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Lol "is this a prank" is the best fucking comeback to someone freaking out. hahaha


Shes 100% got grippy socks in her future.


*has grippy socks in her sock drawer at home already


Explain the grippy socks


The floors of mental health hospital wards are often slippery. They give them to patients so they can walk around the unit freely. Lots of people take them home when they leave so consider it a red flag if you see a few pairs in someone’s sock drawer.


I consider it a red flag when someone is looking through my sock drawer...


Well how are we supposed to know if you have grippy socks or not?


Pretty stupid explanation, too. They're equally given out for patients in longer term recovery from surgery. Source: those socks fucking rule.


I have a pair from trampoline dodgeball and then another from the hospital after playing trampoline dodgeball


You also get them just from going to the hospital and getting surgery when they put you to bed, it’s really just a meme


Ahh lmfao i see. Thanks


I get my grippy socks from indoor trampoline parks with my kids.


Regular hospital give them out, so not really accurate lol


*any hospital gives grippy socks. I was admitted to a regular hospital for PE and they gave me grippy socks.


If you know, you know.


This chick is wild and has serious mental health issues. She needs some serious help. I wouldn’t have been so nice if she cut me.


What could the guy do? She practically said that he assaulted her, I wouldn't be surprised if she started to scream rape at any moment. She was embarrassed that she got caught skipping the line, and threw a temper tantrum, and claimed he "Touched" her. Nothing a man can do in that situation except be as calm as possible, and act confused. Otherwise, you become the bad guy because she is putting on a show, and you know....


Luckily it's walmart with all those cameras around with those wild allegations.


The Orwellian State. Has its upsides.




She basically did. “I was RAPED.. Not that long ago and I can’t stand another man touching me.” Don’t know if homie did touch her or not but even if he did, she’s unhinged


I dunno. That backpack she was wearing screams (pun intended) dramatic, negative attention seeker. I’d say she gets off to all the ruckus


I know you're supposed to believe women and all that jazz, but I doubt this woman was raped if she acts like this. She probably is one of the fake accusers that has sex, then when the guy doesn't behave how she wants, she accuses him of rape. We can all see she is completely mental, and I personally know a few women that like the call "trauma" whenever they don't get their way or to avoid apologizing when they're wrong.


It’s always easier to rebuttal with “who would want to touch you?”


Ehh, you gotta maintain your own integrity in situations like this. Yes, she is being an emotionally unstable child. You can definitely still be in the right and not back down without being an emotionally immature adult.


Shes gonna get flogged one day


If I get embarrassed the last thing I want is MORE attention on me by screaming and throwing a tantrum. This is wild.


At this point I'm not really sure that it's a mental problem with these situations. I think it's more of a cultural problem and people use mental health as an excuse to act like this. This is simply someone not knowing how to act or thinking they are overly entitled. When things don't go their way they claim they are the victim and outside sources are triggering them. Those Walmart employees should have simply asked the screaming woman to leave the store. If she refuses then they can call the cops for trespassing. Simply diffusing the situation by asking the guy to go to another checkout counter only validates her behavior in her mind and she'll do it again.


This is learned behavior. Entitlement.


Yeah I’m definitely gonna be using that very liberally from now on


In this day and age you always have to wonder right? It's 1000% easier to do a candid camera shtick.


As a former grocery worker, I can confirm.


If you are screaming like a toddler you are automatically in the wrong


And dress up like one


This is the realest statement ever. I didn't recognize the fit due to the yelling but you couldn't be more right.


Are you trying to tell me that she wasn't wearing an acceptable adult backpack? S.


It’s probably one of these that pretends to be autistic so they can get away with acting like a cunt like this woman. As someone who has ASD, people like this really fucking annoy me.


My brother is a high-function autistic person with low-level Tourettes and Aspergers. He was clinically diagnosed as a kid. And honestly, the number of people who have self-diagnosed themselves as being on "the spectrum" is fucking offensive. It bothers me more than anything else. You're not on the spectrum, you're just an asshole.


I was just talking about this today with my wife because we also have a daughter that is high functioning but still needs a lot of care, so I'm glad someone else said it. It's become way too hip and cool these days to pretend to have some form of mental or physical illness for clout. Like seriously when did it become a positive character trait to have mental health issues. It's literally insane and just makes me angry because there is nothing great or fun about it and just makes it harder for people with actual issues to ever be taken seriously. You're not "quirky" or "fun" for faking it, you are an asshole.


