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Is that Dipper grown up from Gravity Falls?


I couldn't make it past Joe quoting an Elon tweet about how hard the whites have it


Elon being a white South African makes that so much funnier


“It’s an open and shut case, the most obvious case of discrimination my lawyer has ever seen.” 😂




“Yea, just pay me up front and then I won’t even take a cut of your winnings”


“This is the most obvious case of false advertising since I sued the makers of the movie The Neverending Story!” -Lionel Hutz


What makes you doubt that statement and what like substance do you think you provide with your comment beyond in an like complete empty way relaying that?


Does anyone here actually have seen the case or know anything about it? Or are people just mad because it doesn't support their world view?


I haven't even watched the clip. So lemme jump in with my opinion


The latter part. Half of this dude's post isn't even close to what Tyler said. He said he was in the running for a roll that Giovanni robisi was up for he didn't say somehow losing it to Giovanni means he lost it to a POC or whatever the fuck interpretation this guy came up with.


No one's mad. People aren't "mad" just because they don't support your world view.


Please bring back B.C. Rogan. (Before Covid) I can't take this shit anymore.


B.C Rogan.. I like that.


I think he is long gone


And before 2016


“This is war. We are in a full-blown culture war. And I will give up everything for it.” Jesus fucking Christ. Pretty mad at myself for watching half of that video. Hearing them talk about a mind virus then uttering that sentence. Alternate reality.


He sounds like he just joined Cobra. What an incredible dork.


What does he even have to give up? Isn’t he saying he cannot get a job?


He wanted to be on The Mandalorian


Mental Note: Never give two-fucks about Tyler Fisher's less-than-adequate comedy. If he was funny he would be working. White guys who aren't funny don't get jobs, because unfunny people are not PROFITABLE! End of story.


You get it.


This dude sucks.


All his jokes on the show were on his special like I already knew everything before he said it 😐


Oh that sprawling, 20 minute long special that’s chock full of hack conservative tropes that every daily wire talking head routinely shits out? Yeah, I could probably write his routine verbatim just by looking at his hat and the look of terror in his eyes. He’s a hastily drawn, aggrieved, conservative cartoon.


He had good impersonations on the pod but god damn used his whole 20 minutes on the podcast


Yeah, wonder why no-one wanted to hire another Trump/Biden/Fauci/RFK impersonator…


Had he been a gay Trump/Biden/Fauci/Kamala/RFK impersonator he would’ve been solid


Had he come up with some material that isn’t completely hack, that would’ve been solid.


I'm truly shocked there is a comedian on rogan's podcast who would just blame someone else for their failure instead of considering that their jokes are just not funny. I literally looked this guy up because of the podcast and the only things I could find were him complaining about woke and his current campaign of claiming discrimination. Surely he wouldn't just ham up a fake anti-woke campaign to plug his special where he does a dated trump impression.


It’s just lazy, tired shit.


How is 20 minutes even a special to begin with?


ah yes, Giovanni Ribisi: famous diversity hire.


Who tf are these boring weird no names he decides have on alot


We're all set on slow white guys b. Axe Jay.


We geeeet iiiiiit


Wtf happened to this dumbass podcast?


This dude's IMBD is hilarious. He's been Lady Ballers *and* Terror on the Prairie?? Has Joe mentioned ever mentioned seeing Lady Ballers?




The communist Canadian government sent men with military haircuts to fake invade the capitol. Then the CNN Hillary Assassin co. changed the colour of Joe's Instagram using tiny robotic vaccines to reprogram his DNA, but his CIA handler and sons stopped the evil plot, but teachers put kids in gay bikinis bucko. And that is a very serious business, which is where celebrity kickboxing comedians come in. Sadly leftist bots try to pretend the above is crazy talk by a whisky addled stepdad high on ragebait headlines and elk.




damn good point


Politicization. It seems Joe, like many, spend more and more of their time getting angry about politics as they get older. A trap I hope to avoid. I’d love for the conversations to veer more towards Bigfoot and shit and it does sometimes but man, it ain’t never going the other direction. It’s just gonna get worse.


