake ass story, it comes across as the coolest thing to ever happen to him and it’s just(and I hate this word) cringe. Also, Bert, keep your alcohol-red body covered up. It’s disgusting


I think most of us saw it as kids and wanted it to be true, and genuinely thought it was funny and cool. Listening to it as an adult just feels like that one guy you know who is constantly lying to one up everyone else's stories


Thank you. I watched The Machine having heard it mentioned on Rogan's podcast as if it was some mega bit and it was... awful. Long winded and unfunny.


Long winded, not funny, and total bullshit.


Amazing that it somehow warranted a film being made


That movie was as depressing as Requiem For A Dream. For different reasons.


It was funny as hell when i was 16


May I ask what the funny bit was without a touch of irony?


His “The Machine” bit that got him popular in the first place. I enjoyed it at a different time in my life, so maybe I wouldn’t enjoy it if I heard it anew at this point, but that is what put Bert on the map in terms of comedy.


Never thought about that.... but your 100% correct, couldn't of happened to a better guy.


He even talks about how traumatic it was for him. Then turns around and immediately laughs at someone else's tramautic injury.


Then he says he can’t watch his own video and that it isn’t funny but will laugh at people dying.


What? He has played it 1,000 times. He even remarked numerous times about how that was his karma for getting pleasure from others’ misfortunes.


This is the first I've heard of the video so I went and looked - GOD DAMN that looked horrific. I don't feel bad for him though cause the most recent thing I'd seen of him was him playing a video of an unfortunate looking woman and just ruthlessly mocking her looks. Dude is rich and famous making fun of just a random woman for his massive audience. Fuck him.


It was also the last funny thing he did


I remember seeing it and it being the fattest fucking thing I’ve seen a “celebrity” ever do lol


He quite literally did fall on his face and fucking shattered himself. Lol Funniest thing he’s ever done.


Damn the internet is cold blooded




he did?? can you send me the link to what you’re talking about?




I remember when they first featured Andrew Tate on YMH, (Women should clean up UNPROMPTED.) And they were unironically saying how cool he was. That was a red flag moment.


I couldn't put my finger on what it was, but that's it. I can't listen to him anymore. He reminds me of a Kimmel. A guy who was a man of the people, regular dude and now he's above you.


Kimmel and Tom were never that funny. But YMH has some enjoyable bits. Him and his wife are little edgelords though and it feels too close to their actual personality, which only works in small doses for me.


Great analogy. They both went from chubby relatable Everyman, and as soon as they got rich they lost of a little weight (but still not in great shape) and became elitist dickheads.


To be fair, he always had money to fall back on. It was all an act. His dad was a VP or something for a major bank. Tom has never wanted for anything.


His dad was the first VP of Merrill Lynch, also known as Top Dog. Edit: literally just stated what the other comment *didn’t know*. Lmao https://preview.redd.it/7gfd2r7gym8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42b15ead6aea058c0b1231eb34e309893d06732a


This sounds more prestigious than it actually was. He was the First VP of a Merrill Lynch financial management firm in Florida. He wasn’t the actual Vice President of Merrill Lynch. I.e. I’m sure Top Dawg made a comfortable living, but he wasnt a global finance executive. Not saying you dont understand this, but I think people really misunderstand what a First VP actually is in this context


Yeah, now Bryan Callens dad is a global finance executive for real, hence why he lived in afgonhistan.




A HUGE chunk of the LA scene are nepotism babies.


Of course, but a VP of ML in Naples/Ft. Lauderdale can comfortably make 200-300k before most comp packages are even remotely activated, especially if on board/partners. I doubt he was loaded, but I doubt he also had a hard time with finances or supporting his family.


Sure, I’m certain he had a nice comfortable childhood. But having a dad who makes 350k a year (in today’s money) doesn’t set you out for life. I’m sure he could fall back on his family to help out, but this is not multimillionaire family set for life territory.


This is a productive use of our time


Life itself is a disease with a poor prognosis. It lingers on for years and invariably ends with death.