>It's become way too hip and cool these days to pretend to have some form of mental or physical illness for clout. That's because people need to have something that allows them to be oppressed, and for a while, people would say they're "queer" but at a certain point, you're expected to suck a dick. So people are going with neurodivergent since you get to say you're oppressed and have an excuse to act like an asshole.


people like to pretend they have this or that because it gives them an excuse, in their mind, for bad or odd behavior.


I had an issue at my sons school a few days ago. It tends to be a crowded madhouse in the mornings with parents on a tight schedule trying to drop their kids off at school and making it to work on time. We have a section of the street that is meant to be a drop and drive. Just pull up, let the kids out and go. It should only take a few seconds as these are junior high aged kids. The weather is still warm enough where all the kids will gather outside until the school doors are unlocked. But there’s always several parents who choose to park right in the middle of the drop and drive area which clogs everybody up and makes it hard to run smoothly. The other day I got so fed up. I pulled up next to this car with the mom just sitting there with her kid and gestured for her to roll down her window. I calmly said to her that she was parked in the drop and drive section, so she should let her child out of her car so other cars behind her could do the same. She immediately freaked out at me screaming that her son is autistic so she has to walk him to the door I said, then park in the parking lot, get out of the car with him and walk with him instead of using the drop off section. She lost her mind saying how I’m heartless to kids with special needs…blah blah blah. My child has diagnosed ADHD and anxiety and there are times we have to do things differently than the norm, but I do not inconvenience others who are just trying to get their day going.


Omg that and depression.. never got a clinical diagnosis but they all have it


I used to work with a girl like that. If you hung out too long near her cubicle she would scream “YOU’RE GETTING TOO CLOSE” , and she would get extremely upset if a man ever sat at the same table as her, claiming that being near men made her anxious. Anytime she’d make a mistake or be rude it was “Oh sorry, I have autism, I can’t help it” Like okay, no. You’re rude and sexist. All autism aside, you’re old enough to know better.


I have diagnosed autism, my mother had autism, two of my cousins have Asperger's and at least one of my aunts does as well. I also have bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder (secondary to trauma - used to have cptsd, too, but ten years of therapy has alleviated that) And yeah. If this is anything this is BPD. I think most of the fake disorder people have BPD. This is a learned behaviour as a response to a lifetime of shit parenting and failure to teach your children how to interact with society. This is anecdotal, but I've seen a huge correlation between this sort of behaviour and being raised by narcissists. As an autistic, nothing bothers me more deeply than this idea that autistic children can't or shouldn't be disciplined, or taught the difference between acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. If autism can't be an excuse for actual autistic people, it isn't an excuse for whatever this is.


A toddler in a mask!




It works just the same that way when its sole purpose is to be seen.


and should be tazered as such


You don't get to do whatever you want because you were victimized, that's not how the world works....


Something tells me she’s an unreliable narrator of her own story.


Also the whole way genders are handled in situations like this is bullshit. So true story I am a male and I was raped. Now let's do the old role reversal. If I went nuts saying that same stuff in Walmart. Like exact same wording I would be getting in the back of a squad car handcuffed.


I'm sorry for what happened to you man. I hope you had support in your life to process and handle what you went through. Respect and love for your honesty


Amen and Amen.


Really? Because I'm literally seeing videos where these morons tell everyone they were *insert victimized action* and legit use it as an excuse to act like entitled fucking babies


That’s not how it works, YET. …another couple years of the current thing and we’ll be just about there


but if you think about it. she cut in line and got away with it. she won


And she’ll do it again


And again


Squeaky wheel always get the grease. She's been throwing fits and getting her way for her entire awful life. That's how she's gotten so good at it. She has shitty enabling parents who don't know the value of a good 'no' that's got some spine behind it.


It brings me great pleasure to say “no” to these people and send them on their way. Truly, it feeds my soul and thankfully my boss has got my back because he knows the lunatics I have to work with in my line of work.


And she got a fuck ton of validation and support for doing so.


She has to live with being the awful way she is. Even if she wins every one of these battles, she has already lost the war.


Exactly. When alone and in silence, her behavior will forever torment her. Or she’s a legit crockpot.


She's not winning in any sense of the word.


I feel like the crazy bitch should be leaving…


Bill Burr..."It's never ok to hit a woman. Really??? Never???"