It’s so obvious this shit is a right wing psyop now.


The only reason it works is because conservatives and libertarians are weak and submissive.


Facts. They love to be told what to do by old white men lol and they listen pretty well it’s sad.


I have a shirt that says "I'm tired of listening to old white men." Someone gave it to me as a joke a long time ago. It gets hilarious reactions when I do bother to wear it lol.


Hardcore man


*Whoa now*


r/iamverybadass /s


I wonder how often Marxists get offended.


Gotta get Chris Christie on Onnit


Rohan sold out




>I am not a pansy libtard. So you’re a pansy Trumptard? 😆


The white guys in charge are saying white guys can’t have jerbs no more 


New grifter just dropped


There really are too many of these guys right now. Not white guys. These guys.


https://www.peacocktv.com/stream-tv/saturday-night-live/cast Just at a 10 second glance, 6/15 of the current snl cast are white guys So about 27% americans are white men and 40% of the snl cast are white men. Not seeing the discrimination he is talking about. Maybe he’s just not as funny or talented as he think he is?


But have you ever thought that the whites are just awesome and in a fair and balanced world white guys would be 11/15 spots? Clearly the only explanation is DEI and white oppression. /s


God, could you imagine? Being such an obedient piece of republican dog shit that you would surrender to the “DEI bad” conservative propaganda?


Right? It used to be “political correctness” then “CRT”, now “DEI” and “social credit scores” and “wokeism”. They’ll move on from it when they create a new acronym for common decency, kindness, and inclusion that seems to make these petulant little man children’s blood boil…. I don’t get these dumbasses and their garbage opinions. It’s all self soothing talk to make themselves feel like their “edgy” comedy is imoirtant or vital and not simply a lucrative circle jerk.


The words change but the message is the same. “Stop being different than us!” lol


And they don't even understand what any of those things are lol.


Doesn’t he literally have a text and email of them saying no because he’s white… seems like his lawsuit is legit to me but maybe I’m missing something


Looked into it for like 2 minutes so definitely could have missed something. I saw he had a recording of a call on a dr phil clip. The recording has pretty obvious cuts in it a la project veritas that make me not believe it actually happened the way he said. If he has the full recording, I’d love to hear it. The one on dr phil was not particular convincing


Yea I’d love to see the text as well but my guess is we can’t until after the court case maybe.


Tyler could have released it at any time. He chose not to. That makes it seem likelier he is full og shit


He’s pathetic and completely full of shit.


Why you commenting on something you've looked into for 2 minutes? Oh nvm it's reddit.


Please enlighten me on what I missed. Why are you commenting on something you spent 0 minutes looking into?




Did you reply to the wrong comment?


If that's true then he doesn't need to worry as he'll easily win


You most definitely are missing something. All the “no white guys allowed” he heard is mostly anecdotal or personal exchanges with friends. The recording he has of someone telling him they are full up on white dudes is a talent agency which probably is, literally, full up on white dudes. As in they have an abundance of 20-30 year old straight white males on their books and they are trying to diversify their roster. It’s no different than having all your money in a single stock.


What about the text from the SNL lady saying she can’t have a straight white male working there right now,


When does he say that?


That was a podcast, not SNL.


I think it’s what he has recorded? But maybe not. Should we have percentage points like that for every job? No more than 27%?


The only recording I have heard is one with obvious cuts in it on dr phil. Unless he has something better I’m not gonna take him seriously


Dude you’re really trying to make his story out to be false huh? Endless comments saying the same thing. We get it - you think he’s lying.


Yeah, why wouldn’t everybody be lining up to hire this guy? He’s such a VICTIM! https://youtube.com/shorts/t665M7EMswQ?si=Q0_FqH7vHcuGjpZj 💩


I am just digging into the logic of it. Why would someone only release selectively edited recordings? If that is the only evidence, no thinking person should believe it


On Dr. Phil? Because they don’t have time to play what could have been a 45 minute convo?


