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I live in Alabama….in fairness and sadly about half the women in Alabama are obese….it’s a shame because if they took care of themselves they would be very pretty (Just look at the sorority houses at the University of Alabama) More to the point however, this is a mockery for a beauty pageant. This woman is morbidly obese and it’s a robbery to all the women that work hard to actually have beautiful bodies….There’s no standard of excellence that woke ideology won’t destroy


Alabama has no shame.


Like I was telling my sister in bed, no one respects Alabama anymore. We deserve better.


And, AL is a very religious state, so that kinda refutes the OP’s claim that a godly society with the Bible can fix things.


The problem is that everyone gets all worked up like these are legitimate meaningful contests. I didn’t give a shit about the 100+ other miss Alabama’s and I don’t give a shit now. If they were crowning this fatty superbowl mvp yeah I’d have a problem, but some meaningless contest where they look to pull a stunt to gain publicity and pat themselves on the back for being “so open minded” I just can’t give a shit.


I think your argument should be more about “promoting obese is perfectly fine, admirable, praiseworthy and attractive”. This way it’s about the influences on others and leading others into false believing being obese is an equally wise choice as other healthy choices. This angle also saves you the trouble of arguing whether individuals have a right to be obese, which of course they do.


“A godly society with the Bible at its center can fix this.” Absolutely not. Bible Belt regions have very high obesity rates compared to more secular areas, say WV-LA-OK vs VT-CO-HI


People have the right to be obese if they want to. But no, they should not promote that being obese is healthy I was obese once. And let me tell you, guys, most obese people do not want to be obese. Most have serious mental health and psychological issues that should be the focus instead of just the weight itself. When they get some of these problems without knowing the proper way to address them, people end up having to convince themselves and even pretending to be happy when that's faaaar from the truth. They create this false self confidence and I can see right through most of them because I've been to that position. I lost half of me with dieting and exercise. No surgery. The funny part was seeing some of my overweight/obese "friends" stop contacting me after I lost some good pounds. I don't miss any of them, but I see now how unhappy they were and my mere presence destroyed every excuse they gave to be obese (genetics,polycistic ovary syndrome, water weight, among other stupidities I also used in the past). So, it is hard to "accept" hypocrisy and contradiction (the whole "I love myself but I don't care if I die/suffer from obesity related issues"), but honestly... nowadays I don't really care. Some people die by surprise while others choose their death.


I know men who would fight to the death to get Miss Alabama's number at a bar.


You mean the previous miss Alabama? I would imagine men would fight to the death to run away from this rotund woman. Being morbidly obese is a danger to this persons health. If she was on an airplane and you are behind her, she would put her life in danger and yours if you had only a few minutes to get off the plane. She is at much higher risk to suffer long term debilitating complications from diabetes and high cholesterol. The only reason we have as many people as overweight as this woman is due to the decadent culture around us. I don’t know of a lot of 90 year old morbidly obese people (men or women), why? Most of them are dead by their late fifties and early sixties if they make it that long. Being fat is on par with being a smoker who smokes 2 to 3 packs of cigarettes a day.


Bro I'm just telling you there are some men who think this woman you posted is drop dead gorgeous. They aren't thinking about her sitting anywhere but on their faces, dude. Not on an airplane.


Really, snopes? He embezzled his own company’s funds. Buys alcohol/drugs, gets with a prostitute, hires her to run company with him, all the while his morbidly obese wife is stuck on the couch...


Alabama where beautiful stays in the famely


Maybe don't praise or shame and just mind our own business?


Nah people being meek and weak is what brought so many of our current problems today plus it obviously is our business if you use your brain


No, the multi-polar traps that incentivize destructive, power-hungry action (in a race with someone else doing the same) is the source of most of our problems. Folks struggling with identity is a symptom, not a source. Until we can end this global dick measuring, this society will continue the downward spiral.


Your opinion tells me of your inexperience.


What has been your experience?


We share in our society, so yeah, its kinda everyone’s business when you make a public spectacle, for better or worse.


Sure, we built this machine, why not drive ourselves off a cliff? Seriously though, the person who actually has a chance of helping is one who is able to genuinely understanding the person suffering. Not some twat on the internet looking to score likes with a biting clever quip on a situation they know nothing about.


Well stop doing that then.


Right? The irony engine is not lost on me.


>Being morbidly obese or fat is not acceptable. You are allowed to set that rule for yourself. You are allowed to not interact with people who don't set that rule for themselves. >You should not weigh one half ton. As a nit-pick tons are 2k lbs. >The reason is simple: too little shame in society. Wrong. Not enough accessible Healthcare or healthy foods at sufficient affordability. >We need to bring shame back in society. No. We are better than that. >It’s not ok for men and women to have triple digit body counts. Yes it is. Not someone I'm interested in sex with but it's also none of my business. It's also none of yours. >You are your biological gender. "I" am not my body to begin with let alone limited to my genetic sex. >We shouldn’t be teaching boys that they can be girls and that girls can be boys. We should teach the truth. Which is more complicated than that. >These are basic things and only a demented hedonistic society can promote these things. That makes you sound like a psychopath. Don't be an authoritarian. >A godly society with the Bible at its center can fix this. No it can't. Because that's an inferior society.


