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I swear that condescending explanation from the black woman is probably the most racist shit I've ever heard in my life. Imagine going around thinking that you can't be racist because of the color of your skin.


It helps when you can just change the definitions of words.


It's funny too cause our cultural definition versus the actual definition are completely different. But to someone like that they'll play semantics with you all day. Have a birracial daughter and thank God my wife doesn't believe this nonsense


The "cultural definition" is the real actual definition. The "actual definition" that hard left grad student activists use is some made up bullshit.


Grad students grow up to work government jobs and set policy and shift culture though


Liberal superpower


Rational people hate this one trick!


The conservatives on the sc just legalized kickbacks by changing definitions 


Liberals on the sc can't even define what a woman is.


And people say liberals are the ones obsessed with the culture war. The sc legalizes kickbacks and you’re worried about gender shit lol 


That’s the name of the game


"but they made my beer gay!!!!"


A woman is anyone who covers their drink when you walk into a bar.


Damn. You didn't have to fucking napalm the guy.


Anyone who cannot throw a football more than 8.5 standard government yards.


Average Republicans think about dick more than a gay porn star, particularly childrens.


It’s funny bc besides the new judge even the liberals on the court are old as fuck and probably don’t care abt gender stuff either. You’re just so brain broken by conservative talking points that you don’t care


These kind of people need someone to tell them what to do and what to think because if someone didn't they wouldn't know what to do or what to think.


Yes, the liberals and conservatives both do!


I read the opinion. That's not what they did. What they did is say there isn't a law preventing it from happening after the fact, so, they arent going to create law from the bench, which they are correct in stating that's not what the Supreme Court is for. The states are to establish their own criteria since there isn't a federal ban on gratitude. Have lawmakers make a federal law and fix the glitch.


They lied though lol, this is classic Supreme Court bullshit where there’s a law on the books, they redefine the definitions of something and then say well it’s up to Congress.   Here’s the statute   > B)corruptly solicits or demands for the benefit of any person, or accepts or agrees to accept, anything of value from any person, intending to be influenced or rewarded in connection with any business, transaction, or series of transactions of such organization, government, or agency involving any thing of value of $5,000 or more It specifically bans rewards from someone involved in the transaction


And then change them again when reality does not fit what you want. This is the sign of weak academic areas. When any of the three below are accepted into an academic department’s discussion without challenge that department is brain dead. * “Everyone is a little bit gay" * “Everyone should be in therapy" * “Black people can't be racist"


I think the 1st one has a bit of merit to it. Obviously anything gets hairy when you speak in absolutes.


If people want to change the definitions to reflect what she said then we need to stop talking about racism at all and just in terms of racial discrimination and bigotry. That goes all ways equally.


That's the entire progressive agenda


The crazy thing is, it's not uncommon at all to see that take on Reddit


Just by saying that Imma guess she's at least an 8 on the racist scale.


The funny thing is the talking point she’s parroting doesn’t even agree with her. She’s saying black people cant be structurally racist because they don’t have enough influence to control the levers of structural racism but I don’t think even the authors of that paper/book/whatever would argue that means it’s not possible for a black person to be interpersonally racist.


That post on black people twitter of the 2 black wnba cussing out the white referee for doing her job was on the front page of reddit with like 10k upvotes for how empowering it was lol


My sister (white) went to school in Cameroon. People there were so racist she was in real danger. This was in an international school. She had to finish school away from her parents to be safe. So yeah, the black womans response really is naive and proof of a big blind spot she obviously has (which actually is racist)


Tell that to the asians that were attacked by other people of colored during covid.


They sure stopped talking about that whole “Protect Asians” movement when they found out who it was that was hurting them, didn’t they?


Stop Asian hate! Ah shit, it’s %100 blacks that are attacking them. NVM, all cops are bad and stuff.


Roof Koreans is the only way


LMAO that is so funny how that works. Did not fit the agenda so they stopped putting it out there. People were seeing that every race has shitty people in it and not just the big scary whites lol


I think people are coming around when it comes to this bullshit.


>Did not fit the agenda so they stopped putting it out there. That means those folks never cared about Asians and what they were going through to begin with.


of course they don't. They do not care about any race, or gay people, or really anyone. They just care about $$$$$


The attackers were just very dark skinned white people per CNN.


That's just your privilege talking.


Hey, I get that joke!


thank god irony is not dead online


Usually it is. Most redditors have a hard time understanding sarcasm if there's no /s


actually, r/JoeRogan people do not have the structural power in the United States to be un-sarcastic


That just tells us what we need to know about most redditors.