On dr phil, online, anywhere. he refused to post it to twitter where he posted the dr phil clips because…


I’m just pointing out that his allegations of SNL refusing to hire white men are not supported by reality. They hire more white men than any other race/sex


Hypothetically if he is telling the truth and they are refusing to hire him due to color and sexual identity would you be ok with that?


Nope. I’d much rather they say “we don’t want to hire hack comedians who spend their days complaining about lack of straight pride month”


That's not really the point, though. He has it on tape, specifically stating that it has to do with race/color.


Are you talking about the dr phil segment where he showed a partial, obviously cut up and edited audio?


At this point, they are likely only redacting the full audio pending the outcome of the case. He may get a settlement based on an agreed-upon NDA, but if he discloses the other party by name, that opportunity is lost.


Lmao he shared what he claims is the discrimination on national tv. There is 0 reason beyond “he’s lying” for him not to share the whole audio


Now you are just being contrarian you don't belive the would negotiate for an NDA in a settlement?


I have no clue who this guy is nor have I watched SNL nor do I have an opinion on if they're discriminating, but using simple stats like that doesn't give an accurate view of the situation. You have to consider the makeup of the pool of talent, not just what percentage of the general population they make-up. As an example, if 10% of your cast is race x, and race x is also 10% of the general population, BUT race x makes up 90% of the talent pool AND they have legitimate talent, then it's worth investigating if race x is being discriminated against. The same goes for stats in the opposite direction as far as being an overrepresented group


2 minutes of looking at what comedy this guy has been putting out would lay to rest and worries of him being talented


They want more! What else do you need to understand? lol


Yes and 3/11 are black men, which only account for about 6% of the American population. So 6% of Americans are black men and 27% of the SNL cast are black men.


Ok, sounds like hispanics should be really upset, right? This white dude isn’t hispanic is he?


Using the word “cis” unironically is super cringe


Conservatives offended by "CIS" are just the new model of conservatives who were offended by "straight" 15 years ago. *Uh, bro, I'm not straight I'm nOrMaL.* Same insecurities. New breed of stupid.




Congratulations. That’s a really dumb comment.




And black people getting pissed if you call them the n word - you aren't seriously saying cisgender is the same as either of those are you?


I think they just didn’t think he was funny or seemed hard to work with and so gave him that reason to get him to go away huge mistake on their end In the wording


Was he really not hired for being white? Or was he not hired for being white in the same way that all those Daily Wire guys who made Lady Ballers and other great classics like Mr. Birchum weren't hired for writing and acting jobs because they're conservative?


He actually thinks he was going to go on SNL lol. He's not been hired because he isn't funny !


He should enter "lady ballers" into evidence to prove his undeniable universal comedic appeal. 


Joe Rogan is Oprah for cis white men.


As a Canadian, it really hurts my brain to hear him rant about our communist dictatorship of a country. Like cmon, yes our leadership is pretty poor for a lot of things, but it's not like the US is doing much better with their politics


you guys are not seeming to be doing well at all. You're housing market sounds even crazier than ours and your immigration policies are borderline psychotic. we can agree on the US being worse though


Our free speech laws guarantee our freedom though. Freedom to dissent in thought is like the bedrock of democracy. Canada is a nightmare on thought policing and speech.




Alex Jones lost in civil court, not criminal. The threshold for civil suits is far lower. However I do agree he was made an example of because of who he is. I’m talking about criminal courts though. You’re right that you can definitely he defamed and bankrupted but you won’t be put in jail in America because of speech. That’s just not true in Canada.




or Sedition Act of 1918


Will do. The red scare/mccarthyism is an era I know very little about. Thankfully, and I attribute a lot of this to the internet, I feel like there’s more awareness over free speech violations these days. However the gov definitely wants to clamp down more.


Huh... Do you think hate speech laws means we can't verbally dissent against the government? Shit, I knew yanks education was bad, but this... This is some next level dumbassery.