Shaming others isn't an answer, it's an expression of weak and malignant character. If you can't show someone why they're wrong calmy and kindly, you need to stop and rethink. At best, you're just prolonging the issue and feeding into their delusions by giving them something easy to dismiss you with (your poor character) At worst, you're just bullying people already struggling. Everything's a choice, yes, but it's not so black and white. My mom had a deeply traumatic past and her mom didn't know how to make things better, so she got her food to cheer her up. Her mom taught her to eat ice cream to feel better. It's all she knows. I'm overweight because I'm just lazy. I would benefit from a shame inducing comment, but my mom? Too many and you could push her to suicide. Seneca: “we are bad men living among bad men; and only one thing can calm us—we must agree to go easy on one another.”


Being overweight or obese is perfectly acceptable. Any person has a right to be obese or overweight. When you move from an area of saying that obesity should not be promoted to saying that obesity should not be tolerated, you my friend, are promoting some pretty dangerous ideology.


However, we shouldn’t have to pay for the poor health outcomes of someone who exercises their “right” to be obese.


I'm sure if I followed you around all day, I would find plenty of bad health habits that you have that other people don't share. So those people could say the same about your health habits.


C’mon. I’m talking about the 350lb whales that can barely walk and have every avoidable ailment-of-excess.


Being overweight is a choice. You choose to be fat and lazy. Being fat is as unhealthy and disastrous for your wellbeing as smoking two packs of cigarettes a day. From diabetes to high cholesterol to increased risk of cancer to heart failure and heart attacks. This lifestyle also makes health care more expensive. Ask individuals who take ozempic how hard it is to find the medication as more and more people are taking it as a way to suppress their appetites and lose weight.


That has absolutely nothing to do with my point. Whether or not something is a choice or unhealthy is independent from whether someone has the right to do it. I don't wear a life preserver when I go kayaking. That's both a choice and probably not the healthiest choice. But I have the right to do it. I probably drink more than I should, that's a choice and probably not the healthiest choice. But I have the right to do it. I vape. That's a choice and probably not the healthiest choice. I have the right to do it. Sometimes I don't take my blood pressure medication when I know that I should. That's a choice and probably not the healthiest choice. But I have the right to do it. Some people take in a higher caloric intake than they are burning off. Probably not the healthiest choice. But they have the right to do it.


Shame doesn't work for fat metabolism. Never did, never will. The basis for shame is moral failure in context of the principle of energy balance and the ability to control this energy balance by intentional action in that sense: Eat less, move more. The more failure is gluttony and laziness. Problem is all of the above is false. It's not in fact possible to control the energy balance. A simple demonstration by way of a simple question. What is the specific mechanism by which calories go here but not there, or there but not here, or both here and there, or neither here nor there? If we say it's the control of total energy in and total energy out, that's not it. See, if we control total energy in by lowering intake for example, it changes the absolute that go here and there, such that relative proportions are maintained. If it was 40% here and 60% there, it will stay at that ratio. We find the answer to that simple question in biology, physiology, endocrinology, medicine and disorders, a bit of history (about 150 years of it), some published experiments and studies, etc. It's all in there, we just don't look. A prominent example to illustrate. Diabetes type 1. Before the discovery of insulin, diabetes type 1 was fatal. The patient died of emaciation when the heart gave out cuz it had no muscle left. From the moment it was discovered that insulin could treat the disorder, that became the standard treatment and patients no longer died of emaciation, because they no longer suffered emaciation. Insulin directly controlled where energy went - here and there when there's enough of it, neither here nor there when there's none of it. Why doesn't this idea of energy balance not work? Because it's not the cause of anything. It's the law of conservation of energy, also called the laws of thermodynamics. There's a number we calculate that when something happens, this number doesn't change. The number is the total amount of energy in the world. How then can a number that doesn't change be the cause of anything?\*\*\* It can't. Yet, that's precisely how most of us believe getting fat/lean works. \*\*\*This is an insight I got just a couple days ago. I'd been trying to figure out a clear answer for over a decade. That's the one. So, if shame doesn't work for fat metabolism, then what works? Education about all the knowledge of biology, physiology, endocrinology, medicine and disorders, a bit of history (about 150 years of it), some published experiments and studies, etc. And, that insight I got a couple days ago, I suppose. Incidentally, fat promoting stops working the same way.


Fat shaming does work just not 100% of the time. Also it is calories in vs calories out sry to burst your bubble


OK, what % does fat shaming work? I tell you what. Find something that gives you the precise % fat shaming works. Post it here. Then we talk.


It works 79.634% of the time boom


That's great! Thanks.