Wit til you hear about his grandpa and great grandpa! [lmao](https://youtu.be/DjqkQZ2pwe8)


I’m still not sure why that’s so important to everyone. Just because someone doesn’t have broke parents or some kind of struggle doesn’t really matter. I’d prefer my wife to come from a well off family instead of a broken home full of trauma and drama. Romanticism towards the “struggle” is pure copium.


Looks like he was wanting more food at some point


He was a financial advisor which is a solid upper middle class job. Average at Meril is about $130K. They use the title VP for positions like that is because its a commission based position. He was not a C-suite executive making 7 figures. 


Can confirm that at major banks like that the VP title doesn’t mean much. Source: me, who is a VP at a competitor and make exactly what you referenced (+bonus). Not a financial advisor though.


Even the P just means you run a bigger book for more commission. My brother is a P at a bank and runs a 5b hedge now


Yeah just because your dad is a financial advisor doesn’t mean he’s ballin.


He was rich enough to fund tom's rent and bills and comedy career for his first year in LA


I would be embarrassed to tell people I was a VP at Meril Lynch, but "only" made $130k, lol.


Idk I mean 130k in the 80’s-90’s was a lot of money


Yeah, did some more digging. He relocated to Vero Beach and was a member of an elite country club there. Membership is $85k. That's not nothing. Also, his grandfather was an FBI agent who was a former attorney and son of an insurance magnate. His great grandfather was a Harvard educated pediatrician, who married Mabel Weston, heir to the Weston family fortune. That's a long line of deep pockets.


Sounds like every generation does a little worse 😂 His kids will be jizz moppers.


From the sound of it, that one kid is going to be a psychopath.


That’s par for the course of most generational wealth. Go read how quickly the Vanderbilt’s squandered their ridiculous fortune. Generational wealth is lucky to last another generation.


the person you're responding to never said the average salary was 130k in the eighties. that is what it is now. and doing the bear minimum of digging, it looks like it's even less than that.


Gotcha yeah that’s not really a crazy amount in 2024. I’m 25 and not super far from that and I’m like super dumb.


I don’t have a “dog” in this fight, but that is a high ass mother fucking average


Yeah, but its not a: my son doesn't have to worry about working or making money, I got it covered. Its I can take my family on a nice vacation, and live in a big mcmansion in a nicer neighborhood type salary.


Yeah its a really good job where you can comfortably afford to raise a family but youre still middle class. You're basically graduating from "for birthdays we go to chillis and splurge on 1-2 appetizers before the main course" to "for birthdays we go to the cheesecake factory and everybody gets to pick whatever they want."


Depends greatly on where you live. You try to raise a family of 4 on that where I live... Good luck to you, but I wouldn't want to try it. You'd be renting a 3rd floor walk up.


Theres probably 2 thousand VPs at major banks its a typical senior middle management type position


I haven’t been a fan of Tom in years. But this is lame. His family has money. True. But the average First VP salary at ML is 170K… I’m sure coming from that could buy him a little time to chase his dream. But acting like he’s a trust fund baby or that he is only successful because his family has “generational” wealth is dumb


He’s still insanely popular in real life it’s just Reddit that hates him now. Dudes selling out arenas every week still and is more popular than he’s ever been


Arena comedy is the worst. Made me stop seeing Dave Chappelle after he played climate pledge. Glad I’ll be seeing bill burr at the Moore this week and not at a massive arena. He’s playing 4 or 5 shows and sold out everyone. Could easily have packed climate pledge but understands what his fans want. 


10000% as someone who goes to a lot If comedy shows clubs are by far the best.


I mean, so is Jo koy, Gabriel Iglesias, and Sebastian maniscalco. Mainstream comedy blows. I can’t name a single comic that got funnier when they became popular


Louis CK keeps getting it done imo


And honestly that’s okay with me. Shane and Brian Simpson and others have taken their spots and the world continues.


He’s actually one of the worst human beings to ever live -Adolf Hitler


“Ze’z actually one of the ze wurtz hooman beingz zu ever live”


He said hitler not zizek


Ofcourshhhhh thisssshh can be eeeashhhilllyy eksshplained by the proletariat'ssshhh need for a communisssht leader.