> https://youtu.be/FNkpIDBtC2c?t=20 Get ahold of yourself mam ! It's going to be all right !






And I think you added another reason.


I hate this person with a passion


Is the guy being forced to move in order to placate the shrieking lunatic?




That's what I did in Left 4 Dead whenever I startled the witch.


And for his safety. That is all an employee can do in a situation like this.


You can always call the police to remove the shrieking beast






What a c*nt.




This is what bad parenting results in...


Your spot on. Someone lets her walk all over them.


Sure it isn't insanity, she seems friggin insane but its hard to tell these days


Nah. 100% parenting. I don’t know what happened to this girl growing up but a few big things did happen or a bunch of important small things didn’t happen This is arrested development. You can see everyone around her isn’t even judging her or angry they are confused. It’s a Walmart. This is so far removed from this level of breakdown. Shes an adult screaming like a 3 year old over something trivial. Even if it wasn’t trivial, you don’t resolve disputes like this, as an adult. She’s an adult and has the backpack of a 12 year old. Arrested development. I genuinely feel bad for these people.


My kid had a meltdown today that was somehow more reserved than this.


Average Overwatch player with a D.Va backpack lmao


the type that reports you and freaks out from a 1 second tea bag of their dead video game corpse. OW was one of those games that is just full of cringelords that get offended by whatever.


Look at me and my mask and flashy pack I stil from my little sister. I can’t go to the mailbox without confrontation from the pigeon across the street.


Orderlies, make sure she gets her Thorazine.


I have my Walmart purchases shipped.


Lol and they removed him…ridiculous


I think he was halfway to removing himself already. I’d probably walk away too. That level of crazy isn’t worth dealing with no matter how prideful you are


Makes for a good video though.


Yeah this guy handled it perfectly. Get your quick video with some funny calm commentary and then bounce.


Idk, I like playing with gasoline. Plus I got places to be. So if you dont mind I'm just gonna slide in and start scanning heeere...


Yeah but I think they realized she was off the hook here and just wanted to deescalate. I'm not sure what happened next, i'd call the police and report a mental breakdown


What are the cops supposed to do?




lol I was thinking restraining her till ambulance can come and tranquilizer her, contact whoever her social worker is and relatives


Damn you guys are getting assigned social workers


hah, I had a relative that was shizophrenic so I have some experience, mental health will assign an worker to keep tabs, help people with their program etc. This meltdown here is nothing


Society could only be so lucky


She needs to be in a jacket with tied sleeves for 24 hours for observation and get the doc a copy of the video showing this cunt in action.


You mean call the SOCIAL WORKERS


I think they just got him to another register. Not reallye "removed" him. Made it easier on all of the people involved.


The guy says “do I need to leave?” And the lady on red says “no, we’re gonna take you to another register”. They are just trying to deescalate the situation and take care of the wronged customer. People here expect some minimum wage retail workers to grab this chick and carry her out or something.


bruh they just want to go about their day. the sooner this freak leaves the store the better it is for them.


I'm sure they put him at the front of a line and got him out of there or just gave him the shit so he could leave and they could do everything possible to appease The Goddess of Cuntiness.


Walmart workers don't get paid enough to deal with this. De-escalate and move on.


Path of least resistance. It was the right thing to do, de escalation was the priority at that point.


Some people’s life trauma goes on display for all to see.


Trauma is her personality


With how crazy she is I wouldn’t be surprised if she made that shit up


Yea I'm inclined to believe that's she's the type of person that if you looked at her the wrong way she would feel like you "raped" her.


She 'identifies' as a rape victim, sweaty




Caarazy bitch. Is this what Entitled is? Or playing the victim? Or the lack of good therapy? Or is she just a bitch?




This seems like therapy. Coping mechanisms from childhood parenting failure or trauma and in more recent news, possibly a rape. Either way. The dude handled it quite calmly all Things considered.


The tiny school bag with key rings is a dead give away Edit: I’ll double down on that “she’s” on at least 1-2 anti depressants & Has her therapist on speed dial


Her backpack is flashing too.


guarantee there's 1-2 deadly weapons that aren't guns in that backpack




Shouldn’t be out in public


Are we really gonna ignore that the dudes username is TOE SUCKA


He definitely sounds like a toe sucka


Haha it's a REEEEE in real life


I had a lady cut me in line and I said something about it to her. She got very offended and assumed it was because she was black and the staff made it seem like I was being unreasonable. Society really never came back from the covid lockdown. Something happened to all of us and now we live in bizzaro world.