Was thinking the same. Its always like that I swear


Woke Reddit will agree with her


She's talking about systemic racism despite having no idea what it is, apparently.


I wonder what she would say if asked “if you said a derogatory word to an Asian person, is that not racist?” Like how do people even justify that type of mindset


Not even the color of your skin, but also your….geographic location?


I understand the logic they are using a different definition. It’s the liberal/systemic power BS. I’m black and definitely racist though.




What do you mean come election time? You think Trump is the answer to this? If anything he is fueling it.


Trump and the Right is taking advantage of this…using it for votes.


So this is what I've discovered as a white guy digging into this: People that say this usually destinguish between racial prejudice and racism, with racism by default being _state supported_ prejudice, where official systems can both abuse and protect the abusers based on race. Key point here- state sponsored racism in this perspective is the _default understanding of the word_ rather than special type. So they're _not_ saying "black people can't be shitty and prejudiced", they're more technically clarifying something akin to "a random individual can't just commit a 'war crime', there has to be a government enabled thing for it to be a war crime." And in case anyone wants to rant at me about how she's using the wrong definition: 1. I'm not saying one definition is more proper than the other- I'm just clarifying what seems to be a pretty important communication breakdown. 2. It's not uncommon for words to have different specific meanings in different contexts. 3. Consider how you react when people "don't make sense"- do you assume there's something missing or that they're just wrong?


It's also rooted historically as well. Race was termed coined by white people to categorize and subjugate non whites.


That just makes her comment even worse. That means that she believes that her "shitty"(bigoted) behaviour and racist actions against other races are by definition not punishable by law while at the same time she believes that the same behaviour displayed by a person with white skin should as there is some hidden power imbalance and needs to be rectified by affirmative action. That sort of logic is not too far from nazi arguments for the discrimination of the Jews. Their original argument was that they were too privileged over the normal German citizen and wanted the state to rectify that power imbalance


>Key point here- state sponsored racism in this perspective is the *default understanding of the word* rather than special type. This is incorrect bullshit. Learn the difference between racism and systemic racism. >"a random individual can't just commit a 'war crime', there has to be a government enabled thing for it to be a war crime." This is again bullshit. Individuals 100% can commit warcrimes that are not state sponsored.


Hahahahaha. That’s exactly right! However, I was taught this concept in public school in Massachusetts. They indoctrinated us about this and many children are still taught this. They said that minorities (people of color) can have prejudice against other people. But they can’t be racist because of the color of their skin. It’s super sad to see this being taught to high school students across the country. I would later learn that everyone makes internal judgements all the time about others based on their level of education, status, income, race, religion, shoes, clothing, car, music choice, etc. I mean let’s be honest. Humans have to make these snap judgements all the time. It’s part of our culture. It’s part of our history. With that said, I do my best to never judge a person based on their skin color or upbringing. But I must say… stereotypes exist for a reason. As you grow older, you see connections in society that are too obvious to ignore.


After bartending/serving for like 10+ years I’ve come to realize a lot of stereotypes are in fact true. But I still treat everyone with respect that comes through the door until they do something to lose it.


I feel like both you and the black lady are working with different definitions and extremes of "racism." She's shifting the question to a structural/societal power thing, which isn't the spirit of the question. I live in a predominantly black/hispanic neighborhood, and they say shit that's just as offensive as things white people say- and the most vile shit i've heard about my neighborhood isn't from racist whites, but from cab drivers from India/Pakistan who talk about non-whites like it's Mobile Alabama in 1945. On the other hand, if that's the most racist shit you've heard in your life, you've either lived on a compound in the woods and just discovered the internet, or you've never been on twitter/facebook/ or plenty of reddit subs.


I was working construction and a black coworker was telling me that he thinks blacks are the most racist, or can be. He said when he was young him and his buddies used to jump white people just because they were white and then steal their shoes and clothes. He obviously doesn't speak for a whole race of people, but it just shows that anyone can be racist if they want to be.


It’s just a new definition of racism people invented so they could continue being racist.


In the context of these kinds of discussions, yeah I'd agree. It's the equivalent of some manipulative asshole going to therapy and instead of actual self-improvement, they get fancy terms to use to articulate and justify their shitty behavior (for reference, the entirety of the Sopranos.) Though in general it's good to be able to distinguish individual opinions/beliefs vs societal structures that determine our opportunities/rights. Banks deciding that having a 'black' name and coming from a 'black' neighborhood automatically warrants higher interest rates-regardless of otherwise equal factors between someone of a different race- is a structural problem. A bank that treats everyone with the same guidelines- but has one racist employee who refuses to help black customers- that's an individual bigot's problem, and isn't structural (as long as the bank forces them to change or fires them.) Again though- in this context yeah, the lady is in the wrong.


