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If Joe could have on anyone alive or dead, Sagan would be my choice.


Joe is part of the problem described by Sagan.




Joe would be too stupid to interview Sagan. He can settle for being chastised by Neil.


You ever try DMT?


Yes. It’s great, love the geometric visuals. Doesn’t alter my intelligence though.


He would be a better match for Joe though. He's more silly and smokes weed, and is more willing to explore weird concepts and delve into the unknown. Neil is much more of a stereotypical ascended nerd. Sagan would be great on Matt and Shane's secret podcast


Neil is a narcissist that loves the sound of his own voice more than anything. No idea who Matt and Shane are, but I stand by Joe being too stupid to properly interview Sagan. Doesn’t matter if he would be amused by Joe, I’m sure he would, but we all know Lex Friedman would ask more interesting questions.


> No idea who Matt and Shane are, Shane Gillis and Matt McCusker


We’re already imagining Carl Sagan is still alive, can’t we imagine anyone outside of the goddamn Rogan podcast sphere to engage in conversation with him? Good lord. 😂


We should. I would want Dawkins at least, but then again, I’m trying to be relatable for the sake of conversation here.


If it was 10 years ago, sure. Sagan probably wouldn't even go on JRE in its current state.


This was an amazing book. Sagan was a great writer. Deep thoughts, clearly written. He liked his weed as well. Liked it a lot. He would have been the perfect guest.


No he wouldn’t. After Joe plugs whatever scam supplement or EMF blocker bullshit that is sponsoring the program, he would then ask him the dumbest shit: “There’s research that prolonged zero gravity exposure shrinks astronauts’ kidneys. Do you think maybe Elon could train gorillas to pilot ships traveling to Mars? Wouldn’t be the first time non human biologics set foot on Mars. Have you seen the face on Mars? What are your thoughts on that? Richard C. Hoagland has done some fabulous research that it’s part of an ancient city.”


“Fabulous research” 😂. Sounds about right.




Maybe that's the point. Joe, in his ignorance will ask a good many perfectly valid questions. For example, I too wish to know how well gorillas tolerate interplanetary flights. We know spaceX uses touch screens; we know gorillas can use touch screens; obviously the first question Joe should ask the next primatologist astronaut he has on is, "how long until they hijack a rocket and colonize the galaxy without us?"


I'd pay good money to see him get high and just keep repeating the word: billions ... and billions, and billions


How many times?


Billions and billions...




The whole night. Just talking about stars and black holes and quasars 'n shit.


One hundred billion.. stars


Fun fact, he never said that


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Ex\_\_M-OwSA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Ex__M-OwSA) He said it all the time. It was his calling card.


He never said “billions and billions”. He wrote about that fact in one of his books.




Segan is the complete opposite of what Rogan has become. He may have had him on back in the day, but not now.


Fact. The celebration if ignorance line is a great one aswell. I don’t believe for a second that joe actually believes terrence howards’s nonsense.


I get obnoxious mad every time I hear about Howard's bullshit.


So you're closed minded and ignorant too? Howard may be completely wrong but you're also what Sagen was writing about.


Nah, Howard has no basis for any of his so-called theories. He tries to dismiss proven math with no actual proof for his own. He's a quack.


You COMPLETELY missed my point. Congrats




I didn't say he wasn't but you're just as much of a quack as he is. You just trust other people for your information. He was trusting other people. You're not better than him.


Wtf are you talking about? I'm not coming up with quack theories trying to convince people I'm some genius. Additionally, all information gets passed along person to person.. did you ever take a math course? Did you learn from a professor or textbook, or did you come up with all that math on your own independently? Don't be a moron.




Rogan is like leading the charge into this darkness


I'm pretty sure he would stand against most things Rogan stands for today. Perfect guest 5 years ago and wouldn't be allowed on the show today.


Not as much as Anne Frank would've been the biggest Belieber at 80 something years young.


If people in this sub could read they would be very upset


It's available as an audiobook. Seth McFarlane even narrates part. The real question is whether or not they have the attention span.


The fuck does Seth McFarlane have to do with him? Honest question coming from ignorance


He produced the NDT version of Cosmos in 2014/15 and is really into space/science


Didn’t know that! That explains why he also asked Neil for the sky for the movie ted


See? It's hard to not ask ignorant questions. Maybe Joe's trying his best. (to do what, is the question)


Sagan, Zappa, and Goldwater all had good foresight.


Don't forget Ted Kaczynski. His manifesto is very interesting.


Barry Goldwater? As in the republican candidate for president in 1964?


Yup! Great foresight. "Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them."


Demon Haunted World is an excellent book


Bet he never took Alpha Brrain though.


He is become Alpha Brain, destroyer of wallets


He’s talking about Rogan and RFK


Half of sub would be calling him a woke lefty if he was still about.


Seems he’s commenting about most of the people commenting in this thread.


are you saying most people here are into conspiracies and are anti-vaxxers ?