Oof mardone, he looks tar uh bull! 🤟


I love a good pile on as much as anyone, but this slovenly hog lost *way* more than 20 lbs. Give the devil his due.


Upvote for 'slovenly hog' 😂


Yet he still has bitch tits


Hard to get rid of without surgery.


Jesus Christ another one??!! That’s part of the joke!


I love a good pile on as much as anyone but this slovenly hog doesn’t think he’s the second coming of Christ. My best guess would be that OP was joking


I don’t know. The comedy podcast subs are full of the most bitter, vitriolic schadenfreude imaginable. As soon as the podcast they loved has real success, there is a contingency of “fans” champing at the bit to see it come crumbling down. To the point of poring over every little thing the hosts do and manufacturing controversy. It’s a sort of mean spirited parasocial thing.


I’m just thrilled you didn’t say ‘chomping’. So many fat, poor idiots say chomping at the bit. Glad to know another thin, rich genius!


Who is this


Right?!? Everyone keeps just saying Tom like he’s a household name.


He's one of those Hannah Barbera characters


Magilla gorilla?


I took years until I learner that he was a different than that other guy. And now they have a podcast together. And STILL I don’t know is who. One guy calls himself the machine cause drinking. But then…like what’s the other guys joke??


If it is not about Andrew Tate I do not wish to hear about it.


Didn’t he own Myspace


Tom Segura, relatively famous comedian, known for standup and now podcasting


i don't know if comedy has an "A list" "B list" etc but do you think he gets recognized when he travels? fwiw he does have a really recognizable face (not a complement)


He has had multiple successful Netflix specials, any fan of standup would know of him.


Scrolled too far for this comment. Scrolled even farther and still no answer


Tom Segura


Holy shit that’s crazy


Yeah you can see it in his eyes and nose but definitely didn't figure it out even when I saw people calling him Tom.


Same here. I honestly had no idea this was Tom Segura. Even after hearing "Tom", it took people having to spell it out for me. 😂


He lost a lot more than 20. Maybe about 60-70.


came here to say this for the non-fats. If I lost 20 lbs you wouldn't notice much difference and I am a lot less fat than Tom in this picture.


And for the non-fats, at his size 20lbs isn't that hard to lose if you currently eat like shit and don't do anything active. Just stop eating garbage and get more active than just jerking off in the shower and you can lose 20 lbs in a couple of months if you're fat.


Yeah, I used to weight 300 pounds. Going from 300 to 280 was 100x easier than going from 190 to 170


260 to 210 was 100x easier than 190 to 170 for me.


exactly, I can lose 10lbs in a day just by fasting and not drinking water


Then do it, fatty


Can we have some MORE comments like this for the fats in here? I feel like the non-fats are getting all the info and the fats are the ones that need advice at this stage. Surely.


Perhaps 20 pounds off his face


And is still just moderately fat. Yet he acts like a fitness expert. I’m in significantly better shape than Tom and would never even think to humble brag about it a tenth as much as Tom does.


That’s because you have perspective. Losing weight is probably the hardest thing Tom has ever done.


Wasn’t he on ozempic


In all fairness, when I lived in LA, I had office hours at this place in Woodland Hills where he'd workout with a personal trainer. He really put in a ton of hours. I'd see his ugly ass purple Porsche Cayman there all the time. I'd walk by the little space where he'd workout and he'd be doing squats and shit. Credit where credit is due.


Agree he def increased the workouts, but didn’t Bert say he was also on the oz?


Yeah but who really cares? Dude still put in work and lost weight. Like I don't care about body builders/athletes for doing steroids because they're still doing the work. It's just an aid.


I don’t ever see him brag about it idk why people say this haha


I feel like he's incredibly humble about it, honestly. He has to sit there and listen Bert go on and pm about his life changing journey of losing weight and cutting back on drinking, etc. There's many times he's sitting thefr saying very "captain obvious" statements about working out and losing weight feels great. And Tom just sits there and nods in agreement like, "Yeah I've heard that".


you don't have the audience to "brag about it" to . . you have the comment section of reddit


I’ve never heard him talk like a fitness expert but then again I don’t listen to him that much these days.


because he doesnt think hes a fitness expert.


with all the rich people are better people talk, he clearly turned against his audience. Seems like, money makes people forget the past and the present.