Black people cant be racist. Hahahahah. Yeah sure.


quite literally the most racist people i have ever met were black


Go to Instagram and read to comments on reels. So many blatantly racist black people.


Everyone on instagram can catch a stray don’t matter the color of your skin gender or political views


IG comment sections are the best. The algorithms cause chaos. And you can’t downvote bomb like Reddit. You have an issue with someone’s comment, you either accept it or actually have to engage them.


It's a jungle, I love it


We working for animal control now?


Animal control? They prefer the term Basketball-American


Same can be said about comments from white people on Instagram. Or any race for that matter. Humans gonna hate.


Oh 100%, I’m not denying that. But the notion that black people cant be racist is utterly ridiculous but also quite prevalent and especially so on social media.


They use a different definition of racism that conveniently excludes them from it lol


As mexican who had to service black Americans while they vacationed in Mexico, yeah, they are super racist and rude


I worked with a lot of Mexicans in an eggplant for about a year... only a handful of white guys and a majority Mexican, mostly non English speaking. You can only imagine the type of rhetoric I heard- but what's even more ironic is we all had fun bashing each other in a... lighter sense of racism. Weird how elitist talk or deal with racism compared to a group of construction workers or factory.


As one of 4 white guys in my junior high, I can attest to that.


I hear they tip good though.


Not usually


Lol. Gotcha.


I will say this a thousand times, an oppressed people doesn't make them good people by definition. They're just people and if the roles were reversed, they would 100% be the oppressors.


I worked in a factory in Kingston for half a year. I got on with the black guys there and we used to swap dvds, but fuck me, them and the Indian guys were insanely racist to each other. But only the polish seemed racist there in a way that felt like they actually hated you.


Indians are the most racist people I've met. They still have a caste system in their home country based on skin colour.


The idea seems stupid at first glance but when she used her hands to explain it made much more sense.


We're oppressed by definition. Innate inability to oppress. ** the Tutsis have entered the chat **


a few million dead later...


Black people are not oppressed in America in 2024. If anything, black people have had an easier time getting ahead recently. Colleges literally went to the Supreme Court to argue they should be able to continue discriminating *in favor* of black people. Large companies are doing the same.


Affirmative action=racist. Can’t survive without a cheat code.


Oof. Hotel Rawanda was one of the hardest movies to watch. “Cut down the tall trees”, that shit still haunts me…


What she is talking about is "SYSTEMIC RACISM". HOWEVER Anyone can be INDIVIDUALLY racist. AND Her statement alone is extremely racist.


Plenty of black systemic racism in Africa as well tbh


I don't even buy systematic racism anymore. The most powerful man in the world for 8 years was black. Hard to solidify the system is against me no matter what trope when the leader is black. Now I know that judges, policemen, and officials can still be racist but that goes back to individuals.


Just ask any Korean person who spent any time whatsoever within 20 miles of any major American city in the last 40-50 years and they will surely tell you that black Americans cannot be racist.




Hurry up and buy


I literally heard a group of young black school girls talking with one another saying that blacks can’t be racist because they are not in power. It was some pretty backwards thinking.


I've heard this argument many times and I get the point, but I feel like it's harder to justify it in 2024 when there is so much done to reduce systemic racism. There is also so much nuance that the point misses. What about in black majority countries where governments are run by Blacks, can they be racist there? Can black people be racist to other ethnic minorities? If it's not racism than isn't it discrimination which is equally bad?


It literally just makes no sense. A black business owner not hiring an Asian because they hate Asians isn’t racist? I just don’t even understand the point anymore.


These people pretend that racism only exists between black and white people. All the racism from Asians and other races is never really talked about.


Fun fact , they dont hire white people either .


Assuming this isn’t satire….. Does the black lady believe she can use racial slurs and they just don’t count? Is that what people mean when they say black people in the US can’t be racist? How does that statement actually work?


Years of public school have taught me that black people are capable of picking out someone of a different race, let’s say it’s the Chinese kid today, and calling them racial slurs and bullying them on a day to day basis, in a school where the majority of students are black and most of the staff is black. If people don’t want to call that racism, fine, but what would they like us to call it?