It seems most people are in here because they don't like people discussing conspiracies or ineffective vaccines🤷‍♂️


Well, discussing is one thing answering is another. Why was the initial covid vaccine not as effective? Because it was designed to fight the Alpha varient of the virus, and the virus had changed sufficientiently to degrade the effectiveness by the time it was released. Much like the annual Flu shot, data is used to see which Flu strains are most prevalent at that time, and we vaccinate against those specific strains. Doesn't mean you cannot get a different Flu. That is why calling that shit a Conspiracy is stupid, there is a very easy explaination.


No no...this guy knows better. Who are you to refute him?


I never referred to the vaccine as a conspiracy,just ineffective as you pointed out.


I am so sorry. You posted one sentence that referenced conspiracies and ineffective vaccines, and because of that, I took the liberty of assuming you were blending the two ideas into one thing, because of how conspiratorial COVID and then vaccines became. But I'll bite once again, just because the initial vaccine was designed for the Alpha varient, which degraded its efficacy for subsequent variants, does not mean it did not confir protection against other COVID iterations, just less so than the Alpha variant. A 3-point seatbelt is less effective than a 5-point seatbelt, but it still helps! Or let's be even more nerdy, you update the virus protections on your computer, but the hackers change their code a bit, the virus definitions saved on your computer kind of recognize what they see, and react, but slower. So your computer slows down but isn't bricked. Let's go more American!!! Build a bullet resistant plate that will easily stop .22, 9mm, .45, but then ask it to stop a 50 BMG. The Alpha variant was bad...Delta was the 50 BMG.


Please don't apologize, I enjoy a good discussion. I actually got my information on the covid19 vaccine from pfizer themselves, after they were ordered by the court to release all information around their testing. As you correctly state the vaccine was designed for the Alpha strain and by release we were dealing with delta. I also found it interesting that pfizer never once tested if it could stop the spread of covid19, yet we were told it did. Pfizer also admitted that they don't really know if there will be any long-term side effects that may manifest years from now,they said they didn't have time to test. They told us it was the most studied vaccine ever yet was produced and distributed under emergency use within 7 months,vaccines have always been tested for 10/15yrs giving far more data than can possibly be obtained in 7 months. I'm not anti covid19 vaccines, if you want to take 1 or 24 why would I care. I honestly hope in time they are proven safe,I would never wish harm on anybody. I just feel we were lied to about some things.


Homie I think it's most of Reddit he's talking about. r/politics and r/askreddit is just a bunch of botted posts with morons throwing shit at eachother in the comments


Hail Sagan


“Unable to distinguish between what feels good and what’s true” is incredibly accurate. Thats how Trump debated yesterday. He said what people wanted to hear, but the truth of those claims…..


Hence my online name. Could not agree more Carl Sagan. You are missed


"credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition", hey when is graham hancock back?


*Well… the words speak like Prophecy.*


Sagan was right on the money with this prediction.


Wow. Prescient much?


Sagan would have eaten Toegan up for lunch. What a loss. And what a prediction.


and more than half of Joe's current listening audience would think Joe won because he was louder and called Fauci a killer or some other crazy shit


After reading that Joe will be like…Jamie pull up that clip of the hahk tuah girl


[Here you go](https://www.google.com/search?q=that clip of the hahk tuah girl&btnI) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/JoeRogan) if you have any questions or concerns.*


##but but he is pro-science atheist anti god with no moral code /s


According to the greatest intellectual mind of our time, Jordan Peterson (/s), he is not a real atheist because he is not capable of killing another person for his convenience like a fictional Russian atheist did in a work of fiction.


Ah yes ! Because god fearing people never murder /s


the alt right, conspiracy movement clear indicators of this.


That's right, I said that.


Fantastic book.




Science communication is suffering more than any other form of discourse in the internet age. Whether it's pseudoscience or the vacuous clickbait reporting on premature studies (according to various publications, we've "solved" dark matter in six different ways in the last two weeks alone), we're being bombarded with information that is either factually untrue or far too speculative to warrant publicizing to a non-scientific audience. This is the real dumbing down that's occurring. We all have access to enough pseudoscience or unsubstantiated research to fuel our personal biases, allowing us to sail off into a sea of isolation of our own making. We become detached from each other, yet pleased with ourselves, even as our collective outcomes slowly worsen as a result of the siloed views we hold.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Carl Sagan showed me I was not alone in this world.


Holy Shit


If Sagan was so smart why did he die so freaking young then 


Man reading this was refreshing after being my own worst enemy since the debate and just going through all the comments and craziness




That's a long winded way of saying 2024


I agree with Sagan, but it was kind of obvious we were heading in this direction even then . Just most folks in the public eye would be afraid to say it . Now , we're pretty much doomed.


I read the whole thing thinking Joe Rogan said this in 1995


We’ll look back at the time between scientific enlightenment and the complete takeover of fake news as the “light ages”. Unless something seriously changes, from here it’s all downhill.


Absolute boss


And this was before the age of social media, let alone memes.