I personally believe Tom was always a rich guy and was playing the bit of a fat, poor, relatable guy. Now that he's got a following he's dropped the bit. I listen to YMH and he slowly lets out info that let's you know he comes from and always had money.


He made the joke twice and the same clip got posted 20 times. Calm down broke fatty. He’s blatantly joking.


I'll donate ten bucks to anyone who can think of someone less funny than his wife. I mean your have to actively attempt to be that fucking boring


Brendan Schaub, Bryan Callan, Bert, Bert's wife, Amy Schumer. That's just off the top of my head and you owe me $10.


I would take Tom over Bert any day. Bert's bit is so tired and old. Nicky Glasser hit the nail on the head with that one at Brady's roast.


I kept thinking at some point he would move on from that story. Boy was I wrong. I think he’ll be telling that one until he dies. I’d call him pathetic if he hadn’t managed to leverage millions of dollars out of a mildly humorous story. I don’t know if he’s just lucky or if he’s a genius. I find him pretty annoying either way.


Out of all the jokes about cheating spouses, race, Gronk being a dummy etc. the joke to me that cut the deepest was that joke and no one really talked about it. It was a comedian looking at another comedian and basically saying "Ur a hack". Ur right though. He laughs at us all with his money and noteriety.


I give the guy his due. I couldn’t do it. I can’t barely stand listening to him talk anymore but he found his place in this world. Seems like he makes a ton of folks laugh, apparently. So, more power to him I guess.


Bert got famous because of a story and rides on the success of Rogan and Tom. Good for him I guess. Not funny though.


Don’t forget Chris Dediddler!


I’m just here to say someone owes you $10


Only Brendan Schaub comes to mind and he has brain damage.


Making fun of post-stroke Dick Clark as a closer a couple of specials ago was one of the hackiest things I have ever seen. She would've been a complete has-been by now if it weren't for Tom.


She would be a never-was without Tom


I mean, the whole “Machine” shit really ran its course


I can’t believe an entire rock band was started just to protest against that overused joke. 


Look I fucking hate bert, but he has at least said something funny on camera. I can't recall anything right now, but I'm sure I've chuckled at something over the years. It's nuts that segura has to pretend his wife is funny


Elizabeth Bathory


I don’t consider myself much of a hater but I cannot resist any opportunity to shit on that bitch. She sucks so fucking bad. Anytime she starts talking, everything gets worse.


Exact same, even people I don’t like, I hope the best for them and move on with my life. I have always found Christina P the exact opposite of funny. Seems lame and dumb as fuck any time she speaks on podcasts. Her style is atrocious, the shit she wears for her comedy specials is … bizarre at best. It’s a free country, good for her but no thanks. Haven’t listen to their podcast in a couple years maybe she got better but I’m going to place everything on, No.


I remember watching her set from one of her specials years ago (maybe her degenerates one) to give her stand up a shot. The worst part was that no one from the audience was really laughing (because her jokes sucked) but she was acting like they weren't "smart" enough to get the jokes. "You guys gotta keep up, I'm rapid firing over here!" Just an awful comedian


Liked your moms house so decided to watch her stand up, realised it wasn't for me. After that, all the inane "I'm such a tortured soul like all comedians" persona started to grate even worse.


Same. I like her on YMH but her standup just makes me cringe. It's so fucking bad.


She's also just mean. While Tom has become shitty, she always was. She is vile to people with disabilities, mental illness, and trans people. Always has been. In the beginning, I couldn't understand why he was with her. Then he caught up with her in shittiness. They deserve each other now. 


Agree and will add ten bucks. She is the worst.


Ole pig tits has some redeeming qualities but I do not care for her standup at all. Having said that, I watched Schuab’s newer special when it came out just to see if all the talk about him not being funny had any merit. It was a really terrible experience for me. It was anti-funny.