Majority my classmates were black and I definitely got singled out. Lots os white boys jokes, telling me white people are pussies, privileged. They asked what neighborhood I lived in because they thought I didn't live in the same shitty neighborhood as them. I've had friends get told they can't hang out with their other friends because those other friends don't wanna be around "racist" white people. I didn't even have an ounce of white in me dude, I'm Latino


Bro, this hit me so hard. I’m the whitest looking child of Nicaraguans, one of the poorest countries in Central America and I get the “you white people” thing from ignorant people all the time. Bro, I was the only non-Black on the track team in HS and the slowest. It’s amazing what people will assume about you based on literally ZERO information other than clothes, body type, and skin color. Anyhow, learn Spanish real well and unload that shit on the brothers and sisters MAS RAPIDO and it’ll sort shit. I’m not white then YO SOY LATINO PUTO.


I was among a minority of white kids where I lived. I got picked on every single day by Hispanic and Black students for being white. One day when I was walking home from school, I got jumped by a gang of Hispanic teens. There were like four or five 16 year olds, who all held locks in their palms with the hook around their fingers. I was 11 at the time. They beat the shit out of me for being white. I still have a scar on my lip from it. After I got jumped by the Hispanic kids, I got my backpack stolen by the black kids as "payback" for slavery. It was a really cool Pokemon backpack I got as a gift from my grandparents. I remember Yo-Yos were really popular at the time. The black kids would constantly steal them from me. My family was dirt poor so they couldn't afford to keep buying me them. I went from having really cool and decent Yo-Yos to some really crappy dollar store yo-yos and it just gutted me. They were relentless to the point that undercover cops got involved and started trailing me home from school. I'm so thankful we ended up moving because Dad got a promotion. Fuck all the idiots who claim this shit.


It's this new critical race idiocy. They say racism is "racial prejudice paired with power" by which they mean white people have all the institutional power, meaning black people can't qualify as racist because they don't have the power. I've had these people say that black "racism" is racialism or just racial prejudice but whatever someone might call it they will aggressively insist that they are NOT racist. Why they need to create their own redundant definitions, I am not sure.


The idea that “racism is oppression plus power” predates the rights latest obsession with “critical race theory”, and it mostly propagated online in the form of BuzzFeed videos and the type of slop like what was posted in the OP.


This idea has been around since the early 90's. Some guy said it on The Real World on MTV and I was like "whaaaa"


Yeah the strange thing is when you point out more micro environments in which majority and systems are now run the opposite to the macro... I believe hand waving usually comes into play at these examples or occurrences.




No it's like changing the definition... So most people think of racism == bigotry based upon XYZ criteria. (Let's just say race to keep it simple.) They're saying ***racism is only*** institutional or systemic power ***AND*** bigotry. Thus she'd need the ability to help maintain the power structure AND be a bigot at the same time to be "racist". So only a bigot... But probably wouldn't admit to that too or wave it off because "no power."


I assume what she’s doing is redefining or only focusing on one definition of racism, essentially saying racism requires systemic power which black people in America don’t have so they can’t be racist. I don’t agree but that appears to be the argument.


Yea I get that part, and also disagree. But I’m trying to understand if she believes she can act the same way a racist would and it doesn’t count? The logic of this idea makes very little sense to me. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen anyone make that statement and then expand on it with real world examples. Have you?


Elaborate way of saying she’s being a jackass 


So only the corporate plutocracy can be racist by her argument? Am I getting the hang of this?


It’s just some weird gotcha type shit. Lots of black people think that line of thinking is stupid as fuck


So can white people that have no structural power be racist?


I’m doing my part 😇


I like the ambiguity of this comment lmao


And that argument also suggests that there are no black people in charge of others in the US or with significant influence over a non-black persons life. It’s just ignorance. Honestly it’s rooted in some superiority racism concept.


It's a ploy.. not even real, at least not anymore. There is a documentary called Uncle Tom II. It opened my eyes, and now I can't see it any other way. I used to be a supporter of BLM, no longer.


according to todays definition, absolutely not.


The argument would be that all white people have a degree of structural power by way of their whiteness


I can go from a 1 racist to a 10 racist real quick when I see some videos online, specifically this one.


“Being racist is like being hungry. You’re not right now, but a cheeseburger could cut you off on the highway. You werent hungry all day!” SG




I'm black. Some of the most racist people I know are black. This whole x can't be racist is ridiculous


People are just shitty.


Every race is racist to an extent. I grew up in a mainly Mexican (+ random south American) and black neighborhood. Everyone hated every other race.