I can see how you would infer from my comment that I was saying dissent about government because I said “bedrock of democracy” in the sentence, but I was speaking generally. However your government is actively exploring ways to fight “misinformation” online which conveniently will take down information which the government does want you to see. Censorship flies in the face of free speech. https://www.newsweek.com/trudeau-crushing-free-speech-canada-let-it-warning-us-opinion-1787480 But go on.


It's not a nightmare at all. You could ask any Canadian about how much our thoughts are policed and the answer would be 0.


Sure, and you could ask any American the same and the answer would be the same. The difference is that our laws protect us in a way that yours do not. Trudeau has endorsed a bill right now that could give Canadians life in prison if they’re seen advocating for genocide. Squint hard enough and you can see Palestinians protestors violating this (if it were to become law). That’s draconian.


Rohan is surrounding himself with blowhard losers very sad


Isn’t the biggest show on TV House Of The Dragon? It’s about a blonde haired white family fighting over who’s whitest.


Tyler is full of it


Yeah, looking into who this idiot is, he wasn't getting jobs because he sucks. He's never had a single acting job of any note. He just another failure turned conservative personality that is trying to rely on outrage bs to generating interest in crappy projects he's part of like lady ballers and the shitty new cartoon show from the dw. Guy doesn't even have a wiki page had to do some actual digging just to find out information about him because he so unpopular.


*"They're trying to replace us!"* *"Trust me, bro."*


I mean, he does have audio and an ongoing court case.


if it was a slam dunk like he claims it would be over by now, or they would have settled prior to the case


The audio that I heard on Dr. Phil (lol) was from an agent, not the employer.


I can't call it because I'm not familiar with this guy or the case. I just find it funny that white dudes are experiencing the same shit that my ancestors experienced and the best response they can come up with is that they're being replaced. Funny shit!


I am not sure that he is saying that he is being replaced so much as if it was wrong when it happened to your ancestors; it is wrong when it happens today. Do you think the casting team should be allowed to exclude talent based on their sexuality or race?


Allow me to be more clear. I'm not familiar with this case. I'm not even suggesting this guy is saying that he's being replaced. My gripe is with the people who run with these stories and use them as an example of "white replacement". In reality, what is happening in the West is an end to white hegemony. >Do you think the casting team should be allowed to exclude talent based on their sexuality or race? As for this, I guess it would depend on what you were filming. If I'm filming a remake of *Roots*, I wouldn't cast him. Again, I don't know the specifics for thise case, but I think I will look into it now because my interest has been piqued.


As I understand, the context was "we don't hire straight white men, period." much different than "we need a historically accurate portrayal of George Washington Carver." I would say a parallel would be a venue putting up a sign that says, "Bands needed for shows, no whites allowed."


>As I understand, the context was "we don't hire straight white men, period." If true, that's unconstitutional. I still have no mwrcy though. lol


I mean, if you take that stance, then you’re justifying the way that your ancestors were treated.


>I mean, if you take that stance, then you’re justifying the way that your ancestors were treated. No, because both circumstances don't hold the same weight. This gentleman was allegedly denied a job based on his race. Who can we assume were the employers and agents? More than likely white people. Whereas when my ancestors were fighting for opportunities, there weren't black people in high places discriminating against blacks for the most part. The people who held the power to hire were white. If it is proven that he was discriminated against, good for him. But as I said before, I don't have sympathy for white males playing the victim card. These are many of the same people who will tell my people to suck it up and lift ourselves by our bootstraps. Allow me to take that same stance in turn.


When you say whites were in power, which whites? Irish, Italians, Slavics? You are a hypocrite, but I'm guessing you aren't interested in being better than those who you admonished in the past. You are the same as them with a new coat of paint.


If this were a normal day to day job, his case would be stronger. An IBM recruiter says that to you about a software consulting job? Sue away. A talent agency gets to pick and choose; it's market based. If the entertainment industry is looking for more diverse people for their roles, the agency gets to cut white guys if they have too many. A comedy club gets to have "no straight white guys" nights. These are not traditional jobs that are subject to the same discrimination laws.