Damn what a buzz kill


Was it that much of a stretch to predict this aspect of culture, 30 years ago? It looks amazing in hindsight but a lot of the pieces were already in place there in the 90s; remember that fox news (Bill O'Reily and co) really took off a couple years after this quote was made and the pseudoscience/new age spirituality consumer culture was already in full swing.


This is the basis for the film "Idiocracy".


Sagan might as well be saying, “I’m worried for the day when Joe Rogan influences millions of knuckleheads.”


That’s too much text to read


I love Demon-Haunted World. Shame Sagan was taken so early, I would have loved to have seen him on a ticket with >!Alex Jones!<


It's sad this was your takeaway...


If he wasn’t taken early, i am sure if you put him on a ticket with Alex Jones he would take himself out.


Carl was made of sterner stuff than that. If anything he'd reform Alex and we'd hear more about the serious problems (atrezine being an ecological disaster) and less of the malarkey (Hillary is a demon)


I like your take, and think you are probably right.


Is that meant to be a joke..?


I call it the Absolute Truth ticket


Brother, this quote is about people like you.


Nah, I'm a very well-versed saganist and have been for decades. I know myself


Carl Sagan: Conspiracy theories are bad "Man, this guy would have loved the 'the UN is turning the frogs gay' guy. I wonder what supplements he would have been on!"


Carl wouldn't have dismissed the problems of atrezine and would actually have done his homework to understand that it is, in fact, an ecological disaster that's being covered up by lobbyists.


The gay frogs study couldn't be replicated and the author refuses to release his sample size and techniques. It's bad science. The author of that study can barely hold onto a job because he can't keep himself from sending sexually explicit e-mails. Alex Jones is an anti-intellectual populist demagogue who plays against people's basest fears. His show is a vehicle for shilling homeopathic supplement powders. Very small amounts of critical thinking are required to understand his game. As Jones's court cases and private communications have revealed, he openly lies to manipulate his audience and he views his listeners as morons. Of course, he's right about that.


Who would have thought it was the academia that was in the forefront of bringing in the darkness?


Can you imagine Carl and Neil being on the podcast together, and Carl telling Neil to settle the fuck down?


What would Carl Sagan's response to Terrance Howard be?




" technological powers in the limited hands of very few"   I have such high-tech equipment all throughout my house just in computers, tablets, smart devices, TVs, ring cameras, etc its crazy compared to when he was alive. When he was a kid they watched TV on like a 7-in, black and white tube in his room if he was lucky


It is interesting to see the shift in stuff i get in my feed after the cnn debate. =))




By dumbing down. Can we all agree that it’s largely from one side? The idiots who think men can have babies or that you can pick pronouns? Or that we should get another booster shot?


yeah, i keep waiting for the billions of people to die from the jab /s


This is the funniest comment I've read all day.


I was watching this battle rap contest where someone said "my pistol will leave you brainless, put your face in the stars like Carl Sagan" and i always thought no one referencing Sagan is pulling drivebys


Ya but Biden is good and Trump is bad


Geezus this guy


This guy was always talking shit.


The existence of the internet makes his whole prediction false.


On the contrary, it's a significant part of what makes the entire statement accurate, and is also heavily contributing to the acceleration of our collective descent.


Well, I mean Sagan practically predicted what would happen during Coronavirus, complete unquestionable submission to the administrative state.


You forgot the /s at the end there...


You act like vaccines during pandemics have never been a thing before Covid.


Typical far right "muh the west is declining!!1!1!" fearmongering


Sarcasm watermark needed


How sarcasm if Trump literally spent all night last night crying about how the West is falling? It's the entire right wing memo. If you deny this you're just trolling me lol


This is Carl Sagan, who is talking about the kind of people who support Trump.


It's the same lame false talking point, idc who said it


I think you are misinterpreting everything he is saying. He is describing the decay into fascism. When the right talks about the "fall of the west" they are bemoaning the progressive movement.


Yeah he wishes that alongside MAGA republicans and others like them


I am so confused


Same. Either "bot" or the very thing Sagan warned against.


me too, this guy completely missed the point


So, how much Brawndo do you drink each day?


I see this more as a reflection of the popularity of some of Joe's guest


Carl Sagan was talking about right-wing conspiracy theorists.


...while actively spousing right wing conspiracy theories


Carl Sagan: Right wing theories are bad You: This is a right wing conspiracy theory Are you a ChatGPT bot or something? This lack of reading comprehension is honestly scary.


With the influx of russian bots who constantly spread the "american decline" conspiracy theory I wouldn't be surprised if you are one of them. We're not collapsing, we're not "in decline", you guys are just mad that you can't even beat Ukraine and we're all laughing at you. Slava ukraini, heyoereima slava


I don't think that America is in decline or collapsing. I think that right wing extremism and authoritarianism, in large part driven by Russian propaganda, are more common now in America than they were previously. I do think that the far right poses a real threat to the United States and I think that if Donald Trump is elected again, it will be very bad for the country. I am on your side and it's very confusing that you aren't able to listen to my words and understand that.