I do think the framework of racism requiring structural power is also quite comprised. Plenty of black prosecutors and mayors across America, doesn’t that count as having structural power? Having to chicane definitions so that they can’t apply in unfavorable circumstances is quite telling. It also negates that plenty of people have a history of oppression but can still definitely use their power to oppress others. Asians were an oppressed people in America but also exercise power in anti-black ways. Asians can be racist even if they aren’t at the top of Americans oppression totem pole.


My girlfriend is black so sometimes I find myself at majority black events. It’s usually bloody great, but there are always a couple of people who are openly extremely racist. It seems like their “bubbles” has taught them that it’s ok.


Being racist and a history of oppression aren’t mutually exclusive




*loads up call of duty as a white man* “Hey guys” Black people: “shut up you fucking cracker ass redneck white bitch” lol


Cod4 lobbies were the wild west of racism.


“Hello fellow white men!”


After watching that lady's answer I went from a low three to a solid five.




I'm a solid 6.9.


I’m a 420


no scope 360 racism


Over 9000




The statement is itself racist. Lmao


It depends on who im trolling online


It depends on who cut me off in traffic


“Actually black people don’t have the structural power to be racist” “Alright, I’m just going to put you down as a 10”


So if a white KKK person who is racist against Asians in the USA, goes to China and still holds the identical beliefs, he is now cured of racism since he has no power in China?


Pure racist scum. The one with a septum piercing.




Am black, English and have grown up in the Netherlands... the belgians and almost everything about them irks me but so do the dutch but less so. Id say a 2 eventhough im surrounded by closet 10s. Its the moments of unconscious prejudice... maybe im a 3.


What do you think of the Romani?


Romanians? yeah they aight worked with some of them as a welder some of them are good craftsmen and some are commies lol but good people with kindness in their hearts for sure.. Romana Gypsie women are beautiful and very sweet in a old school catholic way i like it.


What she's really saying is that she thinks her racism is justified therefore it's not racist.


When someone says they are totally not or can't be racist you can safely assume they are.


Black people cant be racist? What a crock of shit


The black lady said the most insane batshit racist shit you can say.


That black bitch is dumb af.


Anytime somebody starts a sentence with actually I am leaving


Number two made me more racist.


While you can’t really achieve systemic racism as a minority group, you can definitely still be racist as an individual.




I'm a classist. Not a racist. If you own more wealth than the entire middle class. You're the problem.


There is an elegantly simple solution to this; use the qualifier, “structural” or “personal” when broaching this topic. Just be aware, “structural” racism will make little sense to a “white” person and “personal” racism will make little sense to a “Black” person. Edit: I’m not saying folks won’t have the cognitive capacity to understand what you’re talking about, but they will likely wonder how the topic is even relevant.


Nose ring checks out


My number just went up.


Who needs Russian propaganda when we have this


The second person is the most racist


Open twitter and you’ll see how racist blck people are


The black girl is a 30


The typical “I can’t be racist because im black” it’s a stupid argument that sounds more stupid the more it’s said.


I literally hate the second bitch. Her hands, her gleeful racism, her misunderstanding of words.


The black person cooked herself.


"Black people don't have the structural power to be racist." As a black man I find this comment extremely racist. I can definitely be racist if I want.


So you're just a plain ol' bigot then?


So she’s a ten?


I heard three 10s




Like a solid 7


I love how when I was a kid racism was merely <> Now it is doing that but you hav eto be white. If you aren't white and you do that it's not racism, magically


Nah, that's just playing semantics. Some small percentage of racists want to pretend racism === institutional racism when that's only a subset.


I am a zero. I hate everyone


Poor white people have no "structural power" as well.. So I guess they can't be racist either?


I’m at least a 4, can’t get on board with those Pacific Islanders…


I know this is r/JoeRogan so I’ll be clear I’m joking above^


I worked in an aging former mill city. There were 3 populations: The Irish who had been there for 100+ years, the Puerto Ricans who were newer immigrants, and the Dominicans who were newer immigrants. I'll let you guess which two groups showed the most outward racism to each other.... If you guessed Irish as either group you'd be wrong.


I’ll never understand the “ black people cant be racist because the power structure ” so, a homeless white guy calling Lebron James a spade means the homeless guy isn’t racist because he has no power? Or is it a homeless white man is racist because he’s white therefore it trumps Lebron James whose net worth is a billion dollars.


I know some black dudes that are probably the most racist people I know but in a funny way lol


Black people can't be racist, that's why they canceled # STOPASIANHATE


Black people are more racist than Mexicans. There I said it.


People in US have some weird stuff in their heads


I’m a situational 10