It is a fine line; casting decisions specifically, allow for selecting looks because you are depicting a character that is described in a narrative; how would that apply if you need a straight character and the casting team says no gays allowed? People generally don't "look" gay besides mannerisms and fashion, which would change with acting and wardrobe. I don't think this applies here because they are not curating the art but rather selecting an artist. It would be akin to saying, "We don't hire black musicians for the orchestra that forum is for whites only"


They are a talent agency. If no one (the market) wants white guys for their shows, then they have no need for this guy. Or they have a glut, and culling the herd is a necessity.


Could you make the same argument for a position like a customer-facing help desk "Why do you have all these damn Indians" or "These black people you hired need to sound less black" or a twin peaks "Our customers expect to see more white faces when they get the hotwings delivered." I want to say I appreciate your commentary. It's well thought out and makes a valid argument.


Maybe? I don't know, it's all in how you phrase it.( I think your definitely at higher risk of losing a lawsuit if you try to discriminate for a helpdesk look or type.) "You're fired" vs. "You're fired because you are (protected class reason) " "Your phone voice needs to be more professional" vs. "Try not to sound so ghetto". For your examples, though- it's not as much of an artistic choice defense for a day to day job. Even in this instance, that could be what the agent said to let him down easy, and not be actual policy. It's still a contractual relationship, not and employee relationship. I just had a new water heater put in, I don't need a plumber contractor anymore, and I would tell any one who tried to solicit me for business the same. "Sorry, if you'd asked 4 weeks ago, we could have worked out, but I don't need a new one now"


I think he will win based on my race of musician argument, but the judge will decide.


White men are sooooo oppressed. ^/s


Finally true equality reached.


This subreddit is a hilarious joke


US has had ~240 yrs of straight* white guys as President, yet these snowflakes would get all triggered if the next 25 yrs were gay, female and / or PoC Fucking snowflakes *Or at least presenting as straight


James Buchanan was probably gay but I think that's it.


Obama being elected in 2008 still triggers MAGA to this day.


I’m maga, I voted for Obama and would vote for him again


That could not make any less sense….


Brain worm


“I am not a pansy libtard” Sir, you used cis in a sentence, you are in fact a pansy libtard


Watch out for pronouns! Spooky adjectives might steal your job


What is a cis gendered white man? Sounds like made up nonsense


Ty fish is hilarious. See his first show at the mothership and it’s been sold out ever since. Incredibly friendly dude in person as well.




hes just a hack. even if he was the wokest out there he would still be a hack


*People disagree with me and I must make my insecurities about this very clear. As it is not because I am very, very dumb. But instead because there is a deep seated plot to suppress my freedom via Reddit downvotes. Truly I am oppressed.*




Truly a mind virus. Infected the majority redditors


I maden it about 10 minutes into this pod when I realized Joe's pushing this guy to have someone shorter to stand next to. Political comedy is lame as hell


Steve Martin had to bleach himself and cut his dick in half in order to play the banjo. And these kids think they have it tough!


Guy looks like ![gif](giphy|iKDrc0X9i4QY8)


A hack


It's always interesting to see celebrities and somebody who hasn't worked a real job since early Bill Clinton try to tell people how the modern office job works lol


Dude said he tried kissing a guy to fit in because of all the gayness surrounding him. Uhhh


This guy makes Bert seem hilarious. Thats all you need to know. Huge loser.


What the hell? lol. Guy just said he filed a lawsuit because he kept getting told he couldnt be cast because he's white. Claims it happened so much, he started recording his calls. And its illegal in the US to discriminate for job hires based on skin color or age. Now is he whine-y? Yeah. He says repeatedly "it fucked me up" and talked about how it made him feel. Which, Once is enough... more than that feels like sympathy farming. But I'll give him a pass since he was raised by homosexual parents. It's really simple. Not hiring somebody because of their skin color is racism and illegal. Whats crazy in modern society is that people mask racism toward minorities and refuse to hire them because of x or y silly reason. Whereas when it comes to white people, they see it as okay so much so that they blatantly tell you, "We arent going to hire anymore white people." Lawsuits like this need to happen to correct society's idea that its okay to mistreat certain people for immutable characteristics they were born with and cannot change. And it doesnt matter WHO you are... Its wrong.