Imagine doing steroids, ozempic, having a personal trainer, dietitian most likely and bragging about fitness despite looking like a fat dad whose only form of exercise is cutting grass.   Podcasts were a mistake…I say this as someone who was a fan of Tom 10 years ago. 


Lol, cutting grass is my only form of exercise 😔


Yeah but you’re an awesome person ❤️💪


He's not on ozempic, his wife is.


Oh god. I forgot her. Deeply unfunny and miserable. They’re made for each other.




Uhhhh who is this?


Old picture of Tom Segura, took me like a half hour to figure this shit out because people make posts like this without enough context


Lost 20lbs all on his face


He grew up in a super rich family he was a douch before the weight loss


This. He talks about growing up on a golf course, going to country clubs, and going to private schools. He also talks about traveling a lot as a kid. He def comes from money. Him and Christina talk about being poor and reference that they lived in a pool house in Huntington Beach. That's fucking nice for your 20s.




Fat Redditors are angry he no longer looks like them


What are you talking about - Redditors are all 6’5” jacked and make 900k a month. /s


If not liking Tom makes me fat then call me boogie2988


Im more of a Wings fan myself




I miss /r/fatpeoplehate


https://youtu.be/DjqkQZ2pwe8?si=XGi-WfOre-1BngiR For all you people who think that Tom's Family isn't that rich, watch that. He comes from multi-generational wealth.


I dont get the issues with Tom, as long as his stand up is funny and i get good clips from YMH ill still watch him


What’d he do now? Make of fun of the poors again?


He definitely lost more than 20 lbs 🤣🤣🤣


He has never topped Completely Normal. A top 5 comedy special for sure


“He became more popular and changed.” Just like every celebrity on earth. The shit people complain about. If you’re not a fan, don’t watch.


> The shit people complain about. If you’re not a fan, don’t watch. I started listening to YMH pretty early, but it lost it's appeal after the move to Austin and the departure of Nadav. Oh well, time to move on. I got years of podcast entertainment for $0. I don't understand how people can feel so entitled to something.


I definitely agree that the show has changed, and especially since nadav left. I just think all the complaining about Tom is played out. It’s always the same comment. Humans change as their situations change. People think they’d be immune from change if the roles were reversed, but they wouldn’t.


I agree, and I wonder that about myself sometimes. “Would I remain true to myself and be the same person if I suddenly had success, fame, and money” I definitely don’t think I would be the same as I am now. I also don’t think I’d be a rich arrogant asshole either. I think that’s kinda the issue with Tom though, and why so many people bring it up. I’m not the biggest fan of his, but I’ve seen clips of him being a rich douchebag and bashing the poors. As a poor myself it is kinda annoying to hear that coming from someone whose entire career and success is built off of poors supporting him. Listening to comedians is a bit of an escape from my shitty poor life. So when a comedian starts to make fun of my shitty poor life it’s hard not to get a bad taste in my mouth and feel some kinda disdain for them. So the people who watch/listen to him got to see their escape from reality turn into a reminder of their reality and I don’t blame them for feeling a little bitter.


You stole this. I posted it a while ago. Maybe OP is a karma bot.


Taking credit for a shit post?


Some of y'all need some REAL help!!


Tom isnt that bad but his wife is insufferable


Why do people think Tom thinks so highly of himself? Are y’all taking the fat poor jokes seriously? Do you really think he doesn’t use a washcloth? Lol


All this sub reddit is to hate on anything closely linked to Joe Rogan.


100%. It’s the way most stand up or podcast subreddits go unfortunately


You sound poor.




The hate this sub has always makes me laugh


Tom thinks he’s action star material and it’s not like he’s even remotely ripped. He’s just not a complete lard ass. And he looks like he’s 60. You can’t hide behind cute little Gucci jackets and watches.


He lost 20lbs? What happened? Did he take a shit?????


Dudes still funny as fuck tho.


Lol keep this shit on TFATK. OP sounds like a jealous ex.