Though I think we could see it coming before the pandemic started.


Everything changed in 2012




Borderline personality disorder involves a huge sense of entitlement , and throwing emotional tantrums if they don't get their own way.


It's not really worth it messing with someone who might possibly be crazy. I know it wounds our pride but it's usually best to walk away from conflict.


You sound like my friend




She’s LITERALLY shaking


That’s a lot of mental illness right there


If you can’t handle being in public better than that you might want to rethink going out in public…..maybe have your shit delivered?


We sholdn't let these petulant cunts get away with it.


No we shouldn’t, but the laws limit what you can do.


The store could just make her leave honestly


We’re the kids of America, oohhohhohhhh


This is how I imagine all those online they/them communist fans act irl.




Pretend mental illness is a larger issue, as it's all made up the current medicine does not treat it. And as such only harms the person in question. It's even worse as there are tins of people that, in a spirit of kindness, feed into the chemical cycle that reinforces this behavior


The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for mankind...


Return to monkee


What a pig


That screeching as he's turning away 👌


Lmfao. Lying ass. If that happened to me, I'd troll the shit out of her


They tried to cut line, got called out, then threw a fit.


Instead of just saying "Oh I'm sorry about that." These people don't know how to speak. They belong in an asylum.


... and still got what they wanted, which is the real problem with this situation.


Welcome to the youth of America .


This is insanity.


Don’t worry though she’s wearing a mask


Must be one of the good people


Dude, this NPC is bugged. Have u tried restarting it?


What a waste of resources.


I like how they try to coddle her instead of kicking her out, I guess it’s better to bow to the demands of the belligerent


Imagine how many PARAGRAPHS that person has written on the internet.


What is this, Rape on the Spectrum?


Your making it woooooorst!!!!!




you do what with piss?


Whatever they want. It's their piss now.


Even the worker in the red is trying to hold back a smile because she knows this is ridiculous. Reminds me of the girl inside Victoria secret who threw the same tantrum




She wasn’t afraid of him because as soon as he brought up what he said to her because she cut the line and that she threw some of his stuff out of his cart, she screamed fuck you at him and said you’re making it worse!!!! If she was really scared of him she wouldn’t be screaming at him.


No one did that ! 😂🤣😂


Well she wasn’t sorry when she cut in line hahaha I’m laughing but a part of me feels really sad for her


She has dog food in her cart. Someone should really check on that dog.


Average JRE sub viewer when someone says something nice about joe.


People like the black lady there are the only thing holding this society together


I don't believe anyone raped her. I think she's just crazy. She's a grown ass woman with a dora the explorer backpack. Edit: fixed some auto corrects.


She’s clearly unhinged, but i’m always weary of videos that come in halfway through an interaction.


I mean.. He probably only started recording after she started screaming


Letting the inmates run the asylum. Shits wild out here y’all.


What meeting Reddit in person must be like


Daycare generation


She’s def a Reddit user


Would love to see Jake the snake Roberts in his prime come out of nowhere and DDT her into the concrete floor.


If she got raped thats very shitty and im sorry to her it happened but dont ever make your problems everyones problem. no excuse.


This woman needs to be taken to mental institution ASAP. If it turns out she was faking that is mental case too. So win-win.


Anyone identify who she is?? Or has she come out publicly?? Ngl I’m curious to hear her side of the story, she said she didn’t see the guy yet claims he touched her.


Has 4chan figured out who this chick is? She needs help.


There's a serious mental health crisis in this country, and we are enabling them


You're making it worse.... hahaha hahaha hahaha.


Of course she's wearing a mask 😂


Popular opinion here. They should off her


This bitch is a childish psychopath!


Fuck this excuse for a human. She's probably lying just to get her way.


That woman doesn't deserve to be out in society. She has severe mental health issues.


They should have called the police. What she is doing is weaponized behavior — fuck that. If she is still so upset from being raped then she should be in counseling and not acting like this. I am honestly starting to sympathize with men — this shit is getting out of hand!!


Great example of white women privilege and white women entitlement. They think they’re entitled to put their feelings on a pedestal even if it’s at the inconvenience of compete strangers who owe them nothing.