I don't think we are getting the whole story here


I mean, maybe? What more do you want? And ask yourself if you'd be saying the same thing if he was a minority speaking out about racism he's facing trying to get a job. All we have is his story which he claims to be his experience. And he has recordings for his lawsuit. Im a skeptic myself, but sometimes you gotta wonder what has you being skeptical? Is it because something seems bizzare, unreasonable, or out of place? Or... is it simply because this thing doesnt align with my views and opinions of society?


He's also in entertainment so again I feel like there is tons at play.


This dude is mediocre at best but thinks he deserves roles


Isn't he jewish though? Maybe the market was just oversaturated for that or people in movies and tv don't want to hire short people unless they really pop, like Kevin Hart.


Ah he is an anti-vaxxer. Explains why Joe had him on.


This was a pretty dumb, half covid talk episode. But OP saying Cis in any serious context is super gay. Turns out everything is just fucking dumb and gay.


Totally valid discussion, how is this being upvoted?


This is fantastic! Some absolutely grade a comedy right here.  I liked the part where he stops himself from saying he talked to his therapist about it. Then says he almost killed himself over it which is absolutely hysterical.  Right after all that he said people can come after him cause he’s a fucking animal and not gonna take it. It’s a full blown culture war and he'll give up everything for it. Including blowing his own fucking brains out.  For me the absolutely coup de grace was when he said being gay was genetic I mean that’s just perfection. Right after said he tried to kiss a guy once but he wasn’t gay. He’s like a surgeon of idiocy it’s truly spectacular. The precision with which he says stupid things should be studied.  I for one thank him for his daring service on the front lines of our culture war


Why are white people so fuckin lazy lol just put in work and see what happens


Why is everyone (including him) focusing on the fact that he's white and ignoring the fact that he's straight? On more than one occasion he assumed it was his whiteness that was the problem, completely ignoring his straightness. In one [story he says](https://youtu.be/3Ry3T61InII?t=428): >There would be like "no white people allowed" shows and then his fellow comedian clearly says it's because he's straight, not white. Why would he think he's being barred from an LGBQT+ show because he's white? He did it a few times in this very short 11 minute clip. I also see almost every comment in here referring to his whiteness and not his straightness. Victim mentality focusing on the wrong thing. Why? Is it subconscious racism?


Honestly, the dude just comes across as a whiner with a plethora of excuses. “I got called in for Sneaky Pete.” Yeah, him and a hundred other dudes, all no names who lost to an established actor. “I can’t book an LGBTQ gig.” Okay. Would he likewise be upset if he couldn’t get cheap drinks during Ladies Night at the bar? Is he talented? Maybe. I don’t know. But there are thousands of talented people who don’t get work in his industry because there are only so many jobs to go around. He’s scared to acknowledge that it takes something more than talent and hard work to make it in showbiz. It takes luck above all else. I get it. Rejection sucks. But that’s the name of the game when it comes to his line of work. Sounds like he just cracked under the pressure and found a convenient boogeyman to explain why he hasn’t made it big: straight, white male discrimination. Also, his story about how growing up with two dads fucked him up and he thought he was gay and tried to kiss a guy to fit in… I mean, come the fuck on. So what. Tons of gay people go through the same shit trying to fit in growing up within a straight family. You grow up, find out who you are as a person, and move on. Unless there is abuse or something, there’s literally no reason to piss and moan about an identity crisis you had in your teens.


Because him and Joe are both gay.


I don't know what Joe is on.... Maybe he needs to trip balls and smoke weed. Where's Jocko when you need him.


Redditors have much white guilt